they didn't say it'd be perfe...

By Earthlings_

6.9K 128 51

Sydney hill has a perfect life in Australia. That is until her mom is forcing her to move to London with her... More

chapter one: meeting Harry Styles
chapter two: two besties and a guy...
Chapter trhee: is this love?
Chapter four: confused emotions
Chapter five: a rough begining leads to a happy end...
Chapter six: A visit from 2 long lost strangers!
Chapter seven: Too many questions... Not so many answers!
Chapter eight: new friends, a party, and love
A little farewell to my little carrots! :(
The life we should all be living in... Paradise!
Who are your true friends?
Confessions and hurt feelings.
What a ***** life can be!
A leap of faith.
Australia, here I come!
Saying goodbye
What I'm leaving behind...
A normal, happy person!
Ignored effects
Be strong El!
This isn't the last of me babe.
Two weeks!
What's going on? (100 hundred fans special chapter!)
There is no us
always remember me.
Pride is all i need.
Where could you be, at the break of dawn?
Lying because your afraid of the truth.
Oh, i'm just sydney hill.
A dream come true
Life flashing by like a slideshow.
first impressions
from like siblings to like enemies...
is this suppose to be a nightmare or a dream?
anything can happen
breaking an entering
puzzle: almost complete
Home sweet home
pranks and impatiently waiting.
Goodbye London hello, the world!
You didn't even say goodbye
laughter is the best type of medicine


97 3 1
By Earthlings_

p.s: i'm terribly sorry for all the gramatical mistakes. i corrected it, btu my computer froze so i would of had to re correct this really long chapter and well i wasn't really in the mood. sorry once again! :(

~ but enjoy!!!!! :D ~

i walked into my bathroom making sure i locked the door behind me, never know when Derek would be home and decided to walk in on me...for the hundredth time. i turned on the water then stripped down my clothes. i stuck my hand under the water to see if the temperature was warm enough to hop in "gracefully". i hopped into the shower and soaked my hair before i applied my new strawberry scented shampoo. i proceeded with my green tea face scrub. i ended up getting some in my mouth which unfortunately didn't taste so good and involved a lot of spitting. after that little incident i continued by rinsing out my shampoo and applying my conditioner that smelled like melon. it seriously was heaven in a bottle and it would easily take over the strawberry scent. i washed my body with my T. swift body gel and my big bright pink loo fa. i rinsed my hair and body watching all of the bubbles gather up at the drain then disappear with the the water down the drain. i stoped the water and stepped out of the shower carefully making sure not to slip and fall on my butt. but i'm sure everybody would find that soooo amusing.

i wrapped a white fluffy towel around me and moisterized my legs with my body butter that smelled like...well in my opinion it smelled like yougurt, but it said it was suposse to smell like cotton candy. when i was finished i walked over to my closet to find some clothes go change into while i got ready. i picked out a pair of black baggy sweats and my oversized Nirvana tee. i slipped on a pair of snuggly soft multi-coloured socks and made my way over to my dresser. i pluged in my blow dryer and applied a heat protectant serum. once it was dry i straightened my hair making it fall exactly down to my waist. i plugged in my curler and made very nice beach waves. i added my white lace head wrap instead of any old regular bandana. i next applied my porefessional primer followed by my nearly naked foundation. i didn't need concealer today thankfully. i dusted some setting powder on and next drew on perfect winged eyeliner. i added a dusty gold rose to my eyelid and put on my benefit they're real mascara. i sculpted my face with one hot minute bronzer and applied a tarte blush to the apples of my cheeks. i finished it of with a bringt red lipstick from Mac. i picked out a gold clutch with jewled detailing to match my dress and dropped my esscentials fro the night in there. i slipped out of my clothes and walked over to my bed to put on the dress. i carefully slipped it onto my body making sure not to stain it with my lipstick. i sizped it up and i pranced into my closet, refusing to sneak a glance in the mirror and picked out a pair of less dangerous looking black suede stilettos than the last pair i wore. once i was done i heard the front door open and shut.

"Sydney are you-" he stopped mid sentence when he stopped by my door.

"oh my freaking lord you have got to be kidding me!" he said gwaking at me.

"shut your mouth, or you'll catch flies darling." i tried to say as nonchantly as i could manage. was something wrong with what i was wearing? was it too much? was my eyeliner or lipstick smudged?

" you y-you look a-amazing!" he finally managed.

"really?' i asked not sure.

i mean i love it and everything bu-" i was cut off.

"don't even try going there tonight." he said strenly.

"he'll be here soon, he'll never know what hit him." he smirked.

"oh please it doesn't look that pretty on me." i argued back like a little girl.

"whatever." he said, i could tell he wasn't in the mood to argue.

"god i wish i wasn't gay, or at least attracted to both genders." he muttered under his breath walking off to his room.

i slipped on my shoes and made my way to the living room. i was really excited for tonight! but the thought that i was bound to bump into them, which was a complete no-no.

i was happy the way i was right now and i had moved on. about the stalker thing though, i guess you could say that i was 95 percent sure that it was Harry. it had to be, now that i had thought about it the curly brown hair the  british accent, the way he became so vulnerable and scared when i almost said his last name. he was also really familiar to me, the only diference was his choice of clothing and his unconvincing fake american accent. it all lead up to him. like seriously -

my thoughts were interupted by a bunch of shouting coming from the street. i got up and made my way onto the little terasse and looked down at the chaos in front of me.

i seriously couldn't believe my eyes. i was right.

"Harry, are you excited for the gramies?"

"are you going to meet up with sydney?"

"Harry, do you love her?"

"Harry-" someone got cut off.

it was a mad house and the limo that was brining me and Colton to the gramies awaited infront of the mob of paps chasing Harry. could this day get any worse? suddenly the limo door opened and out stepped Colton looking at his best. he was so-

no i cannot go into a trance! he can't come up! they'll attack him and Harry will surely notice him and then i'll come walking out with Colton and the paps will recognize me and it will all be a complete dissaster. i CANNOT let any of it happen. before i thought about what i was doing and how it would affect anything or anybody i shouted.


everybodies heads turned in my direction and pnce the paps recognized me they started screaming questions at me. i think i couldn't have ever rolled my eyes more than i did in those five minutes i stood there until everybody shut up because they knew they wouldn't get an answer from me.

"get the hell out of here!" i shouted ragged. how could they not feel sorry about what they do!?

they all looked shocked, most of their jaws opened.

"you heard her, get the hell out!" Colton yelled at them from where he was standing. they didn't run, talk or pretty mch move a muscle. Harry stood there gwaking at my sudden outburst and probably staring at my dress like everybody had done so far today.

"they said, get the hell out!!!!" a very angry Derek yelled coming out and squeezing himself onto the terasse with me. he placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it in a comforting manner.

they all seemed to come out of their little trance and ran off scared as heck. it was quite funny actually. i let out a little giggle as they dissapeared.

"you did it Sydie!" Derek congradulated me, hugging me from the back.

"and look who here!' he said happily, clearly oblivious to the fact that Harry was standing there too.

"and look who else is here." i muttered bracing myself for the worst. i allready knew how much Derek hated Harry.

Derek scanned the sidewalk and his eyes landed on Harry, who had heard our little conversation. Colton went to move, but froze when he saw Derek's angry eyes.

"YOU!"  he shouted at harry ragged.

"What nerve do you have to show up here!?" he demanded.

"ummm-uh" harry tried to say something but sounds only came out.

'i damnd an answer!" Derek said, still shouting.

"i came back for her." Harry said narowing his eyes challenging Derek.

"she's no longer available." Derek smirked in triumph.

harry looked back from Derek to me a couple of times.

"i'm gay." Derek said defending himself.

"then who is making her unavailable?" he spat.

"i am." Colton said stepping onto the sidewalk.

"coming babe?" he asked grinning at me. i was still frozen. i couldn't believe all this was happening. Derek shook me gently.

"darling, your lover's calling you." Derek said in a teasing voice bumping hips with me. that seemed to make me audible to reply; which was kinda wierd.

play the part play the part. i kept on saying to myself.

"no sh*t sherlock." i said, the sarcasm dripping off my tongue.

"that's my girl." Derek said grinning from ear to ear.

"could you possibly get Rhianna's autograph?" Derek asked me sheepishly as we walked into the appartment. he walked out with me and we made our way outside, where unfourtunatley harry still stod.

Colton walked over to us ignoring Harry who just stod there with defeat, hurt and a bunch of emotions jumbled up. good, now he knows how i felt.

"you look amazing." Colton whispered in my ear. i smiled, a blush also creeping up onto my face.

"bye Sydie, have fun." Derek winked at me giving me a bear hug.

"i will, and if you want i'll see about brining Justin bieber home for you." i said winking back at him. Derek made a high pitch squeal and we all burst into laughter, while Harry just stod there awkwardly. was he ever going to leave.

"come on, let's go." Colton said kissing my cheek. i smiled at the contact of his lips on my skin. i took his hand in mine and intwined our fingers.

Later on...

Sydney's pov:

"Louis!" i shreiked. Colton and Harry looked bored out of their minds. why don't they just talk? oh right their suposse to be enemies and i'm not suposse to be doing this. well i can't wait to tell derek what did after the awards ceremony instead of telling him i met adele or something.

"what?" he asked innocently.

"stop playing with my hair." i pouted.

"awwee i'm sowwy." he said like a 4 year old did.

"let's go dance!" he grinned.

i didn't have time to protest before he pulled me out of the booth and onto the dance floor into the crowd of people celebrating. i ended up getting to meet adele and have her compliment my makeup, which was a very memorable moment for me. i met Rhianna and got her autograph as we joked about Derek. i slow danced with Justin Bieber while Louis danced with El. a very big moment for me was when i Justin gave me his freaking number! what!? fan girling on the inside when he asked me for my phone was a VERY hard thing to do. i eventually emerged from the crowd with louis behind me. Colton eyes found mine and you ould tell he was pissed. he got off from his seat and dragged me out back.

"where were you!?" he exclaimed.

i didn't respond.

"if you really loved me you would have wanted to spend the night with me instead of make me sit beside your ex bored out of my mind!" he souted angry at me.

"well if you really loved me, you would understand how much those people meant to me and how hard it was for me to let go of them when i really needed them!" i shot back.

"you have Derek!" he creid in disbelief.

"that was just luck ok?' i retorted.

"oh, so you don't care about all he's done for you!?"

"he loves you!" he shouted defending him.

"i know, i know. i care about him and i am grateful that i have somebody who will be by my side no matter how ugly this war gets;" i said my voice lower before i continued.

"but what you don't understand is my past with them! and how hard i was trying not to cave in. but you know its hard! i could say the same for you! you abandonned your life! i could call you a coward! i could say the same thing about your dad." i shouted.

"you don't understand." he said his voice lower now.

"oh yes i do. because my dad left me and my mother, he left. he didn't care he left us just like your dad did. and when i found him again, the only reason why i caved in was because my mom chose her career over her own daughter. do you know how much that hurts when somebody you love doesn't want anything to do with you and wants out, the easy way?" my voice getting lower as i went on.

"yeah." he said his voice quiet.

"so you know how i feel? how hard it is fro me to not be with them like i used to be?" hoping that this was over.

"no." he said his voice hardening.

"what?" i asked shocked.

"no." he repeated.

"how could you be happy to see them?" he spat out like the words tasted bitter.

"do you have any consideration for my past?' i asked bewildered.

"and to top it off you know half of this stuff already, mr i'm your biggest admirer." i said, the words rolled off my tongue as if this was natural, which it had become. sticking up for mysefl. i had been doing it all my life.

"i guess i'm not your biggest admirer then." he said his voice was still hard. he stepped closer to me and i could feel his breath on my face.

"what does that mean?' i asked wearry.

"shut up." he told me.

"what does it mean?" i asked again, making sure my voice came out strong.

"i said shut up." he said before pressing his lips against mine and kissing my lips very aggresively. he pushed me against the brick wall of the alleyway and grabbed my sides provocatively. i froze. was he trying to- to. oh my god! help! i shriek in my mind.

i push him off of me, but he just traps me again. he tries to deepen the kiss but i don't allow it. this is disgusting! what did i ever see in him in the first place?

"let go of her." Louis says in a calm voice, but his teeth are clenched and his fists are in balls.

"or you'll do what?" he says parting his lips from mine and narrowing his eyes at louis.

"you don't even want to know." he says smirking evily. my eyes popped out, i had never seen this side of louis, ever!

"oh really? even if i do this?" i feel his hips now up against mine, but i don't do anythingi just stand still.

'' come on babe this is fun eh?" he says in my ear. his voice is low and sweet. but i know this isn't.

"no, it's not!" i say pushing him off of me with all of my force. Colton is shocked at the sudden force and he stumbles to the ground. louis rushes to my side adn wraps his arm protectively around my waist.

"stay away from her." louis snarles.

"we'll see if i can help it." he says winking at me. i back away and flinch.

"i love you." he says smirking at me."

"i hate you so much! Colton we are over, i don't ever want to see you again!" i yell at him. he looks taken aback and suddenly the bad boy know it all look is gone.

"your serious?" he asked tears welled up in his eyes.

"yes, i am. have a nice life." i say bitterly before louis directs me back into where the after party is being held. we go over to the booth and Harry is the first one to jump out of his seat.

"what happened are you ok?" he asks panicked.

"i'm fine." i say, my eyes are obviously telling otherwise.

"no your not." he said giving me a hug. louis let go of my waist so i could hug Harry back. right now i really didn't care what he had done to me, i just needed comfort. and to tell you the truth my heart was telling me that i was really enjoying this, but my brain was demanding of me to let go of him. its the first real hug i've shared with ihm for a long long time.

"i miss us." he whispers into my ear discretely.

"i think i miss us too." i whisper back. i can already feel him smilling. Harry will always be Harry.

"i'm taking her home." louis says after the hug is over.

"ok." i say defeated.

"bye, i guess we'll keep in touch?" i say.

"ummm duh!" Niall says grinning. i smile back at my irish friend before i say bye to everybody.

i hop into louis' car and he starts the engine. the ride is silent and it gives me time to think.

i just can't wait to see Derek's expression when he sees that i'm not brining justin Bieber home, but none other than louis Tomlinson.

Author's note:

ok! so this is your end of march break, school starting, 2000 reads reward chapter! it is extremely long and took me about 3 hours to write! so this is my gift to you!!! :)

please coment, vote, follow and smileee! :DDDD

love you from over the rainbow and back! xoxo

-Amanda xx

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