It's not always what it seems

By Haileana

3.2K 89 22

The Origin Story about Larota, Venus, Talena and Amoly. How they lost their parents, become kunoichis, a team... More

The beginning of a new life
An new encounter and old accusations
The reason behind
A little advance
An unexpected disclosure
A temporary decision
Four mean integrity
About Ninjas and Turtles
The beginning of trust
Family isn't always blood
Head or Heart?
A rebel, a nurse, the cute one and the dreamer
The abandoned and the adopted one
A/N (Part I)
Unexpected changes
A/N the next!
A new meeting
One last trial
Alley or Foe?
Changes of plan
Leaving home behind
A/N (Part 2)

The Mutagen blast

32 1 0
By Haileana

In New York at the same time four mutant turtle brothers were on patrol like some time before. But this time was different. You could feel something was wrong and was about to happen.

They ran throught the sewer. Making jokes, funny complaining and teasing each other like they always do. But they went silent, when they came to the surface. Seeing a big greenish light went to the sky. A big ball filled with mutagen. Not the normal one. Experimented one. Big enough to mutate the whole city.

All four of them went to the roof and try to see it better. To believe their eyes what they saw. To figure out if they could stop that horror.

Leonardo had already pushed his brothers from the roof, sawing the danger first, hoping they would survive. Tears ran down his cheek. Knowing he couldn't be with them anymore and that he wouldn't be the same after the mutagen hit him. It hurt him hearing Raphaels scream "You promised, Leo!" and how he tried to reach him.

Two hands from behind placed at his shell and gave him a hard push. Making him fall after his brothers. Out of the reach of the explosion. "They need you! We will met in the future. Wait for me and don't let me leave. I will explain everything!"

In the fall he was able turning his head around and catching a glim of the person. It was a mutant turtle like him. Smiling at him while the mutagen blast cracked open on the roof and a big wave swapped over her. Following by a bright white light.

His brothers put him in their round before more debris came down and buried the turtles under them. A bubble began to cover the four brothers inside starting from Leonardos shell. Keeping them save from the mutagen

The mutagen began to mutating the whole city. Leaving not many behind who were still normal. But then within minutes they were all turned back to normal like the mutagen was  never there in the first place. Like the mutagen neutreulized itself.

The brothers waited some minutes until they break out of the jail of debris.

"Are you all okay, guys? My head feels like a punching bag." Michelangelo complains and needed to get support from Donatello, because he felt dizzy.

"How is that even possible? That is not something we know about mutagen. Mutagen should not work like that!" Donatello couldn't believe what he just witnessed.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to sacrifice yourself for us. We are a team. We need each of us. Hey fearless. Do you even listen towards me?" Raph shoke Leonardo to get his attention.

"There was a turtle like us. She saved me. We need to find her." Leonardo got rid of Raphels grip.

"Another turtle I would love that. Hopefully a Kunoichi. A cute laugh. Bright smile. Sparkling eyes. Having a great humor. And she needs to like pizza. There can't be a turtle who doesn't like pizza. Don is it normal that I can see the stars?" Michelangelo began to stumble.

"You sure you didn't hit your head like Mikey and hallucinate her?" Donatello began to diagnosed how bad Michelangelos head was hit and was sure he would survive it.

"I know what I saw. When you don't believe me then don't, but I will find her!" Leonardo stormed off towards the city to search for her followed by Raphael while the others went home.

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