Model Paint Over

By 101twilightlover

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Rae (Rachel) Chloe Smith is Nineteen, and living on her own in New York. Being disowned by her parents... More

Model Paint Over: Introduction
Model Paint Over [1]: Perfect Picture... Sort Of
Model Paint Over [2]: Finding New Art Is Harder Than It Looks
Model Paint Over [4]: The Agreement Between Lens And Paint

Model Paint Over [3]: The Camera And Canvas Meet

169 17 10
By 101twilightlover

Model Paint Over 

Pictures + Paint = A Whole Lot Of Fun

Chapter 3: The Camera And Canvas Meet

Rae's POV

Waking up with the sun shinning on my face. Grabbing my phone of the bedside table, and looking at the time.


Ugh. Pushing back the covers, letting the cold air rush into my bare legs and arms. Forming little goose bumps across my body.

Placing my bare feet on the ground, and trudged over to the chest the draws pushed up against the pale green wall. Grabbing a pair of ripped black jeans and a white vest top, and clean underwear. I headed over to bathroom attached to the wall.

Stripping down, I walked in the shower and turning the gleaming silver tap, hot and began to have my morning shower.

Once I was done, and dresses. Put a pair of black pumps of my feet, and a navy blue jacket over the top. Grabbing my bag and walking down the stairs I put my damp chocolate brown hair, into a loose bun on top of my head.

When getting to the bottom of the stairs to the living room, I made a sharp right to the kitchen. Hearing the sounds of panting and the sound of a box and it's content rustling. Walking the the swinging door to be greeted by the sight of Archie, sitting on the floor legs out straight and spread apart, and Tiger sitting between them.

When I was geared walking in, Archie had his hand raised. Between his fingers was Tigers dog biscuits. Oblivious he had been feeling them to the happy dog on the floor.

"Mornin' girly." He carried on hand feeding the dog.

"Why?" I asked, sitting down on one of the stools at the island in the shining, black and grey kitchen.

"He was hungry, and as he is a guest. I took it upon myself and to give him the five star treatment. And hand feed him." Throwing another piece of food into the dogs mouth. Before standing up, and dusting his bum of with his hands.

"Well then, seeing as I'm also your get does that mean I get hand fed?" I asked, feeling a little grossed out. Because I have no idea where those hands have been. I shudder at the thought.

"Nope. But you do get me talking out for breakfast. How's that sound?" Grabbing his keys of the counter and saying but to Tiger.

Jumping up of my seat, feeling excited at the thought of a proper breakfast.

All I can ever cook is cereal and toast. And crearial all you have to is put in a bowl. Not exactly five star cooking.

"Come on." I said almost skipping to the car. Being greeted by the fresh air, and the sound of trees tussling in the light wind.

"Well if this is all it took to get you moving, I would have suggested it days ago." He laughed, locking the door.

Hopping into the seat. I leant back against the seat.

On the short trip to the little dinner Archie used to take me, when I first arrived. I began to think about the beginning of the week.

*** ***

I was currently sitting on the settee watching the TV, while Archie was playing with Tiger in the garden. When the sound of my phone going off, broke the air of silence.

Grabbing it of the coffee table, reading the caller ID.


'Mum? What is she callings before? Must have called the wrong number, she doesn't talk to me.' I let it finish ringing, before placing it back down the the, rustic looking table before me.

I began watching my show. When the phone rang again. Mum. 'Huh maybe she does want to speak. For a change.'

Pressing the little green answer button and held my breath.

"Rachel. It's me your mother Joan." Really she had to say her name?

Rolling my eyes, "Yes, what can I do for you?" I asked, in a sickly sweet tone.

"I called to let you know, that in about a month or two's time, we'll be coming to visit."


"Why?" Suddenly curiouser the answer.

"Because I would I like to see how you are coping yourself. I really doesn't believe that nonsense that your brothers and sister tell me. Anyway I've got to go. See you soon." And she hung up.

I couldn't believe it. She was coming here.

*** ***

Ever since then I've kinda been down about everything. I couldn't get rid of the dread of seeing my Mother and Father again.

Looking up out of the widow, to see the familiar sign of Wendy's come into view.

Jumping out the car wasting no time, in walking in through the door. A warm rush of air, filled my nose with the smell of all the mouth watering food and the morning coffee.

"Man I missed this place." Sighed Archie, as he shrugged off his black coat once we had taken out seat.

"Same, you'd think working in a dinner would put you off from eating in one. But no. Especially this one."

Archie just laughed at me, and turned to the cheerful waitress who just stopped at our table.

"Morning, what can I get you?" She asked pen at the ready, waiting to talk out order.

"Two coffees, a stack of waffles and a stack of pancakes both with maple syrup. Please." Yes we've both been here so many times we know there menu like the back of our hands.

"So what are you going to about your mum?" Archie asked, while leaning back in his seat. His large feet encased in muddy brown boots appeared next to me. Shaking my head.

Sighing. "I honestly don't know. But what I do know is that I want to prove her wrong, and I'm willing to do anything for it." The words I just set in, along with the determination to do it.

"That's the Rae I know and love." Archie examined, stamping his feet on the floor spreading his arms wide. Nearly hitting a waitress carrying a tray full of foot. Causing him to stand up and help steady the tray, muttering a load of apologies. Every other word was a 'Sorry' or a 'I'm really sorry'.

I'll I could do was laugh at his failed attempts to help her.

When he say down, he looked flustered. There was a faint tinge to his cheeks and looked completely embarrassed. "Stop laughing, it wasn't that funny."

"Oh but it was." Before he could reply, our waitress returned placing the coffees down, along with the waffles and pancakes.

"Yes, finally. It's been so long since I've had these." I moaned, as the taste of the pancakes and syrup exploded in my mouth. They were so darn good. And continued to shove them in my mouth. Taking a break every now and that to have a sip of coffee.

Archie watched me with amusement shining in his eyes.

"You finished?" He asked, laughing at the clean plate and empty mug.

"Yep." I sighed contently. Leaning back rubbing my now full tummy.

Still laughing he stands up to go pay while I begin to standing up and grab my bag before heading to the door.

"Ready?" Nodding, we walk back into the cool outside. The suddenness of the cold air sent a shiver down my spine. Soon replaced by the heating in the car.

Not long after we entered the car we pulled up at Green Apples. Work. "I've got to go do something now, I'll see you later. Yer?" Something? Huh. Archie speaking again. Don't understand.

"Kay, I'll text you at lunch. Have fun with 'Something'." I got out into the brisk air.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I pushed the door open to the studio with my shoulder. Not wanting to risk unwrapping my arms, to face to cold air.

Looking at the room to see everyone at work. "There you are Rae, we've got get you to hair and makeup." Said Claire. She was the stylist. Pushed me over to one of the little rooms on the side. Let work begin.


Like I promised I text Archie on my lunch break. 'Hey'.

Placing my phone down on the arm of the plush forest green arm chair my feet propped up on the black and green coffee table. Talking a long look around the room. In the centre of the room the lounge area, where I was currently sitting. And around the room the the sets where the pictures are taken. Theres two on each wall of the room, and in between ache was walls separating them. Leaning a decent amount of room to put the changing rooms and makeup tables.

Everything was a green, red and black theme, to fix the name of the company. Green Apples.

Soon after I sent my text, I received one back.

'You on your lunch break?'

'Yep, how's doing something going?' I quickly replied. As the sound of a crash got my attention, looking up to the that one of the lights had been knocked over. And that some guys were trying to pick it up.

'Great actually, I'll be back soon.'

Looking back at the guys who were trying to pick the light up, we're now trying to fix the lamp back on. Which obviously fell off during the fall. And they weren't doing such a good job of it either.

Texting back to Archie, 'Kay. Also you might just need to buy a new lamp.'

'Not again! That's the third one this month!' I can picture him now stamping his foot. Like a child having a tantrum. I laughed at the thought.

'If it helps there trying to fix it.' I began to reason.

''How's that going?'

'Um not very well.' I answered.

'I'll be back soon.' And with that my lunch break was over. And Claire was waving me back over.


Snap... Snap... The sound of the camera that was taking my pictures made.

At the moment I was doing a shoot for summer clothes. Standing on a pretend porch and front of a house made for the set. I was losing onto one of the broken down, wood worm eaten pillar leaning to my left, as if I was swinging around from behind the railing to the steps.

The makeup artist came over to touch up my makeup and fix my clothes. I was wearing a pair of light blue ripped up shorts, which were fraying at the bottom. Matched with a beige/light brown coloured, loose top which came a couple of inches up from my belly button. The back of the top was longer and reached the top of my shorts, also a white vest top underneath. Paired with a pair of light brown converses.

My makeup was done natural, and my long black hair was strained pin straight.

Snap... Snap... Snap... The camera went again.

Looking up out to the rest of the large room, in the centre I saw Archie with an unknown guy with him.

He looked to be I'm his early twenties, about 6'2 foot tall. He look lean yet muscular.

Short brown blonde hair, cut close to his head, a slight fringe which by the looks of it would be close to his eyes. Eyes which are a steel grey colour, light pink lips and a small straight nose.

He was wearing loose light blue jeans, with a dark grey top the had a slight 'v' in the centre, and sleeves that go to the elbows. And a leather jacket slung over his arm. In short he was good looking.

Archie and Mr. Unknown were talking to some of the other models which were here. I wanted to go over and talk to them and find out who he was, but I was stuck in the middle of a photo shoot. So I'll have to wait...


The wind was running through my hair pushing it backward. The cold air pricking at my face. And my feet slapping the pavement as I ran towards Sally and Jim's.

Archie couldn't give me a lift because he was busy showing Mr. Unknown around. Slowing my pace as I began to reach the door of the dinner. Stopping to catch my breath before pushing the door of the warm dinner.

Walking over to the waitress station putting my stuff down and my apron of. When I was about to slide my phone into the pocket of the apron. I received a text. Opening it up to see it was from Archie. 'Can't pick you up after work, see you at home. If I don't then I'm keeping Tiger'.

Groaning, I turned around and came face to face with Sally. "You alright dear?"

"Yer Archie just told me he can't give me a lift to his place. No problem."

I shrugged it off. Seeing how Archie's been acting today.

"Well if you're sure you're okay?" Nodding my head and smiling I made my way over to my first set if customers for the night.


The sound of gravel crunching under my feet. As I walked up the drive to Archie's house, tightening the hold on my jacket as I unlocked the door. With the key Archie gave me when I moved in.

"Archie?" I called out. But I was replied with a bark, from Tiger. Who followed after the bark.

Saying a hello to before making my way to the living room when Archie was watching a football game. With someone, I do not know who.

"Your home, about time." He exclaimed as he turned his attention from the TV to me. Which caused the guy on the sofa to turn around.

I internally gasped. It's him, Mr. Unknown. What's he doing here?

Archie seeing my confused gaze at the man sitting in the room. "Oh right. Rae this is Finn Harris. Finn this is Rachel Smith. Best friend meet best friend." He smiled.

"Hello." I curtly replied. Before turning to Archie. "Best friend huh?" I asked, pretending to be mad, at him for not telling me.

"I can explain." He put his hands up.

"How so?" I raised my eyebrow. Enjoying him squirm, as bad as it is. I never have the upper hand. So I'm going to enjoy it while I can.

"Cause he's been my friend since childhood, when we were little."

Shrugging my shoulders. "Fair enough." I said while walking over to the other sofa.

"I'm so sor- Wait, your not mad?" Awe he looked confused.

"No, should I be?" Asking while plonking my bum down in the seat.

"No... It's just... I...dunno."

I laughed at the way he's been action. Apparently I wasn't the only one who found him funny. Mr. Unknown, wait Finn. Was chuckling to himself as well.

"Anyway, as I was going to say. This is my friend Finn, and I'm helping him with a project." He said while placing a hand on Finn's shoulder. Only for him to shrug it off and give him a look as if to say 'What-Are-You-Doing?'.

"Oh what kind of project?" I asked, suddenly interested in the conversation.

I was answered by a deep husky voice. "An art one. My project director wants me to paint a new picture for my exhibit. And I needed help finding something to paint." He shrugged as if was no big deal.

"You're a painter that's cool. What kind of thing to do you need to paint, I'd love to help?" Sitting on the edge of my seat. Elbows on knees and hands clasped together.

"A city scene, but I'm going to do a portrait instead."

"Why the sudden change?"

"Cause he wants to go against the director and do his own thing. Which is why I brought him here to meet you." He smiled.

"Why bring him here to meet me?"

"Well I thought seeing as you're planning to go against your mum and prove her wrong and Finn here is doing the same thing. You could work together."

"You don't have to, if you don't wish." Stated Finn. He really didn't seem bothered either way.

Should I?

How would I fit it in around both my jobs? Do I even want to do it? I have just met the guy. But he does seem nice. I really don't know. I need time to think.

"Can I think it over?" I asked tentatively.

"Sure, here's my number call me." He said while grabbing the notebook and pen on the table, before scribbling down his number. And ripping it off and giving it to me.

Looking at it then him. I smiled. Stood up and went up the stairs, before I made it past the first couple of steps I turned around to see the both of them looking at me.

Smiling, "It was nice meeting you Finn." And carried on up the stairs with Tiger hot on my tail.


© All Rights Reserved 2014 101twilightlover


A/N: Here's chapter three. Let me know what you think. Thanks and Enjoy. :)

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