A Journey Across Terra

By acroyang

9.3K 385 41

Yuki Koraru, a wandering Pythia from Sargon. He spends his days wandering across all of the nations of terra... More

Record Restoration #1
Record Restoration #2
Record Restoration #3


822 35 2
By acroyang

It was a rather peaceful day in the bustling city of Lungmen. As for Yuki did what he did best; he wandered around the city aimlessly. Well, he was until he was stopped by a group of LGD Officers.

"Stop there. This is the third time we've seen you circle this building." The guard stood in Yuki's path.

"Just doing what a wanderer does best sir." Yuki bowed to the guard.

"Yeah no." The guard grabbed Yuki by the arm and began to drag him into the building. "You're coming with us."

"Please don't. I dont really want to deal with her today." Yuki tried to resist but to no avail.

"Nonsense, you should have thought about that before acting suspiciously around LGD HQ."

"Look, I'm just helping a brochure company with their photography." Yuki tried to reason with the guard but at this point, the guard had just stopped replying to him as they got into the building.

The guard came up to a door with a nameplate on it. "Madame Ch'en, we have the suspicious individual that you spotted."

"Good, bring him in." A feminine voice came from the other side of the door.

"Right away." The Guard opened the door to a rather large office where a Lung with Blue hair and fiery red eyes sat on her desk.

"Good. You may leave." The Lung said in authoritative tone.

"Yes." The guard left the room.

As soon as the door closed, the Lung's demeanour changed instantly as she dropped her authoritative persona as she slumped down into her chair.

"You know you can just come her normally. Right?" She let out a tired sigh.

"But it's more fun like this." Yuki chuckled.

The lung simply looked at him with disappointed eyes.

"Okay, okay. I'll come here normally next time." Yuki relented. "But seriously Ch'en, you really had to call me on my break?"

"Stop spouting nonsense. You should know that things don't just play along to your schedule." She sighed.

"Yeah, I know." Yuki tiredly sighed. "So, what did you need me for?"

"There has been suspicious mafia activity around Lungmen. They have been seen grouping around banks and hospitals every now and then and it's been causing a panic around the city." Ch'en said as she picked up a file on her desk and handed it to Yuki.

"So, you want me to investigate them on what they're doing?" Yuki replied as he looked through the documents. "And you couldn't just get Penguin Logistics to deal with that?"

"You'll be completing this recon mission with both Texas and Exusiai."

"Hmm, alright then." Yuki got up and was about to exit Ch'en's office. "Is there anything else?"

"Nope. Just don't get yourself killed." Ch'en said as she ushered Yuki out of her office.

{ - Adventures Across Terra - }

Yuki can be seen sitting idly in a cafe alone with a cup of coffee next to him.

The jingle of the doors opening in the cafe played as a pair of individuals walked into the cafe. One was a Sankta with short red crimson hair with a pair of amber brown eyes. She wore a black and white jacket with pink highlights and a pair of shorts with black stocking underneath.

The second individual was a Lupo with long black hair with a similar pair of brown eyes. She also wore a very similar attire as the sankta aside from the pink highlights that were absent from her jacket.

"Yuki! How've you been?" The Sankta said happily who startled Yuki who was completely zoning out.

"Exusiai, why?" Yuki said as he looked at the puddle of coffee on the table. Luckily, none of it got on his clothes.

"Awww, come on. Scared of a little coffee?" Exusiai said in a teasing tone as she took a seat.

"Once again, I'm sorry for her actions." The Lupo said as she took a seat as well.

"It's fine." Yuki sighed as he wiped up the spilt coffee. "Anyway, has Ch'en filled the two of you in?"

"Yup, our boss got the message and dragged me and Texas along to do it."

"Well, that's good." Yuki let out a sigh of relief. "I really didn't want to explain it all to you."

"Yes, that's good. We wouldn't want to waste more time in dawdling around. Wouldn't we?" Texas said in her usual calm tone.

"Shall we just do the usual formation?" Exusiai suggested.

"Sure." Yuki replied. "Is that good with you Texas?"

"Yes, that will be fine."

"Hehe, alright then. Let's go to the designated location then!" Exusiai declared happily.

"Oi, not so loud." Yuki gave her a slight chop to the head.

"Oop...Hehe, sorry." She chuckled awkwardly.

{ - Adventures Across Terra - }

On an empty rooftop above the bright city lights of the Lungmen night. There stood three individuals overlooking a certain group of individuals.

"Alrighty, Exusiai. What do ya see?" Yuki pats the Sankta on the shoulder as she looked through a pair of binoculars.

"There seem to be a meeting between two high ranking mafia members." She replied.

Yuki taps an earpiece. "Texas, do you have any ideas on why they're meeting?"

"Nothing very important is being discussed at the moment." Texas replied through the earpiece.

"Alright. I'll be heading down there so just sit tight." Yuki turned to Exusiai. "Exusiai, you can cover us?"

"Of course." Her halo and wings glowed even brighter as she smiled.

"Thanks I knew I could count on you." He said as he made his way down the building and regrouped with Texas.

"How's the meeting progressed?" Yuki said as he walked up to Texas who was intently observing the mafia members.

"They are discussing something about overthrowing their leader." Texas replied.

"Hm? Why?" Yuki had a confused expression on his face.

"I don't know." She replied. "But if I were to guess, it's probably because their current leader has forbidden unwarranted attacks on citizens."

"Am I correct in assuming that they just want to cause chaos?" Yuki replied.


"And here I thought this was going to be easy." Yuki sighed as he tapped his earpiece. "Exusiai, ya seeing anything new up there?"

"Nope. Nothing."

"Okay, they seem to be finishing up their meeting so we're gonna head back to the meeting point."

"Roger that."

{ - Adventures Across Terra - }

"Hmmmm, so their planning on overthrowing their leader?" Exusiai rubbed her chin.

"You can head back to your dorms; I'll go and inform Ch'en about this." Yuki said.

"Ah, you can spend the night in my dorm. I have a feeling that she'll drag us in for more after finding out more about it." Exusiai replied as Texas looked at her with her browns slightly furrowed.

"Yeah, I had a feeling that she was gonna say that as well." Yuki replied. "But sure, I'll stay at your dorm if that's fine with you." Unbeknownst to Yuki, Texas had promptly focused her attention to Yuki.

"Welp, you should probably head off to that grumpy Dragon before it gets too late." Exusiai grabbed Texas and walked off into the streets of Lungmen.

{ - Adventures Across Terra - }

*Knock Knock*

"Ch'en. It's me; Terra's Personal Errand Boy."

"Come in."

As Yuki walks into Ch'en's office, he takes a seat and places a small folder containing his findings from the night.

"Terra's Personal Errand Boy eh? That's new." Ch'en chuckled. "Good to see that you didn't decide to make a grand entrance with one of my guards."

"What do you take me for?" Yuki retorts, feigning offence. "I'm not one to cause a scene wherever I go."

"..." Ch'en looks at Yuki with a deadpanned expression.

"Look, I can get serious. You just haven't seen me be serious before." Yuki's eyes narrowed as his nonchalant aura disappeared. "So do you want me to deal with them?"

"..." Ch'en simply looked at Yuki stunned. "Ahem...I didn't know you had it in you."

"Whaaat? I thought you wanted a serious Yuki?" He chuckled. "But seriously, do you want to deal with them. You know, so they won't cause a disturbance in the city?"

"Right, of course. It would be a great pleasure if you could." Ch'en replied.

"Righty-ho. I'll inform the others." Yuki hopped out of his seat and began to make his way out of Ch'en's office. "See ya ChenChen."

"Hey! Where did you learn that!? Did Bagpipe tell you!?" Ch'en's screams of anger are soon drowned out by the sound of her office door slamming shut.

{ - Adventures Across Terra - }

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