By rileysmiley139

120K 4.4K 2.8K

Hyunjin decides to join a dance team after graduating, eager to keep a promise he made to his friend. However... More

warnings/thank you's.
one. (prologue?)
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two. | final.
EXTRA: fun facts.

twenty one.

2.9K 94 22
By rileysmiley139

Only one?

MINHO'S POV (pt 2.)

I shake my head. "Whatever you say."

He remains silent, but hands me the keycard for the door. I take it with a small smile on my face. I turn my attention to the door, however, it is immediately brought back to Hyunjin when I hear his stomach rumble.

I pause, looking at him. He looks even more flushed now. I raise a brow. "Did you eat before we left?"

He raises his head to look at me. "Not really.. no." He shakes his head. "I only ate an apple." He shrugs.

"You only ate an apple?" I ask, a bit shocked.

He squints his eyes at me. "I was in a rush."

I open my mouth to speak, but close it quickly after. I just sigh. "Give me that, and wait here." I say, holding my hand out for his bag.

He hands it to me with a curious look. I pick up mine again, and with both of them in one hand, the keycard in my other, I open the door. I don't even turn on a light when I step inside. I put the bags down, and step back out of the room.

He is still standing there, just watching me. I close the door as I step out fully. "Alright. Let's go eat something."

"Right now?"

I hum. "Come on."

I hold the door open for him, a soft smile on my face. There is one on his face as well. He is almost blushing, and I find it adorable.

I step inside, behind him. He is looking around at the grand building, head tilted up at an angle that looks painful. I also look up, admiring the architecture.

Now that I see it, I feel a bit underdressed. I look back to our level, seeing all the fancy tables and waiters in suits. The waiters are dressed better than the guests.

I take a step closer to Hyunjin, my chest almost touching his back. "I feel out of place." I whisper into his ear. It makes him shiver.

He lets out a little sigh. He nods, "Me too."

I hold back a smile, backing away. The hostess walks up to us with a smile, apologizing for the wait. She explains how they have been busy, but the words kind of fade out.

Hyunjin does the talking, his sweet voice catching my attention instead. He laughs at her joke, before looking back to me. He motions for me to follow him, and she begins to lead us to a window booth.

I take a seat on one side, while Hyunjin sits on the other side. She places menus in front of us both, before she smiles and walks another way, heading back to the front I'm guessing.

I turn my attention to the man across from me. He sits with his legs together, and his arms by his sides. He looks like a shy little kid. It's a little funny, if I'm behind completely honest.

I shake my head, picking up the menu. He notices my actions, picking up the menu as well. "Why are you shaking your head?" He asks, his tone a bit interrogating.

"You're sitting weird." I say.

He looks up at me, a bit offended. I look up as well, locking eyes with him. His mouth is open, and his brows are furrowed. He looks genuinely offended. I just shrug.

"You're mean." He mumbles.

I start to smile a little. I let out a small chuckle, "Then why do you like me?" I ask. I like to tease him.

"Because you like me." He says, like it's simple.

I drop the menu, flicking my eyes up to him. I'm a bit offended now, if I admit. I stare at him until he looks up at me, a sly look on his face. I scoff. "Is that it? That's the only reason?" I ask, titling my head.

He stares at me for a few seconds, clearly fighting back a smile. He stops fighting it, the smirk spreading across his face. "Look who's offended now."

"Seriously?" I raise a brow.

He sighs. "No, that's not it, Minho." He says, as he looks back down to his menu.

You can tell that he is less tense now, probably more comfortable. That kind of eases my mood, making me a bit more happy. He is more comfortable now. I like that.

I think he likes me teasing him. More than he'd like to admit. I just sigh. "You're a hypocrite. You're just as mean as me, if not worse." I say.

"Definitely not." He says simply. "But you're mean, I'm mean, who cares? We can all be mean together." He shrugs, dropping his menu to look at me. He isn't smiling, but he looks content.

I smile. "Or it can just be us. I like that better."

I can see his lips quiver, begging to smile. He rubs them together, looking down to his lap as he starts to turn red. "You gotta stop doing that." He says, smiling as he speaks.

"Doing what?" I ask, innocently. I know exactly what he is talking about.

He looks up at me. He squints his eyes playfully, "You know what."

I laugh. "Alright." I say.

"Have you ever been in love?" He asks, his head resting on his arm as he stares at the last green bean sitting sadly on his plate. He refuses to eat it, but he also feels bad about leaving it out— so he is staring at it.

I learned that about Hyunjin today. He's better than I thought. He's silly, for thinking the green bean can feel what it is like to be left out. However, he cares enough about making sure it doesn't feel left out.

I learned many things about him today. Or, at this booth, in the last hour or so we have been sitting here. I learned he is much more than I even imagined to the point that I feel bad I might have doubted him.

He's caring. He puts thought into things. He told me he painted a painting for Felix for his birthday, a beautiful one at that. He isn't aware of how special he is. He can see beauty in things and portray it in a way that makes it even more beautiful.

He cares in a way I've never seen anybody care. He likes to take night walks, his birthday is in March and I will now always remember the date because he told me to think of his birth year and take off two zeros, he has a dog named Kkami who was named after his late dog, Kkomi.

He's meaningful and generous and everything I could imagine him as and then more after that. He's the snow melting and the flowers blooming in spring, he's the first drink out of a crisp soda, and he's the sun that shines through your curtains in the morning.

He's Hwang Hyunjin, and he's the man I have the privilege of starting at right now. His dark hair is in his face, but his eyes are still visible and you can see him peeking up at me because I've taken too long to answer his question.

I take a deep breath, pretending to stretch. I hope he doesn't know I've been thinking of him. I sigh. "I'd like to think so. Yet every time I've ever thought I have been, the next outshines it and I question everything."

He takes in my answer, his eyes pulling away from me. "Hm." He hums. "Well.. how many people have you dated?"

I set my head straight, looking at him. "You're the second." I hope he understands what I'm implying. He does.

His eyes are on me, and I see as they start to scrunch. A smile appears on his face, but he hides it in his arms before I can fully take it in. "Ahh." He groans. "Why are you so.."

I chuckle. "I don't know."

He raises his head, his hair messy. "You don't know?"

"I don't." I shake my head defensively as I giggle, "I've never been so flirty and giddy. It's scaring me. What you make me do and what you do to me scares me, Hwang Hyunjin."

He giggles as well, running a hand through his hair to fix it. "Well that's not good, is it Lee Minho?" He speaks softly and shakes his head, but he is smiling still.

"Probably not," I tilt my head. "but I'm not mad. I like the way you make me feel." I say.

My voice is quieter now, a bit more sincere. I just watch him with a subtle smile. He looks back at me, titling his head as well to mirror me. He smiles, his crinkly, eye–smile. It's adorable.

I start to chuckle, not being able to hold it back anymore. I bring my hands up to my face, groaning into them. "Ugh, what am I doing?" I ask, not directed at anybody.

"I don't know," He says, a yawn in his words. "But I do know that I'm ready for bed."

I pull my hands away from my face, looking at Hyunjin again. His yawning makes me yawn, until we both are yawning and holding back giggles. I shake my head.

"I guess we should get back to the room then." I say, reaching over for my phone that sits on the tabletop.

He watches my hand, before sucking in a breath as he stretches. "Yeah." He says, yawning yet again. He starts to slide out of the booth, and I meet him on the outside of it.

I smile at him once again, standing straight. I watch as he uses his hoodie sleeves to make sweater–paws. It gives me an idea. I put my phone in my back pocket, and bring my empty hand to take his.

He seems a bit taken aback at first, but he doesn't object. He watches our hands as they interlock. I tighten my grip on his hand as I begin to pull him with me. We walk to the front of the restaurant, ready to leave since we payed a long while ago.

I use my back to push the door open, making him smile at me for the brief moment we are facing each other. We walk hand in hand across the lobby and down the halls. I use my other hand to press the elevator buttons.

Before I know it, my head blurring for the tiredness I didn't know was present, I am reaching into my pocket to find my keycard. Our hands are still interlocked, and I use the card to open the door— pushing it open with my back again. Seems to be a recurring thing.

I pull my hand away from his so I can switch the light on. He steps inside the room and I close the door after he does. I hear him yawn again, so I turn around to look at him. He walks out of the entrance area, making me follow. However, I find myself freezing when we reach the bedroom of the hotel room.

"Wait.. what?" I ask, confused.

My eyes are locked on the bed. It's the only bed in the whole room. We have a room with only one bed. I swear I booked for two beds, so we didn't have to sleep together.

"What?" Hyunjin asks, looking at me with his puffy, tired eyes.

"There's only one bed." I say, motioning to it. I hope he realizes how big of a deal this is. We can't sleep in the same bed. This trip was supposed to be us emotionally connecting, not physically.

"I thought that's what you wanted..?" he asks, his tone coming off a bit confused.

"No.." I shake my head. "I didn't want to sleep together, because it might be uncomfortable for you. I said we were going to be different.."

Hyunjin hums. "That's sweet of you.." he says. "I can sleep on the couch then." He points to the dark green sofa, next to a large window. He starts to walk over to it, but I stop him by grabbing his hand.

"No, you can sleep in the bed." I say, turning him around to face me. "I want you to be comfortable. I can take the couch." I say, my hands moving to hold his waist.

He smiles softly, before he starts to frown a little bit. "But, what about you?" He asks, a soft and gentle voice.

I shake my head. "Don't worry about me, darling." I say. "You are tired, you need to sleep. I'll be okay on the couch, it looks comfortable anyway." I gently move him towards the bed, sitting him down.

He looks up at me. "Are you sure, Min?"

I smile. "I'm sure."

He keeps his eyes on me for a second more, probably looking for an excuse to switch places with me. When I don't show anything other than reassurance, he sighs.

"Okay. Goodnight then. I lo— Um. I hope you sleep well." He says, tiredly. He looks away.

I nod. I debate on giving him a goodnight something, but the fact that I actually want too is enough to make me. I take a step forward, using my hand to hold his head up so he looks at me again. I kiss his forehead, caressing his cheek. I pull away, softly smiling.

"Goodnight. Sleep well." I say, before stepping away to the couch.

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