The one with the tattoos || l...

By _kiss_me_you_fool_

267K 10.1K 15.8K

Basically Harry hates Louis, because Louis is gay. But fate brings them together and Harry is not sure what h... More

Chapter one - Begining
Chapter three - Crush
Chapter four - broken
Chapter five - friends
Chapter six - boys
Chapter seven - Date
Chapter eight - Boyfriend
Chapter nine - almost
Chapter 10 - cheating
Chapter 11 - love
Chapter 12 - Truth
Chapter 13 - Friends
Chapter 14 - Faking
Chapter 15 - decision
Chapter 16 - Studying
Not an update!
Chapter 17 - night
Chapter 18 - talking
Chapter 19 - kisses
Chapter 20 - Epilogue

Chapter two - fate

16.2K 600 1.3K
By _kiss_me_you_fool_

{ Doncaster, Louis' home, 4:20pm, }

NIALL: "It's not like he threatened you or anything."

LOUIS: "Basically he did. He said I made a big mistake, I don't even know why I said any of this in the first time."

NIALL: (laughs and pats his shoulder) " I know why sweetie. You are the sassiest girl in school, even if you are a little nerdy, no one can shut you up, not even mr. Popular."

LOUIS: "Did you just say girl ?! The fact that I'm gay, doesn't make me a girl."

NIALL: "But your bum makes you a little girly."

LOUIS: (stands up from the couch and walks to the kitchen) "You know what? I will eat less now so my bum isn't that feminine anymore... Are you happy then?"

NIALL: (sighs in frustration) "Louis.. Your bum is perfect, I never said that it's bad or any- "

LOUIS: (louder) "You just said its girly and that's bad you idiot. I don't want to be girly or feminine. A gay nerd with a feminine bum, is there anything worse?"

NIALL: "Could we change topics ? So what are you going to do about (thinks for a moment) the bad boy?"

LOUIS: "Who the hell is 'the bad boy'?"

NIALL: "Who could it possibly be ?! (Taps ironical on his forehead, but Louis doesn't answer) Harry, you fool."

LOUIS: (blushes) "Right he. I forgot about him for a moment."(Shocked) "oh my gosh, I have to do a project with him after he basically threatened me. shit."

NIALL: " I know. But maybe he isn't that bad."

LOUIS: "You just gave him the nickname 'BAD boy' and now you are telling me that he isn't that bad. That doesn't even make sense."

NIALL: "There is this saying "hard on the outside, soft on the inside."

LOUIS: "Do you fell intelligent yet? Because it's only a saying, nothing proofed."

NIALL: (rolls his eyes) "you are so stubborn sometimes. Just think positive and make the best out of it. (Thinks)" When life gives you lemon make lemonade."

LOUIS: "What's up with all these sayings right now. They don't help."

NIALL:"Ugh.. I don't know. I would probably die if I had to work with Styles."

LOUIS: (sighs) "That definitely didn't help. The first hour is tomorrow, hopefully we won't continue it at home."

{Doncaster, Louis' home, 7:22 am, kitchen table}

LOUIS: "Today is the day."

JAY: "What are you talking about boo?"

LOUIS:" We have to do this stupid project in biology and I have the worst partner ever, he is lazy, mean and he smokes. Mom (whines) he smokes, I'm pretty sure he also takes drugs!"

JAY: (comforting) "Oh baby, I'm sure it will be alright. Maybe he is not that bad on the inside."

LOUIS:" Yeah, I know hard on the outside, soft on the inside bla bla bla."

JAY: "That's good so stay positive and you love school."

LOUIS:" I don't love school, I love grades. Especially good grades."

JAY: "See !Then get a good grade on that project with that smoking kid." (Hugs Louis)" Have fun boo bear."

LOUIS: "At least I will try."

{Doncaster High school, 9.30 pm, briefly before biology class}

(Harry and Janne are kissing against a locker as Louis and Niall are walking past)

LOUIS: (whispers) "Look over there, that's his girlfriend."

NIALL:"Oh boy! She is fit, but isn't she that stupid girl from math?"

LOUIS: "No that's Rabia" (pauses) "Janne is actually pretty smart. I wonder why she is together with Harry, they seem like the complete opposites."

NIALL: (shrugs) "Opposites attract."

(Meanwhile at the lockers)

HARRY: " There is the nerd I told you about. The one with the weird clothes. Wait they both wear weird clothes. The one with the feathery brown hair."

JANNE: "You mean Louis? He is actually pretty nice, we have the same math class. And he is kinda attractive if you ask me."

HARRY: (aggressive) "No one ask you. I don't like him, it doesn't matter if he is attractive or not."

JANNE: "You just admitted that he is attractive babe" (Harry gasps) "it's not bad, just the truth."

HARRY: (small)" Maybe he is attractive." (Little bit louder) "but like I said, that doesn't change the fact that he is a nerd and that I don't like him."

JANNE: "Got it! Class starts in 3 minutes. Goodbye kiss?"

(Harry gives her a little peck on the lips and runs to the biology room)

{Doncaster High School, Biology class, 9.40 am }

MR.GREEN:"So the project will have four different stations. The first one, the one you will do now and then at home, is getting to know you a partner and then write an essay about her or him."

CAT: "What exactly has that to do with biology?"

MR.GREEN: "Nothing yet, but it's Important for the next 3 stations. You will have 1 week for this. Now go and find your partner."

(Louis stands uncertainty up and searches for Harry, who is ,as usual in the back of the class, not paying attention)

LOUIS: (points to the obviously free seat) "can I sit there" (waits for an answer, but Harry stays silent) "uhm, okay I guess it's free then" ( siting down next to Harry, it's silent for a while) "I guess we should start to work, that's the only biology class this week, if we don't finish we have to meet in our free time." (Hesitates) "And I doubt either of us would like that."

HARRY:(finally looks up from his phone) "What?"

LOUIS: "I said we should start working! "

HARRY:(shrugs) "You mean you should start. I'm not doing anything."

LOUIS: "I can't do it on my own" (whispers)"even if I would love to." (Louder again) "It's a partner work you know? Two people! It doesn't work any other way."

HARRY:"Well, what should I do then? What even is the assignment?"

LOUIS: "We have to get to know us better and then write an essay about the other. So maybe we can start of with simple questions."

HARRY:"Okay I will start. How is it to be a fag?"

LOUIS: "Could you please take it serious! I said easy question like do you have siblings? I have four sisters."

HARRY:"One sister. But honestly how is it to be a gay nerd?"

LOUIS: (whines) "You are so stupid, we only have 20 minutes left and we haven't even done anything. As bad as it is we have to finish at home."

HARRY: (shrugs) "You can come to mine after school" (hesitates) "But you can't tell anyone, not even that blonde elf."

LOUIS: (shocked) "D-did you just o-offered me to come to y-your home after school?"

HARRY: "Don't get to excited nerd, it's only for school."

I will update if this chapter has 50 read :) please vote and comment!! Love you all!

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