Between the Pages

By rikorureads

558 18 0

Snow is a young woman who was transported into a book and found herself working as a maid in a palace. She th... More

Between the Pages
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

42 2 0
By rikorureads

The Crown Prince had been working tirelessly for hours, seated at his desk with a pile of papers stacked in front of him. His brows were furrowed in concentration, his hand moving quickly to sign off on each document that required his approval. He had been at it for so long that he had lost track of time, and his back was starting to ache from being hunched over for so long.

But he knew that the work had to be done. As the future king of the realm, it was his responsibility to ensure that every decision made in the kingdom was just and fair. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes, not when the stakes were so high.

So he continued to pour over each document, reading and rereading each line to make sure that he fully understood its contents. He was so focused on his work that he barely even heard the knock at his door. It was only when the guard spoke up that he realized he had a visitor.

"What is it?" he asked, already annoyed at the interruption.

"Your Highness, I bring urgent news," the guard replied, bowing deeply. "The bandits have been making a move."

The Crown Prince's heart sank. He had been expecting this news, but had hoped it wouldn't come so soon. He quickly stood up, straightening his clothes and running a hand through his hair.

"Where are they?" he asked, his voice sharp with concern.

"At the border, Your Highness. They have been attacking our patrols and stealing from the nearby villages," the guard reported.

The Crown Prince nodded, his mind already racing with plans and strategies. He knew he had to act quickly to stop the bandits before they caused any more damage.

"Thank you for your report," he said, dismissing the guard with a wave of his hand. "I will gather my advisors and prepare a plan of action."

As the guard left the room, the Crown Prince sat down heavily in his chair, his mind already working through the details. He knew that he had a lot of work ahead of him, but he was determined to protect his kingdom and his people.

Little did he know that his father, the King, had already been informed of the bandits' movements. When the Crown Prince went to the King's chambers to discuss the matter and present his plan, he was met with a stern expression and a disappointed shake of the head.

"I already knew about this, son," the King said gravely. "I received word earlier today from one of our spies. I expected you to have been better informed and more prepared."

The Crown Prince felt a flush of embarrassment and shame wash over him. He had been so focused on his work that he had neglected his duties as a future ruler.

"I'm sorry, Father," he said quietly. "I will do better in the future."

The King nodded, his expression softening slightly. "I know you will, my son. But you must understand that being a king is not just about signing papers and attending meetings. You must be aware of all that is happening in our kingdom and take action when necessary."

The Crown Prince nodded, his head bowed in shame. He knew that his father was right. Being a king was not just a title, it was a responsibility. And he was determined to prove himself worthy of it.

He left the chambers, feeling the weight of his father's disapproval heavy on his shoulders. He knew he had to act quickly to prove his worth as a leader, and to ensure the safety of his people. But he couldn't shake the feeling that he was always just one step behind.

THE CROWN PRINCE made his way back to his chambers. He instructed several guards to accompany the king's servant to the bandit's location, and to show force if necessary. He knew that even a little show of strength could potentially scare the bandits away, especially since his research had revealed that they had no powerful leader.

As he walked back to his desk, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt and frustration at being late with the news. He knew that his father was disappointed in him, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that he wasn't doing enough to prove his worth as the future king.

But he pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand. He quickly scribbled a few more notes and gave further instructions to his guards before heading out to join them. He was determined to make things right and to prove his competence, even if it meant putting himself in danger.

AFTER Snow finished doing her chores, she retired to her small chamber and began practicing everything that Marcus had taught her. She was amazed by how much he knew about serving, and she couldn't help but think of him as a real-life knight from one of the books she loved to read.

Though that knight was sometimes annoying.

As she was lost in her thoughts, she suddenly heard commotion outside. The sound of many guards gathering piqued her curiosity, and she stepped out of her chamber to ask some of the other maids what was happening.

"Snow, have you heard? The prince has sent the guards to deal with the bandits!" one of them exclaimed.

Snow's heart raced with excitement. She had read about brave knights and valiant warriors in her books, and the idea of the prince leading an attack against the bandits was like something straight out of one of her favorite tales.

"I hope they will be okay," Snow said, a hint of worry in her voice as she imagined the danger they might face.

As the other maids continued to chatter excitedly about the events outside, Snow couldn't help but imagine herself as a brave heroine, fighting alongside the prince and the guards against the evil bandits. She felt a thrill of excitement run through her as she thought about the possibility of adventure and danger, just like in her books.

And then she realized something. That was why she needed to become the princess sooner. She couldn't just sit around and wait for someone else to take charge and save the day. She wanted to be the one leading the charge, making a difference in the world.

Snow made a decision then and there. She would do everything in her power to become the best possible candidate for the role of princess. She would study harder, practice her etiquette more diligently, and work on her combat skills with Marcus whenever she had the chance. She was determined to make her dreams a reality, no matter what it took.

She was so lost in her thoughts that for a moment, she forgot that she was just a lowly maid. She imagined herself walking down the halls of the palace with her head held high, dressed in the finest silks and jewels, and admired by everyone who saw her.

But reality quickly set in, and she realized that she still had a long way to go before she could even think about becoming a princess. She sighed deeply and went back to practicing her manners and posture, reminding herself that she had to start from the bottom and work her way up.

SNOW looked up and saw one of the maids standing at her door. Alicia. She quickly composed herself, trying to hide the embarrassment that crept onto her face.

"I-I was just practicing my etiquette," she stammered. "I want to be the best servant I can be."

Alicia rolled her eyes. "You really don't give up with those little fantasies of yours, do you? You know your place, Snow. You're just a lowly maid. You'll never be anything more than that."

Snow felt a pang of hurt in her chest. She knew that the other maid was right. As much as she dreamed of becoming a princess, the reality was that it was highly unlikely, if not impossible. But she couldn't help but cling onto her dreams, even if they seemed foolish.

"I know my place," Snow replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "But that doesn't mean I can't strive to be better. Who knows what opportunities may come my way in the future?"

"I saw you doing that for the past few days even while you're working," Alicia commented with a smug smile and just ignored what she said. "Don't you think you're wasting your time with those fantasies of yours?"

Snow felt a twinge of annoyance at Alicia's condescending tone, but she kept her composure. "I'm just trying to improve myself," she said calmly. "I want to be the best I can be."

Alicia just rolled her eyes. "Well, good luck with that," she said with a smirk. "You'll never be more than a maid, no matter how hard you try."

For a moment, Snow felt a pang of doubt. Maybe Alicia was right. Maybe her dream was impossible. But then she shook her head, determined not to let Alicia's words get to her.

"I'll never know unless I try," she said firmly. "And I refuse to give up on my dreams."

Deep down, Alicia couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at Snow's determination. She had never been one to dream big, and she couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Snow's ambition. But she pushed those feelings aside, reminding herself that she was the realist, the one who knew how the world worked.

As Alicia went back to her work, Snow couldn't help but feel a sense of determination burning inside her. She was going to prove Alicia and everyone else wrong. She was going to become the princess, no matter what it took.

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