Chapter 6

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Snow's heart was racing as she walked away from the prince's chambers. She couldn't believe she had given her real name to the guard and to the crown prince. What if they found out she wasn't a kitchen maid? What if they came looking for her?

Snow knew that it was risky to reveal her name and bring refreshments to the crown prince, especially since she was not his personal servant. She worried that she might get punished for her actions, but the thought of impressing the prince and earning his favor was too tempting to resist. However, as the days passed by without any news of the prince looking for the new servant, Snow started to feel relieved. Perhaps her actions went unnoticed, and she could continue her job without any trouble.

She knew she was overthinking, but the fear was real. She had to be more careful from now on.

As she made her way back to the kitchen, she realized she had left her duties unattended. The head maid, who was in charge of the kitchen, scolded her as soon as she saw Snow.

"Where have you been, girl? You were supposed to be preparing the ingredients for tonight's dinner," the head maid snapped.

Snow apologized profusely, but the head maid was not satisfied. "You better make it up to me by working twice as hard tonight," she said sternly.

Snow nodded, feeling guilty for letting her personal mission get in the way of her responsibilities.

As she chopped vegetables and stirred pots, her mind wandered back to the prince. She couldn't stop thinking about him, even though she knew it was dangerous.

"He's just a prince," she reminded herself. "I can't risk getting caught."

But even as she tried to focus on her work, her thoughts kept drifting back to the prince's piercing gaze and his sharp features. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt, no matter how hard she tried.

Snow knew she had to be careful, but the pull of the prince was too strong to ignore. She would have to find a way to get closer to him without raising suspicion, no matter what the cost.

Days passed, and Snow went about her duties as usual. She cleaned, cooked, and ran errands for the palace staff. However, her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the crown prince and the slip of her tongue. She couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that he would discover her true identity and punish her for deceiving him.

Snow sat in her small room, her mind racing with thoughts of the crown prince. She couldn't stop thinking about him, about how she could get closer to him.

"How can I seduce him?" she muttered to herself, pacing back and forth. "I need to figure out a way to get into his chambers."

She sat down on her bed, staring off into space. "But how?" she whispered, feeling defeated.

Suddenly, there was a knock at her door. Snow jumped up, her heart racing. She opened the door to find one of the other maids standing there.

"The head maid wants to see you," the maid said, her voice stern.

Snow's heart sank. Had she been caught? Had someone seen her trying to sneak into the prince's chambers?

She followed the maid down the hall and into the head maid's office. The head maid sat at her desk, looking up at Snow with a disapproving gaze.

"What is it, Head Maid?" Snow asked, trying to sound innocent.

The head maid didn't say anything at first, just continued to stare at Snow. Finally, she spoke.

"You have been neglecting your duties, Snow," she said, her voice sharp. "You were supposed to clean the west wing this morning, but I received a report that you were nowhere to be found."

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