Chapter 4

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After her work as a maid that day, Snow collapsed onto her bed, exhausted. She had spent the entire day cleaning the castle, scrubbing floors and washing dishes until her hands were raw. It was hard work, but it was a welcome change from her life before. She thought back to her childhood, to her father's drinking problem and her family's poverty. She had always dreamed of a better life, of being rich and living in a castle like the ones she read about in books.

Now, here she was, living in a castle and working as a maid. It wasn't exactly the life she had imagined, but it was better than the one she had left behind. At least here, she had a roof over her head and food to eat. Well, before, she had food to eat and a place to live, but in comparison to her current situation, it was far less favorable. And while she didn't know anyone in the castle, she was grateful for the familiar surroundings that reminded her of the stories she loved.

As she lay in bed, Snow's thoughts drifted back to her father. She hated him for his drinking. She despised him for it. She couldn't understand why he couldn't see how much pain he was causing their family. It was as if he didn't care about anyone but himself. Snow's mother tried her best to support the family, but it was never enough. That's why she left them because of her father.

 Snow's mother was really pretty, and she was the person Snow admired the most. Her mom always talked about how she had so many suitors when she was young, and that she didn't know how she ended up with her father, who was nothing compared to her other suitors. She left Snow and her father because she couldn't stand being poor, just like her.

 She believed that if her parents had no plans for her future when they gave birth to her, they should not have brought her into this world at all. And now, she was the one who was suffering. But now, she found herself transported into a book, into a world that seemed so different yet so familiar. She was amazed at how the words in the book seemed to come to life before her eyes. It was as if the pages had opened up and had enveloped her into a completely different world.

In this new world, she had been transformed from a poor girl into a maid in the grand palace of a royal family. She had never seen such luxury and opulence in her life. Everything was so grand and immaculate that she almost felt out of place.

Snow thinks once again about her life before she was transported into the palace. She was so poor, and her father had a drinking problem that she really despised. But now, she found herself in a new world, one where she didn't miss her father or her old life. She had a new purpose, even if it was just being a maid. She felt a sense of satisfaction from her hard work, something that was lacking in her old life. It was as if this new world was made just for her.

She couldn't shake off the feeling that she was meant to be here for a reason.

She looked at herself in the mirror and felt a sudden rush of excitement. Maybe, just maybe, she was meant to seduce the crown prince and become a princess. It sounded ridiculous, but she couldn't help but entertain the thought. After all, this was her chance to finally escape her old life and become someone better.

Snow paced back and forth in her small room, trying to come up with a plan to fulfill her delusional dream of becoming a princess. But she didn't even know who the crown prince was, let alone how to seduce him.

"How can I even begin to seduce the crown prince?" she muttered to herself. "I don't even know him. I have no idea where to start."

She sat down on her bed and buried her face in her hands. Maybe her dream was impossible. Maybe she was just meant to be a lowly maid in the castle forever. But the thought of that made her heart sink even further.

"No," she said, lifting her head. "I can't give up now. There has to be a way." She stood up and walked to the window, staring out at the castle grounds.

She thought back to the books she had read and the movies she had watched, where the heroine always had a plan to capture the heart of the prince. Snow had never been in this kind of situation before, but she was determined to make the best of it.

She began to think of ways to get closer to the prince. She could try to befriend the other maids who worked in the palace and see if they had any information about him. She could also try to get assigned to work in the same room as him or find a way to catch his attention.

"I'll just have to find out more about the crown prince," she said determinedly. "I'll have to talk to the other maids and see what they know. And maybe, just maybe, I can find a way to make my dream come true."

As Snow lay in bed, she felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, she could find a way to make her dreams of becoming a princess a reality.

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