𝐓𝐇𝐄 π‡π„πˆπ‘π’ πŽπ… π“πŽπŒ...

By ecliqscs_

27.2K 635 367

For almost all her life Delianna Targaryen was always second. Second to the iron Throne, second to her parent... More

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„
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812 19 11
By ecliqscs_

During the time of Delia, Rhaenyra, and Daemon was meeting with their King and Queen, the children had wonder off around the castle, only to observe the now unrecognizable place.

The children were about to walk past the Godswood when Naela gasp in awe and goes up to it. "It is much prettier than I remember." Naela says while softly sliding her finger against the flowers that bloomed around the Godswood.

"Come, Naela, we can see more and come back." Rhaegar promises his sister as he holds his hand out to her, she takes it when they make their way.

"It's weird being back here." Rhaenna mumbles to her twin, Raelon. But the boy was much in his own thoughts. "Everything has changed here, Raelon. I barely have the desire to stay here. I honestly don't know why we must come, this awful situation isn't ours to deal with."

"I know, Aenna." Raelon calls the princess by her nickname and grasp their hands together. "We have to stay positive for mother's sake. I am aware this isn't our problem, Rhaenna, but we all are family. We share the blood of the Dragon. Their problems are our problems. Mother would never shall leave Aunt's Rhaenyra side until her last breath. You need to understand that and make peace with thall information."

"I understand." Rhaenna mumbles. Her brother/ husband was right in all honesty. No matter what situation Aunt Rhaenyra is in, her mother would be by her side always.

Rhaenna could admit that she wishes her relationship with Naela would be like that. Thick threw thin, but her hatred for the girl was something else she didn't understand.

She wasn't jealous of her little sister, she just wish her father was there for her at a young age like Cai was there for Naela. His daughter. But it is recently her real father came into Rhaenna and Raelon existence.

All because Cai Stark died. If it wasn't for that, her real father wouldn't be in her life. The only feelings she has for Naela was sympathy because her little sister father was brutally murdered, and wasn't avenged.

"Smaller than I remember." Luke was the first to say something once the group of teenagers walk down the stairs to the training yard.

"It looks exactly the same." Jace says, disagreeing with his brother, but Rhaegar agrees with Luke. When they were little the training yard was much bigger than they were at the time. "Ah, come everyone."

Rhaenna and Naela stays behind as the four boys excitedly walks near the weapons. Neither of those four boys noticed everyone staring at them, but mostly Lucerys, considering the situation they are in.

"See? I told you this would still be here." Jace happily points at a dimped that was placed into the thick heavily cemented wall. "And you thought you could swing Criston's  morningstar.

All the boys chuckled remembering that day clear. Seeing young Luke struggle to swing morningstar was fascinating, but also hilarious. Delia's frightened face once she saw Luke almost taking his head off, was an expression Raelon and Rhaegar never saw, considering they never really put themselves into danger. "And you almost took your own head off."

"Oh, my, I remember!" Raelon gasps and chuckles. "I remember my mother pulling Luke into a hug because he had almost gave her an heart attack."

"It was hilarious to see our mother's shockingly expression. An expression that we never recognize before." Rhaegar mumbles in amusement.

The boys went quite once their interest went into the weapons, but Lucerys was to busy gazing to the side, eyeing the old people gossiping about their claim to the Thrones.

Jace notices his brother, now, distance attitude. "What's your problem?"

"Everyone's staring at us." Luke leans closer to his brother, not wanting to whisper loud enough to be heard.

"So, fuck them." Raelon mumbles, as he picks up a sword and swings at Visherys, but thankfully the younger brother ducks down and gaps at Raelon. "You fucking idiot. Wanna be a executioner now?"

"No, you idiot." Raelon says as he pushes Visherys back and places the sword back in it's place. "You were simply in my way, dear little brother."

Jace laughs and place his own sword in it's place and laughs, but Luke was the only one not entertained at the moment. "No one would question me being heir to Driftmark. . . If. . ." The words the prince wanted to say was not pleasing to say out loud, so he leans closer to his brother and cousin Raelon.  "If I looked more like Ser Laenor Velaryon than Ser Harwin Strong."

Jace finally had enough trying to ignore his brother worries, that he slams the sword down softly but also rough. The older prince, heir to the throne, looks at his little brother. "It doesn't matter what they think."

Visherys was about to say something sarcastic once they heard fighting happening a foot away from them. The four boys excitedly went to see who was fighting.

They made their way around the crowd and found an opening space area. They seem to recognize Criston, but the other man they didn't know. Only that he had long straight silver hair, like their mother and aunt Delia.

The man bend down on one knee and hold his shield up, protecting himself from morningstar Criston was swings at him.

"Is that who I think it is?" Raelon mumbles as he stares at the man with an confused expression.

"Looks like Aemond." Visherys mumbles back to Raelon, eyeing the way Luke tenses up from behind them.

"It could be Aegon brother." Raelon disagrees to Visherys, but also tensing up at the name of his uncle. Just than the wooden shield breaks in half, and the silver haired man throws it to the side before getting and swing the sword at Criston.

"I do not know, Raelon. This man has straight hair. Remember Aemond once he was younger. Our uncle always had straight hair, and Aegon had curly wild hair."

The silver haired man swings at Criston, but he ducks.

"Bet me. If I'm right that's Aemond, you shall do what mother asks me to do. Like my chores, you do them for me. And if it's Aegon, I'll do the same for you."

Just than the man swings the sword, and Christon ducks again, but this time they switch places, and walla, Aemond crouches down and points his sword offensively at his trainor.

The four boys smiles fades, except Visherys who chuckles at Raelon expression. "Seems like you owe me some chores, big brother."

"Fuck off, maggot." Raelon shrugs Visherys hands off his shoulder and sighs in irritation.

"Oh, my gosh. Is that uncle Aemond?" Naela whispers to her older sister. But Rhaenna was already looking with an glare.

"Indeed it is." Rhaenna and Raelon connect eyes, before they paid back attention to Aemond training with Ser Criston. Just in time, Aemond dodges Criston weapon before switching them around and swirls his sword into his palm before pointing it at Criston neck.

Criston throws morningstar down to the floor and claps with the crowd. "Well done, my Prince. You'll be winning tourneys in no time.

"I don't give a shit about tourneys." Aemond announces out loud. "nephews. . ." Aemond says, making Raelon and Luke blood run cold, as he looks directly their way. "have you come to train?"

Raelon notices Jace was about to speak, once the gate guard yells out. "Open the gate!"

Everyone turns their attention behind them. The guards open the doors as the Driftmark banners came into sight.

Vaemond Valeryon walks through the yard with pride and confidence, looking directly at Lucerys and Jacaerys.

"Must the show begin." Rhaenna mumbles to into the air once her eyes settle on Vaemond, the man who is simply creating drama for his own desires.


Delia stands behind as Rhaenyra and Rhaena greets Princes Rhaenys by the Godswood.

Soon after a few seconds of greeting, Rhaena makes her way towards her aunt Delia and sends the woman a soft smile. "They wish to speak in private."

"Okay, go ahead inside, love." Delia says softly, squeezing Rhaena shoulder before the young princes strode inside the castle.

It didn't take a couple of minutes for Rhaenys to look her way, the gaze didn't held annoyance, nor anger, but just plain sympathy. What were they talking about? Anyone would find it weird to staying behind and not want to gossip about drama or wanting to get involved into the situation, but this matter is all about Rhaenyra, Jacaerys and Lucerys.

Delia straightens up when Rhaenys walks up to her. "Are you ok, Princes Rhaenys?"

Rhaenys stops in her tracks before pulling Delia closer to her by the arm. "You are no more than innocent, Delia. We share a bond of loses in our life, but to simply ignore it holds a great deal of strength. your a strong woman, Delianna, so loyal to those she loves. But sometimes love can make us blind, outrageously protective, and ignorant. It is almost time for you to stop shadowing Daemon and Rhaenyra, for when the worse to come you can't always depend on them."

Delia stumbles back into the railing as she watches Rhaenys walk away. Stressing out, Delia places her hand on her swollen stomach and sigh. So much is happening again, and she can't deal with it.


It has fallen night, when Delia was making her way back to her and Daemon chambers when she stumbles across Aegon's chambers.

Not wanting to greet him just yet, Delia slow down her paces and walk softly against the payment, but Aegon was already walking out of his chambers with a hoodie.

"Delianna." Aegon says breathlessly, quite surprised to see his older sister standing here in front of him.

"Aegon." Delia says his name with the same tone as him.

"What are you doing out here alone?" Aegon asks, now leaning against the door of his chambers, and cross his legs. Amused by her confused attitude.

"Just passing by. Daemon and I's chamber is close by yours." Delia says, now having her hand on her stomach, again. but this time Aegon eyes wonders down to the motion and discovers his sister swollen big stomach. She is pregnant, and he's barely finding out. "What are you doing out so late?" Delia's voice brings Aegon attention back to her.

"I'm gonna go have a drink. I would invite you, but you are... um, pregnant." Aegon says, clearing his throat and scratch the back of his neck, now standing straight awkwardly.

"I should be on my way." Delia mumbles to Aegon, sending him a small smile.

In the heat of the moment, of thinking how his sister truly feels about him and his siblings, Aegon blurts out- "did you ever loved us like how you love Rhaenyra? I mean like before the incident?"

Delia stay turning her back on Aegon when she sighs and turns around to look directly into Aegon's gaze. "I did and still love you and the others as equally as Rhaenyra. There's no doubt about it, little brother."

"Than why do you deny my love for you?" Aegon murmurs, leaning closer to Delia, not wanting anyone to hear them as they speak.

Delia looks at him confused, not understanding what he is asking her. "I'm a tad confused here, Aegon. What are you asking?"

"Those letters I sent you, over the years, waiting for one letter to come back, but none did." Aegon is walking closer to her, hurt lace into his voice. "Over the years of growing up and learning things I never should, I fully memorized that the love I have for you, is not like the love I have for Helaena, Aemond, nor Rhaenyra."

"I never received letter from you, Aegon. Only from your mother demands, telling us what's been happening." Delia leans back, now realizing how close her little brother is to her. "Daemon would be the one to navigate our letters, including mine. Never once did he bring me or Rhaenyra a letter from you."

Aegon nods his head and sighs, before leaning back. "Than what's the point of me expressing how I feel, when you never knew."

"I'm sorry I don't feel the same way, Aegon. We have much a big age gap between us to even consider having feelings for me."

Aegon rolls his eyes and chuckles. "I would not be saying that if I was you. Daemon and you have a huge age gap. Father and Mother have a huge age gap. Visenya and Aegon the first had an age gap. And many before us. What's make us different?"

"The feeling is not mutual, little brother." Delia sighs and rubs her forehead. "If I have known about your feelings Aegon I would've shut it down way early. I truly mean it, brother. I do not say this to hurt you, but to make you realize we would've never worked out. I love you, but not it that way. The only person I truly love like that is Daemon. Your uncle."

"Our uncle." Aegon mumbles, bitter now blocking his sight on the good. "You married your uncle, sister. You betrothed your children together. Us, is no different. you are just making excuses that does make sense."

Clearly he wasn't understanding, and Delia knows that she is wasting her breath for nothing. She sighs and sends Aegon a small sympathy smile. "I'm going to bed, and you should to."

She makes her way, away from him.

Coming to her chambers, she didn't expect Princess Rhaenys to be standing by the door, as Ser Axel stands next to her, declining her access inside the room.

"Princess Rhaenys?" Delia voice comes up from behind the Queen that never was, almost startling the woman. Ser Axel immediately straightens his posture. "What brings you to my chambers, Princess?"

Rhaenys keeps a straight face but a tiny smiles break out. "Can we speak alone?"

"Sure, follow me." Delia walks over to the other hall and stops next to the railing, now her full attention was on Rhaenys. "What is it that you need at this hour?"

Rhaenys shuffles next to Delia, trying to get comfortable against the railing, before setting her eyes on her cousin. "Rhaenyra, a while ago, suggested a proposal. A marriage between Baela, Rhaena, and her son's."

"What did you have to say about it?" Delia asks, anxious to see where this is going. "Did you give Rhaenyra your blessing?"

"I didn't answer her, but in a way I did." Rhaenys answers, her voice lowing down to an inch. "I've seen the realm, and how they been treating Rhaenyra claim to the throne. . . also Jacaerys claim. I do not want people coming for my grandchildren heads once they are Queen and Lady to Jacaerys and Lucerys."

"What are you getting at, Princess Rhaenys?" Delia whispers, eyeing the woman before her. Not understanding her motive at the moment.

"I would suggest to betrothed Raelon and Visherys, to Baela and Rhaena."

Delia scoffs before rubbing her forehead. "You are telling me that you denied Rhaenyra's suggestion and is now making one with me?"


"But Daemon and I already made to plan the twins together. We've decided to do that instead." Delia says, leaning on her back and look into Rhaenys eyes.

"If you agree to my proposal, you can marry your daughters to Jacaerys and Lucerys. Both you and Rhaenyra's children would have claims to Thrones. Your grandchildren would inherit Driftmark and the Iron Throne. Wouldn't that be much better?" Rhaenys says, watching Delia understanding what she is saying.

"The only reason I didn't agree to Rhaenyra's proposal is that I do not want my grandchildren to experience what Rhaenyra and I have experienced. Baela and Rhaena would be Ladies of House Targaryen if you betrothed them to your son's."

Delia didn't know what to do honestly, but one thing she does know is that Princess Rhaenys was right. If her and Rhaenyra betrothes their children together, Delia children would be protected and will have equal power.

"Let me speak to Daemon, and I will send a scroll your way tomorrow evening before the trial." Delia mumbles as she fumbles with her dress. "Goodnight, Princess Rhaenys."

And just than Delia enters her chambers and climb into bed slowly, not wanting to wake her husband up.


Next chapter will be the trail and the feast.
Just know the drama is gonna be crazy in next chapter lmao, especially with Vaemond lol.

Sorry if I have been inactive, been kinda feeling little extra tired lately, but yeah. I will make time for next chapter I promise.

Also the tea has been spilled with Aegon and Delia. Kinda wanted to make it more tensed but that's just how I imagine Delia reacting to Aegon's confession.

Also Rhaenys has a valid point in both her and Rhaenyra's children having equal power and claim to the Thrones.

But let's shall read what happens next chapter. 📖👀

Please leave a comment and vote.

Have a nice day or night!      - nita🥀

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