Ninjago: The Path Of Destiny

By miraclequeen45

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After the defeat of lady bone demon, young jing(or bei he) sets off on an adventure of her own in the city of... More



262 14 3
By miraclequeen45

At the Destiny's bounty, the ninja are trying to figure out how to stop pythor from unleashing the great devourer while examining a fang blade hologram in the bridge.

"They got the first one, but there are three more, and we just need one to stop pythor. They have a map, and we don't, so they question remains. How are we gonna find them first?". Nya exclaimed.

"I still can't get over the fact that you were the mysterious samurai. Is anyone else blown away like I am?". Jay asked.

Yeah, so yesterday on their date, the rest of the gang found out that nya was the mysterious samurai x, but jing wasn't really impressed by that. Cuz what really caught her attention was that Jay got a kiss from nya into unlocking his true potential to save her on a out of control roller coaster ride by the serpentine. Bai he frowned at that, beginning to think that she'll never witness the ninja unlocking their full potential. It'll be a miracle if she sees Cole and kai's. But anyway, back to now.

"Actually, I was the first to know that she was samurai, so I'm not surprise". Bai he said, proudly crossing her arms.

"We're over that. Can we move on?". Kai asked annoyance, to which Jay starts speaking gibberish before using his real voice.

"Someone's a little bit under the collar". He taunted, and zane walks inbetween the earth and fire ninja.

"It appears his impatience is because he has not found inner Pease and unlocked his full potential like you and I have, jay".

Kai glared at the ice ninja, putting his hands on his sides. "Great observation, Mr Roboto, but Cole hasn't found it either".

"I got it!". The black ninja spoke up, much to kai's surprise.

"You've unlocked it? Oh, why am I the only one?!".

"I don't quit think that's what he meant, kai". Jing pointed out.

"That's right. But I've figured out where I recognised the fang blade from. I have a picture of it". He runs out of the room to get his picture as Kai sighed in relife.

"Oh, haha, is that it? Heh. Good".

"I got it!". Cole walked back into the room and shows everyone a picture of the fang blade in a photo album.

Jay yanks the book from him. "That's it!".

Jing narrowed her eyes to read the writing written under the picture. "The blade cup. It also sounds . . . Familiar".

"That's because it is". Cole said, gaining their attention. "Back where jing was born and I grew up, there's this pretty big competition where every year the winner gets the blade cup. My dad's won it multiple times".

It finally hit bai he. "Oh, now I remember. I also recall being three or four at time".

"You never told us your dad was an accomplished athlete. What sport?". The white ninja asked.

"Oh, h-he's a, uh . . . A blacksmith". Cole replied.

"Nothing wrong with that. My father was a blacksmith, too. But I've never heard of a competition-".

Jing interrupted the fire ninja. "No, no, no. Our dad wasn't a blacksmith blacksmith. He's actually a royal blacksmith". She said, as she turns a page of the album to show a picture of her dad holding the fang blade cup.

The rest of the ninja and nya snicker that this.

"What's so funny?". Bai he questioned, not liking the way how they were laughing at her dad.

"Nothing-nothing! It's just . . . That's your dad?". The lightning ninja asked.

The nine old glares up at him, to which he gave her a shrug and apologetic smile.

"But how did the fang blade become a trophy?". Kai questioned.

"Well, supposedly, the blade cup was made by this guy who collected priceless artifacts. His name was something like, uh, butch . . . No, clutch. Clutch powers! Anyway, it gets passed on the each year's winner". Cole explained.

"Who has it now?". Zane asked.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to my father in years". Cole frowned, hanging his head down.

Bai he from as well. "Come to think of it, the last time I talked to him was when I was in megapolis city a few months ago".

"Well then, we'll call him up". Kai suggested with a smile.

Jing gently shook her head. "We can't do that. He thinks we're in Ninjago city training at the Marty Oppenheimer school of performing arts. Well, cole is, I'm supposed to be in megapolis".

Cole groans, walking towards the steiring wheel, as he looks down. "He wanted us to follow in his footsteps. But unlike jing, I couldn't sing or dance. And when I saw the way he was pushing her, well I . . . I manged to convince day to shift jing to stay with our aunt grace in megapolis before running away. When he sees I can't dance, he'll know I've been lying in all the letters I've been sending him".

"Your father doesn't known you're a ninja?". Zane asked, as Cole looked at him.

"Or that jing's with me". He added, before glaring. "What? You gonna crack some joke that my old man wears a tutu?".

Kai walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "No, but if we're going to have any chance of getting to that fang blade before they do, we better get our own act in tune".

"Does in this mean I can come? I wanna see papa too". Jing said, as Cole shares a look with the others before looking back at her, smiling.

"I don't see why not".

Jing beamed. "Yay! I'm going to leave the bounty. I'm going to leave the bounty~". She chanted, happily skipping around the table as the others watched her with amused looks before they all laughed.


The Destiny bounty arrived just above the outskirts of Ninjago city. The ninja were on the deck in casual clothes and with their weapons.

"I'm here!".

They turned after hearing bai he's yelling to see her running towards them in her normal casual outfit.

"It's about time you got here. It felt like I was waiting for nya". Kai exclaimed, recalling the times he would always wait for his sister to get ready before he became a ninja.

Jing crossed her arms and glared. "Well, what do you expect? I'm a lady after all. All this doesn't just happen on it's own, you know". She gestured to her small figure, to which jay laughed.

"I'm glad I don't have a sister then".

Jing frowned at him.

"As of I, but it would be nice to have one". Zane said, turning bai he's frowned upside down.

"Alright. No more delay! Let's go!". Jing immediately jumps off the deck screaming excitedly.

"JING!". The ninja cried in shock and worry at her sudden action before jumping after her.

Bai he laughs as she falls before she was grabbed by Zane.

"Hole on!". Using his golden weapon, he summons his vehicle they were now in as the others did the same with their golden weapons.

Once they landed on the ground safely there vehicles dissappered and turned back to their golden weapons.

"Woo! That was fun! Let's do that again!". Jing exclaimed, smiling excitement and in a little fear as she felt her heart race. The ninja gave her disbelief looks.

"Are you crazy?! Do you know how dangerous and reckless that was?!". Jay yelled, being the paranoid ninja that is is.

Jing just smiled at him. "But it was also fun. Plus, I knew you guys would catch me so I wasn't worried".

"But i,-you . .   Argh!".

Cole placed a hand on the blue ninja's shoulder to stop him. "Don't. She won't ever learn if you do".

Jay sighed in defeat as Cole then opened a black case he brought along. "Alright, hand them over".

"Ah-uh. But no mortal shall posses all four". Jay chuckled, already forgotten what happened as he places his nunchucks of lightning inside the case.

The black ninja rolled his eyes. "Very funny".

Zane and kai put their golden weapons in as well. "You wanna remind me again why we can't keep our weapons?". The red ninja exclaimed.

"That's because our dad can't know Cole's a ninja". Bai he replied.

"And I don't feel like making up excuses why I'm carrying a giant scythe around with me". Cole added as they walked towards a house. "Just remember the plan; we find out who has the fengblade trophy, we snatch it, and then we get the heck out of town".

He knocked on the door and seconds later a man's voice came from the inside saying 'just a moment' before the door was opened and a angry Lou brimstone came out.

"Hey, papa". Jing greeted, a big warm smile on her face.

"Hey, dad. How long has it been?". Cole gretted as well, but Lou gave them a stern look.

"What? You two too good for the doorball?". He then slams the door on them, making them share confused looks.

"Um . . ."

"Use the bell, kids". Lou yelled from the inside.

The siblings shrugged before jing rings the doorbell and musical voices of a male quartet was heard singing "welcome"

Lou opened the door, this time with a happy face. "Haha. Come on in, son. It's been forever". He hugs Cole before his eyes landed on bai he and gasp. "And look at my little girl. All grown up and beautiful just like her mother". He hugs his daughter, who looked surprised before smiling and hugged him back.

"Good to see you too, papa".

Lou pulls away from the hug and looks at the others. "What did you bring? A quartet? Come in, come in. I've got a kettle of lemon honey tea on the stove right now".

He welcomes everyone in and into the living room where he offered them cups of tea after they took their seats then played music on a gramophone. He looks at his pictures on the wall while the ninja got comfortable, except for Cole, who groaned.

Bai he took a sip of her tea and hummed in delight at the taste.

"So". Lou started, gaining everyone's attention. "Did my kids tell you I broke my foot? It was the cha-cha but I swear the percussionist had it in for me".

"No, dad. We didn't tell them about your silly stories". Cole said in annoyances.

"Silly stories?". The brimstone father questioned with a raised brow.

"Oh, what he meant was, we've been training at the . . . Uh . . ."

"Uh, the martha Oppenheimer. Yeah". Jay spoke up, helping out the fire ninja.

Jing chocked a little on her tea when the gramophone record made a scratch sound.

"Martha Oppenheimer?". Lou repeated.

"What he's trying to say is the Marty Oppenheimer school of performing arts". Said the ice ninja helping out his fellow ninja.

"I see. And what about you, my dear?". Lou asked, looking at his daugther who just finished sipping on her tea.

"I get signed up for singing competition every now and then". She shrugged, as the four ninja looked surprised and she looked at them. "What can I say? Living with aunt grace in megapolis has it's perks".

"How delightful!". Lou smiled at his daughter's achievement.

"Right! Well, uh, see we have this final research paper we're doing on the history of Ninjago talent, and what we really wanted to know was how can we get our hands on the blade cup?".

Lou sips on his tea and frowns. "You're talking about getting your hands on the blade cup? The most prized and heavily guarded in all of Ninjago, the symbol of excellence in harmony and grace? You can't just get it, you have to earn it. You have to exhibit style. Perfect pitch. Push the boundaries of artistic license and win this year's Ninjago talent show!".

Bai he blinked. "Boy, that was a mouth full".

"Um, perhaps there's an easier way". The ice ninja asked, to which Lou gasp realizing something.

"Is this why you came? You four have come to take our place! Haha, ingenious! My son and daughter, bringing forth the next evolution of the royal blacksmith! Oh, how your mother would be proud. Let me hear the sweet, sweet sound of harmony". He held up his hand to his ear awaiting for the ninja eagerly.

Jay excitedly glances between his brothers before starting off.

"Harmony . . ."

"Harmony . . ."

"Harmony . . ."

"Harmony . . ."

Both Lou and bai he cringed at their awful noise, the latter covering her ears with her hands while Cole groaned shaking his head.

"Stop this already! My ears can't take it any longer!".

The black ninja put his cup down and got up, walking up to his father. "Look, dad. We just need the trophy-".

"Yeah, we're bringing home the gold and we want you to train us". Kai quickly added in hope of Lou not getting suspicious. To his delight, he grinned as he starts sniffing.

"I've never been more proud. If you'll excuse me, I need to write a song about my feelings". The ninja then watched as he exit the room.

"Wow. That worked out better than expected". Bai he grinned, earning a glare from her older brother.

"Are you kidding me? What was that all about?".

Kai placed a hand on his shoulder, making the earth ninja turn to face him. "Look, we enter this competition so we can get close enough to the blade cup. Once we get the fengblade, we leave town. How hard can this be?".

"No offence, but saying that, a lot". Bai he exclaimed bai he, already having a feeling of how the senerio will turn out.


Bai he sat criss-cross on the floor next to her dad who was behind the piano as they looked at the four ninja in front of them.

"Okay, from the top. Five, six, seven, eight".

The ninja began to sing and dance.

"Bop till you drop".

"Shake it till you break it"

"Move it till you lose it"

"Spin it till you win it".

Jing cringed for the fifth time today, covering her ears and shaking her head. "Nope!".

Looks like Lou agreed as he walked up to the ninja, frowning. "Stop, stop. Ugh. If my ears weren't attached to my head, they'd be running away! Kai, love the energy, hate the hair". He hits Kai on the head with his cane.

Bai he had her hand over her mouth as she let out soft giggles while Lou walked up to Jay next.

"Jay, you're giving a lot, but I need more". Zane next. "Zane, you're like a machine. Don't change anything ".

The snow white headed boy smirked as Lou walked towards his first born last. "And Cole, try to act like you wanna be here".

Bai he stopped giggling and inhaled sharply. He had no idea how close he was.

"He's worse than sensei wu". Jay whispered to the fire ninja next to him who agreed.

"Okay, moving forward. Sweetie, let's see your talent". Lou said to his daugther, who blinked then smiled.

"Okay". She got up and got behind the piano, ignoring the worried look the ninja were giving her, esspecially her brother. In their defence, they've never actually seen her played an instrument except for the sacred flute but that's different. Jing took a deep breath and let it out as she brought her hands down to the keys to play. 'Thank you, aunt grace'.

There is no upper hand, I'm givin' you mine
It doesn't have to end up wastin' your time
There's things that I can say
But here in my way
I wanna let you know that it's all okay

Bai he finished playing and opened her eyes to see everyone staring at her in shock. She tilted her head. "Was it that bad?". She raised a brow innocently.

"Bad? Kid, you were amazing!". Kai commented as the other ninja agreed.

"Amazing? No. Spectacular? One hundred percent!". Lou praised his daugther. "My dear, with a talent like that you've already won the blade cup. Oh if only your mother could see you now".

Bai he looked at him before smiling pleasantly. "Thanks, papa".

"Okay, now let's take a look at the big show-stopping climax. Cole, we can't have history repeating itself".

The earth ninja rolled his eyes. "Dad, it was the triple tiger sashay. I was seven".

"I wasn't even born then". Jing commented.

"What's the triple tiger sashay?". The fire ninja asked.

"Only the most difficult dance move ever created".

"It's true". Lou agreed. "Many professionals have dare tried, but it's never been successfully completed".

"Hence, my father thought a seven year old could! But I ended up falling on my face, humiliating myself, and letting my quartet down".

"If you're going to win, you have to go big! Alright, time for a break. Take five". Lou said, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

"Uh, I'm starting to see why Cole is so closed off". The blue ninja started. "It's 'cause twinkle-toes here couldn't deliver the goods. Is that why you ran away?".

Bai he glared up at him. "Don't blame, Cole! Our dad isn't exactly the easiest person to get along with either when it comes to the family business".

"I could deliver the goods-look. I'll deal with my father, but let's stick with the plan. All we have to do is keep this charade long enough until we can get our hands on the trophy".

"I don't know. I'm starting to think we can win this thing". Cole grunts and sent a glare at the blue ninja. "Okay, okay. We'll stick to the plan".


Time had gone and the ninja were already behind the curtains on stage at where the talent show was taking place. Jing looked at all the other contestants and she had to admit they were good. She then made her way to the ninja doing one last rehashal and they were all in matching uniforms that were in their respective colours. They were actually doing a lot better than before.

"Wow, great job. You guys are actually doing a lot better this time". Jing commented with a grin.

"Oh yeah? Well, jay's two beats off".

"Ugh. Excuse me?".

"Actually, 2.72 off of the beat".

"Guys, guys! Let's not make this any harder than it needs to be. We just stick to the plan and keep up the charade until the trophy's revealed. Once we steal the blade cup, we can argue all we want once we get back home". Cole exclaimed.

"But this is our home town, big bro. Don't you want to at least try and win it? At least for dad?". Bai he suggested, a little disappointed at what their plan was.

"Ugh, the only dance I wanna perform is calledget-me-out-of-this-nuthouse-and-let's-burn-these-memories-from-my-head".

"What?". Said a familiar voice from behind. Jing gulped, knowing who it was before they all turned around to see Lou standing there.

"Dad, i-".

"You . . . You were going to steal?". He asked in shock, as Cole sighs in defeat, walking up to him.

"Dad, I didn't mean for you to hear that, but-but I'm glad you did. There's something I've been wanting to tell you. All these years, I haven't been training to be a singer or dancer. I found something new that I'm really good at. Dad . . .". He uses spinjitzu to change back into his black gi. "I'm a ninja".

Lou gasp in shock and disbelief.

"I haven't been totally honest either, papa". Bai he said, rubbing her arm as she walked up next to cole

"Jing-". He tried to stop her so she doesn't get into trouble with their dad, but she ignored him as she continued.

"I'm actually training to be a ninja too. But that doesn't me that I don't sing and dance sometimes. But the truth is that we need that blade cup, which is actually a fengblade by the way".

The ninja all took off their hats and Cole takes out his golden weapon. "If we don't steal it, there's other people that will. Bad people. Serpentine. And we need it to save the world. I know how ridiculous this sounds, but I'm proud of who I am, and I want you to be proud of me, too". The earth ninja places his hands in his father's shoulders but Lou instantly shakes them off, taking a step back, frowning.

"I can't be proud of any son who thinks stealing is right. And I'm not gonna wait around to watch you make a mockery of our family's legacy".

"Dad, i-".

"And I most certainly will not let my daughter be apart of this!".

The siblings eyes widened in shock. "WHAT?!". They chorused.

"From now on you, young lady, will be staying with me". Lou said, grabbing bai he's hand as he turned to walk away.

"What?! Papa, no!". Bai he struggles to pull her hand away from her dad's strong grip.

"Enough, jing! I am your father and whatever I say is final!".

She frowned, lowering her head in defeat. "Yes papa". She casted one last look at the ninja behind them, esspecially her brother. "Bye, cole".

The latter sadly had his arm reached out like he really wanted her back. "Jing . . ." He dropped his arm and his head hanged as the ninja walked over to comfort him, which was the last thing bai he saw before she was taking out of the backstage.

The father daughter duo made it to the bleachers were the audience were seated and went to seat in the very back row, much to the little girl's surprise.

"Wait, we're still seeing the show?". She asked, looking at her frowning father with a raised brow.

"Your brother may have disappointed me, but I can't let good tickets go to waste". Lou replied, his oxyn orbs not leaving the stage.

Jing sighed and looked at the stage as well before her eyes landed on the judges table. Something looked strange. She narrowed her eyes taking a closer look before letting out a gasp. Pyhtor! And he was one of the judges, also he was wearing a fake beard so he wasn't that hard to spot out.

"Pythor!". She whispered, before spotting more serpentine in front row, all in disguise. Just then, some men brought out the blade cup and placed it next to the judges. She could already see the delight and greed the purple snake's eyes. She frowned at this. Those basterd snakes can't get away with this! And they especially can't hold lloyd forever either.

"This isn't fair, papa! The ninja are just trying to do their job and protect Ninjago city. How could you not be in support of your own son?!".

"Fighting isn't proper, jing! It goes against everything this family stands for. It's what your mother would've wanted". The two family members glares at each other as jing  began to tear up.

"She also would've wanted us to follow our dreams! Everyone's born with a special talent inside that's just been waiting to get out. But you're to busy caring more about your family's legacy than your own family!". She looked away frowning and crossing her arms.

Lou was stunned by her words. For a spilt second it's like he was talking to her. His wife, Lily. She really was like her mother. Despite the truth . . . The father sighed. Maybe jing was right. Lou snapped out of his thoughts when a mab came on stage to a annoce the next performers. The treble makers.

Bai he saw some serpentine in disguise making their way towards the stage. She immediately cringed and covered her ears at their awful singing. They were way worst than the ninja. And their dance moves were something else. The Audience seem to agree as well, but jing noticed that pythor was the only one who seemed to be enjoying it. Obviously. They were his people. Once they were done it was only the other serpentine and two bone demons that cheered for them, while everyone else just booed them. Bai he then heard a whistle and her eyes landed on pythor before he scores them a 10. But to her delight and everyone else, the other judges scores a 6. But pythor intimidated them to flip their score cards to 9.9.

"Oh man, oh man! That's a 22.8! I just hope the ninja win this". Bai he thought, praying to the jade emperor her ninja brothers come out victorious.

The serpentine bowed to their booing audience before getting off stage just as the announcer made a comeback.

"And last but not least, the royal blacksmi-uh, hold on".

Jing noticed father's frown deapeaned as the announcer received a place of paper.

"Uh, this just in, there's been a switch. Taking the stage next is spin harmony!".

Bai he heard her father let out a annoyed hump at the name change as she eagerly watched and waited for the ninja who were taking forever to come on stage.

"Let call for spin harmony!".

"C'mon! Where are you guys, cole?!". Bai he thought impatiently as the annocer left the stage and the spotlight was just flashing around to at least catch something. She then heard a throat cleared and looked back at the fake snake judge, who had a wicked grin.

"Well, it looks like the last act is no longer performing. Haha, that means I can give this to the winners-". He was cut off by the announcer coming back on stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, spin harmony!". He exits the stage as the crowed clapped and cheered, esspecially jing who had the biggest grin when she saw the scrowl on pythor's face.

The ninja appeared on stage with their backs facing the crowd as they tapped their feet and the music played. Bai he squealed when they each turned to the crowd as a spotlight shined on them and they began dancing. Pythor gave his men a signal and they all charges at the ninja on stage. But the ninja prevailed as they began dance-fighting them and it was awesome! They used spinjitzu to continue their dance-fight as jing clapped and cheered, only to stop when she saw a serpentine bitting the rope to a sandbag above the ninja.

Without another thought, she leaped off her seat, ignoring the gasp that escaped Lou's mouth and his call for her back. She gracefully leaped from seat to seat as if she were dancing. She took one big boost from the judge table, startling them esspecially pythor, and jumped,  doing a ballerina spin before her leg kicked the sandbag away and it crashed into a serpentine. She landed on stage safely before realising what she just did as she looked at the cheering audience, making her blush embarrasly. Guess she was part of the show now.

They all danced their hearts out while beating up the serpentine. Three fangpyres rushed towards bai he from behind, but luckily Cole noticed them and did the impossible to stop them.

Bai he gasp, seeing it. "He did it. The triple tiger sashay. He did it!". Immediately the crowed erupted in applause and cheers as the announcer runs up to Cole.

"Oh, he did it! The triple tiger sashay! He danced the impossible!".

The ninja and bai he rushed towards their friend, hugging him in victory. The judges gave them two 10. as the crowd cheers louder. Jing noticed pythor's evil smirk before giving them a 0.

She frowned. "Unbelievable!". The crowd agreed as they began booing.

Suddenly he's stomach starts moving before a hand comes out of his mouth and writes a 1 on his score card, turning it into a 10. Jing already guessed it must've been jugde number 3 as the crowd cheers again while pythor was in disbelief, trying to deny it but was ignored.

"It's a perfect score! Spin harmony wins the blade cup!". The announcer exclaimed, as the ninja were presented the blade cup and Cole accepted it, raising it up high as the audience cheered the loudest than ever.

Bai he blows kisses at her aduring fans, earning her a chuckle From her brother. The black ninja then searches through the audience for his dad, but his seat was empty, making him groaned before they all left for backstage.

"I've never felt more alive". Zane exclaimed.

"I'll say". Jing agrees, doing a front flip to stand next to the blue, red and white ninja. "We were amazing!".

"Hahaha! We did it!". Jay exclaimed, as he and the ninja danced, causing bai he to giggle.

"No way! Cole's the one who did it!". She corrected, as Kai agrees, looking at said ninja. "I agree. Because of you, Ninjago will sleep safely tonight".

Bai he's smile dropped when she heard him sigh and saw him frowning before he handed her the fengblade.

"Thanks, but go on and celebrate without me. And you should properly starts packing, bai he. Winning this doesn't feel the same with our my dady being able to-".


The ninja turned to see Lou standing there but this time with a smile on his face.

"Dad?!". The brimstone siblings said in unsion and surprise.

"I saw it all, son. I saw it all". The siblings smiled in delight as they ran towards their father and hugged him, while the others smiled at their moment.

"You saw me dance?". Cole asked as they pulled away.

"More importantly, I saw you fight. Those serpentine were up to no good, trying to show, and I saw you stand up for what is right". Lou frowns, while the ninja walked over. "I way wrong. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard to follow in my footsteps. Everyone is born with a special talent inside that's just been waiting to get out. Someone wise once told me that". Lou smiles down at his daugther, who was smiling back at him, before looking back at his eldest child and grabbed unto his shoulders. "And you were born to be a ninja".

"You're not mad?". Cole asked with a hope smile.

"How can I be? My son's a hero! Not to mention a great guardian".

"Does this mean that even I can be what I what?". Jing asked sweetly, as Lou crouched down to her level, smiling.

"You, my dear, can be whatever you want. Be it ninja, dancer or even a sage. It's what your mother would've wanted".

"Eh, sorry to interrupt your little family reunion, but did you know". Everyone turned around to see the purple snake approaching them before ripping off his fake beard. "It's me, pythor".

Jing frowned, feeling a sudden rage. "You better tell me where lloyd is it so help me I'll-". She tried matching towards him but was being held back by jay.

"Woah, easy kid".

Cole glares at the snake. "You couldn't fool us, pythor".

"I didn't want to miss our big show stopper".

Bai he watches as he stretched forth his hand and saw that he signalled two constrictai serpentine as the pushed a crate and knocks over stage lights as it falls towards Lou, who screams.

"Dad!". Cole cried, running towards him and jumps after him as the stage lights fell on them. Pythor laughs evily as he exit with the blade cup while the others coughed from the dust that was made.

Bai he gasp. "Cole! Papa!". She yanked herself away from the blue ninja and ran towards where her dad and brother once stood. She instantly began digging through the pile, hoping for the worst not to happen as she was at the edge of tearing up. "No, no, no! You gotta be okay! You just gotta!".

Frowning were the ninja as they approached her with concern.

"Bai he-".

"I won't hear it! You two can't be gone, I won't accept it!".


"You two can't just leave me!". She stops digging, falling to her knees as the tears flow down freely. "You're all I have let".

"That is not true, bai he". Zane said, getting on one knee next to the crying girl as Kai stood on the other side and Jay behind her. "You have us"

The red ninja patted her back. "We're here for you".

"Yeah, and we'll take care of you". Jay added, as the nine year old sniffed before being pulled into a hug by Kai and buried her face into his chest as she began to cry.

Just then she felt a warm sensation and peaked to see Cole's scythe was glowing before the others noticed it as well. Their eyes widened as the white ninja gasp.

"He found his true potential ".

Jing pulled away from the red ninja to look at the pile of debris that were surrounded by glowing energy. A grunt was heard coming from the inside before the broken stage equipment was lifted by Cole and his whole being was glowing.

"Cole?". She looked in awe at her brother with his newfound powers as he throws away the debris and helped Lou to his feet.

"Wha-what? How did we survive that? Son?". He looks in awe at his son as well.

"Cole's found his true potential ". The ice ninja exclaimed. "His relationship with his father must have been holding him back".

"He's indestructible!". The lightning ninja commented, as Kai crosses his arms and looks away, groaning. "Ugh, great. So now I really am the only one who hasn't figured out my special power".

The earth ninja groaned, turning back to normal as he rubs his head, feeling winded. "Is everyone alright? What just-". He was caught off as he was tackled into a hug along with Lou, by bai he.

"Cole!". She cried, tears running down her face before glaring up at them. "You two are mean! What were you thinking leaving an emotional nine year old like that? Don't you both ever do that to me again!".

The father and son duo were surprised as they shared a look before smiling and looking back at jing.

"It's okay, bai he. We promise".

"And we're not going anywhere".


After a while, the gang were now back at Lou's house. Bai he was walking down the hall on her way to the living room to meet up with the ninja. She just did a little touring around the house after, like, 5 years of being away. She then saw a slightly opened door and, being the curious girl that she was, she took a quick glance at her left and right before walking towards it. She opened it and her jaw dropped when she saw the inside.


It was a dressing room that looked like it was made for a celebrity. She walked inside looking around before making her way towards the dress up table. She got on the seat and spines around, giggling in tge process before stopping in front of the mirror. She smiled at her reflection before her eyes landed on a picture hanging on the side of it. She was surprised at who was on it. Her mother in a pretty dress and a fancy hairdo as she held a bouquet of flowers as she smiled at the carmera. She was beautiful.

"Lovely, isn't it?".

Jing shriked a little at the sudden voice before turning around to see Lou standing there smiling and holding a picture frame.

"The picture". He clarified, walking up next to her.

"Yeah . . ." Jing replied, looking back at the picture as did Lou. "She's really beautiful. What was she like?".

Lou smiled. "She was extraordinary. No matter the situation, she would always see the bright side of things. Although, she did had a stubborn side, but always knew just what to say . . . Just like you".

Jing looked at her father, who was smiling at her.

"Honestly, seeing you feels like she's still with us".

Bai he smiled. "That's because she is. In here". She placed her hand on her chest, to which he chuckled.

"She sure is. Oh, that reminds me". Lou opened a drawer on the table and pulled out what seemed to be a necklace.

"Whoa". Bai he looked at it in awe.

"This belonged to your mother. She would always wear it everywhere she went. It was a gift from her motger who would always tell her that when ever she was lost or troubled, and the sun was out, look at it as if it were moon and listen to her heart. I've had it with me ever since we lost her. But . . . She would have wanted you to have it". Lou smiled, already putting the necklace around his shocked daughter's neck.

"What-really?". Bai he held touched the jewellery as she once again looked at her reflection on the mirror in awe.

Her father nodded, placing the picture frame under his armpit before holding out his free hand to her. "Now come on, the others must be waiting".

Bai he turned back to him and nodded, getting off the chair and grabbed his hand before they both exit the room and made it to the leaving room where the ninja were drinking tea. They both walked over to his wall of pictures.

"It may not be the trophy, but it sure will look good on my wall". Lou hanged up the picture of the ninja's victory, to which they smiled and cheered, walking over.

"All right!".

"Excellent ".



"As far as I'm concerned, you're all my family now". Lou exclaimed, as they all shared a heart warming group hug.

Bai he smiled whole heartedly. "I wouldn't have it any other way".

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