Here We Come! (Movie!Luigi x...

By SmallJellybean42

22.2K 746 335

When brothers Mario and Luigi end up with a big plumbing problem underneath their hometown in Brooklyn, they'... More

Authors Note
Prologue: A Star is Stolen
Need more screen time for my precious green boi :c
Chapter Two: First Day on The Job
Chapter Three: A Call from Destiny
Chapter Four: Down The Warp Pipe
Chapter Five: What Is This Place...?
Chapter Six: Unexpected Encounter
Chapter Seven: Oh Brother...
Chapter Eight: What a Peach!
Chapter Nine: No Longer Safe
Chapter Ten: Long Journey Ahead
Chapter Eleven: Jailbirds of a Feather
Chapter Twelve: Blurred Memories
Chapter Thirteen: Sad Girl
Chapter Fourteen: Land of The Smash Monkeys
Quick (A/N)

Chapter One: We're the Mario Brothers!

1.8K 60 40
By SmallJellybean42

A catchy yet familiar tune suddenly plays and an ad for what looks to be a plumbing company starts playing. Featured in the ad are a pair of brothers named Mario and Luigi. They both wear blue overalls but Mario wears red and Luigi wears green. Most people get confused on whether or not they're twins by how identical they are, well, besides, their unique mustaches. Even though Luigi was the younger brother, he was quite taller than him.

🎶 We're the Mario Brothers! And plumbing's our game! We're not like the others who get all the fame!🎶

The brothers then show off by pulling up in a large yellow van marked The Super Mario Bros Plumbing on the sides. Trying to act cool for their ad, Mario and Luigi take off their sunglasses, as if they're suddenly the best plumbing company in the world.

🎶 When your sink is trouble, you can call us on the double! We're faster than the others, you'll be hooked on the brothers!🎶

After showing off by fixing a woman's sink, Mario and Luigi happily explain their business while their logo appears in the background.
"It's-a me, Mario!!" Mario stated with the most try-hard Italian accent known to man. Luigi did the same.
"And-a Luigi!!" Luigi chuckled, tilting his cap up in delight.

The Mario bros now stand in front of their van with Luigi looking snazzy as ever while leaning against it.
"Are you-a tired of-a paying too much for-a plumbing?" Mario asked the audience. They seemed to be over exaggerating just a bit but it still looked like a fun ad.
"Mama-Mia!" Mario and Luigi exclaimed looking shocked about everyone else's pricing statements on their jobs. The brother are then seen laying on stools with capes like they're flying. How Luigi's green outfit managed to stay in the green screen nobody knows. Either way, it managed.

"That's-a why the Super Mario Brothers are-a here!" Mario states triumphantly. They then show a map with a cute miniature version of their van going across it. Luigi stops it from continuing.
"To save-a Brooklyn!" Mario explains, continuing on with the accent. The accents seemed a bit forced but neither of the plumbers minded.
"And the Queens!" Luigi finishes.

"And-a your wallet! :D"

The woman who's sink the Mario Brothers rescued suddenly appears in her kitchen and smiles on the camera. She seemed to be the only person in the ad with no Italian accent.

Aside from the one of the best raps known to mankind playing in the background, of course.

"Thank you, Super Mario Bros! It seems that the only thing you haven't my bank account?" The woman seems confused about saying this, as if she's reading it off a script. She couldn't make sense of what that meant and made a disgusted look about it in response.

She should be glad she got paid to even do that.

Mario continues on with the ad, again, standing in front of the big yellow van with his brother.
"Forget the EXPENSIVE plumbing companies where-a you're-a just a face! With the Super Mario Brothers, we're your FAMILY!" Mario then stepped back and put an arm around Luigi's shoulder delightfully.

The rap and the ad finish up as Mario and Luigi stand in the cafe watching it from a small TV screen above them. They had just started their new business and had wanted to see how their first ad looked overall. By the excitement that blew up in the brothers, it was a huge success.

Mario and Luigi laughed in excitement and victory. Their business was going to be big in no time!
"Wow! You were great!!" Mario complimented his brother's performance, flipping his brother's cap down over his face in pure joy. Luigi repositioned it with a huge smile on his face and complimented his older brother in return.
"I was great?! Are you kidding me?!? YOU WERE GREAT!!!" Luigi punched Mario's shoulder as they celebrated. Not minding the fact that they were hopping around in excitement right in the middle of a restaurant in public.

"I can't believe we spent our entire life savings on this commercial!" Mario exclaimed like that was a perfectly fine thing to think of for them. It seemed as though this ad was their only hope of spreading their business around, even though plumbing isn't exactly the greatest choice in making a big business but it was what they did best so they stuck with it. Hopefully, they'd get a call soon.

Luigi managed to calm both of them down from their sugar high.
"That is NOT a commercial..."

"That is ✨Cinema✨"

As Mario thought on this, he began to think once again about the accents. He had been so nervous to use the accents but he wanted to try something new and so they did.
"But uh... What about the accents? Is it-... Is it too much?..." Mario asked his brother, who simply shook his head in response. Luigi would always look on the bright side of things and so he knew looking into the accents shouldn't be a huge problem anyway. Just then, a man in red overalls stood beside them, as if barging in on their conversation.

"Too much? It's-a PERFECT! W A H O O!"

Mario and Luigi smiled by the man's enthusiasm. Mario smiles with confidence.
"Okay, I'm gonna trust you." He stated to the man. They seemed to be good friends. Could possibly be that they go to the same destination every morning to catch up.

"Well, well, well..."

Mario and Luigi did not like hearing that voice first thing in the morning but here they were. A large bulky man in blue wearing sunglasses chuckled while holding a pizza. His beard was quite long but not long to where he would look like a younger version of Dumbledore thankfully.
"If it isn't Brooklyn's favorite failures, The Stupid Mario Brothers!" He laughed a loud at this while eating his pizza whole. (GAWT DAYUM BRO-)

Mario rolled his eyes in annoyance as he and Luigi walked over to where he was sitting.
"Oh great, Spike's here..." Luigi mumbled in defeat. Mario crossed his arms angrily, not liking how Spike was talking about them. Knowing their past, Mario was tempted to throw hands. If his brother weren't there, he probably would've done that already. Public or not.
"Heyyy, Spike..." Mario greeted in a not-so-welcoming tone. Spike took a sip of his drink before slamming it back down on his table while trying not to laugh.
"Yeah. 'it's-a me!' HAHAHAHA!!" Spike laughed a loud while taking off his sunglasses to really how how awful he was teasing them. He absolutely HATED the Mario Brothers and Mario felt the same way about him in return.

It's a long story...

Spike wiped a happy tear from his eye before his face narrowed and got serious.
"TELL ME, have you ever gotten ONE phone call since you left me to start your dumb company?" Spike asked, putting his sunglasses back on as he inched his face closer, trying to intimidate the brothers.

Mario was fixing to say something, knowing for a FACT that wasn't the real reason they left. Luigi spoke up, however, as he grinned and held up his green phone, trying to keep things on the positive side.
"As a matter of fact, Spike... We have!" Luigi grinned gesturing to his phone. Even Mario smiled in surprisement.
"Wow, really?" He asked his brother, wanting to know more.
"Uhh, yeah! Our Mom called and she said 'Oh boy, oh boy! This is the best commercial I've ever seen!'!" The more Luigi spoke about the call, the more Mario felt like he wanted to faze through the floor and disappear completely out of embarrassment. Sure, he loved his brother dearly but he didn't have to go that far about it.
Luigi set his arm on Mario as he continued.
"And I said 'Thank you very much, Mother. We're very proud of it!'." He wrapped his arm around Mario then, not comprehending the fact that Spike thought he was weird and crazy.
Without even thinking, Luigi slammed his phone onto the floor as if dropping a mic on Spike.
"SO BOOM!" It was only then Luigi realized what he did to his poor phone and how embarrassing that must've been. Meanwhile, Mario tipped his hat over his eyes a bit awkwardly.

There was a moment of silence between the three of them...

Spike chuckled at this, almost forgetting how nuts the Mario Bros were. He rubbed his beard in amusement, rolling up a wad of napkin as so.
"Hehehe...good luck runnin' a business with THIS IDIOT-" Spike managed to throw the napkin ball right at Luigi as he panicked and flinched near impact. Thankfully, Mario caught it just in time and glared at Spike furiously.

"Say that again about my brother...and you're gonna regret it..." Mario threatened, throwing the napkin ball right back at Spike as Luigi watched in worry. The napkin, of course, didn't amuse Spike a bit. He stood up angrily, showing his place to Mario as he stood a good 6 feet tall.
"Oh YEAH?!" Mario held his arm out protectively over his brother.
Even if he had to face the consequences, he was NOT gonna have his brother put in harms way...

Not again...

Not after that promise...

Suddenly, Spike grabbed Mario by his overalls angrily so that now they were straight face-to-face.
"Get THIS through your TINY BRAIN, Mario... you're a JOKE! And you ALWAYS WILL BE..."

Spike inched even closer to Mario with a deep glare as he tipped his sunglasses up, making sure Mario could see his cold stare as he then whispered to him through gritted teeth, making sure Luigi couldn't hear but Mario clearly could

"I WON'T hesitate to put a WRENCH through YOUR skull too..."

With that, Spike threw him into the ground as Mario felt his heartbeat accelerate angrily at hearing those words. The only people who knew of that day were Mario, their mom and dad, and Spike, and Mario planned to KEEP IT that way.

Spike then chuckled in satisfaction once more as he then left the cafe. Luigi helped his brother up, thinking he was out of his mind as Mario repositioned his hat angrily.

"Are you INSANE?! He's THREE TIMES your size!!" Luigi stated worriedly. Mario rolled his eyes and turned to him. It was about high time Luigi started getting over his fear of everything.
"Luigi, come on. I mean, you can't be scared all the time..." He explained politely. Luigi smiled a bit in response.

"Mmm, you'd be surprised..."

Luigi's phone, which was somehow not broken but still on the floor, suddenly started ringing and vibrating against the floor. The ringtone of course being the GameCube start-up sound.
Luigi picked up his phone and showed the number to Mario. Neither of them knew who was calling them, which must've been good news.
"Hello? Super Mario Brothers..." Luigi answered the phone in wonder. He suddenly brightly grinned, turning to Mario with a thumbs up.
"Uh-huh...a drip in your faucet? That's GREAT!!"

Both boys realize he might've said that wrong suddenly as they flinch.

"Err-... That's-that's great that you called us because we can be there and we can fix it right away! Okay!" With that, Luigi hung up, not even bothering to ask for their address or names. He whipped back to Mario in excitement.
"MARIO! WE GOT ONE!!!" Luigi shouted a loud as Mario chuckled in sweet victory. Once again, Luigi carelessly threw his phone in celebration as he hopped around and hugged his brother excitedly.

"The Super Mario Brothers are in BUSINESS!!!"

Both boys then quickly left the cafe. Ready to start anew.

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