God Meet The Monkey (Genshin...

By setsuna27tsubasa

38.3K 1.1K 713

Genshin impact x One Piece - update once every 2 to 3 months (if busy, it will take longer to update) - ⚠️S... More

Author Note
Chapter 1: Day Off Gone Wrong
Author Note 2: About Spoiler And Ships
Chapter 2: The "First" Contract
Chapter 3: Meet My New Son!
Side Story 1: I Missed You (Canon)
Chapter 5: Red And Blue.. Also Roger!
Chapter 6: Friendship Between Pirates And Marine
Chapter 7: A Little Secret
Author Note 3: New Ideas For Plot?
Chapter 8: Hanging Out With The Marine
Side Story 2: I Wish You Were Here (Canon)
Chapter 9: The First Shichibukai
Author Note 3: I'm Taking A Short Break?
Author Note 4: Update🕊️
Chapter 10: Hibiscus And Boogeyman Of The Sea
Side Story 3: "You've Change, In A Good Way." (Canon)
Side Story 4: "Who Is Your Favourite?!" (Canon)
Chapter 11: "Suicide Is The Key!" "Roger No-"
Side Story 5: The Sea And Dragon (Canon)

Chapter 4: His "Children"

3.1K 76 39
By setsuna27tsubasa



"Luffy is best boy" - talking

'Luffy is best boy' - thinking

"Luffy is best boy" - screaming

"Luffy is best boy" - Den den Mushi




"How old are you Morax?"

"Why do you want to know, Guizhong?"

"Just asking and I know you are older then me, and when I was born you already there.. so I'm just curious."

"Your curiosity will lead you to your death you know?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"I've dwelt upon this world for more than six thousand years."

"So you six thousand years old?"

"No, more than that."

"Woah, you are an old man-- wait that's mean you're as older as the Heavenly principles!!"

"I guess you can say that..."

"I date to an old man.." she mumbled.

"And yet this old man, you fell in love with."




3rd POV

"They've meet..."

"Why he's here?"

There was an awkward silence between them after Garp left the house to buy more donuts (for himself), Dragon wasn't expected this meeting with his new brother to be this awkward. Well it a one-sided awkward, mostly on his side.

He try to stay calm in this situation but something about his new brother doesn't sit right to him. Something tell him, that this man is hiding something big.

After hearing his father and Zhongli conversation a while ago. He won't let his father go near to this man or let that man stay with his father.

This man who sit in front of him are dangerous.

Danger danger danger, not safe not safe not safe, leave.. LEAVE!!

Cold sweat rolled down on Dragon face, his throat felt dry. He lean back on the couch trying to act normal.

Dragon observed every little movement Zhongli make. Zhongli seem calm in this situation as he pour the tea for both him and Dragon. Zhongli glance at Dragon with a smile on his face, "How many sugar cubes would you want in your tea, Dragon?"

You probably wondering how this happen.. Well it all start with Garp and Zhongli arrive at Foosha Village.


It a lovely village with windmills surrounding them. The East Blue, the weakest sea and the most calm sea that what they told Zhongli. Lies, what a bunch of crap.

Even though he not from this world he knew that the weakest sea are home to the most powerful people and powerhouse. From his research and information he got from Garp stories.

Let take Gol D. Roger and Monkey D. Garp for example, both born on East Blue yet look at them now. One is the most powerful pirate (and future pirate King) in the sea and the others is the hero of the marine. Both are respected and fear by many. (on both side, the pirates and the marine)

Zhongli got a feeling there will be more powerhouse in this side of the sea in the future. He smiled just thinking about it, he couldn't wait to see them.

"Zhongli! Come here, I want you to meet someone!" screamed Garp to get Zhongli intention. The smile on his face never leave him.

Zhongli walked towards his adoptive father and spotted a young girl and a man beside him.

"This is my new son, Zhongli! Zhongli, meet Wood Slap and Makino!" Garp proudly said and slapped Zhongli back. Zhongli didn't move one bit from Garp hard slap, mind you Garp use haki when he slapped Zhongli back.

"Nice to meet you, My name is Zhongli." Zhongli bow his head a little bit to show respect to the elderly, though he way older then any of them.

Makino stare at the former god with awe. Never she seen a beautiful guy before. She wonder what his skin routine.

"I like your earring" said Makino as she pointed at Zhongli left ear. Zhongli smiled at the young girl. "Thank you dear."

Makino smile back at the former God and let out a small giggle. She asked him bunch of questions about himself.

"I never thought you will adopt someone, let alone a grown up man. I thought you adopt a kid." said Wood Slap as he glance at Garp.

Garp laughed, "Me neither!" Wood Slap just shook his head, and look up to Zhongli. "Welcome to Foosha Village, lad."

Zhongli turn his head towards the old man and smiled, he nodded his head.

"Why are you here?"

"God, there's God here.."

"You're not supposed to be here.."

Zhongli glanced towards the sea, the winds gently blowing his hair. The Sea and wind whispered into his ears. Not now, this is not the time...

"Zhongli! What are you standing there for?"

"Ah, I'm so sorry dad.. I was just thinking about something."


After introducing Zhongli to the townfolk in Foosha village, Garp lead him to a small white house near the forest that look like they been abandoned for years.

"This will be your new home!"

Zhongli stare at the house, eyes scanning the house from top to bottom. He hummed, the house could do some make over. He could lawn the grass, paint the house. The gate could do some fixing.

"What are you standing there for? Come inside!" said Garp as he open the main door. Zhongli followed him inside the house, luckily the house seem tidy minus the dust on every corner of the room.

Garp open the curtains, dust flying everywhere and the sunlight shine through the window. Garp close his eyes and began to coughing while waving his right hand in front of him to get the dust away from his face.

Yup, this place need a major clean up. From inside and outside. Has Garp never set foot to this house?

"Are you alright Dad?" asked Zhongli as he gently pat Garp back. Garp giving him a thumb up while still coughing. Damn, maybe Garp should come here once in a while to get this place clean.

"I can clean this place while you stay outside, dad."

"Great idea." said Garp before let out another cough.

Zhongli eyes followed Garp as he exit the house. As soon the door close behind him, he began to look around the house. The dust didn't bother him much. Zhongli eyes began to glow as he snaps his fingers.


Garp is holding his geo vision in his hand, gently rubbed the golden gem while waiting for his adopted son clean the house. His lip twitch upwards, he doesn't know why he felt happy while holding the vision, keeping them close to his heart. That warm feeling, just like when he was with her but at the same time felt different.

Warmth and feel protected. Everything will be fine. Somewhat like a mother warmth kinda way.

He hummed, the wind gently flowing into his face. Garp close his eyes and let his mind wonder, what will the future be like. Now that he got a literally god by his side. And funny enough the god himself become his son. It hilarious when he think about it.

He become a adoptive father to an old ancient god from another world, Garp can help but to chuckle by that statement.

Thinking about son, Garp wonder how his son, Dragon doing right now. That rascal son of his, not only he refuse to become a marine. To make thing worse he start a damn revolutionary against the damn world government.

He knew he been hard on his son after the death of his wife, training him and tried to make Dragon a marine. Tried to hammered down his way of justice into his son brain, but in the end it didn't go as he plan in his mind to be.

Garp knew the marine is nothing but a slave for the world government and the world government are the slave to the celestial dragon. He know he wasn't the best father to his own son.

He did tried his best for his son. Garp want the best of him. If he become a marine, no one will touch his son.. he will make sure of it.

Garp wonder if he should call his son again, but than again he knew his son will come to him after he claim he just adopt a new son to Dragon.

Dragon won't admit it himself but Garp knew Dragon protective over him and he himself are the same as Dragon. No matter how much Garp hate his son for being a revolutionary, he can't help but to feel proud of Dragon. He so proud of his son to stand up to the world government when he couldn't do himself.

He is proud and worried about Dragon. He love his son, his pride and joy. He is not the best father to Dragon but he try to help him whenever he could.

Garp may or may not give some information about the world government or the movement of the marine to Dragon, so that his son can do his work smoothly.

Did he just betray the marine? In Garp mind, he mainly just help his son and being a supportive dad to his son passion. It his duty as a father to help his son. He done nothing wrong.

Family and work are two separate things. Family is family and work is work. Garp never (maybe) mixed those thing together ever. He help the marine by catching the evil pirates, help and save the civilians. It his duty as a marine.

He help his son by helping him get the information Dragon want even though Dragon can get the information easily, Garp insist giving his son the information. It his duty as a father to help his son.

It not his fault that he being torn between family and work... Both are equally important to him.

Garp lean back to the tree behind him, did he do the right thing? He wish to quit his job as a marine and just being a father to his wanted son but at the same time he want to set thing right and teach the young marine the right way of being a good marine.

If he quit now, who knows what will happen in the near future. This rotten place and world make him want to puke.

"Umi.. Nika.. What should I do?" he mumbled to himself. He didn't know what to do.

Should he asked Zhongli to help him? No, he can't.. Can he? Zhongli, his adoptive son want a normal life. Zhongli doesn't want to get involved in this world drama. Besides he already make a contract to the god of contract.

But than again the contract said he can asked for help and Zhongli will help him within his power.

Should he asked the god himself for this selfish request? Asking for help... No, he is the parent here. It supposed to be him who help his children not the other way around. Even if Zhongli is a god, he is still his son in a (weird) way.

"Dad, I'm done cleaning the house." without warning or even a hello from Zhongli, he appear in front of Garp and almost startle the poor old man heart. Garp swear his heart almost pop up from his chest.

"Sweet mother of sea-- don't appear in front of me like that!" Garp screamed with shark teeth. He grumbled, he doesn't felt Zhongli coming towards him. Even with his Kenbunshoku (observation) haki still active, he doesn't sense Zhongli presence at all like he just teleport here.

Zhongli stare at Garp, scanning the man face. "Is something bothering you, dad?" the former god asked.

Garp let out a heavy sigh, "When you said I can asked for your help.. Does that mean I can asked you for anything? Even if it selfish request?" he asked as he gripped the vision in his hand tightly.

Zhongli blink a couple times. 'What a silly question' he thought . Zhongli smile at Garp. "To answer your question, yes. As long it within my power, I will gladly to help you." he said in a soft tone.

Zhongli gently took Garp hand that hold the geo vision and bring it his lip. Gently press his lip on to Garp hand. "Even though you're legally my adoptive parent. You are someone who under my protection, my children in a way. I will do anything within my power to help you, Monkey D. Garp."

His eyes glowing into golden colour. Garp stare at the god in front of him, and began to flustered by Zhongli action. He didn't mean to pulled his hand away really fast when his hand make a contact with Zhongli lip. His ears turn bright red from embarrassment.

Zhongli didn't seem to mind and keep smiling at him. Garp grumbled, and Zhongli chuckled.

Garp fake coughing and clear his throat. "If that the case, will you help me train the new recruit whenever I asked you to come with me?"

"Of course." Zhongli reply shortly.

"Even though you want nothing to do with the world drama?"

"If it for you (my children), than it fine by me."

Garp let out a loud booming laughter. "Bwahahahaha!! Don't go back in your words brat!"

Being called a brat by someone who way way way younger than you is hilarious. But Zhongli didn't mind.

"Of course, dad." said Zhongli as he turn his gaze towards the snail on top of the tree Garp lean to.


Dragon been listening to his father and his new brother conversation from the den den mushi in his hand, he place the other den den mushi on top of the tree his father lean to.

"Is something bothering you, dad?" his new brother asked his father. What could bothering his father, he need to find out.

He can hear his father let out a heavy sigh, "When you said I can asked for your help.. Does that mean I can asked you for anything? Even if it selfish?"

"To answer your question, yes. As long it within my power, I will gladly to help you."

So this is not a normal adoption, Dragon knew something suspicious about this adoption!

He keep on listening to the conversation, patiently.

"Even though you legally my adoptive parent. You are someone who under my protection, my children. I will do anything within my power to help you, Monkey D. Garp."

My children.

By that statement alone make Dragon confused. My children? What does he mean by that??

"If that the case, will you help me train the new recruit whenever I asked you to come with me?"

Is his new brother will become a marine? He frown.

"Of course."

"Even though you want nothing to do with this world drama?"

Dragon stare at the den den Mushi in his hand, what those he mean by "this world drama?". Something missing here.

"If it for you, than it fine by me."

There a 2 minutes silence before he heard Zhongli start talking again. And his heart nearly stop beating.

"I wonder, is your son always eavesdropping on someone?"

His heart stopped for a moment.


"I wonder, is your son always eavesdropping on someone?"

'How did he know!?'

Dragon use a special breed of camouflage den den Mushi, and even if they senses it with haki the snail just bland in with the nature just like a normal snail.

"Huh?" Garp rise his eyebrow.

Garp stare at Zhongli who give an odd question, it normal for Dragon to eavesdrop since he a revolutionary and all. Wait, he never told Zhongli about his son much, only stated that Dragon refused to become a marine and ran away from home.

Garp followed Zhongli gaze, he look up to the tree behind him. What is he looking at? Is his son spying on him again? There no way his son, Dragon on a tree hanging like a monkey.

Zhongli snapped his finger and appeared a small snail on his hand that look a bit like a den den Mushi.

Garp turn his head towards Zhongli blink a couple of time, before grab the small den den Mushi in Zhongli hand.

"You brat!! Come here and meet your new brother!!" he screamed at the poor snail.

Dragon who is the other side of the Foosha village cringe when he heard his father scream. He let out a sigh and put the small den den Mushi in his pocket.

He fixed his hoodie and his mask to hide his face. Guess he have to meet his father now.

Dragon wonder how Zhongli knew about the den den Mushi. He put the snail two days before they arrived at the Foosha village. How he sense the special breed den den Mushi that cannot been seen or sensed by Haki.


Zhongli might be more dangerous then he thought.


Garp huffed as he sit down on the coach. "That damn brat how dare he spy on his old man like that again." he mumbled as he munch down on the rice crackers.

The house are spotless, even the floor look like a mirror when you look at them, shinning too. He wonder how Zhongli do it.

The house smells nothing like Garp ever smells before, smells like a type of flower but he can't put a finger on what type. It smells great, relaxing and nostalgic.

He wasn't a big fan of flowers but his wife love them so he learn a few thing about flowers, their meaning and smells.

Garp sniffing around the house trying to find the source of that lovely smells, it would be great if he can get some of it and put them in his office.

He spot a beautiful white with blue tip flowers on top of the bookshelf. The flowers hasn't even bloom, yet they already give a nice soft fragrance.

"I see you like the smell of glaze lily." said Zhongli who just get out from the kitchen while holding a tray of a hot tea.

Garp turn his head towards Zhongli, "Glaze lily? I never heard of that flowers before."

"It from my world, I always keep some with me. I also have some seeds to plant them around the house if you want." Zhongli put down the tray on to the table.

Garp smile softly, "That would be great. I really like the smell."

The father and son duo began to chat while having tea and biscuits. A couple minutes later a thunder can be heard from outside.

Garp smile goes wider then before, "Look like my damn son finally came home!"

Zhongli hummed, "It seem I have to make a new batch of tea." Zhongli get up from his sit and took the tray along with the teapot. He heading towards the kitchen.

Garp get up from his sit and walk towards the door. As soon he open the door he face with a grumpy young adult in black who is glaring at him.

Garp rise his fist that coat with haki and hit the person in front of him right in the head but the man smoothly dodge it.

"How dare you dodge my fist of love brat!--"

The man took off his mask, "Father, what were you thinking?" the man said with a dark tone. Clearly upset and confused by his father action.

Garp rise his eyebrow, "What you talking about Dragon? I done many thing, you have to be more--"

"You know what I'm talking about!" it rare to see Dragon lose his cool. His father know how to push his buttons to make him lose control of his own emotions.

A trick mark appear on Garp forehead, he clutch his teeth and rise his fist coat with haki once again.. This time the fist hit his target.

Dragon hold his head and look at his father in shocked. "You damn brat! Cutting me off everytime I speak--"

"Is everything alright, dad?"

Dragon flinched a little bit, that voice.. Even though he heard his voice before on den den Mushi, hear it in person give him a goosebumps.

Dragon move his gaze from his father towards Zhongli who standing behind Garp while holding a tray. When their make eyes contact, Dragon swear Zhongli eyes starts to glow into golden colour.

Zhongli give Garp son a smile, "Is that your son, dad?" oh, Zhongli know the man that in front of Garp is Dragon. Yet he still asked Garp.

"Oh Zhongli! Meet your brother, this is Dragon!" without warning Garp pulled Dragon inside the house. Dragon almost, almost fall to the floor by Garp sudden pull.

"Nice to meet you Dragon, my name is Zhongli. I hope we both can get along."



Dragon stare at Zhongli as he pour a cup of tea for him.

"How many sugar cubes would you want in your tea, Dragon?" asked Zhongli. The former god didn't get any replies from the young man.

Zhongli understand why he give him a cold shoulder and a silent treatment. He won't force Dragon to reply back at him. Zhongli just keep smiling at Dragon who frowned even further if that even possible?

He push the bowl of sugar to Dragon, "I will give this to you, so you can add the sugar however you like." Zhongli said while Dragon keep his mouth tight shut.

Zhongli take a sit in front of Dragon. "I heard a few thing from dad about you, Dragon."

Dragon flinched a little bit by this, Zhongli pretend he didn't see that and keep going. "Dad said you're anti-social, a brat and refusing to become a marine.." Dragon can't help but to click his tongue. Zhongli just chuckled.

"Dad always talk about you, even though he claims that he doesn't like what you doing right now... He has a big grin on his face whenever he talks about you."

There's silence.

"I know you don't trust me, and I won't force you to."

"My father always have a good judgement over people he meet. He can tell whenever if that person are good or evil. And I trust my father judgement to adopt you." Dragon finally open his mouth and still keeping his eyes towards Zhongli.

"I trust my father but I don't trust you yet. I don't like nor hate you... I will be honest, you feel out of place as if you don't belong here." he added.

Zhongli rise his eyebrow a little bit, "Oh, and why is that?" he smiled.

Dragon open his mouth then close it again, he let out a sigh. "I don't know. You done nothing but kindness especially to my father."

Dragon close his eyes as he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. He open his eyes and glared dagger towards Zhongli. "But my guts tell me that you are dangerous. What are you hiding?"

Zhongli blink his eyes and let out a chuckle. "Haha~ I guess I could just tell you the truth, but let's wait for dad." yeah, telling Dragon the truth is a good thing. He did make a contract to protect the Monkey Family. And Garp biological son need to know the truth or there will be a misunderstanding in the future. He need to clear thing up.

Dragon frown, the tea in front of him already gone cold. He glance at the cold tea and grab the cup. Dragon sniff a little bit, to see if this was poison. Not that it matters, poison can't really kill him sadly. He already immune to all poison.

"Why you calling him 'dad' despite you only knew my father less then a week." asked Dragon as he take a sip of the cold tea.

'Delicious... What kind of tea is this?' Dragon thought as he keep drinking the tea slowly.

"Oh, he told me to called him dad after he adopted me."

Dragon almost choked on his tea, "And you follow his request?"

Zhongli just nodded his head and just Dragon sigh. After that they both stop talking and just enjoy the silent between them.

"Would you like some more tea Dragon?"

Dragon nodded his head. Zhongli already like Dragon.

"Is the tea to your liking?"


"I can tell you what tea leaf I used."

"That would be nice, thank you."

"You are most welcome."


Both of the former god and the most wanted criminal enjoy the peaceful and quiet moment between them... That until a certain D. members ruined the quiet moment.

Garp burst the door down, the poor door flying towards Zhongli and he easily catch the broke door. "Bwahahaha! I'm back with more foods!"

"Dad you should stop kicking the door down, what if someone else got hit by it?" said Zhongli calmly as he put down the broke door to the floor.

Dragon widen his eyes and almost drop his jaw on to the ground when he watch Zhongli catch the door gracefully and elegantly, as if the broken door slow down on last minute before Zhongli catch them.

Okay, there's no way a normal person would catch a flying door like that!

Garp loudly laughed, "Bwahahaha! Seem like both of you get along just fine!" said Garp as his grin began to grow wider.

Zhongli glance at Dragon who still in shock state, "More or less." Zhongli give him a smile.

"Well that's good enough for me!"

Garp took sit down on the couch beside his son, Dragon and began to eat the donuts he brought.

"Now that dad is here, we can talk about it." said Zhongli as he crossed his arms. He look towards Dragon with a smile on his face.

Garp rise his eyebrow, "Talk about what?" he said with mouth full of donuts.

"About our contract of course."

Garp stop crewing the donuts and gulped it down in one go. He lick the icing on his lip and fingers before clearing his throat. "I thought we gonna keep it a secret?" Garp look at his son beside him.

"Contract? What contract?" Dragon glare at his father. What type of contract did his father do!? But Garp never followed order before, let alone signing a contract! Garp ignore his son question.

Dragon turn his face towards Zhongli who is still smiling. What his father and this man hiding!? He tried to stay calm and not jump in any conclusions.

Zhongli ignore the glare Dragon give to him and turn his head towards Garp. "We are, but Dragon is a part of Monkey family is he not?" Zhongli replied Garp question.

Garp hummed, "So we're not breaking the contract." Garp said it to himself. "Are you going to give him this vision too?" he asked and Garp took out his geo vision in his pocket.


Dragon glanced at the vision in his father hand. "Father, what is this contract you sign from him. And what's a vision?" asked Dragon who clearly desperate to know the answer. He pray for his father didn't do anything crazy or stupid.

This is his father he talking about of course Garp going to do something crazy and stupid!

"I will be straight to the point, and if you have any questions.. And feel free to asked me."

Dragon nodded his head.

"I'm not from this world." Zhongli paused to see Dragon reaction, Dragon widen his eyes and his mouth slightly open.

Zhongli continued, "I got pulled into a black portal from my world when I waa taking a stroll around liyue, my country and came to your world unconscious. And your father, Monkey D. Garp found me on the open sea and rescue me." he paused again.

Zhongli look at Dragon who trying to process the new information he just got. "So you are a noble in your world?" Dragon asked.

Zhongli chuckle, "No, I'm not a noble. I'm higher than that. I am an Archon, well former Archon or in other word a God." Dragon frown by this statement.

"You claim yourself as a God?"

Zhongli blinked a couple of time, "Oh, my apologise for not explain it better. I'm not claiming myself as a God. I am one. But right now I retired and live as a human." said Zhongli.

Dragon doesn't know how to respond to that. God? He's a real god!? Well that's explains his aura around him.

'Why she not told me before hand..' he thought as he thinking about her.

Dragon glanced at his father to conferm that statement, Garp just give him a wide grin.

He sigh, "What about the contract you make father sign? Care to explain?" Dragon rise his eyebrow, sure his father is not stupid but he does make a reckless decisions.

Zhongli was about to explain the contract he do but Garp beat him to it, though in simple and short.

"Oh that! I promise Zhongli that I protect him and keep his secret about him being a god and from another world!" he huffed proudly.

Dragon look at his father as if he grew two heads. A human protect a god, well that the first time he heard. And Garp, his father keep a secret? A lose mouth, don't know how to keep a secret and straight up blurted it out everything on his mind, keeping a secret?? Him? Garp the fist??

If that a joke, then Dragon is not laughing at all. He is the last person you want to keep a secret from!! Though he is surprised his father didn't blurted out his secret about him being a revolutionary to anyone. Maybe he can keep one or two secret with him.

Dragon turn his head towards Zhongli, "Father can't keep a damn secret."

Garp yelled out "Hey." at the background but Dragon ignored him.

"I trust Garp." that is the first time he said Garp's name after he adopted him. Dragon again let out another sigh. Gently rubbing his forehead.

"Do you have any questions Dragon?"

"How long is the contract last?" Dragon crossed his arms.

"Till I go back to my world."

"And how long will it takes?"

Zhongli stay silent for a few minutes. Before holding his chin with his index finger and thumb, "I cannot give you the right answer to that question on when I will go back to my world because I myself didn't know why am I here. What the purpose? Why it chose me?" he said. Zhongli really want to give Dragon an answer but he himself didn't know why he was sent here in this world.

'I will asked her later about this...' Dragon thought as he crossed his arms.

Another sighs came from Dragon. "And what about the vision? What's that?"

"It like a communication device and it can pin point your location, so I can teleport to you." Zhongli simply explain.

Dragon stay silent for a few minutes before open his mouth again. "Can it be destroyed? What if someone took it." it will be a pain in the neck if the marine get their hands of this precious vision.

Zhongli chuckle, Dargon asked the same things as Garp. Like father like son, no?

"The vision cannot be destroyed, and if someone took it or you lose it, it will teleport to you in second. And only my children can hold those vision."

Chill run through Dragon spine, "Your Children?"

"My apologies, I mean people who are under my protection or people who make a contract with me. It part of the contract." said Zhongli.

Dragon shook his head, trying to calm himself down. "In other words those vision also keeping track on people who made contract with you?"

Zhongli nodded his head, "Yes."

"Are the contract.. Like master and servant? A slave contract?"

Zhongli smiled, "No, this is not a slave contract. You can look through the contract if you like." Zhongli snaps his finger and a piece of paper appear and floating in front of Dragon.

Dragon grab the paper and carefully reading the contract. There's no suspicious demand in this, he sigh in relief.

"Okay, I trust you for now, but if you try anything funny or hurt my father in any ways. May you be a God or not, I will haunt you down and kill you." Dragon let out a little bit of Haoshoku (Conqueror) Haki towards Zhongli.

"I will keep that in mind."


Zhongli snaps his fingers and a vision appear in front of Dragon. "If you need any help you can called my name and I will come to you."

The moment Dragon touch the vision a warm feeling flowing into him. His lip twitch upwards a little bit. It the same feeling when he with her but different.

Garp look at both of his sons with a proud smile. He than pulled his sons into a bear hugs.


Dragon is flustered and caught off guard by his father action, his face turn into soft pink while his ears are bright red. He tried to push away his father but that only make the hugs tighter. This is embarrassing!!

Zhongli on other hand let out a chuckled and return the hugs Garp give him. He bring his ear to Garp chest and listened to his heart beats. Snuggled into the warmth.

Without warning Garp give both Dragon and Zhongli a kiss on the forehead and saying he love both of them. Dragon turn his face away from embarrassment and mumbled "I love you too."

'Oh..' this is the first time the person who under Zhongli protection give him a kiss on a forehead, usually it the other way around.

Ahh, this warmth...


Love, he love Garp and Dragon.

His people, his children...

His children...

He love them so much...

They are his...

'They are mine.'

Zhongli smiled as he gently tugging the end of Garp collar and bring his face towards Garp cheek and return the kiss on the cheek. Garp face turn red but turn back to normal after as few seconds, he laughed and return the kiss. Zhongli chuckled from the kiss because of Garp beard, it tickle-ish.

Garp turn his head towards Dragon who already a bit pale. "Don't you dare father!" he yelled. Garp laughed, "Come here you brat!"

Laugher and screaming/yelling could be heard from the tiny white House. Laughter from Garp and scream/yelling from Dragon.

After a few minutes, they all calm down and sit on the couch together. Garp in the middle while Zhongli and Dragon are on each side of him. It rare to see Dragon this close to his father especially right now. Dragon lean on his father, resting his head on Garp shoulder.

He kinda miss this feeling with his father. Relaxing with Garp with no yelling or having an argument with his father. When the last time he bond together with his father?

"What will you do now, Zhongli?" asked the chief of the revelationary army, Dragon is curious what would his new brother do in this world. Being a marine? A pirate? A revolutionary?

Zhongli hummed before answering his question, "Maybe travel around the world. Maybe I could find an answer while travelling on why I got teleport here."

"I see.."

Silence, than they both heard a soft snoring. They look up and see their father already fall asleep and drooling a little bit. Zhongli and Dragon look at each other and chuckled.

'Maybe having a new siblings are not so bad after all.. Even if they're a god.' he mentally laughed at the last thought.

Dragon hummed and lean closer onto his father warmth, he rest his head on Garp shoulder. He eyes began to felt heavy and soon he fall asleep.

'Maybe a little nap won't hurt..'

Zhongli who seen this can't help but to smile at the father and son duo. He snapped his fingers and a blanket appeared, the blanket slowly floating down and cover the vice-admiral and the chief of the revolutionary army also knows as the most wanted criminal.

Zhongli give both of them a kiss on the forehead, "I give you my blessings." he whispered.

Zhongli mind began to wonder, wonder if he can go back home to his world, to his other children. How he missed them dearly, the people in liyue. Xiao, the young adeptis... He hope he is fine at liyue. The screamed from Xiao will haunt him for life, how broke he sounds.

What if, what if he can't go back to tevyat. To his world.

No, he will find a way to go back. Even if it will take days, weeks, months or years. He must go home, his people still need him. Even though he already retired from being an archon, he can't help but to worry about them.

For now, he will be patient. He will do anything for his new family in this world.

"I better start cooking now." he said to himself and heading to the kitchen to preparing the ingredients for him to cook. Bet both Monkey's going to be hungry when they wake up.






Author notes:

And that's it for this month chapter~ this chapter is a bit longer than the previous chapters :)
(around 6k plus words, almost 7k words)

I have a lot to talk about this chapter but I will keep it simple and short!
Okay firstly, Dragon character! Since we know nothing about this man both in anime and in manga, it hard to pin point what his personality is like(?).

Sure I look to Wikipedia to know what his personality are and maybe mixed them together with my version of Dragon. Hshshhshsh it easier that way--- he is mature but at the same time not (not yet) hshshhs.. He still have that Monkey's family grin.

This is just my headcanon, I feel like Dragon is somewhat like his father, since both take their job seriously. And personally I think Dragon has a goofy side of him but never show it to anyone (but show it to his family).. 

I also make him a bit of a softie and let his emotions out whenever he with his family. Only to his family, he keep his poker face and his hold any emotions around his friends and the revolutionary army.

To be honest he look nothing like Garp so I believe he look more like his mother(?). Oh! there's this theory that claim Dragon is not Garp son but he is Garp son in law... And Dragon real father is Rock D. Xebac. And he take Garp family name to honor his wife (Garp daughter) death.. Sound crazy right? (it a fun theory, but if that's turn out to be true.. It would be crazy tho)

Also my headcanon Dragon has Haoshoku (Conqueror) Haki... Too spice things up you know?

On to the next topic what I want to talk about, I was thinking to add some references from other fanfics I read. It like an inspiration! (I will also leave a link, title and authors name of the fanfics on the end of the chapter for you guess to check the fanfics out!) 

Okay next, some characters will be out of character (ooc)... I try to stick to their personality and stuff as much as possible. (tho I doubt it, they already ooc at the beginning...)

Next is... Dun dun dun~ Dragon think about her.. Who is she? Well you have to wait for the next chapter.

And lastly, this fanfic will have a lots of time skips in the future. (hope you don't mind, I'm bad at explaining stuff. Especially explaining fight scene.) So I just write the important stuff of the plot. This story will soon follow the Canon story (one of the reason why there will be a time skips)

I think that's it! Woah that's a long notes. If you have any suggestions please comments down~ I will write more family fluff in the future~ I really enjoy writing family fluff and platonic relationships between friends.

Also I will try writing longer chapters for you guys!

Hope you enjoy this month update, and have a wonderful day dear readers~ see you next month!

Love and hugs from author <3






Some cute short comic I found on twitter~ Luffy give good night kiss to his nakama 🥰🥰

Credit to: mugiwarakuroko (on twitter)

Luffy being Luffy, he love his friends and family <3 kisses for everyone~

The strawhat be like: it was surprising at first but you will get used to it.

Poor Law look traumatized 😂😂

(Yes there will be platonic kisses in the future of this fanfic. Fond Family fluff baby~)






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