Pain Of The Color Blue (ALTA...

By lorenzaoct20

376 18 4

Kataara and Sokka All there life didnt know they had a half Sibling. A brother name Manu Who mother was shun... More

Chapter 1-Kingdom of Omashu
Chapter 2- Imprisoned
Chapter 3-Winter Solstice part one
Chapter 4-winter solstice part 2
Chapter 5-The waterbending scroll
Chapter 6-Jet
Chapter 8-The Storm
Chapter 9- The Blue Spirit

Chapter 7-The Great Divide

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By lorenzaoct20

Yet again we stopped  so we can set up camp but the sky had turned cloudy and that the clouds reflected the dying sun. I looked around to see the tent being jostle around from the inside as a rolled up tarp was next it. Only then did I realized Sokka was inside the tent trying to assemble it. I could even hear him grunting and fussing as he tries to fix our shelter. Usually the one who does the tent assembling is me. Sokka just look like a goffer trying to get out. While Kataara was holding some fire wood. Even though the other day she said something that was uncalled for I still haven't talked  to her about it. I am not a coward. Its just that she needs to have time to reflect. 

"umm Sokka aren't you forgetting the tarp?" Kataara said as she points at the rolled up tarp.

"right...Got it." he says as he takes the tarp and throws it inside the tent.

"Sokka, you're supposed to put the tarp on top of the tent. You know, so we don't get rained on?"  Kataara said as she stares at him. I don't really reply even though at this point the tarp should be on the tent since it will rain.

"Ordinarily, you'd be right, but seeing how it's the dry season, you're not. Besides that tarp makes a pretty warm blanket." He replies. It would be pretty dry but that is not gonna happen it going to rain at some point.

"But what if it does rain?" She gesture to Sokka.

"What if it doesn't? Then I would have put up the tarp for nothing." He says exasperated as he was waving his hands.

"Your infuriating." Kataara says as she stomps to him. "Tell him Manu that the tarp should be set up with the tent." 

"No Manu tell her Manu that its dry tonight its going to be cold." He looks at me. All I could do is stare at them.

"I have no comment." I say as I walk away.

"I guess Manu still doesn't want to talk to you." Sokka said as they watched go to feed Appa.

"i guess so." Kataara said sadly.

"well Kataara back to where we left off, why don't you worry about gathering firewood, because that kindling is looking pretty sorry." he said.

"Well if you don't like my firewood...." Kataara said as she throws a stick at Sokka which return he got angry and stands up to only being hailed out by a bunch of sticks being thrown at him.

"Well fine by me. If you don't want to do your job." he screams as he tears down the tent.

"Okay, I got the grub if you guys got the-" Aang said when he came to notice that Sokka and Kataara look away in anger, "  hey, where's the campfire? And what happened to the tent?"

"Why don't you ask Miss Know-It-All, Queen of the Twigs." Sokka mocked.

"Oh yeah? Well, you're Mister Lazy Bum, King of the..." Kataara mocks back as she picks up one stick and throws it at him, "TENTS."

Aang looks at me to get my side of the story. "Manu what happened here."

"Well All I can say that is those two idiots can't seem to come to an agreement." I tell one. "One saying the tent should have a a tarp. The other saying the tarp should be a blanket then comments that the fire wood is looking kind of stupid." I tell him.

"Oh. I get it now." Aang said noticing that I still am angry at Kataara.

"Okay, listen guys, harsh words won't solve problems, action will. Why don't you just switch jobs?" He suggested as he just laughs.

"Sounds good." Kataara agreed. While Sokka just Said, "Whatever."

"You see that? Settling feuds and making peace, all in a day's work for the Avatar." He gloated as we see Momo and Appa fighting over a watermelon.

"That's it you two." I say as I took the watermelon and gave it to Aang to cut it in half or more like 1/4 for Momo and 3/4 for Appa since Appa is bigger. As Aang gave it to them Momo seems to complain about the size difference while Appa just ate his.

"Come on Momo that seems fair. Appa has five stomachs." He tells him. 

The next day showed up as we stared into the great Canyon. I found it amazing. Breathtaking and calm.

"there it is guys. The Great Divide" As Aang shows us the great Canyon.

"wow, Its breathtakingly beautiful." Kataara said in awe while I stared at Sokka who doesn't seem too interested.

"Okay I seen enough." he said.

"Sokka just relax." I say.

"How can you not be fascinated Sokka? This is the largest canyon in the entire world." Kataara said at the same time.

"Then I'm sure we'll be able to see it very clearly from the air while we fly away. And Manu as a matter of fact I am relaxed." He says as A rude guy just shove Sokka as he walked past.

"Hey that rude too push someone." I made a comment at him.

"If your looking for the canyon guide, I was here first." He declared.

"Ooh, canyon guide. Sounds informative." Kataara said.

"Believe me, he's more than a tour guide, he's an earthbender," He said but I just stared at Sokka who was basically mocking him without this guy ever noticing it. " and the only way in and out of the canyon is with his help, and he's taking my tribe across next."

"But that doesn't mean you can shove my friend like he is insignificant. Besides we are going to walk through the canyon so you can have the guide yourself." I say.

"Yea, just calm down, we know you're next." Sokka said calmly.

"You wouldn't be so calm if the Fire Nation destroyed your home and forced you to flee! My whole tribe has to walk thousands of miles to the capital city of Ba Sing Se." he say as a matter of fact way. Why do people always have to belittle others. It shows that the world is basically simple minded.

"You're a refugee." Kataara said.

"Huh, tell me something I don't know." He sassed back.

"Refugee or not he still rude." I commented., "Can I knock him out? He getting quite annoying."

"No Manu. Don't do that." Aang warned. AS we noticed a group of messy dirty who basically look like savages But who am I to judge was walking towards us.

"Is that your tribe?" Kataara asks. What part of that look do you think that they are his tribe.

"It most certainly is not! That's the Zhang tribe, a bunch of low-life thieves. They've been the enemies of my tribe for a hundred years." He says in disgust, "Hey, Zhangs! I'm saving a spot for my tribe so don't even think about stealing it!"

"great another damn trouble." I say for some strange reason I feel like I am going to get annoyed by two tribes. 

"Manu you Okay?" Aang asks noticing the atmosphere.

"I don't know Aang. For some reason I just feeling kind of irritated today. And this day will probably the longest day I will have." I tell him.

"It's going to be okay Manu." He tells me.

"I hope so." I say as I try to tune out the issue at hand. 

"Where are the rest of the Gan Jin? Still tidying up their camp site?" This gorilla woman said. 

"Yes, but they sent me ahead of them to hold a spot." said the Gan Jin demanding idiot.

"I didn't know the canyon guide took reservation." the Zhang leader said.

"Ha, of course you didn't! That's the ignorance I'd expect from a messy Zhang. So unorganized and ill-prepared for a journey." He mocked them. It just irked me as he said that. As the Zhang tribe behind them was offended as they protested. Kataara and the gang looked at each other worriedly. Then I notice the rocks around them were vibrating and floated up to see and old earthbender man behind it.

"sorry for the wait. Who's ready to cross the canyon?" He asks.

"Uh one of these two bozos." I pointed at them sounding so irritated.

"Man Manu is really irritated today." Aang whispers to Kataara and Sokka.

"Yea I noticed. Though to be fair Kataara did say harsh words to him the other day. So I am not surprise he still so grumpy." Sokka said.

"You're right. It still must be fresh to him." Aang said looking at Kataara sadly knowing Manu still mad at her.

"I was here first." Said the impatient Gan jin guy. "My tribe is on their way."

"I can't guide people who aren't here." The guide said.

"Guess you guys will have to make the trip tomorrow." the zhang leader mocks as they walk passed the angry Gan jin. When seconds later another tribe walks his way him.

"wait here they come." he said as he points to them. I looked at them they were different from the messy tribe, they clean well dress but has this superior complex.

"You're not seriously gonna cave into these spoiled Gan Jins? I mean we're refugees too! And we've got sick people that need shelter." Complained the Zhang leader.

"Well....I....Uh!" He stuttered as he tries to find an answer.

"We've got old people who are weary from traveling." the clean guy says.

"Sick people get priority over old people." she said.

"Maybe you Zhangs wouldn't have so many sick people if you weren't such slobs." the Gan jin old man says.

"If you Gan Jins weren't so clean, you wouldn't live to be so old."  she yelled back.

"Well Aang, ready to put your peace-making skills to the test?" Kataara says as she looks at the two tribes. But I couldn't take more of this idiocy.

"Shut up! Can't you both just share the canyon guide and be done with it." I shouted.

"Manu?" the gang looked to me.

"Absolutely not! We'd rather be taken by the Fire Nation than travel with those stinking thieves!" the leader of the Gan jin says.

"We wouldn't travel with those pompous fools anyway!" the Zhang tribe yelled back then the arguing came back again.

I looked at Aang ," Guys and Aang forgive me what I am about to do. We prolly going to walk this time."

"Stop with all this fighting. Here the damn deal You either take it or you just have to stay here and get capture by the fire nation." I gritted my teeth. After I said that they shut up.

"Whats the deal?" Aang asks.

"We  are all going to down this canyon as one. Appa here will fly your old and sick people across the valley." I say "Now does that seem fair to you?"

"Thats seems fair." They said. As I walk away.

"Sorry Appa your going to be alone for a while." Aang says. As they load up the sick and the elderly one

"This feuding tribe stuff is serious business. Are you sure it's a good idea getting involved in this?" Sokka asks Kataara and Aang.

"To tell you the truth, I'm not sure. But when have I ever been?" Aang said warily.

"even though it was suppose to be Aang to try to make peace. surprisingly it is Manu that came helping. Even though he sound really irritating as he did so." Kataara said as they looked toward Manu who  has of right now just feels irritated about the whole thing.

"Yea but I am not to thrilled that Manu making us walk across this canyon on foot." Sokka complained.

"Your one to talk. remember the other day when you said your instincts was for us not to use Appa so we ended up walking which brought us to this situation where Manu is mad at me." Kataara commented.

"Sorry Sokka, but Kataara is right Manu wouldn't be this irritated if we had just flown Appa then." Aang agreed.

"You guys like to point my fault don't ya?" he said glumly.

"And beside Manu did find a way for them to not argue for a short time. Hopefully its not too long of  trip." she said as the canyon guide starts to talk to us.

"Okay, now comes the bad news." he starts to say.

"Bad news. What the bad news?" Manu looked to him.

"No food allowed in the canyon, it attracts..." he says as he makes a gesture on what they look like, "Dangerous creatures."

When he said that yet again the two tribe started to complain. As the they argue Manu was this close to shouting at them again.

"These two tribe should be quiet. Looks to to me Manu already pissed off again." Sokka said as he motion to Manu.

"No food?! This is ridiculous." the Gan Jin leader said.

"You know what's ridiculous. Your idiotic fight. Just listen to the damn guide. He knows more about this canyon then you do. You want to get across listen to him. If you don't want to listen then go back and find another way cause the way I see it you this is probably the only way. Just Suck it up and deal with it. Its only gonna be a day only." Manu screams.

"He is right, Can't you babies go a day without food?" the guide said, "Would you rather be hungry, or dead?" Upon saying that  they looked like they understood, "Now, we're heading down in ten minutes. All food better be in your gut or in the garbage!" 

After that fiasco, they all started taking out their food. The Zhang tribe were stuffing as much food in their mouth as fast as possible while the Gan Jin tribe were eating clean and slowly with chopsticks. Manu could tell they are really opposite from each other. As he looked to Kataara and Sokka like those two. As Aang talks to the people on Appa back.

Minutes later everyone was done eating as much as they can they came to the entrance as the guide earthbend a rock revealing the pathway down.

"Nice bending." Aang comments.

I looked around to see if anyone was there. I chose to be in the back to protect the rear end.

"The job's much more than bending, kid. Folks want information." he started to say when he looks to us, "Many of you are probably wondering how canyons are formed. Experts tell us this canyon was most likely carved into the ground by earth spirits who were angry at local farmers for not offering them a proper sacrifice."

Wow this tour guide is literally taking his job seriously.  Then I notice an avalanche coming down as the guide bends them a different direction.

"He he he, guess the spirits are still angry! Hope you all brought sacrifices." he jokes. I find that disturbing then funny.

As we reached the bottom of the valley, the guide told us to clear the area. I saw that he bends the rocks and made it hit the pathway he made and broke it. I get why he had to do it.

"Why did you do that?" Aang asked.

"These people are fleeing the Fire Nation, aren't they? Gotta make sure we can't be followed. We'll be safe now." he says as I saw a large shadow behind him grabbed him that when I took out my sword as rush to help him. The gang also had the same Idea as I had.

"We gotta help him!" Sokka shouted as he threw his boomerang which got the attention of this creature, "Now you gotta help me."  as Kataara whips out her waterbending. While I slice his leg off, but in the end it hit us back so Aang had to airbends it away.

"What is that?" Aang asked him.

"Canyon crawler." the guide said as he was on the ground but he was injured, "But there is sure to be more."

"your arms are broken." Kataara said.

"Without my arms I can't earthbend," he says, "in other words-"

"We are trapped here." I finished it. I looked to the group as I said that.

"I thought the whole point of ditching our food was so we wouldn't have to deal with things like canyon crawlers." Sokka said.

"Apparently some one didn't listen." I growled.

"It's the Zhangs! They took food down here even after the canyon guide told them not to." Gan jin leader accused. Here we go again.

"What? If there's anyone who can't go without food for a day, it's you pampered Gan Jins!" they accused back. Why did it had to be these two tribe that we come across.

"I hope you're happy. We're stuck in this canyon with no way out." they complained. 

"Why don't you thank yourself, food hider?" the Zhang screamed back.

"Look, sticking together is the only way to-" Aang tries to stop the argument but to no avail they still argued.

"I am not taking another step with these Gan jins." Zhang said.

"Now there is something we agree on." the gan jin said.

"any ideas?" Aang looks to the guide. But the guide is scared stiff.

"No bending ... we need to get out of this canyon ... I won't die down here! I won't become part of the food chain!" he stuttered. He lost it. I thought as I looked at him.

"See! We're going to become part of the food chain because of you!" The Gan Jin leader points.

"Sure, unjustly blame the Zhangs like you always do!" The Zhang lead mocks.

"Glady." he said back. This incessive fighting is getting on my nerves.

"Will you both SHUT UP?" I screamed. "That tears it both of you tribe are really getting on my nerves. For one day can you just get along for one day. But no both of you have to find faults on each other. I thought I could get you guys to stop with all this fighting for one day but apparently I was wrong both of you can't stand each so Here the deal Gan jin Go this way" I pointed to the left.

"Zhang go this way." Pointed to the right. we will travel in separate lines. Sokka go with the Zhang while you Kataara go with the Gan Jins. As you are with them find out what the hell is going on with these two tribes. What their source of animosity." I tell them "Me and Aang will travel together along with the guide." 

So in the end they listen and travel separately, But I also have a feeling Kataara and Sokka are also going to pick sides. Which in return might bite me in the butt.

As dusk comes I checked both Kataara and Sokka to see if both are doing Okay. And sure enough both of them are conversing in the tribes. As Long as they get the issue at hand. I am alright as I head back to Aang and  the guide. I found them sitting by the camp fire that I set up. I took a seat in front of Aang trying to contemplate the issue at hand as I saw Aang looking at me nervously.

"Aang I can see something bothering you. What is it?" I asked him still staring into the fire.

"I was thinking are you gonna stay mad at Kataara forever?" He asked.

"What makes you say that?" I questioned.

"It feels like your really mad at her." he says.

"I won't be mad at her forever but at this moment I can't forgive what she said." I tell him as I notice that there something more that bothering him. "Spill it. I know there another thing bothering you."

"I guess your really observant than anyone. Well.. the other day when we confront Jet about the suppose assassin. He didn't about your girlfriend. It was something else." He confessed.

"And that something else is.." I looked at him.

"That were were hiding something. When Jet notice you recognized that knife shows that you knew who that came from. And he told us that if you knew than you might be hiding something big from us." He tell me, "Manu tell me the truth. What are you hiding?"

"I see well that knife came from me." I told him as he looked in shock.

"I gave that knife to Kazu to protect himself. Kazu wasn't much of a fighter nor was he interested in battling or weaponry. He loves books. Loves writing and loves exploring. There was no inch of him ever fighting back he wasn't strong enough. So the day when we went our separate ways I gave him that knife to keep him safe to only use it when needed." I tell him. "But in the end he never did. Years later his mother sent me a letter telling me her son has been murdered. Imagine my pain my heart was torn. Kazu was my only friend that never changed. Yet he was taken from this world. yes he was fire nation."

"But aren't fire nation bad people?" Aang said.

"Aang your monk you should know better than to judge base on where you were born. Yes he was fire nation but he was innocent. Aang I will tell you his. Just because your fire nation doesn't mean your guilty and just because your from earth or water tribe doesn't mean their innocent. I had ben around this world since I was a child so I know there are bad people in the earth kingdom as water tribe." I tell him.

"I get what you mean. Manu there is also another reason why I wanted to talk to you." He looked at me. "Speaking of traveling what your connection to Sokka and Kataara? What do you mean about the traveling since you were a child?"

"Aang what I am about to tell you. You need to promise me you won't tell Sokka and Kataara about it?" I tell him.

"I won't" he pinky promised me.

"Kataara and Sokka are my half siblings as an older brother I made a vow that if I ever meet them on my travels I will protect them from any danger." I tell him sadly.

He looked at me shocked. "But that means their dad is...." He says.

"That's right. Their father is my biological dad. He was suppose to marry my mom. But their mother Gya ripped them apart. I don't know what really happened that day she was shunned but I do know is that on that day she found out that she was pregnant with me as she was going to tell him but in return she was shunned by them." I looked at him sadly.

"Wait how did you find out that Hakoda is your dad?" he asked.

"Funny thing is Aang as child I didn't know my dad I would remember everyone at my age had dad to go to. I didn't. My mother never speaks of him. That is until i over heard her. Then realized my father abandoned her and that she last she knew he married Gya the woman who destroy my mom." I say, "SO?"

"So she traveled to the earth kingdom?" he asked.

"yes she did. She found a job at a low paying restaurant. She gave birth to me their as well. But I wasn't healthy to begin with. I maybe a strong warrior but I was a weak child. My mother didn't had enough to pay for treatment. I didn't need it if they were going to treat my mother like that. But my mother put me before herself. she gave her body to him." I tell him as a tear came down my eyes.

Aang looked to me in wide eyes realizing that my life wasn't sunshine and rainbows. 

"I would always remember when he came to my home. I would always notice she takes three hours in the room with him doing who knows what but I knew what they were doing. That was the beginning of the distrust I had towards men who came for my mom. And I would remember the screaming my had if she didn't want to do what the guy wanted. if she defied she will get flogged, Hit, punch or even kicked." I say bitterly, "At that moment I blame my dad for my mom misfortune. But to be fair he didn't know about me."

"I am sorry Manu that you had to go through that." he apologized.

"No need to be sorry. There was someone who saved my motherfrom that life. At first I didn't trust him but I realized he was always talking to me when he comes. Cause usually the men who wants mom just goes straight her. I was insect to them but this man he wanted to get to know me first before courting my mom. MY resistent at first but gave in at some point. But as I said he was the only one who saw me before my mom. Though I didn't make it easy for him." I laughing remembering when I first met him.

"Hey kid, what have you got against the wall?" my stepfather said as he first met me.

"None of your beeswax  old man." I shouted at him.

Remembering that day was like the only good thing that came out of my life. To me he was my hero. After he helped my mom no man ever gave her trouble.

"Man Manu this man that save you sounds like a good man." Aang said.

"He is. Cause he ended up as my stepfather. Also he was fire nation." I tell him.

"Wait then. your ....." he says. "But you waterbend."

"Yea of course I had to keep that secret. I was born in earth kingdom but i was raised in the firenation. As I told you Aang not all firenation are bad people. They are some good ones. You just need to get to know t hem before making your final judgement." I tell him. "Yes my childhood was crappy but the only good thing that came out if was my stepfather and my halfsiblings. I don't hate them I wasn't raise that way. So Aang please keep this a secret." 

AS me and him as well as the guide ended up falling asleep.

"we are almost to the other side " the guide said. 

"okay." I said as Aang saw the two come back. He jumps down.

" Kataara, Sokka, will these people cooperate long enough to get out of the canyon?" Aang asks hopefully.

"I don't think so, Aang, the Zhangs really wronged the Gan Jins. They ambushed Jin Wei and stole the sacred orb." She says.

"What are you talking about?" Aang asks confused. 

"Great here another problem." I say under my breathe.

"Yeah Kataara, what are you talking about? Wei Jin didn't steal the orb, he was returning it to their village gate and was wrongfully punished by the Gan Jin." Sokka chimes in. I knew they were going to take side. Why did I ever trust these two idiots to do it. Wait Cause I am idiot.

"Not punished enough if you ask me." Kataara muttered.

"Okay, okay I get it! Now I need your help, I need everyone together at the base of the canyon wall." Aang says as he hold back and Angry sokka, "Please everyone, as soon as we get out of here we can eat and then go our separate ways, but I need you all to put your heads together and figure out a way up this cliff."

"Maybe the Zhang can climb the wall with their long disgusting fingernails." the gan jin leader said. here we go again.

"Oh sorry, I forgot that to the Gan Jin unclipped fingernails is a crime punishable by twenty years in jail!" Zhang yelled back.

"Why, you dirty thief!" The gan jin said.
"You pompous fool!" the zhang mocked back as they fought back this time with Kataara and Sokka.

" Guys, focus! How many times do I have to say it? Harsh words won't solve problems, action will!" Aang screams. Aang You just made it worse.

"Perhaps the Avatar is right." the Zhang agreed but I don't think so.

"Yes, perhaps he is." the gan jin said.

"Harsh words will never solve our problems." zhang replied.

"Action will." the gan jin said as they continue to fight.

They are evenly matched, and continue until Aang blows them apart with a strong gust of air. The two tribes go flying backward, revealing a large amount of hidden food. The moment I saw the food I got so pissed off.

"You idiot lot. Both of you tribe snuck food down this canyon when the guide specifically tell you not. You are the most idiotic stupid babies that can't go without food. Me and Aang here as well as the guide are hungry as fuck yet you two tribes can't go on. Kataara and Sokka your much to blame. You should have told Me and Aang that they were hiding food. That they were the reason why the canyon crawlers have a bone to pick with us." I shouted as Kataara notice a hold lot of canyon crawlers were comng down.

"That's alot of canyon crawlers." She said.

"we barely survived one" Sokka says as he take his boomerang out.

"And who fault is that. The two idiotic and stupid tribes." I gritted.

"They're coming back for me! They've had a taste and they're coming back for me!" The canyon guide muttered. As I saw Kataara and Sokka apologize to each other. Maybe its time to forgive Kataara right after this fiasco. As we fought off the canyon crawlers, I notice that  Aang had an idea and told us to use the food as bait and cover thhier mouth as use them to climb out of the valley smart thinking Aang.

As we reached the top we were greeted by Appa who return was happy to see us. As the tribe ended having a screaming match yet again. This time I am gonna let ang deal with it. I am tired of dealing with idiotic and Moronic tribes. As Aang get in between these two tribes he explains the story of these two tribe. I could tell he gonna make up a lie to get them to stop.

"There seems to be a lot of confusion about what happened. First of all, Jin Wei and Wei Jin weren't enemies. They were brothers, twins in fact, and they were eight; and most importantly, they were just playing a game! The sacred orb from the legend, that was the ball! And the eastern and western gates were the goal posts. Jin Wei had the ball and was running toward the goal when he fell and fumbled it. Wei Jin didn't steal the ball, he picked it up and started running it toward the other goal, but he stepped out of bounds, so the official put him in the penalty box. Not for twenty long years but for two short minutes." Aang  said, " There was no stealing and no putting anyone in imprison, it was just a game."

"You're saying the sacred orb was actually a sacred ball?" The Zhang said.

"Nope just a regular ball." He said.

"What about our tribe's redemption ritual?" one of gan jin asked.

"That's what the game was called, redemption. As soon as you got the ball from one end to the other, everyone would yell "redemption"! " Aang said, " Don't get me wrong, Wei Jin was kind of a slob and Jin Wei was a little stuffy, that much is true. But they respected each other's differences enough to share the same playing field."

"Just like you two." I say. As Kataar and Sokka notice my irritation was gone. As the two tribes reconcile as decide to travel as one whole tribe as well as the canyon guide. 

"That's some luck you knew Jin Wei and Wei Jin." Sokka said.

"Luck or you can call that lying." Aang replies.

"Called it." I say.

"I made the whole thing up." he smiles.

"No way. " Kaatara says. "That is so wrong."

"Right." I say back at her as Kataara looked to in shock.

"Your finally talking to me." She asked.

"yes  I am." I tell her.

"Manu the other day I am sorry." She said.

"Its all forgiven but Kataara and Sokka I want to tell you guys something, " I say as they both looked at me. "Keep this is n mind. Just because they were born in the fire nation doesn't mean they are all bad. And just becacuse they were born in earth or water tribe doesn't mean they are all good. Don't judge until you see if they are good to trust or not. " I tell them.

"Okay." They both said.

"Well that that is there any food for me to eat. I am kind of hungry." I say looking at the bags. Unknown to Manu Aang was looking at him with sad eyes. "I know I am keeping Manu secret but I can't help but think what will happen when Kataara and Sokka find out the real truth and who Manu is to them." He thought as the day went by.

Please comment and vote. Aang found out who Manu is to Kataara and Sokka what will happen between the two siblings and Manu what would their reaction be when they find out that they have a half sibling hthat they didnt know.  Well stick around for more Adventures the pain of the color blue.

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All Sakari had ever known was the simple life she led in the small Southern Water Tribe village. That was until the day she and her siblings, Sokka a...