Breathing Flowers || Taekook...

By JoWoo_tk

181K 5.3K 734

Who will Jungkook choose between his ex wife and fiance ....... On other words from between his first love an... More

~Breathing Flowers ~
Chapter - 1
Chapter -2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter -11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20 (M)
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Character Explanation
Author Note
Sequel is out!!!!

Chapter - 28

6.1K 183 29
By JoWoo_tk

Jieun wanted to meet Taehyung before she have to go. She has something tell him. She knew that they are not in good terms but Taehyung is an angel. He can understand Jieun and help him.

Jieun saw Tae first at the court. At that time Tae didn't have a relationship with Jungkook other than friendship. But Jieun sensed it and therefore she acted so hard on them. She felt angry at Jungkook as how he found someone new even before divorce. She saw how Tae looked after him. How Tae comforts him. So Jieun had nothing but rage towards them. She envied what they had.

But after this one year period she understood that she is so wrong. She was on a wrong path. Shw had a wrong way of judging people. After almost one year again she met Jungkook together with his fiance Taehyung.All those times she thought that she loved Jungkook but after she saw them both together fitting all along as a nice couple she didn't feel jealous. She felt happy  , happiness that feeling when your best friend found his other half.She realized that she and Jungkook never were lovers. They just bonded due to Hiro.When seeing Hiro giggling with Taehyung and Jungkook in that restaurant she felt that Hiro got a family. She knew that one day she can rely on them for Hiro.

All of them now seated in a round table. Hiro is still glued to Jungkook.She whispered something to Jungkook's ear and laughed looking at Taehyung.Jieun smiled at her daughter.After a long time now she saw her daughter's bubbly side.She wanted to give all happiness to her but how? She herself is not happy. (Chapter 2)

Jieun wanted to asked Taehyung to look after Hiro after her. It's Jieun's duty as a mother to make an environment for daughter. Eventhough Tae and Jieun are not so close she knew that Taehyung is a god soul. She hardly believed that Tae and Jungkook will be there for her daughter after she left. Only that assurance is enough for Jieun to close her eyes happily.

She took her mobile to call him but she got a call instead. She answered it and heard

"Hello Jieun. I want to talk with you." With the tone of his voice she knew that he didn't know about anything.

Taehyung kept the phone down and looked at Jungkook lying peacefully on the bed. He had to take a desicion now. He can't suppress Jungkook anymore. He had to talk with her and decide what to do next. He is also broken after all. He never knew Jungkook will treat him like this. Taehyung had no idea about Jieun's health eventhough Jungkook told that night. He himself was so shocked to realize things other than Jungkook slapped him.

Jungkook woke up with a headache and he just laid on the bed. He had no purpose after all. It's so painful to watch Taehyung ignoring him. What he have done to their lives?Jungkook wanted to solve everything but all are out of his  control.He got up from bed atleast see Tae's beautiful face. He searched everywhere in the house but Tae is not there. He ran messily into their room and checked whether that his clothes are missing. Jungkook have this fear , fear of loosing him. He took out his holding breath seeing everything in the cupboard neatly. He thought that Tae may be left to orphanage and Jungkook don't want to hinder his freedom. So he decided to go there evening.Jungkook got ready to go to office and later to meet Jieun.He wanted something to distract his ind and so  he choose to work his head out.

Taehyung went out of the hospital with an undying smile. He wanted to share this with anyone but can't double the problems. So he went to get Hiro and directly went to park to meet Jieun.Taehyung didn't feel any loneliness with Hiro. She is talking and talking without a full stop. He badly wanted to adopt her but Jungkook didn't like it right?!That's what Tae thought.They sat on the park bench waiting for her as she told she will come.But it is a miracle for her to come beacuse her condition got worst in the morning.

"Hiro what's your dream?"Tae asked all of a sudden.

"To have a happy family."She giggled with the thoughts. Taehyung felt a pang on his heart. Is he stopping a family unite ? If he is not in the picture will they be a happy family?Isn't this what Jungkook want? What Jieun wants?What Hiro wants?Then is it Tae who interfered them?All those thoughts revolved in his mind. He felt that he is already a burden to Jungkook. So he thought all of them to give a chance. A chance , a life without him. He thought that everyone will be happy but he doesn't know how much he valued to others.

"Don't worry I will make your happy family."Tae said with teary eyes. It is so hard for him to leave Jungkook when Jungkook is the only one he had.But what matters is Jungkook's happiness.

Tae went to hospital with Hiro as a walking dead body. How much he tried it is so hard for him to make his mind.  He saw Mrs. Lee sitting on a chair rather holding onto a chair all lifeless. Tae had nothing to walk with them. So he told Hiro to go there and to tell Jieun that he left.

That he left.

"Can I meet with my daughter one last time?"Jieun asked so weakly. She failed to tell that to Tae so she had to atleast tell this to Hiro. Doctors noded as to say yes as this can be the last wish of the lady. Mrs. Lee wailed loudly in front of the room after got to know her condition. Jin is staring so far with a blank face while Namjoon doing everything regarding to documents.

"Mommy Are you sick?"Hiro asked as soon as she saw her mother's pale face. Jieun shaked her head with tears falling while Hiro tried to wipe them off with her small hand. Jieun grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Can you make a promise to moma?"She asked. Hiro noded as she also felt that this is important.

"Promise me that you will treat Taetae as to your moma.Promise me that you will tell everything to Taetae when moma is not here. Promise me you will rely on Taetae."

"Why mommy?Are you going somewhere."She asked with her glossy  eyes.

"I am just going on a trip to angels. You also like them right!?I will look for you everyday baby."Hiro can't understand what to feel. This is too much for her little mind. But Jieun can't left keeping her daughter in dark.

"Hiro baby Taetae and your appa is really matching right?You told oneday with me that they are like prince and princess."Hiro noded.

"They will marry one day okay. Then you will be the baby of them. Mommy and your Appa are just friends. You can tell everything with Taetae. Every bad thing happened to you. You can cry near him if you wants. You can call him papa.You can trust him. You like it right!"Jieun asked.Hiro again noded as she liked it. She like to be with them but she wanted her mommy near also.

"I will give our precious Hiro to him.You should also be a good baby to Taetae and appa okay. Don't trouble them. I am always looking at you."She again told harly avoiding her self from breaking down. She was all strong before she saw Hiro. But she can trust on Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Baby make a call to appa."Jieun said. She had lot of things to do but she don't have time.

Jieun took the phone after Hiro dialled the number. She is crying in silence because she don't want to hurt her mommy more.

"Jungkook take Hiro with you and..."Jieun felt that doctors are coming. It's time for her one last surgery. Surviving chance is very low but it is better than nothing.

"And I am sorry Jungkook. Take care of Hiro."She cut the call turned towards Hiro and gave her a letter.

"Give this to Taetae."Next she took her necklace out and gave it to Hiro.

"I love you baby.You made my life so colourful."Doctors came and took Jieun out remaining a crying ball. Hiro didn't know anything but can figured out that she is loosing her mommy.

Only thing Jieun remembered is her baby's crying face. Only thing Hiro remembered is her mommy's painful face.

Jungkook came to hospital and got to know that Jieun is taken for surgery.He called Tae thousand times but the phone is off. Jungkook's mind is so conflicted and in addition to that Hiro has tear stained poker face.Hiro turned towards him and asked to put that necklace on her neck. He put it willingly and Hiro continued to stare at her lifeless grandma and uncle. She can feels that something is wrong.

"Where's Taetae?"  Hiro asked after long silence. She wanted that man who her mommy trusted on.

"Don't know baby." Jungkook said again trying to call him for thousandth time.

"He said he will give me happy family but he's not here."Hiro said with a sad pout.

"You met him!?"Jungkook asked suddenely because he thought in all these moments that Tae is in orphanage.Hiro noded and Jungkook felt that something wrong. Without a word he ran out and drove hurriedly to his house.

Jungkook ran out of the car and messily screamed Tae's name but no answer. He ran into room crying like a baby as saw that there's nothing left to say this is Taehyung's.

He left.

Jungkook helplessly shaked his head not wanting to accept it. He wants his baby. He wants to give him the love he failed to give. He wanted to get lost in him.

He again drove back to orphanage to search for Tae. How can he live now? He can't even imagine his life.He talked with them and said he resigned from there. Jungkook can't understand what's going on. Then he remembered Jimin and drove there. Jungkook is like a fool. He is in the verge of breaking down.

"JIMINNNNNN"Jungkook yelled and took Jimin out of the house.

"Go go and tell Tae to come out. Tell him I will do everything for him. Tell him I love him so much."Jimin looked at Jungkook with his wide eyes and said

"Tae is not here Jungkook."

"Don't lie. DON'T LIEE...He can't even sleep alone. Tell him to come."He already lost his sanity and had no control over his tears.

"I am not lying Jungkook. What happened? Where's Tae?"Jungkook plopped down on the ground muttering

"I lost him. I broke him. He left me."Jimin felt like crying hearing that his bestfriend disappeared. He badly wanted to hit Jungkook for treating Tae like that but this is not the time. First have to find Tae.

"I will check in park."Jimin said and ran as Jungkook said that he already checked in orphanage. Taehyung have nowhere to go.

"Maybe he came back."With that little hope Jungkook went back to house and there's no sign of him. He is completely devastated.He badly wants to see that smile again.He badly wanted to give that love he deserved. He walked upto the bedroom and sat on bed taking Tae's pillow onto his lap.He closed his eyes to calm his mind.

"Tae is not here Jungkook."Jimin told him earlier. He felt something on the bed and looked at it swiftly. It is the bracelet Tae wore on their annivesary. The one with a lock. Jungkook tightly held it allowing tears to fall down freely.

"I will never ever leave you but if you want me to leave I will never think twice." (Chapter 6)

"Did I hurt you to the point of leaving me Tae?" Jungkook asked mostly from himself.

"Of course. I am"Jungkook chuckled.Another call came and Jungkook answered it without checking the name even.The other line said

"Jieun is dead."Jungkook didn't say anything back and took the bracelet towards his heart mumbling

"Where are you Tae? I'm sorry. I want you."Now he is so afraid to face Hiro as Jieun left and to face life as Taehyung left. He is again the same orphan Tae found one year ago. Completely Broken.He cried harldy between those cold walls as Taehyung used to be.

Earlier Tae's POV .....

He came home with a decision. A decision to make Jungkook happy. After the last day where Jungkook cried whole heartedly he don't want to push Jungkook further. Hiro also wants there family. Maybe Jieun even. Jungkook will also be happy to be with Hiro forever. So he decided to sacrifice his love. He is so broken now. Weak and fragile to stand for him. He can't withstand more. After Jungkook lifted his hand on him he can't hold it back anymore.He thought everyone will be happy if he go.

The only thing he did is loving Jungkook. But Tae can't find a future in it. He never in his life thought that they become toxic.He wanted to live with him. They had so many dreams. But now he can't fight for them. He is so tired. He will leave so it will be easy for them to take a decision. Deep down eventhough he loves Jungkook so much.

He packed his belongings with teary eyes. He removed his bracelet and placed it on the bed. It will be so hard for him to live Jungkook's memories. But he will give it a try. He looked at the piano and sadly smiled. They never got the chance to play it together. Then he walked upto garden and sighed looking back at the house. Their house. It is so hard for him to go. But there's no any solution. He knew he can't be happy without Jungkook but he will be happy right!?

"Don't you want a kid......with me?"Taehyung asked. He is really insecure with the fact that whether Jungkook need it or not. Jungkook gulped the ice cream cone down his throat and said
"I love to have Tae."Tae beautifully smiled at the reply. Jungkook pulled Tae towards him making his head rested on Jungkook's chest.
" I want a baby who looks like you. So attractive."Jungkook said booping on latter's nose.
"Really...but I want a bunny face."Tae said with a pout.
"No no no your looks. My habits."
"Having your habits is good. Then our kids also be courageous as you."Both are smiling eye to eye imaging their future.
"I wanted to live a long life with you Tae."Jungkook placed a kiss on Tae's head. (Chapter 7)

Taehyung placed his hand on his belly and smiled. His tears flowed down without having an end.He decided to go without telling Jungkook because it is so hard to do looking at his messy face. He knew Jungkook will be broken at first but he will get used to it. With that

He left...
He left 'cause his heart can't bear anymore....
He left to give life Hiro deserves....
He left to give life Jungkook wants....
He left to give warmth Jieun needs...
As well as he left without knowing how will them suffer due to his absence.....


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