Raven's Stash of Resident Evi...

By silentcrowsnravens

35K 689 31

A collection of headcanons, reactions, etc. about Resident Evil characters gathered from my Tumblr. Primarily... More

Cuddling Headcanons
Reacting to a Reader that's Like Marvel's Daredevil
Reacting to their S/O Calling them Cute
Reacting to their S/O Dying
Pet Name HCs
With a Reader Who's Incredibly Oblivious to Their Attempts at Flirting
How They Would Propose to their S/O
Reacting to a S/O that Likes to Smother their Face in Kisses
Reacting to a S/O that Does Sleight of Hand Magic
Alcina Meeting a Former S/O From Before She Received Her Cadou
Reacting to Their S/O Saying I Love You For the First Time
HCs About a First Kiss With Them
Hug HCs
Dating HCs
Reacting to the Reader Asking Them to Dance
Reacting to the Reader Knitting them a Sweater
Alcina Realizing the Reader is Related to a Member of Miss D & the Pallboys
With a Reader Who's Never Seen Without a Gas Mask
With a Reader that's Post-Anesthesia After Wisdom Teeth Removal
Reacting to Their S/O Asking to do Their Makeup
Reacting to Their S/O Having a Near-Death Experience
Reacting to Their S/O Having a Near-Death Experience Cont.
Reacting to their S/O Stealing their Clothes
HCs About a First Kiss With Them Cont.
HCs About them Helping Celebrate their S/O's Birthday
Reacting to a S/O that's an Entomologist
Reacting to a Chaotic S/O With a Chainsaw Hand
Reacting to the Reader Getting to Try on a Suit For the First Time
Reacting to a S/O that Drinks Blood and Can Turn Into Others After Doing So
HCs About Alcina Having a Fourth Daughter with Autism
Meeting a Reader Who Knew them Before they Received their Cadous
Reacting to a S/O that Can Turn Into Loads of Spiders After Receiving the Cadou
Being Ordered to Kill their S/O by MM, but Being Unable to Do It
Dating HCs Cont.
Cassandra Reacting to a S/O that Does Gory SFX Makeup
Dating HCs Cont.
Cassandra Killing Monster, Only to Realize it Used to Be Her S/O
HCs About their Drunk S/O Mistaking them for an Intruder
Reacting to a S/O that Still Sleeps With a Stuffed Animal
Reacting to their S/O Having an Unexpectedly Intense Laugh
HCs About Donna Helping a S/O Struggling with Insomnia
Reacting to a S/O that Carves Instruments Out of Wood
Dating HCs About Elena Lupu
Reacting to Their S/O Stealing Their Hoodie/Duster
Heisenberg With a S/O that's Sex-Repulsed Asexual
Kissing HCs About Mother Miranda
Reacting to their S/O's Immense Love For Christmas
Being Lady Dimitrescu's Son and Dating Elena Lupu
HCs About Rachel Foley With a Very Sarcastic Reader
Donna Beneviento Reacting to Her S/O Going Missing
Meeting the Reader When the Reader Accidentally Saves Them
Rachel's S/O Making Sure She Survives the T-Abyss Virus
Relationship HCs About Raymond
Reacting to the Reader Sacrificing Themselves For Them
Reacting to Their S/O Having a Near-Death Experience Cont.
Reacting to Their S/O Grabbing Them By the Collar and Kissing Them
Reacting to a Surprise Hug From the Reader

Reacting to the Reader Bringing Home a Stray Dog

583 10 0
By silentcrowsnravens

Named the dog Hewie for this ;)

(Gender ambiguous).

Includes: Salvatore Moreau (Village), Donna Beneviento (Village), Alcina Dimitrescu (Village), and Karl Heisenberg (Village).

Warnings: n/a


Salvatore Moreau:

- Salvatore is so excited when he sees you coming back to the reservoir with Hewie. He loves dogs! He's grinning so hard.

- You want to keep him? Sal wants that too!

- He used to have a beagle when he was a boy. She was his best friend, and he hasn't truly had the companionship of a pet since she died. Lycans just aren't the same.

- Hewie follows Sal just about everywhere, both on land and water.

- You know how most dogs love car rides? Hewie loves boat rides.

- Sal gives him tons of kisses on the crown of his head.

- He likes to sprawl out across both you and Sal's laps. Especially when it's movie night.

- During those nights, Sal likes to explain what you're both watching to him.

- One day, Salvatore comes back from a Lord's meeting and Hewie is waiting for him with a gift. It's a rock. Sal tears up a little and puts it on a shelf.

- It becomes a regular thing for Hewie to present gifts to both of you whenever you return home.

- Yes, Sal does keep all of them.

- (So do you).

- Hewie often hides under Sal's trenchcoat. 

Donna Beneviento:

- You'd be hard pressed to think of a time Donna's seemed more terrified than she does as you bring Hewie to the manor. She looks like Mother Miranda just told her she's going to have to give an impromptu speech to the village and that, no, she can't use Angie.

- "What's wrong?"

- "Donna is afraid of dogs, you stupid idiot!"

- "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know!" You scoop Hewie into your arms and keep your distance.

- You're saying that you can try and find someone else for him to live with, but it's clear you really want to keep him.

- Donna... is willing to give Hewie a chance despite her fear.

- You frown. "Are you sure? I don't want to—"

- "Yes." Just let Donna get used to him first.

- You head back into the village and get Hewie a leash, then Donna sits on the porch and watches you, Angie, and Hewie play for a while.

- Once Donna works up the courage, she lets Hewie approach her while he's still attached to the lead.

- "Make a fist," you tell her.

- Visibly shaking, she holds out her closed hand and lets Hewie sniff it.

- "See? He likes you. Do you want to try and pet him?"

- After some hesitance, Donna nods and stiffly runs her hand down Hewie's back once. He just stares up at her with a soft face and eyes.

- ...Okay... That wasn't too bad, Donna thinks.

- Eventually, she overcomes her fear.

- Angie finally has a playmate that can keep up with her energy level!

- Donna makes little shirts and sweaters for Hewie.

- He likes to come cuddle with her whenever she's reading. 

Alcina Dimitrescu:

- You're insane if you think Alcina is going to allow that mangy animal into the castle. You can find someone else to give him to, or he can stay on the grounds but he can't come inside.

- No amount of pleading seems to change Alcina's mind.

- Fine. You'll build him a little home outside.

- About a week later, Alcina comes searching for you and finds you petting Hewie.

- You pick him up and ask her if she wants to do the same.

- "I would rather not."

- "Come on, Alci, look at him!"

- Hewie stares up at her. There is no intelligence behind his eyes, in Alcina's opinion.

- With a sigh, she reaches down and strokes Hewie's head. He's so tiny compared to her that she can only use a few fingers. His tail starts wagging furiously and his tongue hangs out.

- That's the end of that, you think.

- Then, the next day, you enter Alcina's office and not only see Hewie inside but also laying on her lap while she works.

- Surprise! He's an inside dog now. Alcina changed her mind.

- She starts treating him like her fourth child. She has the family portrait redone so that he can be added.

- He's pampered beyond belief.

- He has his own room and a whole ass mattress to himself. He usually ends up sleeping with you and Alcina or one of the girls, though.

- Daniela can frequently be seen carrying Hewie around the castle, having full-on conversations with him.

- Bela really enjoys absentmindedly giving him affection while she does other things.

- Cassandra plays with him a lot. She also likes giving him bones. : )

- "...Cass, what kind of animal is that from?"

- "Remember that man-thing that tried to break in last week?"

Karl Heisenberg:

- If you want to keep that thing, it's going to be your responsibility entirely. You're cleaning up after it, feeding it, keeping it out of places it shouldn't be, etc.

- That's okay with you!

- Unless Hewie ends up being some sort of bioweapon that can obliterate Miranda, Karl doesn't think he's going to get too attached.

- That lasts for about half of Hewie's first day at the factory.

- Karl is working when Hewie comes over and stares up at him.

- "What do you want?"

- Hewie sets his head down on Karl's lap.

- "I'm busy."

- When you find them later, Hewie is laying on some sort of blanket nest Karl's thrown together and gnawing on a mystery bone. Karl is complaining to him about the other Lords while he works.

- Karl and Hewie end up becoming the epitome of "a dog is a man's best friend".

- The first time that Hewie gets to meet Alcina, he starts growling at her. Karl is delighted.

- "Get your mutt under control."

- "Hey, he's just picking up on what a massive bitch you are. That's not my fault!"

- Karl starts showing you and Hewie whenever he finishes another project.

- He makes a custom metal nameplate for Hewie's collar. 

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