Bad Boy's Exception

By PaolaHale

314K 7.8K 1.2K

Previosly named : ' Sweet & Sour ' Being in a high school with all the clichés and stereotypes isn't easy f... More

1- Coffee Shop
2- Meeting the Bad Boy
6-Let's start
8-Lunch Room part 1
9-Lunch Room part 2
10- Plans
11-Project Meeting
12-Meeting the Parents
13- Dinner
14- Not a Project Day
15- Do Bad Boys Go Shopping? Part 1
16- Do Bad Boys Go Shopping? Part 2
17- Pick-Up Lines
18- Perks of being a Goody Two Shoes
19- Wolf's smile
20- Little Red Riding Hood at a Party?
21- First Party Gone Wrong

7- Forgiveness

16.4K 423 62
By PaolaHale

After what happened last night I couldn't sleep, it was as if I wanted to run to his house and ask for his forgiveness. But I couldn't do that knowing I'll never face him again. I feel so bad because I made him feel bad and I don't like that.

The reason I said that was because a lot of people in school, especially the cheerleaders always ask me to do it and I do. I just don't like it when people don't do it, just because teachers are unfair to them. What if that person had an emergency, we never know. So I prefer get the bad grade than another person, I just feel guilty.

This morning I felt really tired considering I didn't sleep almost anything. Aiden's face hunted me all night, his cold expression which was the one he always had. He was just a little playful just because he found me amusing, I could tell, and I'm nothing like that. He just smirks sometimes but other than that he's always in a bad mood.

But  something in the back of my mind tells me he's more than what meets the eye.

I made my ordinary routine of waking up Alec and take him to school. All the while he was the one who brought a smile to my face. I gave my mom a kiss in the forehead knowing she needs rest.

When I got to school Emma and Jack greeted me as usual but I guess they notice me down. And Emma being the Drama Queen she is started rambling about who did something to me and that she is going to kill them or something like that.

"Emma calm down, okay? It's nothing." I started to calm her down knowing she was starting to make a show.

"No! Someone said something because your eyes are sad. Come on tell us." She pleaded at the end.

"U-um it's just I s-said something to Aiden and he misunderstood. And now I feel terrible and I couldn't sleep thinking that he would see me as a bad person." I said while blushing thinking about Aiden.

"What happened?" Jack asked relax.

Then I told them what happened with a lot of details. At the end Emma was ranting about how stupid he is and why would I offer that.

"I'll be right back." Jack said a little aggressive and left around the corner of the hall. I was a little shocked at Jack but Emma said not to worry, so we left to the first class with one of the most rude and bad teachers ever.

Such an amazing day.

Note the sarcasm.


Aiden's Point of View

Today sucked. That was the only thing I could think about, everything was good until she came. That little black haired with the most beautiful smile and happy mood. I don't know was wrong with me I always act rude and cold towards everyone but my family and friends. But to her it was different, I actually liked teasing her and I even smirked! That said a lot.

 Even my friends notice, considering were always together. There a lot of rumors about us being in a gang considering were the bad boys. But I'm not going to lie we actually are in a gang, or should I say we were in a gang. As in the past.

Last night I only kept thinking about her, I don't know if I was being unfair to her, I mean I feel as if I should apologize. See? Aiden Evans never apologizes, not even to my friends. Speaking of which, I was walking to their locker.

First there is Tyler, also known as my best friend since first grade. He's my partner and side kick in everything. Also good with the ladies with his blue eyes and caramel hair and also tall.

And then there the twins Drake and Jake. They were also amazing friends even though I'll never admit that to them in person. Drake is more reserve and serious while Jake is the total opposite. He is the joker to our group, always partying and making jokes.

I reach to them and made a handshake with each of them.

"So where's your girl today?" Tyler says teasingly and I glared at him.

"Don't care." I said shrugging while I know it wasn't true.

"Oh, what happened?" he said genuinely curious but I was pissed off.

"Fuck off." I snapped. He looked shocked like the twins but quickly snapped his thoughts and showed me a curious glance. 

"What happened? And she is your Princess" He says teasingly.

"She's annoying and too happy, and too shy for her own good. And she's not my Princess." I grumble glaring at him. The twins were watching with smirks.

"Whatever you say." He sand and smiled knowingly and started to look into his locker. I started to think about the nickname I gave her 'Princess'. I don't know why I did that but it kind of suit her.

"Um, excuse me?" A voice came and the four of us looked over to see a guy. I remember I have seen him with Alex and another girl together. Just thinking about Alex had me mad again. She was just to innocent and good to people and I don't like it.

"Yeah?" Jake asked looking at him weirdly.

"Can I talk to Aiden for a second?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and nodded for him to continue. He hesitated before talking.

"I just wanted to tell you that what Alex said wasn't to insult you, she feels really bad." He said gently. The little princess felt bad well I don't care. But why was my heart hurt.

"I don't care so fuck off" I said slightly pissed. He looked like he was debating to say something.

"Okay look she said because that's what everyone ask her to do."

"What?" I asked confused, what does he mean by that?

"People always talk to her a few minutes tells her a sob fake story and Alex being a clueless girl she believes them. Then she does their homework and they never glance at her again until they need her." He says angrily and then shouts. "Don't  you get it Aiden? She's being used and I hated. Then she comes really sad telling us what happened. She was just doing what she does always. Just know it wasn't her fault."

He finished talking softly and walking away but not before looking at Drake and turned blushing while walking.

At that moment my mind tells to just forget about the happy and little girl, that actually made me feel happy. It was telling me that I shouldn't get attached and just ignore her.

But my heart was telling me to find the bastards that are using Alex like that, like she was inferior than everyone. If I see anyone doing something to her I will beat the crap out of them.

I started to think about when Tyler said she was my princess. And you know what? She is, so whoever wants to bother her, they can deal with Me.

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