Sucked inside !? Or not...? (...

Od WayWindPrince

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-I'll fix this later- Více

Sucked inside?!? Or not.....? [EDITED]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
NOT a chapter!!!!! OUTFIT # 1!!!!!
OUTFIT # 2!!!
OUTFIT # 3!!!
OUTFIT # 4!!
OUTFIT # 5~!!!
OUTFIT # 6~!
OUTFIT # 7~!
OUTFIT # 8~!
THE FINAL OUTFIT~!!!!!!!!! NUMBER 10~!!!!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 {Day One}
Chapter 7 {Day 2} [Pt. 2]
Chapter 8 {Day 3}

Chapter 7 {Day 2}

114 8 14
Od WayWindPrince

" You shot me through heart staring in YOUR eyes~ YOUR eyes~ So I might die of happiness today~! " I sang walking down the street, and pointing at Roxas at the 'YOUR' part. Since he keeps looking at me, so might as well make it 'bare able' instead of 'nerve racking and UNbearable'. Don't you think?

" Mira.. Really..? " Roxas whined, I guess he's tired of getting laughed at by the others.

" Just empty out YOUR barrel GIRL it's alright~ " I sang and pointed at him with both fingers for the 'girl' part, as I laughed at the end. So as a result of that Roxas blushed a bit from embarrassment, and the others laughing harder. Hayner leaning on Pence, who s leaning on the gate entrance of the Usual Spot. And Olette resting her back against the wall, next to Hayner hmm didn't really think it was THAT funny but okay.

" ........ " That's what came from Roxy, over there. SILENCE and stretch out the 'CE' part for extra affect. And it's fits the face he's making which is '-_-'~! Yep, that's his face right now. 

" Oh, c'mon! You gotta loosen up Roxy! Especially if you want to be in a future relationship~ Because no one wants a uptight, boring, prude~! " I sang the last part and put my arm around his shoulders grinning, as the others burst out laughing while agreeing.

 " See! THEY understand1 Do you sir Rox? " I added the nickname part last because~ Honestly I don't know. 

" Y-yeah.. " He agreed the stutter got me though, why is he stuttering? Im seriously confused..

" Eh? Why are you stuttering? I don't see why you should, this time.. " I said in front of him now, and a few inches away from his face.

" I-It's nothing! " He said looking away and turning pink.. Eh... I guess the blush was because of my closeness.

" Okay...? " I said and left inside the Usual Spot, while pulling out my ipod.

" Hey! Mira, is that the new PaoPu-Pod? " Pence asked from a VERY close distance, surprising me. Causing me to drop my Ipod and squeak which made him and the others laugh.

" Not, cool..! " I said stooping down and picking it back up.

" So is it? " Pence asked again.

" Is what, what now? " I asked confused, I swear I am always confused on something.

" Is that the new PaoPu-Pod? " He said again, pointing to my ipod.

" What the..? " I muttered to myself with a raised brow.

" Yeah, those things are CRAZY expensive.. " Hayner said crossing his arms.

" Mhmm.. The only reason we each got one was we helped each other get the munny for it, but we don't have newest one though. That one just came out.. " Olette said smiling.

" A PaoPu-Pod..?? the freak?! No, sorry buddy. THIS is a IPOD. I have no idea what a PaoPu-Pod is, or looks like.. " I said showing them my Ipod I proudly own. 

" Oh.. That's right the NEW one is shaped like a star, sorry for bothering and confusing you! " Pence said and went to sit down.

" Pence.. Your so forgetful..! " Olette said following and sitting next to him.

" Yeah, man. " Hayner said agreeing and eating ice cream.

' How did-when did he get THAT?! ' 

" PaoPu-Pod..??? " I asked myself, again.

' The HELL is THAT?!?! -,- My sanity is leaving me, in this dream..'

" Today's such a drag.. " Hayner said, eating still.

" Here.. " Roxas said putting one in my face suddenly, causing me to jump a little.

'Oh..... ' 

" Oh.. Thanks... " I said taking it and leaning against the wall under the dart board eating it.

" Maybe, because of yesterday's picture thief..? " Olette said.

" Yeah, that could be it.. " Pence agreed, eating his ice cream.

" No.. You wanna know what it is? The beach! WE haven't gone once this summer! So let's just get on the train and go! " Hayner said and looked at all of us, hopeful. No response.. " Aw, c'mon! " He said whining a bit.

" Maybe you forgot, but.. we're broke. " Roxas said, to him.

" Maybe you forgot, i'm smart! " Hayner said smiling. " C'mon! " He yelled back to us as he ran out the Usual Spot.

" Um..? " We all said as well looked back and forth from each other, then Pence shrugged and ran out with Olette.

" Uh.... " I sighed and shook my head standing up, and getting ready to run after them.

" Wait.! " Roxas yelled and grabbed my upper arm, stopping me from leaving.

" What? " I asked looking at him and taking my arm back.

" How do you know about Sora?? " Roxas asked me, looking dead serious.

" Now's really not the time! And especially NOT here! " I said turning to leave.

" No! Tell me now, please! How do you know him!? I keep trying to tell myself it's all in my head, and just a dream! But... I don't know if and how long I can keep believing myself.... " He said looking down holding my arm again, it made me feel bad for him.. He sounds so confused and sad, on top of that.. He's so happy here... Even though this whole places is just a fake...

" I promise.. That soon I WILL tell you! I swear I will, Roxas! Just.. Now isn't the time, nor the place... " I told him taking my arm back and running outside to find and meet up with the others.


" .Diz..??! " I whispered to myself confused... Whi's that, again..?


" 150, sorry... " Roxas said upset at having a small amount of money. But, HEY at least he had SOME! I asked Olette how much I owed her and man... It's SO MUCH!! Also Roxy and Hay-Hay, yes I call Hayner 'Hay-Hay' now to annoy him. Anyway, their participating in the struggle tournament~ ^^ Wonderful..~

" Time to work~! " I ye;;ed and went to the job I picked, which is the cargo climb~ From what we call it in the game I think...

" Hi! We're here for the job offer, you posted..! " Olette said to the man who has that HUGE ASS bag FULL of stuff, at the bottom of the hill.

" Oh great! Yeah you can just bring it up the hill here, into my garage. And i'll pay you based on how fast you can get it up here, since I have to be somewhere in few..! " He said giving us a small smile.

" ..Uh....? " I said more to myself than any one..

' Shouldn't you get payed for DOING the job and NOT by how FAST you do it? I don't know, I digress...'

" All right, guys!! " Hayner said punching his fist into his palm smirking.

" Let's get to it! " Olette smiled.

" YEEAAAAAHHH!! " I yelled putting on 'weightless' by All Time Low, as me, Roxas, and Olette get behind the bug bag getting ready to push it. As Hayner and Pence get in front and grab the ropes about to pull it, up the hill as we push.

" 1.......2.....3!!! " Pence shouted as we started to push.

' Turn a page I'm a book half unread

I wanna be laughed at laughed with

just because~' The song played from the Ipod resting in my back pocket as we slowly moved the bag up the hill.

" PUSH IT GUYS!! " Hayner yelled

" I'M PUSHING!! " Me and Roxas yelled as Olette grunted.

" PUSH HARDER!! I'M BREAKING MY BACK UP HERE!! " Hayner yelled back at us.

' If I could just find the time

I wouldn't let another day go by

Cause I'm over getting old~'

 " SHUT IT, HAY-HAY!! " I yelled back at him annoyed.

" HAY-HAY!?!? " He shouted louder.

' See...? told you he hated that nickname :3'

" YES, MAN NOW SHUT IT AND PULL!! " Roxas yelled.


" C'mon guys! STOP! " Olette grunted out.

" Yeah! We're almost there! " Pence added in.

'Cause i've been going crazy

I don't wanna waste another moment here~'

 " THEN TELL FATTY HAY-HAY, TOO PULL!!! " I yelled getting tired and fed up.

" FATTY!?!??!!! " 

" YES!! COME AT ME BRO!!! " 


" BRI-WOAH, MAN!! " I yelled as me, Roxas, and Oletter struggled even more to push it. Right now all we could try to do was to keep it in place! 

' Hayner must have let go without knowing!!!! '

" HAYNER GRAB THE ROPE!!" Pence yelled.

" OH MAN!! "

" MOVE!! " I screamed as the cart forced us back more and more picking up speed along the way, so I kicked Roxas and Olette away so they wouldn't get hit. But I ran out time, to move!! 

' DAMMIT!! '

" NNAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHH!!! " I screamed the incoherent noise as I latched onto the back of the bag, as it wheeled down the hill getting faster. Causing my hair to whipping around a bit in my face as I squeezed my eyes shut.

" Mira!! " I heard everyone yell and the sound of footsteps.

" NYYAAAA!!!! SAVE ME!!! " I yelled latching onto the bag tighter.

'I wanna feel reckless 

Wanna live it up just because

I wanna feel weightless

cause that would be enough~'

" C'mon! " I heard someone yell their voice a bit harder to hear from the distance I guess, along with the continuing sound of footsteps.

" DON'T LET GO MIRA!! " One of them yelled at me.

" WASN'T PLANNING ON IT!! " I screamed back, at them.

" Got it!! "

" Good going Roxas!! "

" Yeah, now pull and you two go around the b- "

" Aaahhhh!!!! " I screamed as the back of the cart hit, the small wall like curb thing and sent me flying through the air. Since the impact was sudden it made me loose my grip, on the bag.

" Mira! " 

" No!! " I heard them all say in a chorus of shouting, as I bunched up in mid air hoping to minimize the chance of me hitting a light pole or something. As well as minimizing then chance of some part of me getting seriously injured, while I squeeze my eyes tighter deathly afraid to open them now as I clutch the front of my shirt where my heart is.

" I'M SOO GONNA DEMOLISH THAT THING ONE DAY!! " I screamed trying to take my mind off the impending doom that is gravity and the concrete floor.

" Oof..! " I heard a grunt as I landed on something soft.. Or.. Something, caught me..???

" Ri-Ansem..! " I whispered to myself as I corrected what I was about to say at the same time, so I wont get into anything any deeper than I already have.. Wait..

" Mira! Get away from him! " I heard Roxas yell as he stopped a few feet away in front of us, getting in a fighting position.

" Hmph.. " Ansem said while pushing me forward, the metal ends of his black hood jingling, as what seems to be pointed in my direction or Roxy's.. Is his hidden face, behind that hood...

" Uh..! " I stumbled forward a bit, causing Roxas to step forward and keep me steady as I looked behind him to see Hayner, Pence, and Olette frozen..?

' Why??? And.... Why aren't we frozen, as well...??'

" Mira! You okay? " Roxas asked me looking down at me in worry... 

' God, I'm so short....  I'm only at the half way point to his neck...'

" Mira! " I didn't get a chance to answer due to our friend's running up to us.

" Nice catch man! " Hayner said patting Roxas on the back.

" Hayner...!! " I seethed this HIS fault I almost hit a brick wall head on.

" Yeah..? "

" i'm.. Going... To...... KILL YOU!! " I yelled as I charged at him, and he ran the other way.

' Just cant take it like a man!! ' 

" WOAH, WOAH, WOAH, WOAH, WOAH!! Can't we just TALK this out!?!? " He asked a bit panicked while running.

" NEVER!! " I yelled back at him!

' This is going to be funnn~' I thought as I chased him.

                While not noticing or knowing, that on top a building.. My saviour was watching me...

                                                     *~Anime_lover003's Room of Oblivion~*

Yeah, this an Author's note, and yes~ ^^"  This is a weird and unnecessary name for one, but I don't like the bland 'authors note' name its makes you wanna skip it, you know? Even though your gonna do it anyway, its whatev's..! But yeah I needed a name and came up with this! Anywayz I wanted to ask if any of you actually knew how to officially change 'change' your book's title. If some one could tell me how to do that, I would be really happy xD because I'm such a noob to where I don't know how to change my own book's title. XD Also I'm sorry this chapter AGAIN took a very LONG time to get posted. Because I'm so lazy and trying to plan out every single detail for this story and the others I have up already. Speaking of the other books, they will be on hold until i finish this one or I'm just a few chapters away from ending it, see i weighed it out and this one will take a shorter amount of time to finish than the other books I have.  And I since I feel like I'm rambling because of the three Kit-Kat's i've JUST finished I'm gonna go.. OHH!!! LASTLY PEOPLE LASTLY!! I'm gonna start doing the '10 votes 5 comments 15 reads' thing before I update anymore. Just to see if people really care enough to want me to update, as well as giving me a break and time to start the new chapters. I'm also splitting this chapter into two parts because i'm starting to get lazy, and I think this is long enough as well on top of just wanting to post~! So yeah! 




If you want another update~ ;D

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