Breathing Flowers || Taekook...

By JoWoo_tk

181K 5.3K 734

Who will Jungkook choose between his ex wife and fiance ....... On other words from between his first love an... More

~Breathing Flowers ~
Chapter - 1
Chapter -2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter -11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20 (M)
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Character Explanation
Author Note
Sequel is out!!!!

Chapter - 26

5K 183 56
By JoWoo_tk

Double update!!Am I spoiling you too much?

When Jungkook came home it is closer to the midnight.His phone was left on the car and that's why he never knew about Taehyung's hundred of missed calls. But it is not a good excuse.Jungkook slowly opened the door of the house not to wake up Taehyung if he fell asleep. Without any sound he closed the door and saw Tae who is sleeping on the couch in a sitting position. Looks like he waited for him. A wave of guilty rushed through Jungkook's body as he didn't want Taehyung to feel all these emotions of being left out. He sighed and regretted about himself as he ended up doing the same thing. Making Taehyung left out.

Jungkook sat under the couch in which Taehyung is sitting and rested his head on Tae's leg. He felt some kind of relief after the tough day. Morning he was all busy with business and evening with Jieun. Talking about Jieun he still feared what doctors will say about her. Afterall he don't want to loose her. Eventually in the middle of thinking Jungkook also fell asleep in the embrace of Taehyung.

Taehyung woke up due to the sounds he heard in the surrounding. He suddenely gasped and sat up on bed remembering that Jungkook didn't came home yesterday . He have lot of questions to ask. He wondered how he ended up in the bed and at the same time Jungkook came out of the bathroom. Jungkook saw Tae who looks so cute with his messy hair and puffy cheeks and smiled gently. Taehyung just looked other side completely ignoring him. He is so angry right now.Jungkook immediately came to him and said

"I am sorry baby. Yesterday I was so busy."

"At least you should call me Jungkook. I was so worried."Tae choked at the end of the sentence. His imaginations took his worst at yesterday and reminded about him things he don't want to happen even to his worst enemy. That's how much he feared yesterday.

"Phone was in the car. Tae I have to tell you things."And with that Jungkook told everything that happened yesterday. Taehyung's eyes widened but he don't want Jungkook to leave him. He is his family. His future.

"Are you going today too?"Taehyung asked already knowing the answer.

"I have to look after Hiro until she discharged."Jungkook said wearing his suit. Taehyung in this point actually wondered if Jungkook is using Hiro as a chance. But he can't doubt because he knew his love is true.

"I am going Tae."Jungkook said after being all ready and placed a kiss on Tae and left. Jungkook again did that. Jungkook again left him all alone in this house without having any knowledge how Tae spent his day.Tears gathered but he didn't shed them. He will hold it as long as he can.

Taehyung is still on the bed for two hours not feeling so well. He thought to eat something and got off the bed slowly walking towards kitchen. He took an apple and eyed here and there to spot the knife. But suddenely he felt like everything is rotating. Apple fell down from his hand and he hardly held into the counter. He knew that he is dizzy right now and tried to endure it. He sat on the floor of the kitchen and began to cry so loudly. He wanted someone to hold. He wants someone to talk. Now he wants someone to share his feelings. He took his phone and dialled the very familiar number.

"At last you remembered me ahhhhh. You bratt how you survive without me?"Jimin screamed as soon as he pick up the call.Taehyung can't form any words to say and so he ended up sobbing so badly.Jimin panicked and yelled

"Tae!!!! Are you crying? Hold on hold on I will come okay. Are you at home?"Taehyung noded eventhough Jimin can't see it.

"I will come to your house okay."With that phone call cut with a little hope of having a rest to his mind.

"Let me make a soup for you."Jimin said after 30 minutes of consoling Taehyung. He clinged onto Jimin as his life depend on this when Jimin first entered the house. Jimin can feel that something worst is going on but he can't rush Taehyung. So he waited and at last Tae is okay. Now he is embarrassed about his breakdown but nevertheless felt so light as he release everything at least by crying.Jimin went to kitchen and Taehyung also sat on the chair near the counter observing Jimin.

"If you are okay you can tell me what happened." Taehyung only wanted that sentence and he burst out everything that happened last days.

"He seems to be busy but he should make it up. At last Family is the priority."Jimin said after listening to everything.Taehyung noded and talked

"He told me to wait but this is more than enough."

"No wonder why his first marriage broke down so easily."

"Don't tell things to him."Tae said with a lil angry pout.Jimin smiled

"But it is the truth."

"What should I do Jimin? I can't always stop him. He have reasons everytime."

"You should talk him. Tell him what you feel. If he really loves he will understand."Taehyung noded.

"Tae don't hurt yourself. You are not worth any of this."Jimin said more like an order. Taehyung smiled and thought that Jimin's partner will be very lucky to have him.

Taehyung is phasing back and forth in the living room. Now he is not sad but angry. What Jungkook think about him?It's already 9 PM but no any sign of the man.He wanted to talk with Jungkook but how when he leave early and come so late.Taehyung heard the car sound and figured out that the man is here. Jungkook as yesterday slowly opened the door and closed it.

"Why are you coming like a thief?"Taehyung asked from the behind of Jungkook. Jungkook flinched at the sudden voice and saw Tae who is standing there angrily.

"I thought you are asleep as it is so late."

"So you knew you came so late?!"

"I had so many things to do Tae. I told you morning."

"Ahh are you talking about the only time we talked?"Taehyung asked. Now his emotions are totally out of control.

"I am sorry Tae.."Jungkook knew that he is the one in fault.

"Don't tell sorry after doing every mistake. Now you lost the value of sorry."Taehyung told with tear stricked face.

"Am I a house keeper Jungkook? Do you have any idea how I am spending time? I am all alone here in between these cold walls without having anybody to talk."Tae ranted. Jungkook held him by his shoulder and mumbled

"I will make it up Tae. Only hold on for these days."Taehyung removed his hands and looked the otherside.

"Jieun is not in a good condition."

"Then Am I in a good condition huh?"Taehyung screamed loudly.

"Jungkook who is your family?Who is your future?"Tae again asked. Now he is like a drunken man.Jungkook didn't tell anything , the only wrong thing he is doing for a long time.

"Jimin is right. No wonder why Jieun divorced from you"In this moment Jungkook's patience sinked down. Noone can't talk about his life like that. He knows that he can have so many faults but he is also a huma after all.

"Don't talk like that Tae."Jungkook told suppressing his anger cause Taehyung's pain is way more vast than his.Taehyung also didn't want to continue as he understood that his divorce is a sensitive topic for him.But his anger never shaded.

"When did Jimin came?"Jungkook asked.

"When you are busy with Jieun."Tae said not meeting Jungkook's eyes.

"I am going there only for Hiro...."Jungkook is also now not in good mood as he is also sensitive with all these problems. He found his comfort within Tae but when he is like this he don't have his sane.

"Hiro hiro hiro.  Is she the reason you are going. Then I will ask Jieun to give her to me to adopt. Then you will be here. No need to go."Taehyung said and took his phone on the stool. Taehyung really lost his mind right now.Jungkook surprised how this idea came.

"NO NO NOOO TAE. THIS IS NOT THE TIMEEE..YOU KNOW SHE IS NOT IN GOOD TERMS."Jungkook yelled as he don't want Tae to do this. He will be the one who greatly repents after this. Jieun is still in the hospital without having clear  future. She is already broken. Taehyung can't break her further aksing for her daughter.

Jungkook turned other side sighing so louldy as Tae kept down the phone. But he is wrong.

"Hello Jieun. I want adopt. Can you give..."Taehyung was unable to complete further as Jungkook took his mobile.

Then Jungkook slapped Tae.


Don't hate me. Iam just writing the story.

Why some authors make goals for votes and comments to readers?Then saying that they will update only the goal is achieved. That is so useless.Votes and comments should earned by them.Aurthors can't forced readers to do.🤔

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