Chris McLean Imagines

By Zoramaeve

101K 1.8K 1.1K

I am well aware of the idea not many people are a huge fan of Chris McLean but he happens to be one of my fav... More

You Talk Too Much
Maybe I'm Just Not Good Enough
Not Ashamed
Are you Jealous?
Go Out With Me
Go Out With Me Part 2
Sticky Notes?
Too Nice
Are You Free on Friday?
Flirtatious Spaniard
I'm Not Your Play Thing
Don't You Die on Me--Please...
I'm Not Your Play Thing Pt 2
That's Not Funny
I'm the Lucky One
I've Never Been on a Date Before
Not Just Friends
The Interview
Hello dear readers!
Im Sorry

You're Going Out With Him Again, Aren't You?

1K 32 8
By Zoramaeve

*A/N: Sorry for such a long hiatus, my life has been super hectic. However, I have returned! This may not be the best chapter, since it genuinely has been forever since I've written anything creative- it's all essays the last few months, but they will return to being better, I promise!*

Chris and (Y/N) had been back and forth in a flirting game for a very long time–almost 3 full seasons of Total Drama, to be exact. Currently, Chris, Chef, (Y/N), the contestants, and the very few current interns are on their way to London. The plan for the contestants was to catch Jack the Ripper before he caught them. Currently on a double-decker bus, (Y/N) crossed their arms as the contestants listened to Chris explain the challenge. Cutting in, (Y/N) held out a picture of Jack the Ripper.

"But, be careful! Jack's also hunting you! That's why Team 'Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot' is now shorthanded!" (Y/N) explained, watching as the contestants realized Alejandro was already caught. Owen began to panic and Chris continued to explain that they were headed to the Tower of London. Gwen then explained her high knowledge of Jack the Ripper, and Courtney added to the conversation, explaining how she knows a lot about the Tower of London.

Once the group made it to the tower of London, Christ continued to explain how the contestants will go about the challenge– following a series of clues to Jack the Ripper's secret lair. By catching him first, that team will win. Chris explained that the clue is hidden inside a guard's uniform and that it was a musical challenge. (Y/N) stood off to the side with the intern who stays nearby in case of injuries. The intern, Ethan, was incredibly handsome by any standards. He was also one of the more interesting interns to talk to, being medically trained and actually caring for the contestants was just a bonus.

"Chris certainly likes putting them in danger. Thankfully, it doesn't seem like he intends for any injuries this time around." Ethan commented, watching as the teenagers removed the clothing from the guard.

"Yeah, it actually seems like a relatively safe challenge." (Y/N) agreed, watching as each team rushed off for their next clue. The camera crew was following the teams closely. "So, since you seem to be safe from extra work today, do you have any London plans?" They asked him. Ethan rubbed his neck nervously and smiled.

"Actually, I was wondering if you were interested in maybe going to the Greenwich Observatory with me?" He glanced at them, waiting patiently for their response.

"O-oh! Are you- uhm, are you asking me out?" (Y/N) questioned, although pretty sure of the answer already. As Ethan nodded, (Y/N) contemplated. Three seasons of this back-and-forth game had become ridiculous, and it did seem like Chris had no intention of actually doing anything about it. "Sure- that sounds great actually. I love the stars." (Y/N) agreed.

It took a little while to get to the Greenwich Observatory, but once they made it, it was definitely worth it. The outside itself was already beautiful, but once inside and getting to see the stars was even more worth it than (Y/N) could ever imagine. The stars happened to be beyond beautiful that night also, making it extremely memorable. After leaving the observatory, where Ethan had managed to hold (Y/N)'s hand- and still had not let go- they were walking back to the plane together.

"I had a wonderful time tonight. Thank you for that, honestly." (Y/N) expressed. Ethan nodded.

"I did too, I figured the observatory would be great, but it was even better with you there." He said with a grin. (Y/N)'s cheeks flushed pink and they turned away from Ethan. After they made it back to the plane, Ethan nervously placed a small kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek and let them on the plane first.

(Y/N) made it back to their room, immediately sliding down the door, and thinking about their date. While the date was fun, it was definitely worth remembering, (Y/N) wasn't sure if it was what they wanted in a relationship. The evening was enjoyable, and the choice of date was beautiful but the conversation was awkward and boring. Ethan only spoke of himself the whole date, barely giving (Y/N) a chance to answer questions before talking over them, adding input about himself again. (Y/N) shook the thoughts away, choosing to gather their clothing and go for a shower instead of overthinking. After grabbing their pajamas, they left their room for the shared bathroom- the only bathroom with a lock- which belonged to (Y/N), Chris, and Chef. As (Y/N) walked past Chris' room, he opened the door, clothes in hand to do the same.

"O-oh! You uh- you can go first!" (Y/N) stuttered out, nervously before starting to back away.

"How was your date?" Chris asked. He was blunt and his tone was even, which only confused (Y/N). Maybe all it was these past three seasons genuinely was just a game to Chris. (Y/N) frowned slightly, but covered it with a grin.

"It was wonderful. I enjoyed every minute- Ethan took me to the observatory." (Y/N) smiled again. Genuinely happy regarding the observatory, maybe not so much regarding the date. Chris nodded slightly, still no expression.

"That's great. Glad you had fun." He stated, blankly before heading to the bathroom. (Y/N) watched in confusion before shrugging and heading back to their room to wait their turn.

About a week later, the plane landed in Niagara Falls- well actually the remaining seven contestants are dropped from the plane and they struggle to climb into the two boats dropped with them. Chris and (Y/N) are already on shore, and Ethan is not too far away, keeping an eye on them for injuries as they fell from the sky. (Y/N) glanced over at Ethan who returned her look with a smile. (Y/N) nervously returned it before looking back to the contestants. They glanced over at Chris who still had no expression. The contestant finally made it to the shore, thanks to Sierra, who sat on top of Cody and promptly kissed him as Cody struggled under her. Chris and (Y/N) explained the challenge once they made it to the concert hall. Blaineley ends up rejoining the contestants.

"You're on your own," Chris states, as Blaineley asks what team she is supposed to be on.

"Because as of right now, all teams are disbanded." (Y/N) added. The teams cheered. Chris explained that we are in the Honeymoon capital of the world and that the contestants will be in arranged marriages for this challenge. The guys were shoved into a box with a bear, and that box played slots to choose the guy in the marriage. Sierra had a mental breakdown because she originally got Alejandro, but Heather volunteered to take him instead. Blaineley got Owen, who apparently is the audience favorite. Courtney got the bear at first but ended up with Duncan. Leaving Sierra with Cody as she hoped. Chris dressed in a blue tux, similar to that of season 2, and explained the challenge. While (Y/N) was dressed in a white (gown/tux). The guys must use a megaphone to lead their blindfolded wives to their wedding gowns. (Y/N) once again, similar to last season, struggled to keep their eyes off of Chris. Each girl got a dress and they moved on to the next challenge. The two who win get first class.

"Before I forget, the falls are stocked with hungry sharks!" (Y/N) added, grateful to be back in their normal clothes. As the contestants began to move across the tightrope, (Y/N) felt a hand on their shoulder.

"Hey, so since we're in a pretty romantic spot, I was wondering if maybe you would like to–"

"(Y/N) I need you on the other side of the tightrope. NOW." Chris explained. Shrugging externally, but feeling relieved internally, (Y/N) started across the tightrope, nervously. Why Chris made them do it was beyond their understanding.

Back on the plane, (Y/N) headed back to their room again, and struggled to understand what had happened in Niagara Falls. There was absolutely no reason for Chris to send (Y/N) to the other side. While in thought, however, (Y/N) ran into Chris- literally. He watched as (Y/N) struggled out a nervous apology.

"What? Cat got your tongue now that you got someone new to talk to?" He asked. His tone was more harsh and rude, and (Y/N)'s mouth dropped.

"W-what?" Chris shook his head.

"You're going out with him again, aren't you?" He asked, his tone still rude, but teetering on soft. (Y/N) watched him for a moment.

"What's it matter to you?" They crossed their arms. "As a matter of fact, I-" (Y/N) cut themselves off and sighed. "I don't think so, actually. No." (Y/N) refused to get into a fight with their co-host, especially over one really crappy date with an intern. Chris' aggressive expression dropped and cleared his throat.

"I uh- I'm sorry to hear that." He expressed. He sounded genuine. "But, I'm also pretty relieved. That just means I get to keep flirting with you." He laughed. (Y/N) frowned.

"No, actually, it doesn't. I'm not going to be a pawn in this back-and-forth game of yours. I'm tired of the mixed signals. Sorry, Chris, but no." (Y/N) shook their head and walked around Chris towards their room. Chris quickly extended his arm and grabbed (Y/N)'s shoulder.

"Wait- (Y/N)-" Quickly turning around, they crossed their arms.


"I'm sorry- I wasn't playing a game- I mean, I uh. I actually really like you. I thought you-" He cleared his throat nervously. "-I assumed this was just for fun, to you. But, honestly, to me, I do genuinely like you." (Y/N)'s expression grew nervous and their cheeks flared red.

"You- like me?" Chris nodded. "I uhm...I like you, a lot, actually." Chris chuckled.

"I know- I caught you staring earlier. You looked great in white, by the way." He winked, causing their cheeks to darken.

"...thank you." They mumbled nervously. He laughed.

"We are going to Tanzania for the next stop, would you like to accompany me to Bongoyo Island?" (Y/N) tilted their head in confusion.

"I haven't the slightest clue what that is, but I trust yes, I would love to." They smiled. Chris grinned, letting them finish their walk to their room, and rushed to plan a magnificent date with an even more magnificent person- his favorite person.

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