Slipping Through My Fingers

By DefinitelySalvatore

855K 17.6K 1.9K

Rosalie Turner is seventeen and pretty much a lonely soul, as she is forced to care for her younger siblings... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Bonus Chapter One
Bonus Chapter Two

Chapter Thirty One

22.1K 360 35
By DefinitelySalvatore

Chapter Thirty One

Rosalie's POV -

The phone started ringing beside me, and instead of embarrassing myself by seeking comfort in Nate's tempting arms, I reached out and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

I was hoping that it would be the police, telling me they had a lead on where my baby brother was. Or better yet, that they had actually found him. But, it wasn't the police. I was shocked to my very core, having no idea that it would be him.

"I haven't heard that voice in such a long time." His sadistic voice mused.

I felt like everything had just stopped. I felt myself go into an inner shock, my body going into frenzy. I had a sudden adrenaline rush, but I had nothing I could do about it. So I stayed still, knowing that my face displayed every emotion zooming through me. At one point, I completely forgot that Nate was sitting right next to me, his face clearly showing that he knew who was on the phone with me.

"Dad?" I breathed, knowing nothing else of what to say.

What do you say in an event like this? I didn't know if I should have threatened him, or begged for him to give me my brother back. But I knew that no matter what, I was ending this fear with them once and for all, no matter what I had to do.

"My sweet Rosalie. How are you my dear?" I could just picture the smirk sitting on his face.

And unlike Nate's, it would be sadistic and heartless, showing no room for the playful one always sitting on Nate's face.

If there was a time for me to swear, say any cussing words, and curse, it would be now. Because this man, this atrocious, sick, mind-twisted man had kidnapped my brother and then had the freaking audacity to call me.

"Where is he?" I muttered through clenched teeth.

I could feel my eyes stinging, but I willed myself not to cry. I would not cry over them anymore, no matter how much they hurt me. They didn't deserve my tears.

"Where's who?" He feigned innocence.

"What did you do with my brother?!" I yelled, on the verge of sobbing.

I didn't want to - no, I couldn't - cry on the phone with him. I would never show weakness to him, every time he used to whip me, I would cry and beg for forgiveness, even though I hadn't done anything, but no more. At this moment, I hoped my father never take another breath. No matter how much I always reminded myself that at the end of the day, he was my dad, I prayed for his death.

I felt a cry soaring up through me, getting stuck in my throat. I couldn't talk. And thankfully, Nate noticed this and took the phone off of me.

"Where the f*ck is Liam?" He yelled through the phone.

I heard my father's sinister chuckle through the phone and I felt like jumping in the phone and strangling him with my bare hands.

"Nate, I believe you have no say in this conversation." He replied.

I felt my blood go cold, and I froze again. How did he know Nate's name?

Nate, however, wasn't fazed at all by this fact, and he continued to speak.

"You will tell me where he is or so help you God, I will hunt you down and beat you to your death." Nate muttered, his eyes going into slits.

I heard loud footsteps towards my room and Jace was standing at my doorway, his eyes tearing up. He walked inside and stood in front of me.

"Is... is that him?" He murmured.

Fortunately for Jace, he didn't have many memories of our parents. He remembers what they looked like and from what I told him, he was able to recollect memories from what they used to do, but other than that, the memory of my parents were a blur.

I merely managed a nod, and turned back to Nate.

I watched as Jace tore the phone out of Nate's hand, pressing it to his ear.

"Where is he!?" Jace cried, tears slowly escaping from his eyes. "Where is my brother?!"

I couldn't stop him from continuously screaming into the phone, and I just watched at Nate took the phone from Jace. Mike, who must have heard all the screaming, came inside of the room and watched the two boys yell. He looked at me, his whole expression breaking my heart.

"Is that the man that took Liam?" He whispered.

I nodded again.

He nodded in return and stood in front of Nate, and quickly asked for the phone. Nate looked towards me, as if asking if he could talk to his father. I shook my head, never wanting Mike near the revolting asshole.

"Mike, I think it's best if I talk." Nate muttered.

"I want the phone." Mike stated defiantly, and sneakily snatched it from Nate's grasp.

"Hello?" He cried, pressing the phone against his ear. "Can you bring me my brother back? Please? I love him and I didn't even get to say goodbye. Please bring him back. I miss him."

And that's when I started to hyperventilate.

Everything in me was a blur, and all I could focus on was breathing, without having a heart attack. I needed to breathe again, just so I could survive, and kill my dad.

"Get a paper bag!"

I heard orders being shouted everywhere, but I wasn't really listening. I felt my eyes rolling back, but I willed myself to stay conscience, to breathe, just so that I could see Liam again. I knew I wasn't exactly going to die, but my irrational thoughts were taking over, and all I could think was that I needed to see my little brother again.

"Nate," I barely made out. "Please help me."

His expression told me that he could cry. I had never seen Nate wear this expression, but it just broke me even more. He looked helpless, like he didn't know what to do, what decisions to make. Does he stay on the phone with my father or does he help me?

Right now, I didn't know. I just knew that I needed to find some way to regain my breath.

Nate draped his arms over my shoulders, shouting out orders to me that I tried to listen to, but I could only clearly hear my flashbacks of what my father used to do to me.

It was, without a doubt, one of the worst moments in my life.

I felt my eyes rolling back again, I tried, oh God, I tried, but it was just too hard to stay conscience. Not with everything that was going on with me. So when I realised that there really wasn't anything I could do to fight it, I just let it take over.

I gave in.


When someone feels like they're dying, the next thing they most likely say when they are conscience is that they saw white everywhere, and eventually would figure out that they were in a hospital ward.

I, however, didn't have the same experience as most people. One, I actually wasn't dying, just suffering from a severe hyperventilation, and two, I woke up in my room. In my bed. Same old stuff.

The crazy part? When I woke up, I saw two Mike's. Well, it was what I thought to be two Mikes. And then, my heart accelerated and I came to terms with what I was seeing.

Liam was here.

My Liam.

But then, as fast as the happiness had come, it was washed away all too soon. Because this couldn't be real. My brother was not here. I was dreaming. Having an epiphany. Wishful thinking...

But, it just seemed too real, especially when Nate came barging into the room, slamming the door loudly, his eyes widening the slightest when he noticed my eyes were open.

"You're up." He stated, looking straight into my eyes.

I hadn't expected that. I was kind of hoping for him to tell me what my brother was doing here.

I opened my mouth, but it felt dry.

"Oh, right. Liam's back." He grinned, pointing to my brother.

If Nate was any closer, I'd slap him upside the head. Seriously? That's how he announces that my kidnapped brother had been returned. I had so many questions, I needed so many answers.

How long had I actually been knocked out for?

When did Liam come?

Where were my parents?

I needed answers.

I diverted my gaze from Nate's and turned it to Liam, who was grinning at me. Without thinking about it, I was out of bed and had my brother in my arms, refusing to cry.

I looked over at Nate while I held Liam in my arms and he smiled at me, admiration written in his eyes.

I kissed Liam's forehead and stroked his hair over and over again, shutting my eyes tightly so I wouldn't cry. And as much as I wanted to keep my brother with me, I needed to have some questions answered.

"You can let go now, I wasn't gone for that long!" Liam cried, pulling away from me.

I muffled a laugh and embraced him once more.

"I love you, Liam Turner." I grinned.

He looked at me and hugged me himself.

"I love you too, but I also love the games room and I've missed it a lot, so..." And then he and Mike ran out.

I wanted to run after him, demand that he at least spend a day with me, but I knew that while I just wanted to be in his presence, he was a kid, he wanted his toys. I decided that I'd spend the day with him regardless, though. No matter where he went. If he was dead set on spending time in the games room, then I'd hang out with him in there.

But first, I was determined for some answers.

Nate came and sat next to me on my bed, a smirk plastered onto his face. This smirk, however, held predictability, like he was just waiting for me to pounce with questions. And I would have, if this matter wasn't so serious. I needed order, structure, proper answers.

"What happened?" I asked.

Okay, so sue me, that wasn't a very proper question. But when you've just been through the trauma I've suffered and you've just woken up, you really aren't thinking straight. So yeah, my question wasn't a really good one, but I wasn't in class or anything.

"Well, I wish I could tell you that I found your parents and saved the day and everything, but then I'd be lying. Truth is, he just showed up. Out of nowhere. A couple of hours ago, I was using the punching bag outside and I just saw him waltz in through the driveway. I thought I was crazy, that I was hallucinating. I couldn't believe he actually showed up." He told me.

I didn't know what I would have done if I was in Nate's position, watching as Liam walked in through the driveway.

"And he just walked through, saw me, and asked to see his brother, like nothing had happened. And trust me; I've tried getting him to talk about what happened, he isn't giving me anything. It's as if he's blocked out that whole memory. Every time I asked him about what happened, anything about your parents, he'd just insult me. I've tried everything, stern and serious, playful, bribing, good-cop-bad-cop, nothing's worked." He seemed so frustrated.

"How did you do good-cop-bad-cop by yourself?" I frowned teasingly.

"I'd walk into the room all happy and shit and then I'd leave and walk back in all angry and serious." He muttered sheepishly, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

I chuckled in amusement, but on the inside, I felt sick. Why wasn't Liam talking? Was it because Nate was asking? Would he give me any answers?

"Did you call the police?" I asked.

"Adam did; he said they were coming in soon to interview him. But Rose, he isn't talking about it."

"I can try talking to him and-"

"Rose, he isn't talking."

I didn't want to give up.

"Not to anyone?"

"Jace has asked him heaps of questions and he just pretends that he never hears anything. But, I have caught him and Mike talking really quietly. I'm pretty sure he's said something to him." He shrugged.

Liam was only opening up to Mike? I knew that those boys were close, they never left each other's side, they were best friends. So, it wasn't entirely impossible for Liam to have told Mike what had happened.

But I was desperate to know, and I didn't want to have to wait until the police arrived for questioning.

"Can you call him? I'll speak to him alone; maybe he'll say something to me." I suggested.

"I'll call him, but don't get too upset if he doesn't say anything. I'm finding your parents regardless." His voice was thick with determination.

He stood up from the bed, pressed his lips on mine gently, building sensuality. I wanted to continue the kiss, seek comfort in him, but Nate pulled away too soon as I pouted in disappointment. He chuckled at my expression and pecked me quickly.

"Your brother, remember?" He smirked.

I blushed and nodded, ducking my head. Nate pressed his lips against my forehead before he was out the door and was telling Liam that I wanted to speak with him in my room. I heard Liam tell him okay and in a few seconds, my bedroom door opened and the twins walked in.

"Hey," I smiled.

Liam looked at me warily, walking slowly with his brother.

"Mike can you wait outside for a minute? I just want to talk to Liam alone." I murmured.

I decided that it'd be best if I just had Liam with me, that way he wouldn't feel pressured about anything. His brother could send one look and be of huge influence.

"No, he stays." Liam said abruptly.

"It'll only be a minute." I tried reasoning.

"Mike stays." His voice was so stern, full of authority.

I didn't bother trying to reason anymore, because he wouldn't listen. I nodded my head and patted the space next to me, telling them to sit next to me. They both followed cautiously, turning towards me once they were on the bed.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked.

"Um, so, how are you feeling?" I began hesitantly.

I wanted to know if my father laid a finger on him. Because if he did, that finger would no longer be there. If he attacked my brother like he used to attack me, I would not rest until I had him. But, I couldn't exactly ask Liam if he was attacked.

How do you ask that kind of question to a five year old?

"I'm fine."

"Are you hurt?" I tried again, attempting to make my question clearer.


"Did he, uh, did he hurt you?" God, this was difficult.

With that, Liam rolled his eyes and stood up from the bed.

"I'm leaving. Let's go, Mike."

I tugged on his arm, and felt my heartbreak when he winced. That's never happened before. Was he assaulted?

"Liam, do you know where they took you?" I asked.

He turned and faced me, innocence masking his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He muttered.

This entire time, I noticed, Mike hadn't said one thing. It was as if he was some silent bodyguard. But it was also what made me definite in knowing that Mike knew. Whatever Liam had experienced, he shared everything with Mike. Because if Mike hadn't known what happened, he'd be just as persistent with the questions.

"Do you know who took you?" I spoke, desperation clear in my voice.

This time, he just ignored me.

"Did they do anything to you? How did you return?"

"You're really ugly."

An insult.

Aggravated, I turned to Mike, my eyes pleading for answers.

"Mike, what happened?"

Mike turned to his brother, asking for permission silently. Liam shook his head the slightest bit before Mike shrugged in my direction, his eyes silently apologizing.

"Liam please!" I begged, feeling my eyes burn.

I wouldn't break down in front of the boys again.

Liam finally turned around, and faced me.

"The man was my dad. The woman was my mum. Why did you take me away from them?" He wasn't accusing me, no, his voice was like we had gone through the arrest, court trial and that I was facing the death penalty.

"Excuse me?"

I felt like I could choke.

Or hyperventilate.

Or die.

"Everyone has a mum and a dad. And I didn't have any. And they told me you took me away from them!" He seemed so angry.

I felt like I was arguing with a teenage son, not a five year old brother.

"Liam, what did they tell you?" I tried to keep calm.

"The woman returned me. She told me that I could go home."

My mother brought him back? But why? Not that I wasn't grateful, because my goodness I would have gone mad without my brother, but why would they kidnap him, only to return him the next day? Did they feel bad that they missed his childhood? Or just wanted to watch me suffer without actually causing me physical pain?

"Why did you take us away from them?" His voice rose.

"Liam, they're bad people. Don't listen to a word they say!" I would never want to be the person telling the kids to turn against their parents, but I had to at this point.

"So you didn't take us away from them?" He asked, crossing his arms.


"Well, I did, but that was only because they were not good people. They were bad. Like Cruella De Ville." Maybe if I made reference to what he's watched, he'd understand.

"Rose-" He was about to say something when Mike had interrupted him.

Mike slowly crept to Liam, and started saying something really quietly in his ear. They spoke and argued for about a minute until I watched realisation dawn on Liam's features, his eyes showing sheepishness as he turned towards me.

"I'm sorry, Rose. You're right." He muttered softly.

What the...?

What did Mike say to Liam?

"Can I see them?" Liam spoke.

I frowned in confusion, tilting my head slightly.

"The scars?"


Mike was there when I had my breakdown, screaming and ranting about my parents. I never knew that he had actually put the pieces together. Mike must have told Liam.

"Um, sure."

I didn't want to show Liam. I didn't want to scare him, because he seemed like he wasn't threatened by our parents, but if he saw my scars, he'd know. But he needed to know that they weren't good people.

That they were terrible.


Slowly, I raised the back of my shirt only the slightest bit so he could see the pattern of scatters across my lower back. We were lapsed into a silence for a short while, before I finally pulled my shirt back down and turned back to the boys.

"So, the bitch lied to me." Liam muttered, his lips forming into a thin line.

"Liam!" I was still playing big-sister, so it was my job to scold him for any swear words, no matter what the situation was.

And no matter how much the word described my mother.

"She is a bitch. And the guy's a bastard, how'd you ever live with them?" He now found the swearing amusing.

I felt a ton of bricks drops from my shoulders.

The boys were back.

"Liam." I warned.

His eyes turned mischievous, it held that glint and I just knew that he was about to say something really bad, just because he wanted to be cheeky.


And so, like it was a normal day with normal routine, I began chasing him around the house.


Authors Note:

Sup ;)

So... Not really sure how I feel about this chapter. I'm happy Liam's back, but I wanted him to be angry at her for a bit longer. Unfortunately, I love Rose too much to make her that unhappy :P

So, I'm waiting for you guys to thank me a million times for not leaving it at a cliffhanger because trust me, I had a perfect one in mind, but I didn't want to be that cruel. It would have been three cliffhangers in a row!

For any upcoming comments that may say something like 'Liam's kidnapping and returning happened too quickly' I want to say that this was only a little bump in the road, Liam was only supposed to be gone for a day. There's more plotter-y things to come, including one particular event about Nate and Rose that I CANNOT WAIT TO WRITE! So excited! :D but you guys may not like it... BWAHAHAHHA

Err... Schools been annoying.

Congrats if you've actually read all that!

Now to my tradition...

Vote, comment and fan.

Farewell xx

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