By booksbybrookk

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𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘶𝘴 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘺.... 𝘸𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲. 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢�... More

𝗼𝗻𝗲 .


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By booksbybrookk



-- -- -- --

Kandy sat on her boyfriends bed, waiting patiently for him to come back home after being out for seven hours - She was furious.

Hearing the door rattle, Kandy adjusted her seating before he stepped inside the room, placing a duffel bag onto the dresser nearby. Cutting on the light, he jumped seeing her sitting on the bed with a harden expression displayed on her face.

"Wassuh Pretty, why you still up?" Richard, spoke making his way closer to Kandy.

She rolled her eyes, "Because it's been seven hours, I was worried about you Rich."

"I'm sorry, Work got me-"

"Caught up? Yeah, you've said that many times before." She stood up, "This time someone reached out to me from work."

Richard furrowed his eyebrows, "Fuck you mean? You fucking one of my niggas?" He grasped onto her forearm, making her wince softly, but still held her ground.

"N-No," She mumbled before pulling away from his grasp, "I should though since you fucking one of your niggas wife." She spat, silence filled the room as Richard eyes lowered down in shame.

He knew that Toya was gonna do something sneaky, but he didn't know she was gonna do this. He tried breaking it off with her today, but one thing led to another.

"Listen, it's four in the morning. Can we talk about this when we both got energy?" Richard sighed, attempting to pull her into a hug but she stepped back, "Fuck?"

"I've got plenty of energy, but of course you don't because you was fucking her all throughout your office."

"Mane, I fucked her. That's what you wanted to hear, right?"

Kandy scoffed, "It's not about what I wanna hear, it's about you gaining some fucking honesty."

Richard waved Kandy off, making his way over toward the bed, "That's the truth."

"It's not!" She yelled, slapping her hand against her bare thigh, "You've been fucking her before we even gotten together! She made you start dating me, because she wanted to prove to her husband that you had a luh' girlfriend, right?"

"She just told you everything, Huh?" Richard chuckled, plopping onto the bed, "I'm sorry Kan, I truly am."

Kandy blinked away her tears, "W-Why?" She whispered, rubbing her hands against her arms as shivers tooken over her body warmth.

"Why what, Kandy?"

"Why did you choose me? Someone who you knew had genuinely loved you. You knew I liked you before we even started dated, I-I did things to prove my love for you! Why her? Why her over me? She's- She's white for all that matter!"

Richard hummed, "She actually gave me pussy when I wanted it, She can cook. She cleans after me, and she cleans me. She has her own business, not a stripper."

"R-Really?" Kandy cried, "That's how you felt the whole time? I tried to cook, You know I never had a mother to teach me. I-I don't need to clean after you because you got your own hands and feet, Im only a stripper because-because..."

"Because you have nothing?" Richard smirked, "Now get over here and ride Toya's dick."

Kandy sniffed, making her way over to Richard. Slowly climbing onto him, She began taking her pants off along with her underwear. It was true, she had nothing. She had nobody, She had no place to go, Nothing. She was nothing.

- - - -

Kandy threw some clothes into a small book bag, listening to Richard snore she cried silently as she grabbed more stuff. She was done, She was truly done. If she had to sleep on a public bench, she will, but she wasn't raised to be treated like shit - Not again.

Closing the closet door back, she grabbed the bag before walking out. Opening his safe, she took a couple bands before walking out of the room.

"Mrs. Robison?" Maria spoke, startling Kandy somewhat before she turned around fully, "The kids don't have school-"

"I-I know Maria, This isn't one of the kids bag. It's mines, I'm leaving." Kandy confessed, dropping the bag before pulling out a stack, "Hm, I wanna give you this for being such a great help. I know he doesn't pay you well."

Maria grasped into the money before pushing it back, "I don't need his money, I'm just following my mothers legacy. She worked for his uncle."

Kandy nodded and placed it back into the bag, "Can you tell the kids, I'll miss them? I-I know I couldn't see them as much but when I could, We had great times together."

Maria sighed, "Please don't leave me here, your the only one I can stand."

"I-I can't Maria, I genuinely can't. It'll just hurt me and you more. He's a bad person, you should find a different job, you don't deserve this."

"I'm signed to him." Maria mumbled, making Kandy furrow her eyebrows, "I cannot leave until he find a replacement or k-kills me."

Kandy frowned, "That's terrible, I'm sorry about that. I could- I would talk to him about it but i'm im in a situation myself."

Maria nodded, "It's fine, as long as you live your fantasy life. I'm happy." She leaned over and kissed Kandy cheek, "My little sister."

"Come with me."

"I cannot, He'll find me and when he do i'll die." Maria sighed.

"He won't, I'll make sure of it. Just try, for me?" Kandy begged.

Maria looked between Kandy and Richard master bedroom, She knew the rules of the treaty. She knew the consequences as well - But Kandy soothing voice made her think twice.

"Fine, let's escape this monster."

- - - -

Kandy walked around the airport as she waited for her brother to come, He wasn't aware of the previous situation because Kandy just told him 'Please come see me' not wanting to get Richard killed.

"This brother of yours..." Maria trailed off, "He's been to the house before?" She looked up at Kandy.

Kandy stopped before looking back at Maria, "Yeah, you've met him before."

Maria nodded, "I thought that." She nervously lick the corner of her mouth.

"Why?" Kandy couldn't help but notice the change in Maria demeanor; She hope her brother didn't do anything to Maria she wasn't aware of.


"Brothhherr!" Kandy exclaimed, jumping into her older brother arms. Kareem smiled wrapping his arms securely around his little sister, He noticed the dried tears on her face but didn't wanna bring it up right now.

"Wassuh Kan," He chuckled, looking around the airport before his eyes fell onto Maria, He watched her uncomfortably shift in her seat before looking away from his intense stare, "Where yo bitch ass Nigga at?" His face formed into a small mug, Kandy slid down before looking back at Maria.

"We done." Kandy mumbled, fiddling with her rolex Richard bought her for a 'Im sorry for cheating on you' gift a few months ago.

"Bout' time, Why y'all making it seem so bad?" Kareem furrowed his eyebrows, purposefully looking longer at Maria then Kandy.

"Nothing, How was your flight?"

"It was straight."

Kandy smiled, "Great, This is Maria, I think y'all might've-"

"We know each other." Kareem and Maria spoke, making Kandy squint her eyes.

"Excuse me, I was just tryna introduce one another." Kandy waved them off, not picking up any negative sign, "Maria dosent work for Richard anymore, We should go out for lunch and celebrate."

Kareem cut his eyes at Maria, "Youn work for Rich, No more?"

Maria slightly rolled her eyes, "That's what she said."

"Y'all not telling me something?" Kareem eyes adverted between Kandy and Maria, "You know i'll find out."

"We shouldn't do this in a airport." Maria spoke, standing up from her previous spot and walking next to Kandy.

"I don't give a fuck Maria." Kareem spat, making Kandy furrow her eyebrows. She didn't like how Kareem was being mean to Maria and he just really met her.

"Don't talk to her like that."

"Kandy, mind your business."

"Nigga she is my business! She don't even know you, so stop being mean. You don't know what she been through, you just jump to being mean."

"She know what she did." Kareem mugged, silence falling over the three, "Quiet now?" He smirked at Maria, making her eyes tear up.

"What do he mean?" Kandy turned around looking at Maira, "Kareem, why is she crying? What the fuck is going on!" She exclaimed, rubbing Maria back softly.

"Can we not do this in a airport!" Maria yelled, causing attention onto the three. She looked around before pulling away from Kandy and walking outside; Embarrassed wasn't the word. He was correct, she knew what she did but she wanted to tell him the truth - Everything .

"It's obvious that y'all had something going on, or something still going on. Go find her please." Kandy sighed, grabbing her phone before walking away from Kareem.

Kareem sighed, knowing he had fucked up. He was tired of biting his tongue, hiding his feelings to keep everyone 'cool'.

Walking out the airport, he walked over toward Maria before leaning against the car she was leaning on, "Can we talk?" He mumbled.

Maria looked up before rolling her eyes, "You've said enough." She attempted to walk away.

"There's more.." Kareem pull her back, "I'm sorry for embarrassing you in front of Kandy and i'm front of everyone in there but i'm not sorry for putting out the truth. What you did hurt me Maria."

"Don't you think that hurted me as well?"

"You don't act like it." He remarked, making a small scoff escape her lips along with a roll of her eyes, "I'm for real."

"I am too! I didn't want to do that, I didn't have a choice. What do you think Richard would've did if I went home pregnant. I couldn't hide the shit nigga! I wanted you.. I wanted everything from you but a baby I couldn't have."

"Y-You pregnant?" Kareem mumbled.

"Was.. I was pregnant Kareem." Maria sighed, wiping her face as she looked away from his stare, "Say whatchu gotta say."

"You killed my-"

"We both would've been dead Kareem! We could always make another baby, can't make another me. Richard would've killed me and probably you too."

"Thats bullshit, you just his maid why could he kill your- our baby?"

Maria looked away, "It's difficult."

"It wasn't difficult when you killed our baby and left me, Huh?"

"He owned me, Kareem. He fucking owned me and being pregnant wasn't something I could've been. I was signed to him, Kareem. That's why Kandy helped me escape him today. He would've killed all of us, Then what? All because you wanted me to keep the baby?"

"I'm not mad that you k-killed our baby. I'm mad that you left me, I expressed my love for you. You almost met my folks, Maria. I trusted you.. I loved you, and you left me high and dry with a note." He pulled a paper from his pocket.

"I loved you too, Kareem. I-I still do but I couldn't put you in harms way. We weren't meant to be, and I shouldn't had led you on knowing that I wasn't allowed to entanglements. I'm sorry, I just wanted to know what it felt like to be loved... Not raped."

"That nigga raped you?" Kareem perked off from the car, making Maria quickly step in front of him.

"Y-Yeah, Twice."

"He was raping my sister too?"

"I-I dunno.. I don't believe so."

"Raped who?" Kandy popped up, making the two startled before Kareem went back to his normal mindset, "Why you so mad? I told you to apologize-"

"That nigga raped you?" Kareem spoke harshly, making Kandy quickly look over at Maria, "Kandace."

"Why the random question? Anyways, it's old if he did." She nonchalantly waved him off, only making him madder.

"So, He fucked both of y'all without y'all consent?"

"Maria, seriously?" Kandy sighed looking over at Maria, "What happened to not telling him anything?"

"I'm sorry, We just talked and I started venting and one thing led to another..."

"Kareem-" The sound of her phone ringing and a small smile creeping onto her face made everyone silent, "I have too take this, y'all keep talking." She pointed at them while raising her phone to her ear and walking away.

"Heyyy, hope you ain't forget about me!" Sehkani exclaimed.

"Girl, I could never. Matter fact, We just talked four days ago." Kandy giggled, looking back at Maria and Kareem seeing them talking.

"Four too long, my man don't even go 25 seconds without talking to me." Sehkani mumbled, "Answer this facetime so I could disclaim this excitement."

"Yo man don't be responding that fast, and if he do lemme get his brother," Kandy smirked, accepting the facetime call, "Ouuu you looking rough..."

Sehkani rolled her eyes playfully, "I got fucked." She held her hand up, lowering her head in shame making Kandy laugh obnoxiously.

"Mhmm, What's this exciting news?"

"We're moving.. In two days! Mekai already did what he hadda do, it's official! We finna re-unite friend!" Sehkani clapped her hands, doing a small dance.

"I'm so excited, We finna be doing something every damn day. That's if Mr. Mekai alright with that."

"Girl, He gonna have to suck it up. Sike, lemme shut up like he not right beside me sleep."

"Pussy put him to sleep?" Kandy raised her eyebrows.

"You already knew that boo!" Sehkani smiled, "What you doing?"

"Girl nothing, My brother and my friend talking bout' some old issues they got and some new ones that was just disclaimed accidentally. I left Richard...For good.."

"Oh my gosh.." Sehkani screamed, "Mekai keep yo fockin' hands to yourself, the hell you hitting me for and you still half sleep." Sehkani fussed.

"You knew that boy was right there sleep, but yeah." Kandy shrugged, boosting herself a little.

"I'm proud of you pookie, I'm tryna get like yo- MEKAI THE FUCK! My lip probably swollen and shit, it's swollen Kan?" Sehkani pouted in the camera.

"Quit saying stupid shit, told you bout' letting yo friends get you fucked up." Mekai mumbled, grabbing her face and examining it before pushing away, "You pretty, Mama."

"I'm getting jealous." Kandy fanned her eyes making Sehkani laugh, "Everyone boo'ed up beside me."

"Fuck niggas get money, I'm just encouraging her bae, I fuck my nigga and spend his money." Sehkani assured Mekai, Kandy laughed loudly making people look at her crazy.

"Finna turn gay.. This fine stud been hitting my line for a hot minute too." Kandy nodded.

"I don't see why not.. A chance is a chance and you was talking bout' how you never want kids.. Stud screams perfect for you."

"You righ-" Kandy furrowed her eyebrows looking over at Kareem and Maria, "Aye! Hands to y'all fockin' self! Y'all ain't slick."

"I'm hollering! Maria like what? 25? Let her breathhhee miss. I don't know if i'm gay."

"Hanging up." Kandy mugged before hangin up, "Y'all cool now?" She question the two, walking back in front of them.

Maria looked over at Kareem, "Yeah, We finna try again since we don't have to deal with Richard. Hopefully, have a rainbow baby."

"That's good!" Kandy smiled, "I think i'm gay." She expressed, avoiding eye contact with Kareem.

"Mane, y'all just keep coming with the surprises." Kareem fussed, making the girls laugh, "For real?"

Kandy nodded, "I cannot see myself with another guy. I shall not see myself with another guy."

"Oh my gosh, You finna hit Dee back?" Maria smiled.

"Yupp, Finna see what she working with or whatever." Kandy popped her gum, "Can we find a house now? I think i'm pregnant."

"She keep coming with the bullshit." Kareem shook his head.

"I think i'm serious."

- - - -

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