By Timeless_flowers

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Alayna Callisto is a princess born within the realm of the Iris kingdom, where one's eye color determines the... More

Author note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 15

11 2 0
By Timeless_flowers

The empty wide hallway stood still. A silence fell upon it and for the first time Alayna was unable to hear her own thoughts. Not knowing where she was and how she ended up here she began observing her surroundings. Her gaze fleeted around the hall watching the scenery in front of her, when she suddenly spotted a door at the end of the hall. Her curiosity peaked and her body began walking towards the cryptic golden door. Alayna couldn't control or even resist the movement. She walked and walked, it seemed like an eternity. No matter how she never reached the door. It was as if the wide hall stretched beneath her feet for every step she took. 

'How is not always the most important question!' A voice loudly echoed from every direction of the hall. The sound of the familiar voice painfully screeched in Alayna's ears. It was so loud she had to cover her own ears. But the voice never stopped.

'Then what should I ask instead?' Alayna retorted, wishing for it to end. In an instant everything stopped, even the sound of her own heart beat vanished.

'Rose... Hello?.. Don't leave before answering my question!'

"Your highness.. miss Alanya?..ALAYNA CALLISTO!"

Alayna quickly opened her eyes and stood up. Mr. Ervad looked at her with a strange expression. She looked around and saw Lorenzo trying to hide a smile behind a book and Angelo not even bothering to disguise his chortle of laughter. That's when Alayna realized that all of her previous adventures led to her falling asleep during one of her classes. Which was something out of the book for her since she was an extraordinary student.

'Oh no'

When Alayna's parents were alive the Royal court had decided that it was for the best that the future generation had an education before ruling the kingdom. Even after their death the ruling continued on to their generation.

"Were you dozing off in my class?"

" No I wasn't"  She quickly blurted out in an attempt to save herself from the disastrous outcome that was about to come. Falling asleep during Mr. Evard's lesson was almost as bad as ending someone's life line. He wasn't the most understanding teacher, rather more like a monarch who likes to exploit his power as soon as he gets the chance.

"If so, could you explain how the East empire fell?"

'Easy' she thought, "It fell because the citizens attacked the palace and killed the ruling king."

"And who was the one to take the power after his death?

"Uhh.." Alayna looked to the side and tried to signal Lorenzo for help. Lorenzo made an attempt to help her, but she just couldn't understand what he was signing with his hands.

"That's what I thought, you were clearly asleep. And that is unacceptable behavior" he confronted. "What has become of you? I didn't imagine being parentless was enough to make someone so irresponsible."

Alayna looked at Mr. Ervad in slight shock. Apparently the mean comments from her own relatives weren't enough. And in the midst of Mr. Evard's scolding, Alayna could hear Angelo letting out a little laugh behind her. Even though she was deeply hurt by Mr. Evard's comment, she certainly didn't have any way to come up with any further excuses to save herself so apologizing would be the best possible option.

She pressed her lips against each other and lastly swallowed hard as if she was trying to swallow down her feelings."I deeply apologize for my indolence."

"Apologizing is not enough to excuse your irresponsibility. If you're truly sorry then detention would be the best choice for you."

"No, but I can't."

"And why is that?" he inquired in a bothered tone. "If you have enough time to doze off in my class, I'm certain you have enough time to stay after for detention."

"I-", Alayna was desperately trying to come up with an excuse, but there was none left, and so she sighed in defeat.

"I do not believe you have a valid reason to skip detention today," he implied once more.

Suddenly Lorenzo raised his hand. " If you excuse my interruption professor but I have to inform you that I do not think Alayna will be able to be in detention after all."

"I don't?" Alayna asked in a surprised tone. Even she couldn't figure out what Lorenzo was planning.

"May I ask exactly why again?" Mr. Evard inquired as he raised his eyebrows, clearly agitated.

"Our family is actually going to host Angelo's birthday celebration this evening. As you may or may not know Angelo will turn twenty years old, and this birthday is especially important as it is his first birthday since his coming of age ceremony. Surely that would be more important than detention."

Alayna glanced at Lorenzo and mumbled a quiet 'thank you' to him. Which he returned with a genuine smile.

Mr Ervad regarded the royal that was clearly making up an excuse with an irritated look. He knew that his legitimate power had a certain limit that he could not cross and therefore could only answer in an agitated manner. With a huff he shifted his attention back to Alayna.

"And why are you still standing?"

"Oh sorry."

She hadn't realized that she was standing up the whole time.Which only added more evidence of her indolence. Alayna quickly sat down trying to hide her embarrassment. Only if that was the end of it all. She was just a brief second from turning around and smacking her snickering cousin with a book. Thankfully Mr. Ervad was the one to interrupt her somewhat menacing thoughts.

"Mr Angelo, is it such a difficult task to be quiet or is that just another challenge your royal highness cannot complete?" In an instant Angelos snickering died down.

"And I also see that etiquette lessons are something you seem to not put any mind to."

A frown made it onto Angelos face as he set his crossed feet down from the desk. Mr. Ervad turned around and continued writing on the board as he mumbled something about unruly children. Alanya quickly shot a satisfied smirk at her cousin making his frown deepen.

The history lesson had continued with a far more calmer atmosphere. When the class ended Alayna collected her things along with the heavy 'History of all times' book that Mr. Ervad had given them. As she walked out the door she had just realized what Lorenzo had told the professor earlier. He may not be her preferred choice of a teacher but it certainly did not stop her from favoring the subject itself. And as she was so engulfed in the subject she never took in the mention of Angelos birthday celebration. She hadn't even let the thought cross her mind. How great. Once again she had been disturbed from her important research time to celebrate someone who she was not even on great terms with.

Alayna swiftly exited the classroom in the direction of her chamber. There were butlers and maids rushing around the castle. Everyone appeared to be busy preparing for the celebration. As Alayna passed by the ballroom, distracted by the decorations she hadn't noticed the set of eyes watching her from afar. The owner of the eyes strutted across the room to where she was standing.

"Your highness."

"Er, sir Killian" Alayna answered surprised as she had not seen him or heard him coming her way.

"I see that you have remembered my name."

"Well anyone would hardly forget the past encounters we've had so far. "

In response, Killian answered with an amused chuckle. Alayna could only smile at it because she herself could not deny the appealing sight in front of her.

"Ah, yes, again I apologize for my rude behavior. That was not one of my greatest moments."

"Since I am feeling very humble at the moment I guess I will have to allow it to pass this time."

"I deeply have to express my gratitude. You have lessened my burden" he jokingly said as he lifted her hand and kissed the back of it.

Alayna's efforts to hold her laughter were in vain when she exploded at his last action. She had no clue when the atmosphere between them had changed, including the last time she had laughed this hard but she certainly knew that she loved the feeling of it. Killian seemed to join in with her a few moments later. It only lasted a short time when someone interrupted them by aggressively clearing their throat. Their laughter immediately ceased. Killian put on a serious expression when he saw the person standing behind Alayna.

"Your grace!" ... "Aunt Elizabeth!", they both expressed simultaneously. 

"I need to speak with you" she ordered, "and in private."

As if getting the clue of dismissal Killian quickly bowed and excused himself. Alayna watched as he joined the other guards before shifting her attention back to her evil aunt. 

"How could you roam around the castle chatting around with some guard. You're supposed to head straight to your room and get ready. Look at you, how would any gentlemen approach you when you act like this?" she spouted in irritation. "Well thankfully my brother has already arranged that for you!" The duchess stated in a relieved tone as she firmly fanned herself. Alayna gave no response and kept telling herself not to give in to her aunt's taunting.

"Who are you eyeing, now shoo away before you make a fool out of us all."

Alayna stormed off to her chamber before she would allow herself to utter a comment she would later come to regret. The duchess was not the only one that ended up needing a fan to cool her temperament.

Hello everyone,

I know it took a very long time to get these three chapter coming ahead, but the writing wasnt working. Thankfully I have returned!


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