His soft spot | pjm

By sugrchim

5.6K 386 106

in which Jimin finds himself having a soft spot for the newbie. -your favorite high school romance au cliché. More

chapter | 1
chapter | 2
chapter | 3
chapter | 4
chapter | 5
chapter | 6
chapter | 7
chapter | 8
chapter | 9
chapter | 10
chapter | 11
chapter | 12
chapter | 14
chapter | 15
chapter | 16
please read
chapter | 17
chapter | 18

chapter | 13

206 17 2
By sugrchim


My eyes slowly open, attempting to adapt to the absurd brightness of the room. My eyes expand as I take it all in.

I'm in the hospital.

I try to sit up as my heartbeat quickens but when I do, I get dizzy. As the headache worsens, a beeping sound occurs, and I mentally cry. I close my eyes tightly and it soon stops. I open them to be faced by a middle-aged woman, whom I assume is the nurse based on her attire.

"How are you feeling, honey?"She flashes me a warm smile while holding a pad and a pen.

"I... my head is throbbing," I groan in pain, and she takes note of it.

"Can you remember what happened?" I nod in response to her question.

"Do you have any vision problems?"

"No," I say, shaking my head.

"OK, that's great," she says as she sets her pad down. She reaches into a drawer and fiddles with a few pill bottles before returning my way.

"Here, honey, take these," she adds as she hands me a glass of water. I do as she asks.

"All right, your family is outside waiting for you, do you want to see them?"

"Yes," I answer without hesitation, and she walks out. After a few, my dad walks in first with tears brimming his eyes, and he rushes to me.

"Y/N, didn't I tell you to be careful?" He takes my hand in his.

"That's on Jungkook," I remark as he walks in, a guilty expression on his face. He hurries around the other side of the bad, gets down on his knees giving me puppy eyes, and I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry," he says, and I reach over and violently ruffles his hair.

"I forgive you, little one." I say, and he simply smiles.

Another man enters the room.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Kim."He greets us.

"So, Lee Y/N, I'm here to inform you about your condition," he says as he opens the folder he's holding.

"So, you've got a severe concussion and a large open wound on the back of your head." He states.

"You were fortunate to say the least," he says as he shuts the folder.

"What happens next?" My father asks.

"We're gonna keep her on watch for about a week" he says and my dad nods in understanding.

"So I'll leave you all for the time being, and don't worry, your daughter is in good hands; we expect her to recover quickly." He says this before bidding us goodbye and walking away.

"A week?!"I whine.

"I'll go home and get some of your things. Come on, Jungkook, I might need some help." My father says, and they both hug me goodbye before leaving. My eyes scan the room, already bored by their absence, and they come to a halt at the support walker in the corner.

I carefully sit up, resting my feet on the floor I rise up, my knees wobble, but I easily make it to the support walker. I push the thing and walk out of the room, looking from left to right. I roam around hunting for food. I examine a map on the wall that shows the location of the cafeteria. I start making my way over there, but when I turn to the left at an intersection, my gaze meets his, and I'm taken aback.

"Y/N?" He takes a step closer, his voice worried, but as I take a step back, he stops.

"Are you all right?" He asks, and I sigh, nodding.

"What are you doing here Jimin?" I question while avoiding eye contact, and he only stays silent, staring at me.

"Please.. look at me," he says, almost begging. I scold myself internally before staring up into his eyes.

FUCK. And I look like ass, cherry on top!

"Can we talk?" He asks, holding my gaze, and I hesitantly nod. He then steps closer and stands directly next me, only slightly smiling. His close presence quickly soothes me; he supports me by resting his hand on my back and proceeds to lead the way. He brings me to an outdoor terrace and helps me sitting before doing the same.

"So.. what happened to you?"

"I just fell and hit my head," I say, not adding any more details, and he fidgets with his hands, as though unsure what to say.

"I'm sorry," he says as I turn to face him.

That's all? You bitch-

"I was an ass, an ASSHOLE" he continues and I nod in agreement. I know he's not used to opening up, so I let him take his time.


"I just... it wasn't a mistake," he adds, his words pinching my heart.

"You know I'm not good with... this, and I'm aware that it doesn't justify what I did," he pauses.

"I didn't mean what I said, I just freaked out because I don't know how to do anything when it comes to girls, when it comes to you."

"I'm truly sorry," he says, his eyes begging, and I look away, staring into pace.

"I understand you have no reason to trust me, but please... forgive me," he adds, as I remain silent, lost in my thoughts.

"Listen..." I begin after a few minutes, returning my gaze to him.

"I understand where you're coming from, and I forgive you because I cherish what we have."I pause, and his face brightens up instantly.

"I know you're a great guy, you've shown me many times. I just hope I can help you with the issues you have and I hope you're willing to work them also, because if not it will do damage, to you, to me, and to us." He nods as I finish.

"I'll do whatever it takes," he replies, making me smile.

"Good, however don't think you're off the hook that easily," I say and he nods eagerly, letting me know he understands.

"So.. what are you doing here?" I wonder, and his cheerful countenance fades.

"Oh I... it's my mom," he adds after a brief moment of reflection, and guilt punches me in the face. His expression tells me it's not for something light. I grab his hand and bring him into my embrace. I hear him sigh in relief as he captures me between his arms.

"Do you want to meet her?" He asks into my neck, and my eyes widen slightly at the feeling it gives me.

"O-Oh.. only If you don't mind"I say and he slowly pulls away from the hug.

"Let's go" he gives me a warm smile and helps me up. He leads the way, and we remain silent the entire time. He then stops in front of a room, he's about to open the door when I take a hold of his wrist, he turns to me.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" I ask, and he nods with a reassuring smile. He turns around and gently opens the door, poking his head inside.

"Mom? There's someone I'd like you to meet," he continues, and my heart begins to pound loudly in my ears as he opens the door wider. Jimin assists me in walking in, and I finally meet his mother's beautiful eyes, whose smile brightens as I'm revealed.

"Hello, dear, I presume you are Y/N?"

"Hello, that's me; nice to meet you." I grin at her and Jimin helps me in sitting on the couch next to her bed.

"I can't believe I'm finally meeting you," she adds, her eyes welling up with tears. " Your dad is such an important person to me, he always talked about you so it means a lot that you're here" as she says that my throat tightens.

"When Jimin first told me about you, I had no idea you were the Y/N, how foolish I was," she continues, turning my head to Jimin, whose face has turned slightly pink.

"What did he say about me? I'm curious" I ask and he turns to meet my gaze with wide eyes.

"Oh! he said lots of—

"MOM- ha ha I just told you about her arrival that's all" he says looking at her and she laughs.

"Sure, that's all he said, honey," she winks at me, and Jimin whines.

"Anyway, sweetie, what happened to you?" She motions to the bandage that is wrapped around my head.

"Oh, I fell and hit my head, nothing too serious,"I say and as she gives me a lesson to be more careful, I feel Jimin's hand creeps on my back in a soft touch, drawing my attention away from his mother's words.

"Y/N?" She questions, and I nod, clearing my throat.

"You should go rest," she says, and I look over to Jimin, who agrees.


"I'll take you to your room," he says as he stands up and extends his hand to me, I place mine in his and he pulls me to my feet.

"Be careful, Mrs. Park, I'll see you later."I give her a gentle grin, and she nods.

"Come whenever you want, it gets boring around here... and bring your dad, he owes me chocolate," she says, seriously.

I nod, "Will do," and she blows me a kiss.

"See you later, mom," Jimin says as he bends down and kisses his mother's cheek before leading me out of the room.

"You know I can walk just fine," I tell him, and he comes to a halt, takes a step back, and I frown.

"What?" he asks, tilting his head.

"What's with the frown? I thought you could walk fine, so walk," he adds as he walks ahead.


I scoff before beginning to walk on my own with the support walker; he comes to a halt at the end of the corridor and just watches me embarrass myself.

I mentally die of humiliation as I realize I'm really struggling to continue any further, I can feel my arms giving up and my head starts throbbing as I attempt too hard to keep going.

When I look up, he's still standing there.

"Come back," I call out to him, and he walks over with a triumphant look.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Just help me asshole," I mutter, and he chuckles before gently scooping me in his arms bridal style. Our faces are at the same level, his is smiling, eyes in moon crescents, and mine is heated up as fuck from the proximity and probably looking like ass.

"Lead the way," he says, and I point him in the right direction as he walks. When he arrives in my room and walks in, he gently places me on the bed.

"Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah.. thanks for the help, I'm glad I met your mom," I say as he tucks the blankets around me, making me cozy.

"It's no problem, Y/N," he says softly.

"Good night," I say.

"Rest well, I'll see you tomorrow," he adds as my father and Jungkook enter the room.

"See you tomorrow"


end of chap.

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