My Baby Alpha...

By ChikkiMugala

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Hey cuties 🥰🥰... This is my sixth story .... thank you all for your love and support for my stories ..hope... More

chapter 1 : marriage ....
chapter 2 : hug...
chapter 3 : tie...
chapter 4 : kiss...
chapter 5 : family ....
chapter 6 : murder...
chapter 7 : heat ....
chapter 8 : bad ...
chapter 9 : P ....
chapter 10 : mark ....
chapter 11 : park...
chapter 12 : clue....
chapter 13 : others ....
chapter 14 : happy....
chapter 15 : kids..
chapter 16 : mine....
chapter 17 : marking ...
chapter 18 :food ..
chapter 19 : cop ...
chapter 20 : truth ..
chapter 21 : culprit...
chapter 22 : alive ...
chapter 23 : hate ....
chapter 24 : the past...
chapter 25 : school ...
chapter 26 :teddy bear..
chapter 27 : naughty ..
chapter 28 : business ...
chapter 29 : shorts ...
chapter 30 : smell..
chapter 31 : mate ...
chapter 32 : park ...
chapter 33 : wound..
chapter 34 : sorry....
chapter 35 : tired...
chapter 36 : passed
chapter 37 : virus....
chapter 38 : drums....
chapter 39 : soup...
chapter 40 : coincidence?...
chapter 41 : drunk ....
chapter 43 : betray ...
chapter 44 : wait...
chapter 45 : talk ....
chapter 46 :yes...
chapter 47 : bad...
chapter 48 :perfect ...
chapter 49 : sign...
chapter 50 : hug...
chapter 51 : here ...
chapter 52 : for you ...
chapter 53 : nose ...
chapter 54 : fight ...
chapter 55 : kill....
chapter 56 : slut...
chapter 57 : tell me...
chapter 58 : socks...
chapter 59 : don't !!..
chapter 60 : love ....
chapter 61 : baby.....
chapter 62 : you...
chapter 63 : sea ...
chapter 64 : yes...
chapter 65 : candy...
chapter 66 : orphan ....
chapter 67 : momma..
chapter 68 : nat...
chapter 69 : college..
chapter 70 : go ...
chapter 71 : son ...
chapter 72 : deserve..
chapter 73 : care...
chapter 74 : sir ..
chapter 75 : mud...
chapter 76 : forever ...
New year ..New story 🎊
update ..

chapter 42 : serum...

367 32 13
By ChikkiMugala

Alex pov :

     P ty was so drunk and cried a lot ...don't know what happened between him and his mate ...hope he gets well soon ....i made him some hangover soup ..he ate it and went to work ...i waited until dad was out of the house ....i sneaked into his office room and collected the data ...i imported everything into a pendrive from his computer ....i went to my room silently without anyone noticing and called baby ...

Alex - hello baby ...

Park - yes P ....

Alex - are you free now ?....

Park - mmm.....i will be free after one hour P ....iam looking after patients ...

Alex - okay then...i will pick you up me okay ?...

Park - okay P ...

I smiled and ended the call ....later i picked him from the hospital and we both went to his home ...we went to his room and i connected the pen drive to his laptop ...

Alex - i copied everything into his pendrive baby ...lets check it ...

He nodded ...we checked it and shocked ...shit !!...he murdered around 100 business families and 20 alpha families !!....the hell !!.... Johnson's family , kirigun and i shocked most about thiwat's family ...means...this bastard killed our parents too ...

Park - P ~~why did he killed all of the families ?... H..he killed our families too...

I nodded and caressed his hair ...he hugged me tight ...i kissed his shivering hands ....

Alex - baby ...calm down ...okay ?....w..we have to find more ...hmm ?....

He nodded ..i pecked his forehead ....he clicked on a file called " the power " ....there we saw many dead bodies of babies whose bodies turned blue ...i pulled park to my side rubbing his back .....i scrolled down ...the blood of the silver blooded alpha is used to created a serum to produce a superhuman who is stronger than anyone in this world ...i can't believe this shit !!....

The serum somehow didn't work on many test babies but only about a few of them survived the power of silver blooded alpha !!...the failed serum turned into virus ....park cried in my shoulder ...his hands are shaking ...

Park - ..P ..P thom is a ..( sob )... Silver blooded alpha P ...t..that means ...( sob )... This assholes poisoned my P to get his blood ?....

Alex - looks like it baby ....let's see more ...

He buried his face in my neck looking at the screen ...i scrolled down ..the passed test babies were out of control when they became adults due to their rapid growth order to control them ..they needed the blood again but the blood was mixed with poisoned and the test people died due to this !...inorder to get the government in hand ...they have to clear all the oppositions and powerful people like businessmen....they killed them first ...the strong people will be only on their side !!...the murders were all covered by the police people who were actually followers of Anderson !!....the hell !!...

The only weakness of silver blooded alpha is his mate ....the luna is so powerful and can end the created strong  people the luna should be on their side ...

The files ended there ....i looked at park ...

Alex - the only way to stop this finding the luna baby ...

Park - b...but we don't know ...who is my P 's mate P !!...what should we do ?..

Alex - let's inform this to higher officials ...

Park - no P !!......what if heads are your dad's followers too ? will be in trouble naa ....

Alex - b .but ...we can't just leave this na baby .....the world will be in this bastard's dominance !!...if we dont stop this he will control everything !!... The people will be in danger ...

Park - about we tell our brothers first ?... Hmm ?... They can help us ...

Alex - no baby ....they will get in this trouble too ......they will be in danger ...we only have them naa...this shit killed our families ...

Park nodded rubbing his face in my neck ...i hugged him tight and kissed his forehead ...

Park - then ...what to do na P ?...

Alex - i...i will tell my P slowly about this .....he won't believe if i tell him everything at once ...he will help us ...

Park - b..but ...what if that shit finds about it ??..

Alex - don't know baby ....but we should stop this shit ...otherwise people will become slaves under him....

He nodded sniffing ....i rubbed his back ...

Park - i...iam so scared P ....t..they just used my P !!... ( sob ).... A..and posioned him !...( sob )... T..they snatched our childhood and P's happiness ...( hiccup )...t..that's not fair naa ....( sob ).... We should protect everyone naa...

I nodded and kissed his hair ...

Alex - stop crying na baby ....please don't cry na....hmm ?...

He nodded a bit ...i parted and kissed his tears ...

Alex - let's think later ....are you hungry ?... Hmm ?...

He nodded ...

Alex - should i order or make you something ?...

Park - i...i want to eat oranges....

Alex - oranges ?...

He nodded smiling ...

Alex - i will go and bring them now okay ?....

He nodded ...i went to kitchen and opened the fridge ...where are oranges ?.....p thom came suddenly ...

P thom - what are you looking at nong ?.... You need something ?....hmm...your shirt smells so good ...

I smiled ...

Alex - iam looking for oranges P ...and this is not my shirt .. it's my brothers ...

P thom - Ooo....okay ...okay ...oranges are behind the watermelon nong ...

I looked at them and smiled ..i took them out ...

Alex - thank you P ...

He smiled....

P thom - give it here ...i will peel them for you ...

Alex - no's okay P ...

P thom - for little pie ?...

I nodded smiling ....

P thom - i smelled this scent somewhere .....but i can't remember it nong smells so similar's so good time buy me something like this too nong ...

Alex - ofcourse P ...i will ask my P to buy one for you ...

He smiled and nodded like a kid ...i smiled and went to room back ....i am peeling the oranges for park ...

Alex - baby ...

Park - hmm ?...

Alex - does this shirt smells that much ?...

Park sniffed it and made a vomiting face ....

Park - it's just sweat smell P !!... Didn't you washed it ?....

Alex - right.. I came in a hurry and wore one of P 's shirts ...i guess he didn't washed this !!....iam sorry ...that means P thom just teased me just now about the the smell ..

Park - P thom ?... Teasing ?..

I nodded ...

Alex - he said this shirt smells so good ...He was saying this smells bad indirectly ...

Park - nahh....P thom don't tease others ..he only teases me or P Thomas...that's it ...he won't tease others ..maybe he really like the smell ...

Alex - this sweat smell ?..

He nodded ....

Alex - are teasing me too ....

Iam feeding him peeled oranges ...he went to sleep after eating 4 oranges....i patted him and studied in my phone .....

Tar pov :

    P baby will come in 15 days ....i sighed's just 15 days naa..i should wait for him patiently ...lately ...park is spending his time with P Alex a lot ...iam so stupid ...of course he is his mate...who else will be spend his time with ??..... I looked after patients and tried to talk with P tharn ...but he is still not allowing me ...i pouted and checked a patient ...she is pregnant..i congratulated her ....she is so happy and cried in happiness ...her husband came and they both were so happy ...i smiled looking at them and went to my office back .... will be so good if I give kids to P baby too ....he will be so happy i guess ...hmmm ...i won't get any heat cycles since I am marked ....P baby is a beast of need to ask him ....let's see ...i should check myself first .....what if i need extra vitamins to conceive ?.... I nodded and gave my test samples to my gynaecologist friend ...

I got the test results after few days said i can't conceive ....i cried silently and sat in my room ...will P baby get sad ?....i..i can't give him a kid !!...p thom likes kids so much too ...( sob )....will P baby be dissapointed ?....i...iam just useless .....i can't even make him happy ...( sob )... H..he must be expecting a lot of kids ...and a family ...i...iam sorry P ...i hugged P baby's shirt and cried silently .....

P baby will come tomorrow ....iam at the garden finishing my project notes ...i should submit it soon ...i finished my thesis too...i put them beside me and looked at the flowers ...i smiled and picked a rose ...i sniffed it and smiled's so calming .....iam so happy and sad at the same time ...

I came out of my thoughts when park suddenly hugged me smiling ....i smiled and hugged him back ...he took me and turned around happily ..i giggled happily ..he put me down ..

Tar - w...whats the matter park ? seem so happy ....

Park - i...iam pregnant !!...

Tar - huh ?.... I ...i mean ..are you sure ?...

He nodded happily ... He took my hand and kept it on his little belly ...

Park - can you feel him ??... Hmm?...

I nodded happily....

Tar - you told P Alex ?...

Park - not yet ....i will surprise him today evening ...he will be happy right ?...

Tar - ofcourse he will be happy na.....he is gonna get a little angel ....

He nodded happily ...

Tar - you said P thom ?....he will happy naa...

Park - i will surprise him tomorrow....i am sure P thom will talk to P tyler about our marriage....

I nodded ...

Park - i should go and pluck some flowers na...i should prepare a bouquet for P Alex ...

Tar - buy his favourite too ...

Park nodded and ran to garden side ...i helped him in picking the flowers ....atleast he is happy naa...he wore nice dress and went to P alex's home ...i smiled and went to my room soon as I entered someone closed my mouth ...i am scared and tried to reveal myself ...i turned around suddenly seeing P baby infront of me ....i hugged him tight crying...he smiled and hugged me back...

P Thomas - miss me ?..

I nodded crying ...

P Thomas - i missed you too little nong ....

I smiled and kissed his hair ...

P Thomas - talk something naa...i miss your voice ...

Tar - i...i love you P ...

He smiled and kissed my hair .....

Tar - met P thom ?...

P Thomas - already ...i suprised him in his office ...he was so happy and cried a lot ...

I smiled ....

Tar - P thom missed you so much na P baby ....

P Thomas - i know ...i missed you all a lot too ....

Tar - go and fresh up naa...

P Thomas - mmm....this is my refreshment....

He kissed my cheek ..i giggled happily and pecked his lips .....i ruffled his hair where the dust came from his hair ...i coughed a bit ...he giggled ...i dragged him to bathroom and removed his clothes ...i am washing his hair...

Tar - ohh....look at the dust P !..when did you last washed your hair ?....

P Thomas - just one month ago nong...

I hit his head ....i washed his body too ...i wrapped a towel around him and smiled ....i kissed his forehead ...

Tar - go and wait P...i will come in 5 minutes ...

Iam removing my soaked clothes ...he pulled me suddenly sniffing my cheek ...i smiled shyly ...

Tar - P ~~~not now naa ..tell P tharn to calm down too ...

His eyes shined in red suddenly ...i smiled and pecked his lips ...

Tar - calm down na P tharn baby right ?...

He squeezed my waist making me moan ....

P tharn - really ?'s been a long time naa..

Tar - i know P....wait until i make you something to eat naa..

He shook his head licking my neck ...i shivered suddenly and pushed him away ....i locked the door and giggled ...

P Thomas -'s not fair naa..

Tar - you should wait P ...

I smiled and bathed .....

How's the chapter??...

If you are interested in a romantic , suspence , thriller love story connected to this story can read my last story " i love you sweety " ..i am sure you will like it for sure runs parallel to this story where two childhood sweethearts take care of each other ....🥰🥰hope you check it out ...

Comment me down your thoughts...

I will upload a new chapter soon...

Until then...

Luv you cuties...

Your author ❤️❤️

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