Vivacious Azalea ~ KNB X OC

By TheNy3tr0_

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KNB X OC (but also a self insert, you can self insert yourself in the position of the OC, if that's what you... More

Author's Note
Character Profile
Arc One - Teiko Middle School
Chapter One - Wet Socks
Chapter Two - Small Smiles
Chapter Three - Stone Beauty
Chapter Four - Doing 'Stuff'
Chapter Six - Ahh, Bandage!
Chapter Seven - Like a Gazelle
Chapter Eight - A New Member
Chapter Nine - Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!
Chapter Ten - How?!
Chapter Eleven - Little Songbird
Chapter Twelve - I'm Sorry
Chapter Thirteen - Flying Times
Aster Azalea
Chapter Fourteen - Kise Ryota
Teiko - Chapter Fifteen - Rich Boy Problems

Chapter Five - Falling From Swings

119 4 1
By TheNy3tr0_

~~~ Now playing: Just The Two of Us by Bill Withers ~~~

~~~Play/Pause ~~~

Third POV:


The girl's voice filled the gymnasium. People stopped practising and looked towards the culprit of the sound.

"I- eh- NO! You're delusional! What are you on about!?"

"Aomine-kun. No, what are you talking about, you baka! Nandayo!"

Came the voices of both the green haired boy and the black haired girl. Both had red faces and spluttering voices.

Psht, tsundres.

"Epic then! If you aren't doing this lady, then maybe I can shoot my shot!" Said the blue haired boy, now known as Aomine. He waggled his eyebrows, shooting the female a large grin.

Amethyst returned it in kind.

"That won't be happening. She's here to watch me practise so we can walk home together, not for you to flirt with her." Midomida says, his voice constricted with... anger?

How strange. Amethyst thought to herself.

"Ehhh? Who's this?" Comes a lazy voice. Amethyst looks to her side, and takes a step back.

A large guy with long purple hair stands to the side of her. He holds a large bag of Nori Shiro seaweed and salt flavoured crisps (those are uhhhh chips for you Americans. Strange, strange names for foods).

He's huge!

"I- I'm Amethyst Azalea! Please call me Amethyst. I hope I'm not interrupting your practice. I'm only here to walk home with Midomida later! I apologise for my being here."

"Don't apologise, Amethyst-chan. You're welcome to stay as long as you like."

Amethyst looks to her right and sees that the person speaking was a red haired boy. She recognised him from her class. He was the guy who sat near her and Midomida, the one she saw talking to Midomida often.

"Hai." Amethyst gave the boy a kind smile, thankful for someone being normal. She was happy to be here.

Midomida, on the other hand, was pissed off.

He didn't think that bringing Amethyst here would upset him this much but the others on the first string seemed to be rude and kept making inappropriate comments! Plus, they managed to get her to talk for ages. It was the longest he had heard her talk before.

"Midomida-kun, you seem to be glowering in anger."





Everyone in the group screamed, noticing the small, light blue haired boy for the first time. Amethyst jumped into the tall purple haired boy, wacking him with her flailing arms.


"STOP SNEAKING UP ON US, KUROKO!" Yelled Aomine, his eyes wide in fear.

"I am not angry, Kuroko."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."


Amethyst giggled at the scene in front of her. Midomida had always been the picture of perfection to her, never getting mad or upset, only ever focused on work.

Now, he was bickering with a small blue haired boy who seemed unaffected by his change in personality.

"Hey, you hit my nose!" Came the lazy voice of the purple boy.

"Leave her alone, you giant oaf! She didn't mean to, it's Kuroko's fault anyway!" Spat Midomida.

"Don't you think introductions are in order?"

"Yeah! I wanna know who this lovely girl is!"

"Calm down. If you were listening, she introduced herself. We're being rude by not introducing ourselves to her."

Amethyst stood there dumbfounded. So much was going on in such a little amount of time. It was overwhelming, but she found herself enjoying her company nonetheless.

"Amethyst Azalea." Amethyst introduced again.

"Tetsuya Kuroko." Said the light blue haired boy.

"Aomine Daiki!" Came the voice of the navy boy.

"Ehh? Atushi Murasakibara."

"Seijuro Akashi. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Once the introductions were done, they lapsed into a comfortable conversation.

They asked her if she'd played basketball before.

"I've dabbled." Amethyst said sheepishly.

They wondered about how she got her hair so shiny.

"Special conditioner."

They questioned if she would play with them.

"Eh-! I'm not that good... Not on the level you guys probably are anyway.."

They continued to talk and Amethyst found herself enjoying her company very much.

Time passed and they began their practice. Amethyst sat on the side lines, watching, analysing. They were...


Totally under-developed and unstable, but amazing.
They could even be on par with some of the big NBA players!

But, they had their weaknesses.

For example, Midomida could only shoot when he jumped off his right foot. Jumping off his left one, pushing up from the ground with his left one threw his balance as he shot into the hoop.

Akashi was excellent at predicting the future movements of his opponents but he could not detect the movements of little Kuroko, their invisible trump card. If he were to come up against an opposing team with someone like Kuroko, he would be thrown off.

Aomine was fast, but he lacked the willpower to be faster. He could easily destroy those who opposed him if he wanted to be faster, but he was clearly too afraid of getting an accidental foul for pushing if he knocked them over.

Kuroko was invisible, but he lacked confidence in shooting. He was also just plain old terrible at shooting. His misdirection wore off after some time too, and he wasn't athletic enough to rely on his normal basketball abilities.

And the purple giant, Murasakibura, was just lazy. He didn't like to go anywhere else on the court except under the hoop, and he didn't seem to want to do anything else but defend. He acted like a child, pouting when someone told him to do more to help out and constantly whining that he was bored and hungry. Looking closer though, Amethyst saw that underneath his childlike exterior, he was a gentle giant that was too afraid of hurting someone if he tried too hard, or in this case, tried at all.

She frowned.

Amethyst thought that she would have to ask him about that.

But maybe it wasn't her place.

No, she shouldn't. They don't even know each other that well either.

Not her place at all.

More time passed and Amethyst found herself gobsmacked in awe. She was amazed by the amount of pressure that the team of first strings were putting on their opposing players.

The practice game ended with a score of 97-13.

Almost double digits.

The group of boys came back up to her after their game, a whistle in the distance indicating that practice was over for today.

"Amethyst, I'll get changed and we can go home." Midomida stated, nodding at the girl.

"Ey, ey! Hold up, I thought we were all gonna walk home today! I wanted to get some neeeeeeeeeeeeeeew magazines!" Protested Aomine, dragging out the 'new' with a wiggle of his brows.

"No. Go die."

The two argued back and forth between themselves, as petty and childish as it were. Aomine yelled about how they made plans first and Midomida retorted with "Go die," everytime.

"Actually, I have an idea to solve this issue."


And that was how Amethyst found herself walking home with the group of strange boys from their basketball practice. Akashi suggested that they all walk home together, and so they did. They stopped at a shop for Murasakibara to buy snacks, to which he glowered any time a member of the group would ask for some. They waited for Aomine to pick a bunch of dandelion weeds to give to Amethyst, laughing at him once he was told by Midomida that they're the worst flowers to give to a girl.


"They mean you want her to piss her pants, Aomine-kun."


"Actually, Kuroko, these yellow dandelion weeds symbolise the return of life and a display of abundant strength and power," Laughed Amethyst, giggling to herself and the boys watching her. "It's an old wives tale that started in France because the French word for dandelions is 'pissenlit', which relates to the old saying that if a child touches the dandelion, they will wet the bed! The folklore is based on the more traditional use of dandelions in place of diuretics - which are basically medications to clear out your kidneys and also make you pee a lot."

"How and why do you know that!?" Asked Midomida, baffled by this odd piece of knowledge the girl in front of him seemed to know.

"Also, there's nooo way that's true!"

The group bickered back and forth again. Amethyst laughed at their antics and Midomida walked closer to her. He grabbed her hand, and she smiled warmly at him.

"No, Aomine, it is true. Amethyst clearly knows her stuff. I wouldn't doubt her." Akashi spoke up.

"And how do you know that it's true!"


"I obviously know it because I am absolute."

"No, Akashi-kun, don't lie. It's because you looked it up on your phone when Amethyst-chan started explaining."

"I did not!"

"Did too. I watched you."
"I didn't! I already knew it. I am absolute!"

The group laughed again, baffled by how Kuroko hadn't been attacked by Akashi yet but also enjoying themselves. They walked around the area, stopping at a park for Aomine to show off how he could flip from the swing while it was still in the air.




"Amazing-er isn't a word." Midomida sighed.


"Aomine- Uhm, do you need to sit down?" Amethyst asked, her voice laced with worry.

The boy had started swaying on his feet, a large grin on his face but blood dripping from his head from where he face-planted the floor.

"Eh? No, I'm fine!"

And as he said that, he dropped to the floor face first once again.


Stupid Aomine >:P

Jokes, of course. I still love him.

I know, I know, Akashi may be a little out of character here. But I prooomise you, once the change, he will be more like him. I just wanna explore the more softer side of him, the one with weaknesses. He really does fascinate me tbh. All his personalities.


Our dear Amethyst met the rest of the Miracles. Isn't that neat? She's even getting closer to them now too, even though they've just met.

Midomidaaaa gootttt jelllyyyyyyy toooooo! Cute as, holding her hand like that. He's just a bit TeeHee, isn't he?

Some nice little things are coming up with Aomine too. BONDING!


Well then, as always, vote, comment and SUBSCRIBBBEEEEE!!!

In a bit lads.


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