Cartoon Network City

By PerkyGoth14

5.4K 11 6

summary: Cindy moves into Cartoon Network City and struggles to fit in. note: Based on RP with cartoonnetwor... More

chapter 1: Welcome to CN City
chapter 2: Making Friends and Enemies
chapter 3: Soccer Game
chapter 4: Sticks and Stones
chapter 5: Blackmail
chapter 6: Real and Fake Friends
chapter 7: First Day of School
chapter 8: Bank Robbery
chapter 9
chapter 11: Return of Sledgehammer O'Possum
chapter 12: A New Pet

chapter 10: Gym Class

338 0 1
By PerkyGoth14

Cindy got off the school bus the next morning and strapped her backpack close, it was slightly heavier as it had some gym clothes in it and she walked into the school, about to have her official first day of class. She wondered if she would make some new friends today.

"Hello, umm... Cynthia, right?" Johnny greeted the new student.

"Cindy..." the girl said as she walked into her first period gym class while the other students walked to the locker rooms to get changed for the class.

"Hey, Johnny, who's the kid?" a voice called.

The Elvis wannabee turned around to see his girlfriend, Anne-Maria. "Anne-Maria, so glad you could make it," Johnny went to the side of the incoming adult. "This is Clarabelle."

"Cindy..." the new girl corrected again. "Um, is there someplace where I can change my clothes?"

"There sure is, Celestia," Johnny nodded. "Anne-Maria, could you show her?"

"Of course, babe," Anne-Maria smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You know how much I missed you."

"I missed you too..." Johnny grinned. "When's your mama comin' over to knit with my mama and Muriel?" 

Cindy blinked, waiting quietly.

"Friday, she gets off work Thursday," Anne-Maria explained with a loving smile. "But, Johnny, you know the reunion you told me about?"

"Oh, yeah." Johnny smiled.

"Excuse me..." Cindy spoke up.

"Oh, I'll be right back, Johnny, I better help this girl to the locker room," Anne-Maria said, walking with Cindy to the far end of the gym. "You'll use this locker room," she pointed to the pink door while the boys' locker room was blue. "If you're shy about changing in front of the other girls, there's stalls you can get dressed in... Think you can handle it."

"I think so, thanks Miss Anne-Maria." Cindy said before she went in to meet the other girls.

Anne-Maria smiled and went back to see Johnny before class would start.

Cindy walked into the room and saw several other girls that were around her age, she wanted to say hi and meet them, but she decided to quickly get dressed for class.

"So, Johnny, are you nervous about seeing your What a Cartoon friends?" Anne-Maria asked, casually.

Cindy got into a T-shirt and shorts with sneakers behind a bathroom stall. She then smiled and walked out, looking to see the other girls. "Um... Hi..." she greeted the girls that were in the room with her. 

The girls seemed to stare blankly back at her. 

"Hi, are you new?" a girl with shoulder-length brown hair and big blue eyes walked up to her.

"Y-Yeah, I just moved in last week..." Cindy said sheepishly. 

"I know what it's like to be new," the girl smiled. "My name's Robin Snyder." she held out her hand.

Cindy smiled, shaking it. "Cindy Butler."

"It's nice to meet you, Cindy." Robin smiled.

"You're a new girl too?" Cindy asked.

"Yeah, but I've been here since I was five," Robin smiled. "I live next door to the Powerpuff Girls."

"That must be cool," Cindy smiled. "Have you ever been able to go to Cartoon Cartoon Fridays Studio?"

"Not yet, but they say someday I'll be able to," Robin said as they walked out of the locker room together as they were dressed for the occasion now. "Let me tell you this, sometimes we have a TA, meaning a Teacher's Aide, it's a little different from the assistant." 

"Who's the TA?" Cindy asked.

Robin blushed. "Mike Mazinsky."

The other girls swooned over that name.

"I thought Miss Anne-Maria was the teaching assistant?" Cindy glanced at the spray-tanned teen in confusion.

"She is, but sometimes, if Anne-Maria can't be there, then Mike will take her spot." Robin explained.

"Mike is the hottest person you'll ever meet." a girl with long scarlet hair enough to cover one of her eyes added.

"I guess..." Cindy had met Mike and thought she was kind of attractive, but she wasn't that much attracted to the city tomboy. 

The blonde Kanker seemed to be in Cindy's gym class, holding a dodgeball. She then threw it sharply, bumping Cindy on the head, making her fall up and fall back in the middle of the gym floor in front of the girls.

"Boy that hurt than most hits..." Cindy mumbled as she was painfully lying on the floor.

Meanwhile, Dawn was meditating, and felt that something bad was going to happen.

"Oh, no, this is terrible..."

"What's wrong, Dawn?" Mike asked.

"Dr. X's daughter Bell is going to kill Cindy." Dawn warned urgently.

"Dr. X and Bell again?" Mike knew Dawn wasn't lying, but she didn't want to believe it. "Are you sure?"

"Positive," Dawn nodded as she stood up. "I can't figure out why though..."

Mike scoffed. "Stupid Bell..."

"Also Ms. Nicole's former student, Myuki Nakamura, is gonna send her men to kill the league." Dawn added in.

Mike face-palmed. "When will they ever stop? I gotta get to Johnny's gym class," she grabbed her purple backpack she kept since last year. "I'll see ya later and I'll keep an eye, ear, and nose out for any suspicious characters..." she said before going to the local school.

Back in the Gym...

The Powerpuff Girls made it to class, Buttercup was excited about them starting out with a dodgeball game until Mike would arrive. 

"You gonna lose, little four eyes!" Mitch Mitchelson taunted Cindy before the boys and girls split up to play their game.

"All right then!" Johnny announced. "Let the game begin!"

Anne-Maria blew her whistle. "Play ball!"

Cindy was a little nervous, she always had trouble with this game back home.

Mike came in. "Hey ladies and guys."

"Hey, there's Mike!" Little Suzy called as a ball came flying from the boys' side about to smack Cindy clear in the face.

Cindy screamed, crouching up, afraid to even try to catch it.

Mike caught it. "Are you okay, Cindy?"

"Hey, girls, look, Mike saved Cindy!" Robin chirped.

Cindy's face was deathly pale and she was shaking slightly. The girls cheered.

"Darn it!" Mitch grunted.

"What a hero!" Little Suzy praised.

"What a hunk!" Princess Morebucks added.

"What a dreamboat..." Mindy sighed dreamily.

Mandy rolled her eyes, looking away with a scowl, but she actually turned red from blushing.

Anne-Maria gave Cindy some water. "Here, honey."

"Thanks..." Cindy drank the cup of water down, she was just in shock about the ball hitting her.

"What's so special about Mike?" Mitch growled. "Why you gals always swoon over Mike!?"

"Just a little use of girl power." Mike ruffled up the boy's hair, laughing a little.

Princess jumped into Mike's arms suddenly. "So, Mike, are you free tonight?"

"Hey, why would she wanna date you, loser?" Mindy hissed.

"You're both wrong," Mushi Sanban, Kuki's younger sister, barged in. "Mike wants to go out with me! Right, Mike?"

"Girls, calm down, I'm here just for your gym class," Mike put Princess back down on the floor while Robin and Cindy stared awkwardly. "I'm helping you all for your annual fitness test like climbing the rope and jogging on the track with weights." 

"Aww..." the rabid fan girls sighed.

"I'm sorry, girls, but it's just business right now, okay?" Mike asked them with a friendly smile.

"Fine..." the girls sighed, then paid attention to Mike for her instructions.

"I'll need a volunteer..." Mike looked to all of the students for demonstrations.

"Mike, over here!" a voice called.

Mike looked to see a kind of not as popular girl who had long scarlet hair that covered one of her eyes and she had freckles. "Come on up!"

Kaitlin smiled in victory, then went to the girl's side.

"All right, thank you for volunteering...." Mike drawled out, not really knowing the girl's name.

Cindy looked at the girl, then looked to Robin. "Who's that girl?"

"That's Kaitlin Hartman," Robin decided to explain for her. "She's Maxwell's older sister... They live with their grandfather. She usually plays video games all the time."

"She's a nobody," Mindy scoffed. "No one even remembers her." 

"I do!" Robin glared at the bratty red-headed girl.

"'Cuz you're a nobody." Mindy retorted with a slimy smirk.

Robin wanted to hurt Mindy right then, but she would have detention if she did.

"All right, we all set?" Mike asked the gym class students.

"Yes, Mike..." the class droned.

"Then let's get started," Mike smiled. "Usually for these things, you climb up the rope and ring the bell. Now, Kaitlin, are you good at climbing?"

"Yeah, I..." Kaitlin was about to explain.

Skarr came in, looking very afraid and worried. "Attention, everyone," he started in a panicking tone of voice. "T-There's a possum in the building! Repeat, a possum in the building!"

Mike burst out laughing. "A possum!?"

"This is no laughing matter, Miss Mazinsky!"

"Oh, come on, Skarr, how much trouble could a possom cause?" Mike kept laughing.

"What did the possum look like, Principal Skarr?" Robin asked.

"It was pink, that's all I know." Skarr explained.

"Eww, a possum!" Mindy grimaced.

"What are we going to do!?" Princess screamed.

"Relax, relax, I'll take care of it," Mike said to them, then looked to Johnny and Anne-Maria. "You guys keep them safe, I'll go after that over-sized rat."

"It's in the cafeteria." Skarr reported.

"Right." Mike nodded, then went off, when she went down the halls, as if on cue, Dee Dee and June joined her, walking by her sides.

"Is Mike gonna be okay...?" Cindy asked a little anxiously.

"She should be fine, she does this kinda stuff all the time." Robin assured.

"Yeah," Kaitlin put her hand on Cindy's shoulder. "Nothing's stopped her before." 

Cindy sighed as she watched Mike leave with her best friends in the world.

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