Countryhuman x Countryhuman R...

By 71Scarlet

3K 72 41

This is my first ever story to do and if I do mistakes, I hope you forgive me.Im not good at English hope yo... More

When Did It All Go Wrong?!
This Island Is Wonderful!!!
Who Are You People?
Not A Chapter
It's Nice To Meet You
Don't worry I'll always be here,you're father will always be here☺️
Why I Haven't Been Posting
Just Take A Rest
The Past
Are They Good People?
Thank You


282 7 11
By 71Scarlet

Where we left off

"It's nice to meet you"

As I said that everyone was looking at me with the same expression until UN finally spoke (And yes C/N knows their name because of the message that her daughter told them and the details of what the countries and organization looks like)"Umm yes it's nice to meet you as well umm?" "Oh my apologies,my name is C/N" "C/N well it's nice to meet you as well and just by looking at you,you already know who we are right?" "Yes,you are correct Mr.UN"as I said that with a smile and suddenly all of them turned to bright red on their chick'.

It was a long moment of silent until Japan came running to me and stopped right in front of me "Are you an goddess of Anime!?" She was shouting a bit and was waging her tail and that made me startled by her sudden shouting as I look at her she was waiting for an answer "Umm what's a Goddess of Anime?"I answered.

"I'm sure you're a Goddess of Anime because of you're beauty and body structures!!! And you're voice as well, everything you have can only be seen in an anime!!!" She said and I was so confused about what she's talking about.

It's true that I have the best high technology when it comes to things that are needed but this is my first time hearing anime.So I was confused and I don't know how to answer her so I just keep quiet until Canada showed a picture on a book and it's like an story then he said "This is called a manga" he said "Manga?"I asked "Yes,this is like a definition of an anime except an anime is like a character that moves on screen" he said "Oh I understand,thank you for making me understand what anime means Mr.Canada"as I said that I bow down a little bit to show my gratitude towards him "Oh no need to bow you're head down please raise you're head!"he said in a bit of concerned while the others are releasing a deadly aura towards him. I didn't understand why are they glaring at him.

After awhile of silent

As I was helping my brother and sister preparing the food for us and for the guest my brother said "Labrish can you go and call father and the guest and say that dinners ready?"brother said while smiling "Of course brother!"I responded with a bright smile. As I went to the living room I felt a deadly aura and that made me worried 'What if they hurt father?' that's what I thought as I rush and went to the living room as fast as I can. Instead of seeing father indanger I saw him doing alright and talking to Sir Canada but for some reason most of the countries are glaring at him. So I broke the silence and said "Father dinners ready"as I said that father look at me and nodded signalling that he copied. As I look at my father for a sec and decided to leave and help my brother and sister.

"Father dinners ready" I heard my daughter Labrish said and I nodded only and looked at the guest and said "Why not we have a friendly dinner for today and take a rest and discuss this matter tomorrow Mr.UN?" As I said that "Of course and it looks like the others are tired of all the adventure we all went through,and I hope we don't bother you as we stay in you're house for awhile Mr.C/N?" "No,of course not,it's not a bother anymore instead it's quite enjoyable because the more the merrier!"as I said that with a bright smile that made the countries blush pink red on their chick's.

"Anyways let's go and eat dinner before the food gets cold"I said they nodded and respond. I guided them and they're following from behind,when we went to the dining room to see all the foods that are prepared and are giving a very appetizing scent. All of my children was waiting peacefully for us to come before eating,as I went to sit from the very front side where my children are sitting on each side.Labrish and Aron are on my left side while Cerus is on my Right. I looked at the countries that are still standing near exit with an awe expression,I giggled on their reaction and signaled them to sit and all of the countries started to walk and sit on a vacant chair.

As we entered the dining room we were surprised by a very appetizing scent that made us quite hungry. When we saw the food all of us jaw dropped because we've never seen such a good looking food and just by looking at it made us hungry. We didn't even notice that we've been standing there for so long until we all heard a giggle and that snapped us all back to reality and looked at C/N. He signaled us to sit down so we went to a vacant chair and sit while still we're all still embarrassed on what happened earlier.

When we all sit in we saw that the family are praying so we went along with it and just listened to their prayer but when they started to pray in their own language that made quite surprised because I only heard this language on the Neoarchean Era. I only listened on their prays.

As I was about to prey when I felt like someone is staring at me so I looked around but no one was looking at me so I brushed it off and started to pray "Na i aen -o i ar galadrim, mín thanked an i aes i mín gar- sír a mín asked an cin're blessings na on- i aes farn nutrition an ammen na iuithi- ha an tomorrow. I's all mín asked in i est- -o Eywa (To The God of the high elves,we thanked for the food that we have today and we asked for you're blessings to give the food enough nutrition for us to use it for tomorrow. That's all we asked in the name of Eywa)"and when I was done praying everyone started to eat. Some compliment our foods especially Mr. America because he never tasted such a food, and China whose good at keeping himself calm and elegant but when it comes to our food he couldn't keep his composure. Most of the countries have a full mouth of food in them and they even tried to talk but almost choke.

"Please don't speak while they'res food in you're mouth you'll ended up chocking yourself"I said and they nodded.America was about to choke because he tried to speak and he quickly grab the water and started to drink until "What the!!!First of all the food taste so good and now this water taste so good as well it's like you're drinking some juice or something!!"he said and that made some countries suspicious so all of them tried the water and was amazed "What do you add in this water?!!"France said "Ummm,it's just a normal water and there's nothing in there"I said. Now all of them are asking if I can sell them the food that we make here and the water as well and I was like 'Don't they have food in their country?'You thought 'Why do they need our food at this case I won't have enough food for my people if they keep demanding a huge amount of food and water,and that'll cause my daughters to not have time at all at relaxing and they won't stop on using their ability' as I thought of it and looked at my daughter's and I imagined what they might look like and if they keep on overworking themself made me quite worried and so I refused and doing such large portion of water and food.I will only agree if the portion of the food and water will decrease.

~When they were done eating~

"Since we're all done eating,why not take a rest and continue our discussion for tomorrow" I said and all of them nodded and went to their guest room and as for me I helped my children on cleaning and all of them said they can handle it and they don't need my help and I should just go and rest but I insist and since I'm the type of person that will do anything to help someone they gave up and they let me help them.When we were all done cleaning we went our own room to take a rest. When I was in my room I took a quick shower and dryed myself then change into my sleeping clothes.He is wearing a black robe and a black pajamas,and after that he went to take a rest and brace himself for what's gonna happen tomorrow.

Like this

~The next morning~

When I woke up I take a bath and change my clothes into formal clothes and I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for us all.He is wearing a black tuxedo,black pants with a pink handkerchief and a pink tie.

As he was done preparing breakfast for them all he called her secretary Asvia and asked to make a presentable meeting for them all...

I ate my breakfast already and wash my plate and brushed my teeth and I write a letter for my children to read. I left the house and went to my office and saw that Asvia is making a lot of effort for this meeting and I decided to help her so that this will be done before our guest will come.

As I woke up I didn't saw father in the kitchen like usually instead I saw a letter on the counter and it was written in our language so I know that father left the letter.What was written was "Cerus I know that you might be the first person to wake up and if you read this letter I already made breakfast for you all and if you're done with your breakfast can you kindly guide them to my workplace? And you're sister's will come along as well.

To you're dearly

That's what the letter said so I went to my sister's room and woke them up and tell them to get themselves ready and when I was in the kitchen heating the food that our father cooked. I heard someones footsteps and it's not my sister's footsteps so I know that it's one of the countries and when I look at the door I saw Mr.UN and Mr.Britain. We stare at each other for awhile and I broke the silence by saying "Good morning" " Good morning to Cerus,you're so early to wake up" UN said "It's only normal that I woke up this early but our father is much more earlier than me"I said "Is that so,then where is you're father?" Britain asked "He went to his office earlier and he made us all a breakfast and I'm just heating it up so that it's hot when we have it for today" I said with a smile "I see,we all will thank him for his generosity later then"UN said.

"It's fine by the way can you please wake up the others so that we all can have our breakfast before I guide you to our fathers office?"I asked politely "Of course,I'll go and wake them all up"Britain said before he could leave "Can I have 2 pans?" He asked so I just nodded and gave him a pair of pans and I'm quite confused on what he'll use them for.Until I heard a sounds of two pans hitting each other and heard Mr.UK said "Wake up you scoundrels!!!"he said while banging the pans and 'so that's where he'll use the pans for'i thought and started to prepare the dining hall.

Mr.UN said he'd help me and I keep resisting his offer but he keep on insisting,in the end he won and I let him help me. In about 5 minutes later my sister's came to dinning room and change to their formal clothing as well the same for me and sooner other countries came in the dinning room and started to eat and when we're all done me and my sister cleaned the dinning room while the countries went to their rooms to prepare themself.When me and my sister's are done we went outside to be greeted by my fathers driver and Infront of us is a Limousines car for us all to be fitted. We siblings went inside and waited for them to come out about 25 minutes past the door opened revealing all the countries wearing formal clothes and all of them went inside the car and took a seat.

"Finally something normal for once" Mr.America said "What do you mean?"I asked when he was about to answer the car started to move and instead of driving it,the car Is flying and that earn the countries another awe expression "You know what I'll take back what I said"Mr. America said.Us siblings only tilted our head out of confusion and shrugged it off.

Every countries were looking outside the window to look at how beautiful the sight is. After like 20 minutes ride we can see my fathers office the Limousines landed safely trough the front of my fathers building. As all of us entered Asvia was waiting for us.

I felt a car that landed Infront of the building and when I look at it,I saw the countries came in and a 3 siblings who guided them here as Cerus came closer to me I bow my head down and said "I see that you finally arrive Sir Cerus" and he chuckled "Drop the formality Asvia,we've known each other for so long you're already like a family to me"he said as we both chuckled,yes indeed we know each other for so long infact I was by their father side for so long until I even get the chance to see baby Cerus and I'm the one who helped their father to raise them three remembering those memories makes me so happy."By the way where's father?" Cerus asked "He's in the meeting room waiting for you and everyone else,please follow me and I'll guide you there" they nodded and we all walking down the hallway with a big gigantic bullet proof glass and a very beautiful view of flowers and butterflies flying happily outside. We finally reach the meeting room right ahead of us are 2 gigantic doors that is made of gold so I went Infront of the door and say the password " Edr- or-(open up)" and the door open revealing a majestic room with red carpet,golden chair with a symbol of (you're flag),golden round table with treats on it and a candle that is made out of crystal,and a chandelier that is made out of diamonds and some crystal orb that is making such strong light that makes the chandelier even more beautiful.In the middle of all table are no other than C/N who waited for them for like 3 hours by now sitting in the same place.

Every countries was stunned and finally snapped out when C/N said "Would you like to sit down and have a cup of tea with me"he said in a bright smile and every countries, organization and C/N's states/children went to take a seat and that's my cue to leave and I excused myself before leaving and closing the door for them to have a private matter to discuss.

The meeting went well and we all had fun time talking until "I know that I must not ask you this question and I respect your privacy but I want to know how did you hide yourself and you're country for so long without even a trace?"Mr.UN asked that made me quite nervous as I looked at him whose eagerly wanting to know the answer. I was quite a bit shaky then I felt a hand touching my right hand I look at the person and it's my son Cerus,I sigh and looked at the countries"I invented a machine that can make my country invisible even in the human eyes,it blocks any type signal trying to locate us" " When did you built this machine?" UN asked"In the Neoarchean Era" as I said that Sir UN eyes widen that he couldn't believe what he just heard and said "I didn't knew that you've been hiding that for so long,may I ask why did you hide yourself in the first place?" That made me quite scared and I answered "It's because I'm afraid that I might be conquer again and I don't want my children to go through what I've already gone through"I said and that makes everyone silent until "Who conquered you?"Third Reich asked "His name is Xiao" as I said that everyone is confused except for UN he looks like he's thinking very hard on who is Xiao and finally it's like a bulb pop above his and said "Is he perhaps the Xiao, also known as the Vigilante Yaksha, or the Conqueror of Demons, is known for his role of being part of the original adepti in charge of protecting Liyue?" He asked and I nodded now that clarified everything.

"Since we now know the reason why you hid yourself and you're country,we would like you to show yourself to the whole world and made them know you're existance,and I swore that no country would dare hurt you're people and you"UN said I was very hesitant and Germany seems to notice and said "Why not you meet the other countries and decide whether you should make yourself known or not,we are not forcing you to do something you don't like and if you still not trust us let us know each other and become good friends."he said and that made think "That's not a bad idea and can I meet the other countries instead and I'll decide whether I should stay hidden or show myself?" I asked and it looks like sir UN agreed "Okay then we'll leave in about a day and take you with us to US so that you can meet the others and have a conversation with them"he said "Can I bring some people with me?" I asked "Of course you can bring you're people with you" as I said that I looked at my children and asked "Do you want to come?" I asked and their eyes shaped into a star and said "Of course we'll come!!!we will follow you everywhere you go father!"they all said in unison and that made China asked "If they all will come then who will take care of you're country?" "Well Asvia can,she might look young but don't underestimate her she's the oldest one that was with me when I even colonized and the one who helped me raise my beautiful and handsome children" when I said that my children's face was all red like a tomato and they said in unison"Dad!!!stop it!!!" They said while covering their face in embarrassment. I chuckled and look at the countries and said "Then it is final tomorrow morning well set sail and meet the other countries"I said that made Mr.UN smiled a bit "Of course we'll set sail in the morning"he said "Anyways you can go back to the house and rest or explore the island a bit because me and my children will do something and I have to tell Asvia what she's gonna do while we're gone"I said and all of them nodded and left the room and it's only me and my children left.

"My children can you use you're ability make the island stabilize while we're gone while I use my ability to strengthen and make a strong barrier when we're about to leave?" I asked and all of them nodded. We all left the meeting room and went to our ways I went to Asvia and talked to her while Labrish is fertilizing the whole island and Aron was using her ability to stabilize the water and Cerus are talking to our people and his friends that they'll be gone for awhile and he asked them to take care of everything while we're gone,of course everyone agree because they know that everything were doing are for their own safetiness.

Once we that we were all done we went home and pack our things while for me I put them in my item box but still carry one suitcase so that no one will suspect a thing. After I was done I went to bed and hope that everything will turn out alright and that we all have to agree on this








And I don't reread my story and whatever comes to my mind I just write them...and remember I DON'T own any pictures that I use here I googled them and those pictures belong to their rightful owners!!!

If I had misspell/wrong grammar don't blame me blame Google and auto corrector!!!

Anyways I hope you enjoy the story!!!

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