Tom Hanson X Y/n ONESHOTS

By donotmindmeatallheh

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Sooo this book is basically Tom Hanson (from 21 jumpstreet) x Y/n oneshots just like the title sates. NONE O... More

Soulmates? Part 1
Soulmates? Part 2
Things Tom Would Do For/During A Date
Y/n's Birthday suprise
Living With Tom

Promise (request)

187 4 7
By donotmindmeatallheh

REQUEST FROM: @cherrybabeluv  ♥


Y/n's Pov:
I was speeding home down the highway, my cheeks were stained by my tears, it was just another awful day. I wanted to get home quickly and take a long shower and probably cry and sleep, that is if i can sleep. Life has just been so stressful these days, with my job and school, my parents are gone, they were gone a long time ago so its just been me.

I knew I would get caught speeding and just I had the thought, I looked in the rear view mirror and saw red and blue flashing lights. I pulled over, I sighed, how bad can this day get?

The officer got out of the car and walked over to my window, i pulled it down but my body couldn't function. A young officer stood there, like he looked pretty young, how was a he a cop? That's not the point, he was devastatingly handsome, he had deep brown eyes that stared into my soul, a sharp jawline which could probably cut paper, his skin was tan and his lips were pillow like soft but his hair could use a new hair style.

"Excuse me miss?" the officer said impatiently, his voice sounded deep and kind of rough but it was nice, I shook myself out of my thoughts, "Sorry Officer, I Know I was speeding, I had a bit of a rough day and I don't what I was doing" I responded nervously, his face softened a bit when he saw my tear stains and a bit of sympathy was displayed on his face but he remained serious, "ok, this time ill give you a warning but please don't do it again or I will have to give you a ticket" he said, "oh, thank you so much officer, I wont speed again, honestly I don't know what i was doing, you wont see it again" I replied gratefully, "good to know, just don't spread the news all around, I'm not really allowed to just give a warning, so because of this can you do me a favour?" he asked, I was confused, suddenly my mind started thinking all sorts of horrible favours but I replied with "sure".

 "promise me that you wont speed or harm you life in anyway because your a young girl I don't you to risk your life, considering all the books i can see on the passenger seat you must be hard working so please don't do anything like that, you could be really successful", he replied, oh god I thought, he probably thinks I'm mentally not alright or something, "oh... alright officer I promise" I said, "thank you, anyways bye, have a safe night" he said as he walked back to his cruiser and drove off while I sat there in my car on the side of the road thinking what just happened. 

I decided not be to upset anymore, I mean I guess if someone completely random as him has hope in me, why cant I have hope in my self too? I drove back home thinking all about this small incident.

Present day~  (i don't mean this year btw i mean like the time 21 jumpstreet took place of course)

Y/n's Pov:

Its been a year since I had that small incident with that officer and my graduation is this week, I don't know what but the small promise that he made me keep inspired me to do better in life. I picked up my grades, took better care of my self and just tried my best to let go of my constant worries and live my life the way I want to. Part of me wants him to be here to see how I have improved from being a sad girl speeding in a car to a glowing woman who's happy and would graduate any day now. It sounded stupid to me at first since I don't even know who he is but my mind adapted to the fact that I want to prove to everyone I met that I have changed. 

Graduation day~

Toms Pov: 
 I still remember pulling over that girl a year ago, she looked so beautiful but seemed so broken, I could tell by the way her eyes looked and the tear stains. My softness really took over me that day so I felt bad giving her a ticket, I hope she's happy now though, its weird since I don't even know who she is but part of me is curious about her and wants to know her better and even be friends with her, I'm probably only 1 year older than her anyways. 

But enough of that I guess, I have a case that I'm on right now, its kinda boring and I honestly don't know how to handle it well, basically me and Judy are having to handle this foreign student named Eleanor who's a really famous person from where she comes from, probably some teen idol, I let Judy handle most of it since they're girls and they seem to get along better, well were going to the Eleanors graduation today at her school, then finally I think her agents may take her back to her country, which I'm honestly glad they are in the first place. 

Me, Judy and Eleanor were standing at the graduation ceremony, "hey Tom, I'm just gonna go with Eleanor to get some punch alright?" Judy said, "yeah yeah alright" I replied, unbothered, they both walked away, and as I looked around I saw crowds of parents and students every where, all very happy and cheerful, I kept looking when my eyes locked on to another pair of y/e/c, I instantly knew who it was, I jogged up to her and it really was her. She looked at me in shock when she realised who I was. 

Y/n's Pov:

"Oh... Oh uh Hi aren't you the um, the officer who pulled me over last year?" I asked in shock as I realised who this very person standing in front of me is, "uh yeah I am, y/n am I right?" he asked, "y-yeah y/n that's um right, uh todays my graduation... may I ask... why are you here?" I replied, what a stupid question it sounds so rude, "oh well I'm handling a case with a student over here so um yeah... its been some time but you look like you kept my promise, I mean you look happier" he said, I blushed a bit "uh yeah, I'm happier, I actually remembered your promise everyday" I nervously said, silence followed as he stared at me, his orb like eyes staring deep into my soul, until he shook his head a bit,

 "you know y/n I know I have no idea who you really arebutyouseemreallyniceandmaybeyoumightwanttogooutsomeday?" he mumbled, I barely understood what he said, "sorry?" I said, "I said um... would you like to go out with me? I don't know you but you seem like a really nice person" he asked, he was for sure handsome but I was sceptical of his age, I mean I'm 19 turning 20 in a few months, I mean this guy could probably be 23 or even 25, I don't really like dating older guys, "I mean I like you too but um... how old are you even?" I asked, "oh uh I'm only 21, I'm turning 22 next year, I know I'm pretty young to be cop, I joined the force when I was 20", he replied, "ohhh, well uh yeah I would love to go out with you however I still don't know your name...", I giggled a bit as I replied, "oh um my name is Tom, Tom Hanson", he replied with a charming smile, "well sure I would like to go out with you tom", 

I replied, I couldn't believe my own words I'm going out with him but he really seems like a nice guy, this could be new beginning, "ok sure I guess is this Wednesday 6pm alright?" he nervously said which i found adorable, I didn't seem to have any plans so why not, "sure" i replied, "alright well that's set" he said, 

We sat on the bench and talked for some time and got to know each other better, we have a lot of similarities, this really could be the start of something new, all because of a small promise.




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