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By bellalovesfantasy

1.1K 35 1

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69 2 1
By bellalovesfantasy

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

Okoye , Shuri , (Y/N) and Riri were now in the vehichle that they had from Wakanda and was now driving to where Riri had the vibranium detector design.

While they were driving in the car , Shuri could of sworn she saw Riri checking out (Y/N) as he sat in the back with her , with his muscular arms crossed and one leg of the other.

She tried her best to shake it off , but also kept monetering Riri on her movements with him.

They finally arrived to the location to where Riri had the design and they drove in.

"What exactly is this place?" Okoye asked.

"I fixed a few trucks for the head of sanitation.He let's me work out of this garage in exchange." Riri answered as everyone got out of the car.

"I just have to get my work laptop." Riri told them

Everyone then walked inside the area "Please don't touch anything." Riri told them as she walked to where her work laptop was.

"You don't have to worry about that" Okoye told her as she and Shuri both looked around.

"It may not look like much.." Riri started as (Y/N) then looked at her." But it's my life's work here." She said.

"No , no I mean all of this looks pretty well designed and detailed." (Y/N) complimented her work.Riri looked at him abit flabagastered at his compliment and smiled at him , cheeks heating up."Thanks."She said softly as (Y/N) nodded and then turned to go by Shuri.

Shuri had her brows furrowed and eyes squinting as she was this close to telling Riri about their relationship.(Y/N) noticed her expression and smirked "What's wrong , Princess?" (Y/N) asked her , teasingly.

Shuri grinned as she continued to look at other things Riri had "Hmm...nothing." (Y/N) looked at her as he leaned on a table , smirking at her as his wife tried to distract herself. "Suree.."

"So , the design for the machine is on that laptop?" Okoye asked Riri."Yeah." She replied.

"And you just leave it on a desk in a car garage?"Okoye asked her , dumbfounded.

"I got 2065-byte encryption on that thing." Riri said.

"That's impressive . Ever locked yourself out?" Shuri asked her.

"Took me the whole semester to get back in.Had to build a functional quantum computer just to crack my own encryption." She answered.

"What is that you're building here? Is it Stark Tech?" Shuri asked her , after touching a poster on a board.

"I said don't touch anything!"

"Princess , American law enforcement has arrived at your location." GRIOT said.

"Shit." Shuri muttered.

"Who was that?" Riri asked.

"My AI."Shuri said starting to walk.

"They are surrounding us." Okoye said , looking at a hologram.

"I thought you said a merman was after me.That's the feds!" Riri said , getting frsutrated.

The cars then surrounded and one of the guys made a hole in their vehichle's tire.

"Oh , I do not need this shit right now!" Riri shouted."I swear I was doing so well!Goin' to classes on time.I must be dumb as hell."

Riri continued to rant as she pulled off the papers from the board and throwing it into a bin."Real dumb thinking that the Princess of Wakanda is gon show up at my doorstep and then shit about to pop off!"She shouted , continuing to throw papers in a bin.

"I think that I'm actually gonna take my chances with this merman , because atleast he never brought the FBI to my garage!" She said , then taking a lighter and burning the papers.

"Hey.Namor sank an entire ship of CIA operatives because of your little machine.So those popo out there are the very least of your worries."Okoye told Riri.

"Listen , we need to work together to get out of here." Shuri started."General , they've got us surrounded.Maybe we should spilt up." Shuri suggested.

Okoye laughed sarcastically "Out of question.Does this vehichle work." Okoye asked Riri.

"No." She answered , moving aorund a few things.

"Everything in this lab works." Shuri then looked (Y/N) who was already looking at her."Including this bike."

"Don't even think about it.Besides , there are four of us."Okoye said.

"Three of ya'll.I'm takin' this." Riri said looking up at her design.

"Whoo!I knew it.Don't tell me that you built this in two months." Shuri said looking up at it.

"I spent years on this.On and off." Riri said.

"Nice." Shuri said. "Have you flown it yet?" (Y/N) asked her.

"That thing can fly?" Okoye asked.

"There's an entire YouTube channel dedicated to sightings of me." Riri told them "That's awsome." Shuri said , but then the lights turned off.

"Come." Shuri said walking over to Riri "Wireless transmitter , so we can communitcate." Shuri told her.

"Don't try to scurry off." Okoye said.

A man outiside were calling out their names for them to come outside the lab.

Okoye then pulled off the cloth from off the car. "What a hunk of junk." Okoye muttered to herself.

"Hey , please be careful.Keys are on the seat.Once we get to the other side of the bridge , we can loose them in Boston traffic." Riri told them.

"General , we really need to spilt up." Shuri tried to reason with Okoye.

"Listen to me.We are not in your lab.We are in the field.Now you two get into the car."(Y/N) then went into the back seat.

"Always shouting at me." Shuri muttered as she put a Remote Control on the top of the car and sat in the front seat.

"The tactical unit will breach the entrance in three , two ... one." GRIOT said to them.Riri had just set up into her suit.

The door then burst open "FBI! Don't move!" A man shouted."What the hell is that?" A guy asked walking in."Oh shit! She got iron man suit?!" Another guy shouted.

Riri then raised up her arm and shot toward them and flew out lf the lab.

"Guess it can fly." Okoye said ,looking up , not realizing Shuri came out of the car.

Shuri then opened the back seat door and pulled (Y/N) out quickly. "What the?-" he asked with a small smile on his face but was cut off.

"GRIOT!" Shuri shouted.

"Yes , Princess."


"Remote piloting activated." The car then began to drive on it's own."Shuri! No!" Okoye shouted as the car drove off.

Shuri then took (Y/N)'s hand and gave him a helmet as they both put them on.Shuri then sat in front and signaled for (Y/N) to sit behind her.(Y/N) placed his hands on her waist and held on as Shuri drove off.

Shuri was now outside and was driving in the streets "GRIOT! Give me a visual!".

Okoye was now in a remote controlled driving vehichle.


"Yes , General?"

"Take me to (Y/N) and the Princess or I will drive my spear so deep into your CPU you will not be able to process basic input for a millennia." Okoye threatened.

"Just one moment , General."

"Okoye  , We're on our way to you." Shuri said.
Shuri kept dodging all the FBI vehichles and got passed them.

"GRIOT , give me control of these vehichle right now!" Okoye shouted in frustration."I'm clearing you a path."

"She's all yours , General.Manual drive enagaged."GRIOT said.

Okoye then perced her spear through the back seat of the car and the spear came out hitting the ground and Okoye reversed as another FBI car was driving up to her.

As she was reversing the spear then hit FBI vehichle and it went tumbling over.Okoye then turned around the vehichle and continued to drive.

Okoye then met up with (Y/N) and Shuri.She then pulled back up her spear.

"We need to find an extraction point!"Okoye said , eyes still focased on the road.

"There's one across the river!" (Y/N) told her.

"Hey yo! They cuttin' off the bridge." Riri updated them.

"Princess , there is a surveillance drone locked onto you." GRIOT told her.

"How high?" Shuri asked.

"Thirty-Thousand feet."

"Hang on.I got it." Riri said then beginning to fly after the drone.

"Riri , I'm not too sure you can reach up to that drone without an oxygen mask!" (Y/N) told her.

"Oxygen level is now at 55%." GRIOT stated.GRIOT kept updating Riri on her Oxygen level percentage.

Riri then reached up and shot down the drone as it exploded.

"Oxygen , 0%." GRIOT said as Riri was falling down.

"The drone is no longer tracking you.Altitude , 500 feet and falling." GRIOT told them.

"Riri! Are you okay?Riri!" Shuri asked.

"Yeah.I'm good." Riri said now flying properly.

Okoye , (Y/N) and Shuri were now seeing the the bridge was packed with Police and FBIs.

" Oh my! " Okoye muttered

"Ain't no worries , I got a special delivery for y'all in three , two , one." A huge object was then thrown at the Police as the cars exploded.

"Nice one Riri!" (Y/N) said as the all passed through.

"Whoo!" Riri said flying on.

There was then a rope that was then caught onto Riri suit as it pulled her down.

"Riri!" Shuri shouted as (Y/N) and Okoye looked on in shock.

A ball then went underneath the car Okoye was driving and it exploded with water coming out of it.

Shuri and (Y/N) were flying into the air.Shuri put on a shield as they both crashed to the ground.

"What just happened?" Okoye asked , upside down in the vehichle looking around and saw Shuri and (Y/N) passed out.

"Shuri!(Y/N)!" She shouted getting out of the car.

She then ran over to them quickly and placed her Kimoyo beads with theirs.

"(Y/N)'s and the Princess's vitals are stable General.They should regain conciousness momnetarily."GRIOT told Okoye.

Riri was now being pulled by a rope but Okoye took her spear and cut the line.

Two whales , came up fron the water as blue figures came off from their backs and landed.

Okoye stabbed her spear into the ground as she took off her jacket.

"Take another step closer..." She said then pulling out the sword again. "And I'll kill you all."

FBI then spoke up on a speaker. One of them looked back at spoke "Kill the scientist.I 'll deal with the witnesses. " They said beginning to run.

" Kill that woman first . " Another one said as the others oboyed and attacked Okoye.

Okoye was fighting them as the bigger one watched them.

Okoye striked them down and then noticed the bigger one walker toward Riri.

She then took her spear and hit him with it.

" Go back to Namora. "

Okoye watched them in shock as they began to get up.

He then attacked Okoye as they both started fighting.

The fight was instense as he then hit Okoye that caused her to fall back.

She then got up and continued to fight him.

He then manged to put his weapon onto the ground and hit Okoye onto it.He then picked her spear.

"You're not worth my blade. " he said about to attack her but Okoye pressed onto her Kimoyo bead as the spear then came out of his hand as he yelled in pain.

She then got up and tried to fight him again but he hit her spear hard as she glided back.

" What's taking so long?This is no time for games. " Namora said throwing him a water bomb.

He then threw the bomb at Okoye and Okoye cut it in half as it exploded.

Shuri then got up as she felt the water and saw (Y/N) next to her. She sat up and took off his helmet and placed her arm on his cheek and caressed it "(N/N)" she said softly then looked back at the scene and saw Okoye.

Okoye was then sent flying into the water.

"Okoye!" Shuri shouted.Shuri got up and stood infront of (Y/N) and Riri.

"Wait!" She said putting her hand infront of them defensively.

"Activating interpretation." GRIOT said.

"I'm Shuri.Princess of Wakanda." Shuri said , GRIOT was transalating for them."I demand you take me to Namor.Do not bring harm to him and this girl." She said.

"Do we take them all alive?" He asked " Yes Attuma." Namora replied.

Attuma then walked up to Shuri and placed a mask on her " Breathe ." And she did so.

They took (Y/N) , Shuri and Riri away as Okoye saw what was happening.

"Shuri!No!" She shouted in distress.

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