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"Bast...time is running out.Please allow me to heal my brother of this illness and I will never question your existence again."

Two doors then opened , revealing inside Shuri's lab.

"His heat rate is dropping fast.Where are we?" Shuri asked one of the men in her lab.

"We are finishing the sequence now." He answered her.

Shuri then moved to where she was creating the cure.

"GRIOT , give me the controls." Shuri asked her automated voice , she named it.

"As you wish , Princess." GRIOT answered.

Shuri was now fixing up the cure "What is the confidence rate?"

"25%." GRIOT answered.

"We'll have to try another way." She said , fixing it again.

"King T'Challa's heart rate has fallen to 31 beats per minute." GRIOT informed her.

"Princess , you should go by his side." A man tried to reason with her.

"I have to think.Everyone , get out." Shuri said but not everyone heard her."Get out!" She shouted.Everyone then left the lab.

"What is the confidence rate?" She asked GRIOT as she had reorgansied it again.

"29.1%." GRIOT told her.

"Print it!" She then walked up to the higher floor of the lab.

"Princess , I am aware of the urgency , but I must warn you , this synthetic Heart-Shaped Herb has a minimal chance of producing the desired effects."GRIOT informed her.

"I don't care!Has to work." She said , still in panic.

The Heart-Shaped Herb was now being printed . Shuri kept squeezing her hand , and was also rubbing the wedding ring on her finger.

The Heart-Shaped Herb was finhished printing and she opened the small door which had the Herb in it and took it out.

Shuri began to walk until she saw her mother with a disapointed and sad look on her face.Tears were slowing streaming down her face.


"Yes , Princess."

"What's my brother's heart rate?" She asked , still looking at her mother.

GRIOT choose not to answer , as he knew the answer would be heartbreaking.

Ramonda closed her eyes then looking at her daughter , who was so determined to help her brother.

"Your brother...is with the ancestors." Ramonda's voice cracked as she spoke.

Shuri looked at her mother , in denial that her brother passed on , without her even getting to say goodbye to him.She then allowed the tears she held back to flow down "No.." she whispered in disbelief.

It was now the day of the furneral for King T'Challa.

"We give thanks for the gift of King T'Challa.The Black Panther. " One of the Elders said. " Son of King T'Chaka. "

"My son." Queen Ramonda said while crying.

" Descendant of the most revered , King Bashenga , the first Black Panther.We release you.Praise the ancestors." The Elder continued.

The Dora Milaje pickes up the coffin and carried it away.

The streets of Wakanda had people , dressed in white , dancing , celebrating T'Challa's life as they sang his name and their were other people playing instruments to go with the music.

While The Dora Milaje and Shuri and Ramonda were walking down between the streets of Wakanda , Ramonda then saw a painted picture of her son on a wall.

Ramonda was holding her daughters hand as Shuri was holding T'Challa's Black Panther helmet.

The Dora Milaje placed down the coffin to where it was supposed to be and Shuri placed down the helmet in front of it.

A Royal Talon then flew above them and the coffin.

Ramonda and Shuri both placed their hands on the coffin , caressing it.They pulled their hands away and stepped back but Shuri couldn't let go of him yet.

She walked over to the coffin again and this time she bent over and hugged the coffin as if she was hugging her brother for the last time.She cried and cried as Ramonda looked at her in sorrow.

Ramonda then pulled her away and the Royal Talon then pulled up the coffin into the the Talon.

Everyone saluted to him as he was taken away.
The Talon then moved away and everyone watched is sorrow and sadness as their King had passes on.

It was two days since the funeral and Shuri was in her room , holding onto a pillow as she was still grieving and crying of her brothers death.

Shuri had then recived a text from her husband.

'Hey love , is it alright for me to come over or do you need some more space?" (Y/N) sent her message.

Shuri wanted to tell him that she was fine but they both knew that she wasn't . She also knew she could use some more comfort from him.

She smiled warmly at the text and replied."Please , get here quickly."

(Y/N) didn't even need to reply as he left to go to her.

When (Y/N) arrived he greeted everyone and quickly went to Shuri's room aka their shared bedroom.

Shuri came out of the room and saw (Y/N) and hugged him , and he immediately responded picking her up with her legs around his waist and his hands supporting her.

"I'm so sorry." (Y/N) kept repeating to her caressing her back and arms.

He then took her onto the bed and gave her all the comfort he could give.

"I failed to save him" She said , crying again, eyebrows furrowing.

(Y/N) looked at her and placed both of his hands on her cheeks "No ,no you never did.You did your best to help him.I know you did and you should know that too."

Shuri closed her eyes and placed her hands on his.(Y/N) joined their foreheads together and then kissed her forehead and looked at her.Tears were still streaming from her face.

He decided to then kiss her tears away and gave her what felt like a hundred kisses.Shuri giggled as she then hugged her husband while smiling as be managed to get her mind off her brother's death for a while.

(Y/N) promised himself that he would stay with Shuri throughtout the grieving of her brother's death along with helping Wakanda.

𝐃𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓  ✩  𝗦𝗛𝗨𝗥𝗜 𝗨𝗗𝗔𝗞𝗨  ✯【𝖡𝖮𝖮𝖪 2】Where stories live. Discover now