Under My Protection

By LittleMonkeyTree

36.4K 2K 733

I've decided to describe my mafia bodyguard au in quotes: "I have a happy personality and a sad soul in one b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 10

1.4K 82 74
By LittleMonkeyTree

It had been three weeks since Rain's date with Amara and he was hoping since he hadn't heard from his dad, that it might be the only date he'd have to endure. Rain was begrudgingly thankful to his father because he had found a friend in Amara. Someone who understood what it was like to live with a controlling father. Someone who understood how it felt to be powerless over your own life. Someone in love with someone they couldn't realistically be with.

After the initial problems the date had caused between them, Phayu had also come to like Amara, at least he thought, and sometimes participated in video messaging her. Rain wasn't entirely sure if it was because Phayu actually enjoyed chatting with Amara or if he was keeping close watch on their interactions. But, Phayu had told him that he was happy Rain had found a new friend, probably knowing Rain only had Sky.

Sometimes Rain wondered if Phayu had any friends. Rain had asked, but Phayu had dodged the question saying he didn't have time for his friends right now, which filled Rain with an odd sense of guilt. Not that he had done anything to cause this, as Phayu took the job before even knowing Rain, but the guilt of it still floated around the periphery of his mind.

Rain looked up at Phayu's face hovering above him, setting his book down on his chest. Phayu was intently reading something on his phone with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth in concentration. Rain wiggled around in his position, laying with his head in Phayu's lap, trying to gain his attention. Just as he was about to grab the phone from Phayu's hand, he heard a short but loud knock on the door.

"Master Rain. Phayu. Channarong is on his way here," they heard Bun Ma through the door.

Phayu jolted up from his position on the sofa, Rain's head bouncing on the cushion in his absence. Rain watched as Phayu walked swiftly through the door, shutting it behind him softly, without a word or glance for Rain. While he understood the need for urgency, Phayu's wordless departure still stung. Left him wishing for a day when they could hear a knock on the door and simply answer the door casually and without fear.


Although Phayu knew there would inevitably be more dates, he still found himself unprepared when the next one happened. Spending another evening standing off to the side, having to act uninterested as he watched Rain interact with a potential future partner was almost more than Phayu was able to manage. It took every ounce of willpower and focus to stand still, keeping his face expressionless. Focus that needed to be on the surroundings and the people in the restaurant, not on Rain and this Yihwa person. He could feel a headache coming on from the exertion of trying to do his job while also closely watching the interaction at the table in front of him.

This date felt different from the previous one. Rain's date with Amara had been awkward until they found common ground. But this date. This one felt more real. This, Yihwa, clearly had every intention, in Phayu's opinion, of catching and keeping Rain. When Rain had introduced himself, she had put her hand out and waited for him to take it, nodding at him slightly to indicate he should kiss it. Phayu wanted to punch her but Rain just giggled, clearly embarrassed, shook it gently and dropped it. A look of irritation had passed across her face before quickly pasting back on her attempt at a seductive smile.

Phayu watched her giggle, flip her hair back constantly over her shoulder, and trace her fingers back and forth across the middle of the table as if hoping Rain would take her hand. He had started glancing under the table to see if she would try and rub her foot against Rains. While her attempts at seduction may have worked on many men, she was quite attractive after all, he knew that it wouldn't work on his Rain. He told himself it wouldn't work on Rain. Rain liked men. Phayu in particular. He had nothing to worry about. Rain would never fall for this. But he also knew Rain had to play along, at least a little.

He could see Rain trying to follow along with the conversation, as Yihwa was doing the vast majority of the talking. At one point, Rain's ears turned red at something she had said, causing her to laugh loudly and reach across the table to grab Rain's hand. Phayu watched as Rain quickly slipped his hands into his lap before she could take hold, causing Phayu to barely contain a loud laugh that threatened to erupt.

Once their food had arrived, Yihwa made several attempts to feed Rain from her plate but he had shaken his head. Phayu wondered how he had found a way to politely decline the offers. Maybe he didn't like the food offered? Allergic? Felt a cold coming on and didn't want to share germs? Regardless, Phayu was relieved he didn't have to watch Rain eat from this Yihwa's chopsticks.

Rain stood from the table gesturing to Yihwa that he would follow after her but she remained rooted in her chair. She pouted, saying something to Rain, and then looking up at him with her chin in her hands, elbows on the table. Phayu watched what he considered to be a ridiculous attempt at puppy dog eyes made at his Rain. He almost rolled his eyes. He could see Rain's sigh before he moved behind her, pulling her chair out as she stood and turned to smile at Rain. As she began walking towards the exit, she grabbed Rain's hand, grasping it so tightly Rain would clearly be unable to let it go without attracting attention.

Walking behind her and Rain, Phayu wondered what Yihwa's bodyguards thought about her. Did they find her cute? Hot? Annoying? Childish? Did they do what Phayu should've done and not thought much about his charge at all? Probably. He had glanced at them briefly off and on throughout the dinner and not one of them gave any small hint about their feelings towards this annoying and rather forward girl.

Once at Yihwa's car, Rain paused, beginning a small bow in goodbye only to be stopped by her arms being thrown around his neck. Phayu stepped forward to place a hand on Rain's back as her action had caused Rain to stumble backwards, nearly falling.

"Um, Yihwa, thank you for this evening, but, well, could you please let go of my neck? It's rather, um, tight?" Hearing Rain ask that, Phayu pushed slightly into Rain's back instead of grabbing her arms and ripping them from Rain. His Rain. His. Not hers. His.

Giggling, Yihwa loosened her arms and began to step backwards before surging back towards Rain and kissing him on the cheek. "Bye P'Rain! See you soon," she said, winking before she got into her car.


Turning to close his door, Rain jumped back as Phayu pushed his way into the room, slamming the door behind him. He had expected the silent treatment like last time, with Phayu needing time to decompress before talking to him. Rain suspected, based on the clenched jaw he spied on the car ride home, that Phayu was angry again. But he wasn't expecting an immediate confrontation about the dinner.

"P'Phayu, I promise I didn't do anything to encourage her," Rain started, wondering if Phayu was angry at him this time and not just angry about the event. That maybe Phayu thought he'd done something to make the girl act like a clingy octopus all night.

"I know."

Okay, so that wasn't it. Rain's mind started sifting through the evening trying to find things he'd done that Phayu might be upset about.

"Rain," Phayu sighed.

"Hmmm?" Rain answered, still lost in his thoughts.

"Rain. Eyes on me baby." Rain shook himself from his thoughts and focused on Phayu who didn't really look mad anymore. Well, mad. But, not mad? Sort of?

"I'm not mad at you. I'm mad that she touched you without your permission. I wanted to kill her. She made you uncomfortable and nervous. I'm sorry I couldn't intervene and stop her. It's my job to protect you and I couldn't protect you from one annoying as hell girl who wouldn't stop trying to touch you. Kiss you. Practically strangle you. I'm so sorry Rain. So sorry," Phayu gritted out, head bowed before Rain.

Laughing inwardly about why Phayu was upset but also understanding why he was taking it so personally, Rain decided distraction was his best response. Putting his hands on Phayu's shoulders, he pushed him backwards towards his bed, forcing Phayu to sit on it. Phayu looked up at him curiously as Rain crawled onto his lap, grabbing Phayu's cheeks between his hands.

"Let's just forget about it Phi. I'm not mad at you just like you're not mad at me. So, let's just laugh about how ridiculous she acted all night and then move onto other things," Rain said before placing a long kiss on Phayu's lips.

"Other things?" Phayu asked, eyes curling into a smirk.

Rain smiled back knowing he'd succeeded, before attaching himself to Phayu's neck.


Okay, it's finally time for some smut. Next week - a continuation of "other things."

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