Pain Of The Color Blue (ALTA...

By lorenzaoct20

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Kataara and Sokka All there life didnt know they had a half Sibling. A brother name Manu Who mother was shun... More

Chapter 1-Kingdom of Omashu
Chapter 2- Imprisoned
Chapter 3-Winter Solstice part one
Chapter 4-winter solstice part 2
Chapter 5-The waterbending scroll
Chapter 7-The Great Divide
Chapter 8-The Storm
Chapter 9- The Blue Spirit

Chapter 6-Jet

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By lorenzaoct20

It has been days until we found a spot to land and set up camp till the next day. We settled into the forest. I was putting stuff away getting ready to head out while Momo here was chasing a bug through the forest. While he tried to get the bug he ended up finding a pile of lychee nuts.

"Momo, don't you dare try to get it. It booty trap." I say knowing that there was no way some lychee nuts would be in a perfect pile. They might be poachers around here but by the way those traps were planted it must be the fire nation. Yet Momo didn't want to listen as he runs toward it then he got pulled into a circle type cage. "Told you so."

"let me get help." I say as I ran back to hear Aang, "Where Momo?"

As he sees three more animals caged up, "It seems Momo not the only one who got fool by a pile of Lychee nuts. Momo also got trap in one of those." I told him.

"Thanks Manu. Hold On Momo" Aang exclaims as he airbends to the top of the tree, jumping from trunk-to-trunk to get higher. He finds the traps' mechanisms, undoes them, and carefully lowers Momo to the ground where Kataara and Sokka are waiting. They open the trap together and the lemur runs out with one of the lychee nuts in his mouth.  Me, Kataara and Sokka look on as Momo gets on his hind legs and eats it as though nothing has happened. Sokka grunts in frustration and facepalms. When Aang lands, he looks up to see the other two animals seemingly crying out to him for help.

"Aang you should also set them free." I tell him, "I feel bad for them."

"Alright you guys too." he said as Sokka got a better idea.

"this will take forever." He says as he threw his boomerang to simply cut them free.

"that works." Aang says when he finally got to them. As the animals that we freed all went their separate ways. And as everyone gathers around two of the traps and Sokka kneels down to examine them. By the looks of those traps, I knew it when I first saw it I knew it had to be fire nation trap.

"These are fire nation traps." Sokka said as he examined closer, " you can tell from the metalwork. We should go back to camp and pack up, and get moving." We started to walk back to camp and started to gather our things unto Appa.

"No we should not use Appa this time." Sokka said as he saw us getting on.

"Huh. But why?" Aang asked confused.

"Sokka I don't think that wise." I tell him, "Either way we still be facing the fire nation soldier no matter what we do."

"No Manu. I know what I am doing. Think about it: Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa, he's just too noticeable." He points to Appa trying to get us to see his point. But I can't Cause Appa still noticeable no matter up in the air or the bottom. He still easy to spot. 

"What No. Appa not too noticeable." Kataara said.

"But I hate to tell you but Appa is noticeable. He like the only bison to ever roam this earth as of now." I tell her.

"See Manu sees what  I mean." he says.

"Not exactly. I do understand that he is noticeable. But that doesn't make it that He is not hard to find." I tell him.

"But Manu he is a He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head! It's kinda hard to miss him! " he shouts as he points to Appa who in turn Yawns.

"That's Okay Appa. Sokka just jealous that he doesn't have an arrow on his head." He tells him.

"Or maybe he jealous that he can't fly." I joked.

"Wow Manu I thought your the mature one here." he tells me.

"I didn't say I was the mature one did I?" I tell him.

"I know you all wanna fly, but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk." He says. AS Kataara who was next to him.

"Who made you boss?" She asked.

Sokka points to himself, "I'm not the boss, I'm the leader."

"you the leader. But your voice still cracks." Kataara snickered.

"I'm the oldest, I am a warrior." he says as his voice cracked, "I'm the leader." as he deepens his voice to that last comment.

"If anyone going to be the leader, it should be Aang," She says, "Well he is the avatar."

"Are you kidding he a goofy kid?" Sokka defends. AS I looked to Aang who hanging upside-down from Appa's right horn with feet sticking out in the air.

"He's right." He says.

"And besides Sokka your not the oldest. I am." I tell him.

"How are you the oldest?" He asked.

"I am 19 years old. 4 years older then you." I tell him.

"Oh." he says., " well i should be leader."

"Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader? I bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you kissed a girl." Kataara says. I looked to Sokka as Kataara said that.

"I do kissed a girl. You just haven't met her yet." He said defensively.

"Who gran gran? I met Gran gran." She said teasing him more.

" No! Besides Gran-Gran. Look, my instincts tell me we have a better chance of slipping through on foot, and a leader has to trust his instincts." He tells as he was waving his hands around.

"You haven't kissed a girl have you?" I ignoring the last comment, "I can tell by your body language. You just don't want to admit it."

"Oh yea, What about you Mr. Observer? Its not like you have a kissed a girl." Sokka says sarcastically.

"Hate to break you bubble. But I too, Kissed a girl." I say as he looked at me shocked, "As a matter of fact I have a girlfriend who I left behind at my hometown. You will meet her one day."

"Well its nothing to brag about," he says, "But i did a kissed a girl." Still denying. 

"Keep telling your self that Sokka. And maybe there will be a girl magically appear in front of you." I say jokingly.

"not funny. But we are going off topic. I am a warrior. So my instincts say we should walk this time. No flying." He says.

"Well well try it your way." I tell him, "But we better hurry."

"Lead the way oh wise leader." I hear Kataara said sarcastically.

"Okay as Manu says. Lets follow sokka the wise leader." She mocks him.

AS Aang jumps beside us with a backpack on, and Momo on his shoulder. 

"Who knows walking might be fun?" He says cheerfully. Oh Aang your going to learn the hard way. Its not all rainbows. AS we started walking. But hours later as we trudge behind Sokka. I hear Aang say.

"Walking stinks! How do people go anywhere without a flying bison?" he complains.

I snickered. AS Kataara add in, "Well I don't know, Aang. Why don't you ask Sokka's instincts? They seem to know everything."

"Yea they know everything." I say sarcastically, "or maybe his so called instincts has turned into goop that he is making stupid decisions. Like walking for instance not gonna work out. we will definitely be found by the fire nation."

"Haha very funny." Sokka said grimly. As I looked to Aang who seems to not listen and continues to complain.

" I'm tired of carrying this pack." He whines.

"You know who you should ask to carry it for a while? Sokka's instincts." She says laughing.

"yea let Sokka instinct start carrying all the stuff we have. Cause no one enjoys walking." I say trying to get Sokka annoyed which in the end succeeded.

"That's a great idea. Hey, Sokka's instincts, would you mind-....." Aang answered enthusiastic.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Look guys, I'm tired too. But the important thing is that we're safe from the..." he says as we walked into the fire nation camp ground, "fire nation."

"So wise leader you just led us to our doom. Now we are in the presence of Fire nation Soldiers. So what now?" I looked at him.

"Not the time Manu." He says. As we see Fire nation Soldier around the camp ground. Some are cooking and some are talking but the moment we barged in they looked at us.

"Run." He says as we turned the soldiers fire bend our only exit. "We are cut off."

"SOKKA your shirt!" Aang says as  Sokka looks down to see it on fire.

"great now we going to face them." I say as I prepare for a fight. But Sokka being Sokka was trying to wing it.

"If you let us pass, we promise not to hurt you." He says. I looked at him if he was seriously dumb here. There are a whole lot of them. And four of us. 

"What are you doing?" Kataara whispers to sokka As he whispers back to Kataara, "Bluffing."

"Guys this is no time to bluff." I tell them.

"You promise not to hurt us?" The soldier with the eye patch says as he looked like he was gonna laugh, when something knocked him out. I looked up to see a boy about 16 years old with shaggy hair and some type of grass on his mouth. But I guess they didn't notice him. Why is it that I am always the one to observe my surroundings but my sibling don't.

"Nice work, Sokka! How'd you do that?" Aang says. Its not him Aang.

"uh instincts." Sokka said confused. Until Kataara said, "Look." As she points up to the trees. To see the boy I saw with two hooked swords as he jumps down and takes two soldiers down. While charges at two more.

"Down you go." He says as Kataara and Aang are impressed with this guy. There is something off about this guy. I can tell the moment he appeared. Well another soldier tries to charged at him but he got defeated. He can fight I give him that. 

"There up in the trees." I hear a Soldier shout.  AS I looked up to see, A young boy lands on top of the soldier and turns his helmet around to blind him, before riding him around while laughing. Another boy launches arrows at the soldiers while more boys come out of the trees. Aang and Kataara are shown fighting the soldiers. Sokka holds up his boomerang and yells as one approaches him, but stops when Jet takes him down first. While I take out my sword and fought seven all at once. AS I see Sokka try to get his first soldier, yet this boy beat him to it. Sokka warrior don't shout while fighting.

 "Hey that was mine." Sokka whines.

"Gotta be quicker next time." The boy in the shaggy hair says as he taunt Sokka.

"You get your turn Sokka." I screamed as I took on 7 more. AS he goes to fight another shoulder but got interrupted yet again. Sokka when will you learn just fight no yelling no stance and no preparing. "Oh man."

As I fight my final batch I see Shaggy boy beat the final soldier and runs to Kataara.

"hey!" He says.

"hi." She says back.

There is something wrong with him. I have been around people to know the good and the bad. This guy definitely falls into the bad category. And Kataara is falling for it.

Minutes later as we looked around the empty camp sight. 

"You took out the whole army." Aang says in amazement.

"Army? What they were like 20 guys?" Sokka says hatefully.

"But the one I should be in amazement is you Manu. You took on 7 soldier by yourself." Sokka looks to me.

"Years of training." I tell him as I just stared at shaggy boy.

"My name is Jet, and these are my Freedom Fighters, Sneers, Longshot, Smeller bee, The Duke, and Pipsqueak." He introduce to us. For some reason the names of these people are weird. But I can tell most of them are loyal.

"hahaha Pipsqueak what a funny name." Aang laughed. I looked at him. You should not make a joke about someone name. But this is Aang we are speaking off. As Aang Assume that name for the short boy, but in reality its the tall big guy.

AS the guy leans over in a threatening way, "You think my name is funny?"

"its Hilarious." Even though it took Aang a minute to answer that.

He suddenly starts laughing. Pipsqueak pats the Avatar on the back in a friendly manner, though the hit was hard enough to knock Aang flat on the ground. The Duke stops laughing and looks down at Aang sprawled on the ground before his feet, face flat in the dirt, though when Aang raises his head and continues laughing, so does The Duke. 

I looked to Kataara and for sure she going to be the first one to fall for this guy tricks. AS she blushes. This is bad Kataara is falling in love.  As everyone was raiding the camp ground getting what they can. I kept an eye on this jet guy. As I saw Kataara Approached him,.

"Umm, thanks for saving us Jet. We're lucky you were there." She says thankfully.

"We should be thanking you. we were waiting to ambushed them all day, we just needed the right distraction. Then you guys tumbled in." He says. It not like we stumbled in on purpose.

"we were relaying on instincts." She says as she looks toward Sokka. I looked squinted at them. Kataara don't blame Sokka. No matter how much of an idiot he is he was still trying to do everything to keep us safe.

"you'll get yourself killed doing that." Jet says as he flirts with my sister.  I glared at him. When I turned around I notice Sokka giving him hateful looks. But this time he might be right about this Jet guy.

"hey jet this Barrels are full of blasting jelly. " I hear the duke shout out. Blasting jelly why would they want that.

"that's a great score." Jet answers.

"And these boxes are filled with jelly candy." Chimes in Pipsqueak.

"Also good. Don't get those mixed up." He says. I eyed them suspiciously

"We will be taking them to the hide out." They shouted.

"You guys have a Hide out?" Aang askes.

"Yes we do. You guys want to see it?" Jet says looking at us.

"yes we do." Kataara says without any hesitation as jet smiles at her. 

"So we are just going to follow him. Don't we have a deadline here." I say.

"Yes Manu. Just this once. Lighten' up. Its not like we would stay here forever," Kataara says. I looked to her then Aang. "Fine." as we followed him to a empty area. I looked around no building. But since this is a hide out it probably up in the trees.

"we are here." jet announces.

"where?" Sokka says looking around, "There is nothing here."

As jet hands him a rope, "here hold this."

Sokka looks at it quizzically, "Why? What's this do?" Sokka says as he got pulled up to the trees and I could hear him screaming. 

"here." He holds one rope to Aang.

"No thanks. I could get there on my own." He says as he airbends up. I looked up to see if I could get there on my own. And there it is I found my way.

"here." jet offers me. 

"No thanks. I have my own way of getting up there. No measly rope can stop me." I say as I parkoured up. To find wooden built houses on theses trees with wooden bridges around. I looked to see Aang was well gliding on the ropes as he shouts, "You got a nice place here."

"Its beautiful up here." Comments Kataara. As me and Sokka were at the back just eyeing them. Me more so then Sokka.

"It's beautiful ... and more importantly the Fire Nation can't find us." Jet says. I really did not like this guy from the moment I met him there was this feeling that he is up to no good. Toying with Kataara and Aang. But Sokka was the one who got that hint.

"They would love to find you. Wouldn't they, Jet?" Smeller bee says as she jumps unto the platform.

"It's not gonna happen, Smeller bee." he tells her.

"Manu there is something off with this guy." Sokka whispers into my ear.

"Your right Sokka. But its best to play stupid and see what his motive are." I tell him.

"Your right." Sokka says in agreement.

"Why does the fire nation want to find you?" Kataara asks.

"I guess you could say I've been causing them a little trouble. See, they took over a nearby Earth Kingdom town a few years back." He answers her.

"We've been ambushin' their troops, cutting off their supply lines, and doing anything we can to mess with 'em." I looked to pipsqueak. As sokka tries to get in front of him.

"One day, we'll drive the Fire Nation out of here for good and free that town." he says like its easy. But all I could see is someone out for revenge. Hate is like a cycle that you can't get out of. Its going to bite him in the butt.

"that's so Brave." Kataara says.

"nothing braver then a guy in a tree house." Sokka says sarcastically.

"Don't pay attention to my brother." She tells him.

"No problem. He probably had a bad day." he says.

"And whose fault is that." I mumbled.

"so you live here?" She asks questionably as Sokka goes back cause he being ignored.

"That's right. Longshot over there?" He says as he points to the guy with the bow and arrows, "His town got burned down by the Fire Nation. And we found The Duke trying to steal our food. I don't think he ever really had a home."

"What about you?" Kataara questions. I looked to Jet like there more to it. But still this guy is hell bent on destroying fire nation.

"The Fire Nation killed my parents. I was only eight years old. That day changed me forever." He says as he  looks down. I feel sorry for him but at the same time whatever your up to your no better.

Though I am sick and tired of hearing people say fire nation are evil they are bad. Earth to people not all fire nation are bad people like my stepdad.

"Sokka and I lost our mother to the fire nation." She says.

"I am so sorry." he says then notice, "Wait what about the other guy? Isn't he also your brother?"

"Who? Oh you mean Manu. No he was just some one we met along the way then ended with us." She tells him. "But he never really talks about his family."  AS I see Jet looking my way.

Minute later In the hideout, ropes with lanterns hang between branches. Sentries keep watch on several upper platforms while the group sits at a banquet table. While the group eats, Jet stands on the table. AS listen to Jet speech.

"Today, we struck another blow against the Fire Nation swine." Jet says as everyone cheered, "I got a special joy from the look on one soldier's face, when The Duke dropped down on his helmet and rode him like a wild hog monkey."

I looked to Aang and Kataara they were smiling at him while Sokka and me have our suspicions.

"Now, the Fire Nation thinks they don't have to worry about a couple of kids hiding in the trees." He continues as he pretends to drink from his cup, " Maybe they're right."

Everyone booed on that comment,.

"Manu your awfully quiet all day. You haven't really said a word." Aang asked.

"I have my reason Aang." I tell him. 

"Or maybe ... they're dead wrong." He finishes as everyone cheered. 

"Hey Jet nice speech you did out there." Kataara compliments.

"Thanks. By the way, I was really impressed with you and Aang. That was some great bending I saw out there today." he says as I looked away. Yup there is something off about this guy.

"well he is great.  He is the Avatar." She blushes, "I could use some more training."

"Avatar huh? Very nice." he says. The way he says very nice means he up to no good.

"Thanks jet." Aang says.

"And you Manu The way you fight. Its how you say it impressive." he tells me trying to work his magic on me. But I ain't buying it.

"thanks." I say. as he sense my hostility.

"So I might know a way that you and Aang can help in our struggle." he talks noticing i won't speak more then one word to him.

"Unfortunately we have to leave tonight." Sokka says as he gets up to leave as I followed him.

"Sokka, you're kidding me! I needed you on an important mission tomorrow." He tells him. Sokka don't buy it stand your ground. But he turns around.

"What mission?" He says. 

Jet smiles triumphantly. "what about you Manu?"

"I have to pass." I answered back as I got up and walked to our room. I can't shake this feeling that Jet going to do something sinister but I can't put my hands on it. 

"Hey Manu. You okay?" I hear Sokka say. "You are never quiet. Is something bugging you."

"nothing bugging me. It's just this feeling of dread that whatever that Jet guy has plan isn't good." I tell him as I stared outside the window at the party area.

"You know your kinda right. For some reason this Jet guy is not who he says he is. Maybe he was right but the way he going on about it is wrong. And here I thought my instincts were wrong. Like Kataara said. I am no warrior. Maybe she right and that I am jealous." He confesses.

"Sokka no matter how wrong you think your instincts are. No matter what others say even your sister. Don't belittle yourself like that. There are times when your instincts will be wrong but when you get this feeling like something is basically telling you something is off then you should listen to it. To understand those instincts isn't easy it takes years of understand what is right and what wrong then you can find that those whispers in your mind are the one's telling in truth." I tell him. " and To tell you just keep an eye out when you do this mission with this Jet guy Okay."

"I will Manu. Thanks for the encouragement." Sokka says when he walks out to get ready. The next day came as I see Sokka and Jet leave for this mission. While waiting for them to come back I went down to train on my fighting skills that I learned during my training here. Then I remembered my little brother Kenzo.


"Hey no fair Manu." I hear my brother Kenzo whine.

"Hey all fair in love and war." I laugh at him. "Besides you still need more training your upper arms strength isn't getting that impact."

"Awww but I thought I was getting better at it." He pouts.

"No you aren't. Your forcing your upper arm to do what you want." I tell him as I showed him the correct stance, "You have to align your arm to the blade as You glide it up. You must also make sure you take a deep breath as you go. Its not all brute strength when you do it. You also have to have the balance to contain the raging storm that is within your body." 

"Calm my raging storm within my body?" he looks puzzled, "But how can I do that?"

"well you must always think positive and you must also calm your mind. Don't make hasty decisions. Its basically like a dandelion that floating in the wind. Tranquil, balance, and calm only letting the direction of the wind to guide you." I say.

"Oh." He finally understood as we laid in the field . "Manu?"

"Yes? Kenzo." I asked.

"I want to be like you. A great brother, an amazing warrior, and loyal to the people around you." He tells me. 

"How so." I looked up to the sky as I closed my eye's.

Flashback ends.

I  can't help but miss my little brother. Sokka similar but not to similar. AS I decided to go back to camp to see Sokka just arrived but he isn't too happy. What happen that made him so pissed. I ended up following him. 

"Hey Sokka look what the Duke gave me." Aang says as he lands next to Sokka taking  something from his bag and throwing it at Momo. Sokka just Ignored it, Something must have happened.

"hey Sokka Jet back yet?" Kataara says, can't she tell the mood of her brother. 

"yea he back but we are leaving." he angrily says.

"what?" Aang questions

"Something happen right?" I asked 

"Yes Manu Something happen." He tells me.

"Aww but I made him this hat." Kataara pouts as she took out an ugly looking hat. No offense Kataara if I was dating you I wouldn't wear that hat.

"Your boyfriends Jet is a thug." He exclaimed. I knew it.

"What no he is not?" Kataara defends him. If Kataara only knew. 

"he messed up Kataara. I vouch for that." I tell her.

"thanks Manu." Sokka looks as me.

"He's not messed up, he's just got a different way of life, a really fun way of life." Aang also defends.

"Different way of life. Aang sometime I think you need to hone in on your instincts to know good and bad." I tell Aang seriously.

"He beat and robbed a harmless old man!" Sokka says.

"I want to hear Jet side of the story." Kataara says as she walks out to find Jet. 

When we found Jet he was in his hide out holding a stolen knife. Wait that knife familiar. Where Have I seen it.

"Sokka, you told them what happened, but you didn't mention that the guy was Fire Nation?" he says playing the victim.

"No, he conveniently left that part out." Kataara says eyeing Sokka accusingly.

"Fine! But even if he was Fire Nation, he was a harmless civilian!" Sokka retaliates. 

"I agree with Sokka just because he is fire nation doesn't mean they are all dangerous." I say.

"He was an assassin Sokka, and Manu, He defends himself, as he pulls out the same knife he had when I first came it. I just kept staring at that knife.

"See? there is a hidden Compartment that held poison." he says, "he was out to kill me. You saved me Sokka.

"I knew there was an explanation." Kataara said as I remember that knife. There was only one other person who had that knife. I threw a a small knife next to Jets face.

"Manu?" The gang said.

"I don't care what you said but that knife you held where did you get it?" I hissed at him.

"Manu he said he got it from the old fire nation who was sent to kill him." Kataara say trying to reason with me. But I see no reason there was only one person that had that knife cause it was I that gave it to him. Two years ago he died people said he was murdered by people hidden in the trees I just didn't know which area. Other then Zuko he was my only other friend who also wanted travel. He didn't have any special abilities nor did he know how to fight he was of the brains then he is with fighting. So I gave him that knife to keep him safe and to use it when needed. In the end he never used it.

Remember that my heart broke, if only I had found who killed you I would've brought you justice. Not killing though but putting him in jail.

"So tell me again where did you get that knife?" I shouted. 

"I told you I got it from the old man." he says as he looked at me suspiciously.

"really an old man?" I scoffed.

"Well as I was rudely interrupted, I didn't see no knife." Sokka says as I glared at him.

"That's cause he was concealing it." He says.

"See Sokka you just didn't see no knife." Kataara says as she looks at me cautiously.

"For the second time there wasn't no knife." he shouts back.

"as you guys argue  I will be heading back." I tell them as I stomped away.

Back in the camp Sokka stumbled in packing all our things.

"We can't leave now with the Fire Nation about to burn down a forest!" I hear Kataara said.

"I'm sorry Kataara. Jet's very smooth, but we can't trust him." I stand up and stood next to Sokka.

"I agree with Sokka this Jet guy is no good. I know you have a crush on him but Kataara he is the wrong guy." I said to her as I patted Sokka on the back.

"You know what I think? You're jealous that he's a better warrior and a better leader!" She yells at him.

"Its not jealousy that Sokka is feeling. And what you said well that low even for you." I say back.

"What about you Manu. What you did back there is uncalled for?" She tells me.

"Uncalled for." I looked at her in disbelief.

"Yes, Throwing at knife at him when he just said he got from a fire nation enemy. You blew it up to all lot of proportion maybe Jet was right about you."  She tells me.

"Right about me? What did he say exactly?" I looked at her.

"He said when you talked a girlfriend. Maybe you got her pregnant and you abandoned her. That you just using the word travel to just run away like a coward you are. You pretend to be wise and understand but deep down your lying snake." She tells me. as I stared at her shocked that she thought of me that way.

"Kataara Now that uncalled for." Sokka says.

"I don't regret what I said. Sokka." She stands her ground.

"after all this time that we traveled together I thought you understood me. But I guess I was wrong." I tell her, "You know what Kataara you don't know a lot about my life. But what I do know is that I never abandoned my girlfriend nor is she pregnant. At this moment me and her are complicated then you think." I say as I walked out to cool off. Cause no matter what She is still my sister. 

In the end of the day I slept with Appa to the next morning. When I woke up I notice Kataara = and Aang must of followed Jet, but where is Sokka. I walked around camp until one of Jet's men attacked me. Well me being an elite fighter i know ways around this. I ducked as he charges forward as I twisted my body to grab his neck and shove him down.

"What do you think your doing?" I say with anger in my mouth, "I knew you guys were up to no good." 

"jet said you and Sokka were unreliable and that we had to contain you guys. But what he didn't know is that you among those three was very observant and that we should take extra precautions with you. in the end we got Sokka but you." he said.

"So you guys want to keep me shut." I gritted my teeth.

"This may be out of context but why do you sense there is more anger from you then Sokka." he says.

"What makes you say that?" I gritted.

"The way your holding me." He says, "Why is it that your more protective of them."

"As an older  brother it is my duty to protect him the only regret that I have right now is that I wasn't there for my best friend when you guys killed him." I shouted.

"killed him? who did we kill?" he looked up to see him with a vein popped out.

"That knife tell me where did that Son of a bitch Jet got it from. You better tell me the truth." I yelled as I tied him up. "Cause there is only one person I know who held that."

"He got it from a fire nation boy with only his hair tied up with a birthmark on his hand." he says. 

"Was the shape of the birthmark like a bird?" I asked.

"Yes. How did you know?" he looked at me in fear.

"Cause the man you people killed was my best friend. I had two but one we had a fall out so he was literally the only friend I had. But he wanted to travel by himself. So I gave that knife to protect him. He wasn't much of a fighter. He loved books more than fighting so hen ever bother to learn. So I gave him that knife. But two years ago I receive a letter from his mother that he was killed by forest people. " I say as a tear went down my cheek.

When I looked at the boy, I could tell he was shocked and that he was reminisced that afternoon.

Boy flashback

The boy was looking down at a beaten fire nation boy. Who was crying for help?

"Jet I think we should stop. He might learn his lesson." He suggested.

"Stop. What do you mean speed bird." Jet looked at me.

"I think he is innocent he hasn't fought back." I tell him as the boy looked at me hoping Jet would stop.

"He is not innocent. He is fire nation. He is an enemy. He should die." Jet exclaimed. "Remember what they did to your  mother."

I Looked away as Jet did the final blow. As we walked back, I turn around to see the lifeless eye's of the boy and deep down I knew that some one will come for him.
Flashback ends.

The boy looks to me. "I am sorry." 

"Sorry? Sorry not going to bring him back. All I wanted was justice not kill you but At least take you to jail. But first things first what is Jet planning?" he looks to me, "You better be honest or I will cut out your tongue."

"You said you would kill me." he pleaded.

"I wouldn't kill but I didn't say I would not torture you." I tell him, "Now spill it."

"He planning to flood the town and kill everyone in there." He screams as the knife gets near his mouth.

"good. You know what funny." I looked at him,

"What?"" he shakes.

"you guys say your protecting the innocent but your no better then the one that hurt you guys. You guys would do any thing to keep your so called justice. That what your doing is right. But let me tell you your wrong. All you people are doing is wrong. Killing those town people just because their fire nation doesn't mean they are all bad." I say as I gripped on his necked tightly, "Where is Sokka?"

"he should be with pipsqueak and smeller bee." He cries as he gives me his details. So in the end I found Sokka instead of going to the resovior we went to town to warn them. It took alot of time but we got them out before the flood hit.

"We would like to thank you two." The mayor of the town said, "if it wasn't for you two we would be at a lost."

"Its not problem. Lets go the guys." I say.

"Manu you still mad at Kataara." Sokka said.

"in honesty I get it. This was her first crush. But Sokka I don't want to talk to her as of now. I still need time to cool down." I tell her.

"Also Manu thanks for believing in me." He says.

"I always believe in you Sokka no matter what." I tell him. 

"And Manu can you teach some technics on fighting. And how to hone in my instincts better." he asks.

"No problem." I tell him finding Kataara and Aang with Jet frozen on a tree.

"This is a victory Kataara remember that." I hear Jet say. "The fire nation is gone and the vaalley would be safe."

"It will be safe. Without you." Sokka said.

"Sokka, Manu." Kataara shouted happily. But I looked away I wasn't ready to talk to her. This is not like the time with the waterbending scroll.

"We warned the villagers just in time." he says.

"What?" Jet looked in disbelief.

Sokka looked to me to answer the rest. "At first they didn't believe us. The fire nation soldiers assume we were a spy." I say.

"But one man vouched for me the old man you attacked." He said, " he urged them to trust me and we got everyone out in time."

"Sokka you fool. WE could've freed this valley." He screamed in anger.

"Who would be free? everyone would be dead." Sokka said. 

"you traitor." he spat.

"No Jet you became the traitor when you stopped protecting innocent lives." Sokka said, "Like you killed someone who was completely innocent." Remembering what smeller bee said when he was being held hostage.

"this Manu guy if he recognized that knife he must be friends with that boy that Jet killed." he heard him say as he stared at Manu who looked away. remembering when Manu snapped the moment he saw that knife , "That knife where did you get it from?"

"Kataara please help me." he pleads to my sister but this time it doesn't work.

"Good bye Jet." She says as she got on Appa.

"Yipyip." Sokka commands.

"We thought you guys were going to the dam. How come you went to the town instead?" Aang asks

"let me guess your instincts told you." Kataara said.

"hey sometimes they are right.." Sokka said.

"you know Sokka we going the wrong way." I commented to him.

"And sometimes they are wrong." he laughs. Kataara was going to talk to Manu about he things she said but Sokka stopped her.

"Sokka I want to apologize to him. You were right the things I said were uncalled for." She tells him as she tries but Sokka holds her back

"Sorry Kataara but Manu at this moment doesn't want to talk to you. This is different from what happen with scroll this hit deeper. You want to know why he snapped at Jet the other day." 

"Yea. Manu never snapped or gets mad rarely." Aang chimed in. "And when he does its usually with reason."  Manu at this decided to just sleep it off since he wanted to avoid Kataara from the time being.

"When I was held hostage by smeller bee and pipsqueak they mention some one quite close to Manu here. Jet killed him. Later I spoke to Manu about it. He had two friends one he had a fall out but the other stood by him. he wasn't much of a fighter cause he loved books more then a sword. They traveled together for year until he wanted to go on his own. two years ago he received news from the boy mother. Jet killed him. Just because he was fire nation. Manu gave him that knife to protect him but in the end he never used it." he tells them.

"Thanks why Manu was so angry. Wait if his friend is a fire nation then Manu must be..." Kataara said.

"That can't be Manu was raise in the earth kingdom so he must of met him later on." Aang said.

"That's right. Well I should just wait until he is ready to talk to me." Kataara says as everyone fell asleep.

Please comment and vote. I know this a long chapter. Manu life is quite sad he lost alot in his life the stuggles he had to endure. Will he talk to Kataara and forgive what happen. Manu would always protect Kataara no matter what. Will Manu Life be more complicated then it is. Well stick around for more of Pain of the color blue.

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