Welcome Home Daycare! (Female...

By Aizaliz0

36.8K 977 285

This story is about our lovable characters as kids who go on many adventures, play, learn, and just be adorab... More

*Quick note*
Meeting the little ones
Meeting the little ones (pt.2)
*side rant*
Temper Tantrums
Wally Baby! (By special request)
*side rant* pt.2
Y/N's Ex (Eww)
Y/N's Ex (Eww) pt.2
Sweet Tooth
*Side rant* pt.3
Field Trip
Temper Tantrums (Pt.2)
*Side rant* (pt.4)
Best friends!
*Side rant* (pt.5)
Good days Bad days
Show and Tell
Day Off
Beach Day
Celebrate the Firsts
First words

Hungry Babies

2.2K 54 12
By Aizaliz0

(I know they are puppets IRL but pretend they can eat lol)

After spending some time with the kiddos, Y/N learns everything about their personalities. But with how energetic they are can make you easily exhausted. Y/N is always on her toes to make sure that nothing happens to them, chasing them around to keep them out of trouble. She then looks at the time and see that it was lunch time, sighing in relief. "Attention, my little ones! Lunch time is about to begin! Make sure to grab your boxes and meet up at the round table!" She announced as she hear everyone cheering and run to their cubbies to bring their food to the table. But for Wally, she gently picks him up and places him in his high chair, but he starts to get anxious as he didn't have his blanket near him. "Don't worry, sweetie. We don't want it to get dirty so after we're done, you can have it back." Y/N says as she pulls out his pacifier from his mouth so prep him for eating his snack. He begins to whimper some more as his sources of comfort were taken away, but he soon quiets down as he saw he was getting thinly cut apple slices. She always wondered why he loved apples so much. She places the plate in front of him so that he can learn to feed himself, but they began to disappear one by one with every blink he does. Y/N looks at him and the apple slices in shock from what was happening. 'I must be so tired that I'm seeing things.' She thought to herself. She lets him continue to his snack as she looks around at the other kids enjoying theirs. But she notices Eddie's face was covered in applesauce, can't help but laugh to herself at how cute but clumsy the little boy was. She grabs a napkin and heads towards him, "Hold still, honey.." she says as she gently cleans his face. Eddie tries to fight back a little but what kid doesn't when it comes to cleaning their face. After she's finished, she throws away the napkin and looks around again in case of something. "Miss Y/N! Howdy took my extra snack!" Frank exclaims. "No I didn't!" Howdy replies as the squabble between them began to get more intense. "Now, now, boys. This is no way to behave. Now, Howdy, did you take Franky's extra snack?" Y/N asks in a gentle but assertive tone. "Yes, Ms. Y/N.." The caterpillar boy answers quietly as he hands the treat to her. "Thank you. Now Frank, is that a polite way to ask for my help?" She adds. "No, Ms. Y/N." Frank says looking down, feeling embarrassed. "Good. Now, boys, if you want something from someone, you have to ask with kindness. Stealing someone is wrong. But Franky, do you think you can share your snack with Howdy?" She says looking at the both of them. "Okay!" The gray-skinned boy answers as Howdy looks up at him with the same excitement. Y/N opens it up and evenly distributes the pieces between the both of them so that everyone is happy. She mentally gives herself a pat on the back for de-escalating the situation. A little more time passes on, and she notices that the kids were done with eating so she lets them go back to playing before taking their mandatory naps. She cleans up all the trash on the table, sanitizing it, and putting their lunchboxes back to their designated cubbies. Wally was patiently waiting in his high chair waiting for Y/N to pick him up. She heads towards him, but notices a smell coming off of him. That's when she realized he had soiled his diaper. "Come on, sweetie. Let's go get you cleaned up!" She says as she grabs him and takes him to the changing table. She gently lays him down and begins to undress him as she sees his clothes are dirty too. "Such a messy boy, you are. Yes, you are!" Y/N says in a playful voice as she tickles his belly, hearing a high pitched giggle coming from him. This moment made her smile but she needed to get back to what she was doing. She first changes his diaper, having a bit of a hard time as he refused to stay still and make incoherent babbling. When she finally puts on some baby powder and a fresh diaper for him, she looks through the drawers and takes out a blue t-shirt, multi-colored striped overalls, and black and white sneakers. It was a bit of a struggle as well to get him dressed as he waved his arms around and he would actually let out tiny cries if anything got close to his hair. "It's okay, honey. You're okay, I'm almost done." Y/N reassures him as she gets him fully clothed but he was still crying which broke her heart.  She hated to see him like this."What's wrong, Wally, baby?" She asks softly as she picks him up and gently pats him on the back. His cries quiet down but he was fussy, meaning he was tired. She grabs his paci and pops it in his mouth then wraps him securely in his blanket, soon heading to the rocky chair in the corner of the room. Sitting down slowly on it, she cradles him close to her in her arms, letting him get natural warmth and hear her heartbeat as she rocks him. As Y/N gently pats him on the bottom, she shushes him quietly, saying "You're okay now. You can go to sleep. Shhhh, it's okay...". Those reassuring words made his eyes go heavy and she soon hears his little snores of slumber. She continued rocking him until she felt that it was alright to place him in his crib. She enjoys the peaceful moment around her until she notices the kids beginning to surround her,  curious about the sleeping baby boy. "Is it nap time yet, Miss Y/N?" Julie asks as she was the closest to her. "No, not yet, sweetheart. Sometimes, babies need extra sleep to help them grow big and strong. Plus, it helps give them more energy to play!" She answers as she boops the blonde girl in the nose, receiving a cute giggle in return. Coming from behind Julie comes Frank with a book in his hands. "Can you read to us, Ms.Y/N?" He says with a pleading eyes. She couldn't resist that face. "Yeah! I wanna hear a story!" All the other kids exclaimed, wanting the same thing as him. She then slowly places a finger to her lips, signaling that they need to quiet down. "Okay, my little munchkins. I'll read the story, but you need to keep quiet. Sit down on the reading carpet and I'll get started." Y/N explains as she sees them sitting down, examining what book she is about to read. 'Dr. Seuss' One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish' says the title. This was her favorite when she was a little girl, always finding a chance to read it. She then opens it to the first page and starts to read aloud to the whole class, but not so loud that it could wake Wally. When she finally reaches the last page, she sees all of her kiddos fast asleep, seeing this as a job well done. Soon after, the parents start to come in to take them home, relieving her for the rest of the day. Y/N takes a deep breath of relief when she gets home, taking a shower, eating some dinner and heading to bed to start a new day with her tiny friends. That was until she received a text message from her mom that interrupted her sleep. "Damn time difference..." she groans as she checks her phone.

Contact: Mom 🫶🏻
Mom: Hi Honey! How is everything going?
Y/N: Everything is going great! It's everything I hoped for.
Mom: that's wonderful! But I hope you're not planning on staying over there for too long.
Y/N: Mom, I just got here and you want me to go back already to where I lived already? I have nothing waiting for me there.
Mom: it was a convenience for me as I was closer and knew that you were safe! Heaven knows what could happen to you and I wouldn't know! Plus....Alex (Y/N's ex) has been asking for you.
Y/N: Ugh! I don't want anything to do with him!
Mom: He's such a nice guy! What happened between you two?
Y/N: If he's so nice, why don't you date him?
Mom: That is no way to speak to your mother.
Y/N: Mom...I'm tired...I had a long day...I'm going to sleep. I have work in the morning, good night...
Mom: Good night...

She then turns off her phone and tries to head back to sleep. 'This is going to be a long night...' Y/N thought.

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