Ghost and Rooster

By ScarletSpector

72.7K 993 118

Y/n "Ghost" Mitchell, daughter of Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, joins the Navy and gets an invite to Top Gun. Y/n... More

5- great balls of fire
17- wedding day
26- baby shower
29-The Mission
33- welcome back to Top Gun
39 -The Last Hours
40- mission day
41- the years go by

Only 2 More Days- 38

233 4 0
By ScarletSpector

It's only 2 more days until the mission and y/n couldn't be more nervous

Its 5 am and y/n wakes up with horrible morning sickness.

She says to Bradley "baby, I don't feel too well this morning"

He says "how do you feel exactly? Is the baby okay?"

She says "yeah the baby is fine but all this flying is taking a toll on me... I don't know if I can fly with them today"

He says "I don't think it's a good idea that you do either"

She says "but the mission is in two days and I have to prepare them and help them because I'll be up there with them on Saturday"

Bradley says "baby, they don't need you up there... they are good pilots and don't have to have both of their instructors up there flying the mission with them... they got this"

She says "I'm not about to have a lost life on my hands... I've never had to deal with it and I ain't about to start dealing with it"

He says "well then what do you want to do?"

She says "I'm going to fly today through Saturday and then I'm taking a long break from flying" and laughs

He says "I'd rather you not fly..."

She says "it's what's best for the students"

He says "you need to do what's best for you and the baby"

She says "I'll be fine... let's get ready for work... it'll be awhile before we'll have to do this again"

He says "alright, I am worried about you though"

She says "I'll be fine... I'm going to go make breakfast, you get ready for today... I love you" and kisses his cheek

            -they get ready and eat lunch-

They arrive at the facility and it's 6:30

Maverick was meeting them there at 6:45 class doesn't start until 8

Maverick walks up and says "good morning daughter!"

She says "good morning father! What's up with you today?" And laughs

He says  "oh nothing... Bradley told me what happened this morning..."

She says "dad, I'll be fine... it's just morning sickness! I've flown much more sick than this!"

He says "but you're pregnant this time! It's different!!"

She says "I'm not arguing with you... I'm finishing this mission..." and walks off

Bradley walks up to mav and says "we'll that went well" and sighs

Mav says "she's too strong willed to not fly.... I think she'll be okay... she wouldn't if she was actually in pain or anything like that"

Bradley says "but she's my wife, she's carrying our child!"

Mav says "I know it's hard for you to see her be in pain but she handles it very well... maybe if you just trust her on this things might get a little bit better... not that I'm saying y'all are not getting along or anything I'm just saying...-"

Bradley says "I know what you mean... things have been different since she's gotten pregnant and demands to fly"

Mav says "if she doesn't feel good she'll come to you or she'll just stop flying... she won't do anything to hurt her or especially the baby..."

Bradley says "alright, she is her fathers daughter" and laughs

               -About 10 minutes later-

Y/n says "good morning aviators! There are only two more dues until we're up in our jets and are flying this mission.... This isn't some easy mission that will take less than twenty minutes to complete... we are going to be out there for at least 2 hours.... We have to make sure everything is done right which I think y'all are starting to do and I am so proud of y'all.... So enough being said I'm going to fall over the champ and let him take it from here... Mav!!!"

He comes walking in and says "good morning students... We have a busy day ahead of us, we will be doing an exercise called 'kill zone.'"

Y/n says "so what that means is that one of you will go up there with a wingman of course and fly under a certain amount of time, hit multiple targets while avoiding getting locked in by your "enemies." Understand?"

Rouge says "so we're initially fighting our teammates?"

Rooster says "yes Rouge"

Storm says "well what's the time we have to beat?"

Mav says "three minutes" and smirks

Cobra says "I know we're killer pilots but none of us can fly in under 3 minutes while trying to hit targets and fight our friends"

Rooster says "figure it out... that's how the missions going to be"

Y/n says "but you'll have help" and smiles

Mav says "be prepared for anything" and smirks

Y/n says "head to your jet!!"

Everyone heads over and gets prepared

Rooster walks up to y/n and says "what did mav mean by be prepared for anything?"

Y/n just smirks and says "you'll see" and walks off

They all get in the air and y/n says "alright, Cloak and Dagger are up first"

Dagger says "alright, I'm in charge... keep an eye out for intruders and go to target 1, I'll go to 2" (they're already at 45 seconds)

There are 10 targets and none have been taken out yet...

Tic-tac says "you think you're gonna get away from me and Rouge? That's funny" and chuckles

Storm says " coming up on your left Nova! I have a lock on them!"

Nova is following them close behind but they get away by doing a dive roll

Tic-tac says "where did you learn that from!?!"

Dagger says "Ghost" and smirks

Billy (tic-tac) says "I need some of that training" and laughs

Harper (Dagger) says "ask" and laughs

It's now been 1:45 and they haven't taken down any targets

Y/n says front the tower "guys y'all have almost a minute left get moving!"

Cloak says "gotta go D!" And zooms off

Dagger says "bruh!!! You can't leave me!!"

Y/n says "it's bad to leave your wingman Triston" and looks disappointed

He says "sorry but target 1 is down" a few seconds later he adds "and so is target 2 and....."

He shoots tic-tac and Storm down and Storm says "YOU BISCUIT EATER!!! I HATE YOU SO MUCH TRISTON!!!" And he just laughs

He says "sorry sista" and laughs

Tic-Tac and Storm go down to the hangar to unload

Dagger takes out target 3,4 and 5 and Thunder and Lightning within a minute, which they're not too happy about...

They only have 4 more targets and Nova, Cobra and Revenge left

Y/n in the other hand gets in her jet and zooms off

Dagger says "it's an easy fly from here" and smirks and takes down Cobra


Cloak says "skills.... Peroidt" and laughs

There's only a minute left and they take out targets 6 ,7 and 8

Nova says "I got you Dagger" and smirks

Dagger says "no ya don't" and does a cobra maneuver and takes out Nova

Rooster says from the tower "Now how'd she learn that I wonder??"

Meanwhile Nova just screams

Ghost says "she has an awesome teacher" and laughs

Cloak takes out Revenge and says "for how good you say you are I took you out pretty quickly" and smirks

It's now just targets 9 and 10 and that's it... All the enemies were "destroyed" so to speak

Cloak says "this should be an easy ride now... 30 seconds left and only 2 targets! We won!!"

Dagger starts to celebrate a little too early

Cloak then says "wait, there's a heat signature!?! Who is it!?!"

Dagger says "just get to 9&10... don't worry about them... they're too far way and we only have 20 seconds now... we have to win this!!"

Cloak says "Dag, they're coming up really fast at least like 600 mph!!"

Y/n says "I'm actually coming in at 800 mph" and smirks

Dagger says "oh no... just get 9 we have 10 seconds!!!!!"

Dagger gets close to 10 but I come up very close to her and takes her out


He gets 9 and then all of a sudden I am right over him inverted and flips over and takes him out and I say "Mav said be prepared.... You were not prepared...."

Cloak says "is this how the missions gonna be on Saturday!?"

I say "similar... but you'll have your teammates to help you so if some odd jet comes in you'll be fine... and there's no time to beat..."

Dagger says "good job cloak we were close"

He says "yes we were"

Rooster says "good job guys y'all just need to be more focused... Saturday is going to be 10 times worse"

Y/n says "Rooster is right, the mission on Saturday will make today look like a cake walk... tomorrow is going to be very busy.... We will be meeting at 5:30 am to go over things and train"

Rooster says "that way y'all can be out of here by noon and maybe we go have some fun?"

Everyone hoots and hollers for roosters great idea

Maverick says "alright, well I will see everyone tomorrow... get a good nights rest" and walks off

After everyone is dismissed, Nova walks up to y/n and Bradley and says "I don't want this to be over!"

Y/n says "well after Saturday it will be, you're an amazing pilot Bethany" and smiles

Bethany says "but I'm going to miss yall! Can I still come fly with y'all?"

Rooster says "I don't mind, whatever the misses says" and chuckles

Y/n says "I would love that" and hugs her

Rooster says "well we do need to get home to Bailey and Sebastian. We will see you tomorrow Nova"

After y/n and Bradley walk off, y/n runs up to mav and says "dad!!!"

Mav stops and turns around to say "yes darling?"

I say "would you and Penny like to come over for dinner tonight? I'm making spaghetti... you're favorite!"

Mav says "Penny is out of town so it would be just me"

Rooster says "we don't mind" and puts his hand on his wife's back

He says "well I'll be there then!"

Y/n says "come at 6... it'll be ready by then!"

                   -a few hours later-

Maverick pulls up to his daughters house and knocks.... Bradley opens the door and says "come on in old man"

Maverick says "don't worry stash, you'll be here sooner or later" and laughs

Bailey and Seba run up to Mav and he plays with them for a bit until y/n walks in and says "evening dad! I'm glad you could make if!"

He hugs her back and says "anytime, I haven't been able to spend much time with you outside of work... I forgot what it was like to have you as my daughter" and laughs

Y/n says "I'm still just as stubborn as you" and laughs

Bradley says "isn't that the truth" and laughs

Y/n says "forget you're talking about a prego lady!?" And frowns

He laughs and says "never babe, I love you" and kisses her gently

After a bit of talking, they go into the dining room and Bradley gets out the puppers food and gives it to them

Y/n makes everyone's plates and hands it out to them

They all sit down and begin to eat

Y/n says "so how do you think the mission will go on Saturday?"

Mav says "I honestly don't know darling... don't get me wrong they're a talented group of pilots but they struggled today with the exercise and Saturday is gonna be 50times harder"

Bradley says "that's why we need to talk to them and work the All day tomorrow, I know you don't wanna hear this babe but giving them almost the whole day off tomorrow isn't really a good idea"

She days "I just want them to be relaxed before the mission and have one last memory with everyone"

Bradley says "the only reason why your dad have us a day off before the mission is because we had it mastered days before the actual mission"

Mav says "sweetheart it has nothing to do with your teaching, it's just you have a group of goofballs... only s handful take it seriously"

Bradley says "he's right, you can't beat yourself up over it"

She says "how about we see how it goes and that depends on what we do? Because they do need the extra practice... I don't want anyone getting hurt on Saturday... those are calls I don't want to mske"

Bradley says "we can just see... dinner is amazing as usual babe" and smiles

Mav says "worst spaghetti I've ever had"

Y/n says "dad you suck" and laughs

Mav says "nah I'm just playing, it's the best spaghetti I've ever had! Better than your moms" and laughs

She says "thanks dad" and smiles

They talk until 8:30 and mav days "well this old man needs to get some sleep... I can't stay up all night like you young ones can" and laughs

Bradley says "that's bad when you call yourself old"

Mav says "that's not going away anytime soon is it?"

He says "nope" and laughs

Mav says "well thanks for having me kid... make sure you're taking care of my lil grand baby"

She says "I am dad, you're welcome over here anytime and so is Penny and Amelia" and smiles

He says "I'll tell them! See ya tomorrow kid"

Bradley says "that was a good dinner" and pulls his wife into a slow dance

Y/n says "no babe we need to clean the kitchen!!"

He says "nope it can wait... I wanna dance with you" and kisses her

She says "we haven't done this in awhile" and smiles

He says "I know that's why I wanted to do this... Alexa okay 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed Sheeran"

Alexa says "okay, now playing 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed Sheeran"

Bradley and y/n just stare into each others eyes enjoying the moment they are I. Because they don't have many of these moments anymore due to their job

Rooster says "if anything happens on Saturday just know that I love you so much, so much that I would give anything for you... and Little Carol... let her know that her daddy loves her so much and couldn't wait to meet her"

Y/n's eyes tear up and her says "babe don't you dare say something like that! You're going to come home just like I am... but I love you too so much.... I don't k ow where I'd be if it wasn't for you... I'd probably just be some lonesome pilot who just flys all the time without a husband or kids"

He says "you've made my life so much more happy, enjoyable and peaceful... I couldn't have asked for a better life" and kisses her on the forehead

Say You Won't Let Go by James Author starts playing

She says "you've changed me Bradshaw... the best change I've ever had" and smiles

He says "you made me a better man... I let go of the grudge I was holding against your dad, which I'm so happy now that I did... your dad is the only family I have... now I'm making my own" and tears up

I run my fingers though his hair and say "your parents would be so proud of you Bradley" and tears up as well

He says "they're watching from above, there's not a day that goes by where I don't miss them"

I say "I know you miss them... I miss them too" and kiss him

He picks me up and carries me to our room

I say "I'm getting my shower" and smiles

                     -20 minutes later-

We're out of the shower and brushing our teeth and Bradley comes up behind me and says "I love you"

I say "I love you too Bradley" and turns around to kiss him

I grab his hand and pull him to our bed and I sleepily say "bebesh I tired" and pouts cutely

He says "I know babys... let's go to sleep"

They snuggle up together and fall asleep

Recap of "new" characters with their actual names and call signs just in case y'all forgot who they are! 👇👇👇
Nova- Bethany Brown

Cobra- Allen Hinderson

Revenge- Jake Anderson

Lightning- Sawyer Coleman

Thunder- Alex Peterson

TicTac- Billy Norton

Cloak- Triston Johnson

Dagger- Harper Johnson

Strom-Aliyah Smith

Rouge- Xu Xialing

Authors note!
I'm so so so sorry that it's taken me this long to update this story! School has been so crazy but soccer and basketball season is over so no more cheer practice and the year is almost over so everything is slowing down besides graduation preparation... I can't wait to finish this story!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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