39 -The Last Hours

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Today was everyones last day at Top Gun before the mission and they had a lot of work to do so Bradley and y/n got up to do their daily routine and then they headed over to the Top Gun facility.

Y/n says "alright everyone, we have a very very long day today! It's 5 AM  and we will be practicing until noon if not later so let's get going and waste no time!" 

Bradley says "Ghost and myself along with Mav will be practicing with yall today so no lallygagging around"

Mav says "no funny business" and laughs

                                                                   -three hours pass-

its now 8 am and the training is going very well so y/n says "guys were going to be heading out at 12 at the latest, yall are doing so good and I don't wanna wear yall out for tomorrow so be grateful" and laughs

everyone thanks Mrs. Bradshaw for the kind gesture and they continue to practice

Nova says "So whos gonna be the team leader?"

y/n says "I'm going to be the team leader and Rooster will be my wingman... we will be going over the team tomorrow so be prepared to fly with anyone"

she says "Okay! I'm excited for this mission! it seems so dangerous!!!"

Bradley just laughs because that's exactly how y/n used to sound when they were younger and it gave him deja- vu.

it's now 12 and y/n says "I'm going to hold up my end of the bargain and release yall now... yall are as prepared as yall can be... I just wanna say that I'm so proud of yall and are gonna kill it tomorrow!!"

Bradley says "You guys have made teaching so much fun and I couldn't be more grateful so let's go loosen up and have some fun on the beach!!"

                                                                           -it's now 3pm-

y/n and Bradley head back to their house to get ready for the beach... they decide to bring Sebastian and Bailey to the beach just because they loved it so much last time

y/n takes her motorcycle and Bradley takes the truck with the dogs

they arrive at the beach and everyone is already there and Bradley says "I brought sandwiches and cream sodas!!! dig in when you're hungry!"

y/n kicks off her sandals, pulls off her shorts and rips her shirt off and runs into the water laughing

Phoenix and a few others showed up too so Bethany, Natasha, Harper, Alyiah, and myself are in the water playing around while everyone else is playing football and volleyball, the dogs are running around playing with everyone and each other

                                                                      -6 hours later-

it's now 9 pm and everyone is getting really tired so most of everyone leaves, the only ones left are Phoenix, Bradley, Mav, Penny, and myself

we hang around talking and chilling in the water having a blast until around 11 when everyone left and decided that it was too late to be out 

Bradley says "Ya know we have to be up at 4 am right babe?"

she says "Shoot! I forgot about that! We need to get home!!" and quickly says goodbye to everyone and they dart off towards home

they finally arrive home and feed the dogs real quick while they jump in the shower and right into bed trying to get a good night's rest for the morning

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