Only 2 More Days- 38

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It's only 2 more days until the mission and y/n couldn't be more nervous

Its 5 am and y/n wakes up with horrible morning sickness.

She says to Bradley "baby, I don't feel too well this morning"

He says "how do you feel exactly? Is the baby okay?"

She says "yeah the baby is fine but all this flying is taking a toll on me... I don't know if I can fly with them today"

He says "I don't think it's a good idea that you do either"

She says "but the mission is in two days and I have to prepare them and help them because I'll be up there with them on Saturday"

Bradley says "baby, they don't need you up there... they are good pilots and don't have to have both of their instructors up there flying the mission with them... they got this"

She says "I'm not about to have a lost life on my hands... I've never had to deal with it and I ain't about to start dealing with it"

He says "well then what do you want to do?"

She says "I'm going to fly today through Saturday and then I'm taking a long break from flying" and laughs

He says "I'd rather you not fly..."

She says "it's what's best for the students"

He says "you need to do what's best for you and the baby"

She says "I'll be fine... let's get ready for work... it'll be awhile before we'll have to do this again"

He says "alright, I am worried about you though"

She says "I'll be fine... I'm going to go make breakfast, you get ready for today... I love you" and kisses his cheek

            -they get ready and eat lunch-

They arrive at the facility and it's 6:30

Maverick was meeting them there at 6:45 class doesn't start until 8

Maverick walks up and says "good morning daughter!"

She says "good morning father! What's up with you today?" And laughs

He says  "oh nothing... Bradley told me what happened this morning..."

She says "dad, I'll be fine... it's just morning sickness! I've flown much more sick than this!"

He says "but you're pregnant this time! It's different!!"

She says "I'm not arguing with you... I'm finishing this mission..." and walks off

Bradley walks up to mav and says "we'll that went well" and sighs

Mav says "she's too strong willed to not fly.... I think she'll be okay... she wouldn't if she was actually in pain or anything like that"

Bradley says "but she's my wife, she's carrying our child!"

Mav says "I know it's hard for you to see her be in pain but she handles it very well... maybe if you just trust her on this things might get a little bit better... not that I'm saying y'all are not getting along or anything I'm just saying...-"

Bradley says "I know what you mean... things have been different since she's gotten pregnant and demands to fly"

Mav says "if she doesn't feel good she'll come to you or she'll just stop flying... she won't do anything to hurt her or especially the baby..."

Bradley says "alright, she is her fathers daughter" and laughs

               -About 10 minutes later-

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