Drarry oneshots

By Evvy1190_

20.5K 190 87

Sad,Fluffy,Snarky,Angsty,Smutty and heated oneshots (bottom Draco) (Top harry) More

posh cuddle git
with time
lap damce
rare moments

secret but not really

1.2K 15 10
By Evvy1190_

"Gosh you're such a twat." Harry huffs although his voice is laced with affection. His eyes are filled with a warmth and almost a loving look.

Ron's eyebrows raise up into his ginger locks as he looks between Harry and the blonde. There just isn't any way.

"Yes, If liking bubble baths makes me a twat then so be it." Draco rolls his eyes...fondly? And then goes back to quickly piling their plates up together before the waitress came to take them away.

Ron clears his throat. "Well i have to agree with Draco here mate. Bubble baths are brilliant.Especially with mione'." He adds looking for their reactions.

He watches as Harry glances at Draco with a small look that makes Draco blush and look away. More than Ron needs to know.

"I agree with the weasel, sharing a bath with someone is just lovely." Draco hums his crimson cheeks staying as they are. Harry smiles slightly. "Right well i better go for said bath before the ball starts."

"It's not a ball." Ron rolls his eyes. Draco just flips him off as he stands up and tucks his chair underneath. "I am so glad this food is free." Ron laughs rubbing his clothed stomach as he looks at the three plates that would normally cost a fortune in an expensive place like this.

"Me too weasel me too." Draco hums. "Right i'll see you later." He turns around and walks through the restaurant to the elevator up to his hotel room. Ron watches Harry as he ogles the blonde's arse.

"So Harry, How are you?" Ron hums casually. Harry is on the edge of his seat now.

Harry looks mildly confused. "Yeah i'm good mate, you?"

"Yeah allll good. So met anyone that takes your fancy?" Ron asks taking a sip of his milky tea.

"Oh, Well no not really." He shrugs. "Why'd you ask?"

"I don't know , i guess it's just that you'll probably be finding someone soon now." Ron tries to make up an excuse but this is all that he can get. Harry just nods along bless him.

"Right well i gotta have a shower before tonight otherwise i'd get told off by Draco for smelling like a hippogriff." He laughs standing up.
Ron nods finishing of the last of his tea.

"Right yeah, same with mione'." Ron then stands up and follows Harry to the elevator waving at their waitress with a smile and mouthing 'thank you'.

They hop in the elevator and press the button. Their on the same floor. Ron watches Harry out the side of his eye. He's acting weird. Like he wants to be somewhere else right now. Ron grins. He knows just where.

"Well can't wait for this evening." Harry laughs sarcastically. Ron agrees with a nod.

"Your probably brimming with excitement for the oldies that bombard you every time we come here." Ron grins.

Harry grimaces with a shiver. The elevator dings opening the doors. "Don't remind me yet. I need to be relaxed before then." Ron laughs loudly. "Right well i'll meet you there then?" Harry asks.

The ginger raises an eyebrow slightly. "We could just- Actually yeah cos i've gotta meet Mione' and Rose." Gosh darn it. He wanted to catch Harry out.

"Alright mate. See you in a few." Harry heads of to his room using the password he was given. The portrait swings right open. Ron looks around before running round the corner and peaking his head round.

Harry's head suddenly peaks out of his portrait as he looks at Ron's portrait.

Ron takes a picture on his new muggle phone. Hermione said it was a good way to catch evidence nowadays.

This will teach Harry not to lie to him.

Harry is grinning as he walks through the hallway to a certain room. He knocks on the portrait ignoring the painted man's huffs of annoyance.

A familiar blonde opens the portrait.

"Harry." Draco smiles warmly as Harry steps in to give him a kiss. Draco walks backwards allowing Harry to come in.

The brunette closes the portrait behind him keeping his eyes to Dracos and as he hears the click of the portrait shut they both hurry forward into a hungry and passionate kiss. They grin into the kisses with a love filled laughter. Feeling giddy with adrenaline and the secrecy of it all.

...Pretty Unexpected aye...

"Hm we need to start getting ready." Draco whispers against Harry's lips. To which the brunette responds with a deep groan. "Don't be like that, no one wants to turn up to a work ball smelling like a hippogriff."

"Oh of course," Harry nods mock solemnly. "couldn't let down the people we've worked with for years and know that none of them give a fuck about what we look like."

Draco rolls his eyes although there's a twitch of his lips indicating a smile as he pulls away. "I'm going for a shower. It's a biiig shower, lots of space." He says as he turns to walk through the big room which holds a seating area towards the front and towards the back is a few low steps to a higher flooring that holds a bed. A queen sized bed. Because Draco had to have the best of course.

Harry smiles as he watches unashamedly at the blondes arse as he walks away.

"Mhmm huge bed as well." Harry raises a eyebrow as he sees Draco start to strip down on his way to the bathroom. First his button up shirt. He undoes the bottoms and drops it to the floor. Harry watches his back muscles closely as he does so. Then his trousers. And wow. Wow he makes a show of it.

Harry swallows thickly. It's not like he's never seen Draco undress before. Almost everyday before work and when the day is over. But he relishes in it every time.

Draco opens the bathroom door giving Harry a look before disappearing into the room. Harry stands for a moment listening to the shower being turned on and the steps of his lover.

He smiles to himself feel happy..content.

Harry unbuttons his top and pulls it off flinging it onto the chair. No doubt he'll hear Draco moaning over the mess.

oh well he'll deal with that later.

He strips of his bottom half and takes his oath to the bathroom.

Draco standing in the shower letting the water run down his body of tight lean muscles.Surrounded by steam making him look oh so ravishing. Harry smiles stepping into the open floor shower and bringing his hands to place on the other man's hips wrapping around to feel his waist. He presses open mouthed kisses to the blonde's shoulders up to his neck.

"Hm you look so fucking hot." Harry says his voice low. His hands roaming Draco's slim body.

"I could say the same for you." Draco hums turning around in Harry's arms and running his hands down the darker man's chest.  Harry leans in kissing his lips with gentleness of a hufflepuff.

Harry had grown more over the years and is now a few inches taller than Draco. To which Draco minded at first but not anymore. He liked it now.

He found it hot.

Harry moved his hands down the blondes sides to his arse and pulls him flush up against himself. Their cocks touching and they feel the hardness of the other.

"We can't be long."

Ugh always so sensible.

"Draaaaco." Harry groans dropping his head into Dracos crook between his neck and shoulder.

"What. I will not be late. Our bosses are there. I will never let myself be late and dirty." Draco replies snootily with a roll of his eyes. Harry laughs softly and kisses his neck.

"I love you." Harry whispers lifting his head.

Draco just freezes. Months of him saying these i love you's with no response. He said it was alright every time and that Harry had all the time in the world to be ready to say it back. But he said it, he didn't feel it. The empty feeling after he says those 3 words and the silence in return.

Harry looks into his now glassy eyes. And realises.

"I'm sorry. That i never said it before." He says solemnly.Draco blinks with a little sigh. A stuttering sigh. "I know how much it means to you. But i felt it this whole time, i have loved you this whole time."

Draco blinks shaking his head. "I know. You don't have to apologise." He tries for a small laugh but it comes out more breathy and sadder than he intended.

"No i do. I left you waiting for this long for so so long and i know it must have hurt." Harry runs his hands down Draco's back gently;soothingly. "No one has ever loved me the way you have loved me."

"Of course, Hermione and Ron, their whole family, Everyone loves you Harry." Draco smiles lifting his hands to Harry's face.

"But not like you have." Harry shakes his head.
A shy smile so...unlike him forms on the blondes face. Harry loved it. "I love you so much. And i am sorry for only saying it now."
He kisses up Draco's jaw.

"Why do you have to do this right before we have to be somewhere." Draco mocks a angry huff with a roll of the eyes.

"Because i'm annoying and bad at timings." Harry laughs.

"That you are Potter." Draco grins kissing at his jaw with open mouth kisses. Harry smiles, his hand falling down to the small of Draco's back.Getting right back into the mood. "Potter!" suddenly Draco screeches as he sees the clock.

Harry looks horrified for a second. "What?!"

"We're going to be late!" Draco quickly gives him a kiss before opening the glass door of the shower and stepping out with a shiver and wrapping himself with a towel before disappearing into the room.

Harry shakes his head with a fond smile as he finishes washing himself thinking about how much he hates time but loves Draco.

Harry wraps a warm towel from the radiator around his waist before stepping into the room. He steps up to the upper floor and flops down onto the bed face planting.

"Potter you better not be getting water all over that bed." Comes Draco's voice. Harry rolls his eyes.

"I'm dry."

"Better be."

Harry turns onto his back and watches Draco getting changed. "Do we have to go." He grumbles watching Draco slide his light blue suit trousers up over his arse.

Draco merely raises a eyebrow at him.

"They don't need us there. We'll leave early anyway." Harry tries.

"We do need to go and who said anything about leaving early?" The blonde questions with a smile. Harry sits up on the edge of the bed manspreading. Draco walks toward him till he's standing between his legs Harry's hands coming up to rest on his hips.

"I did," Harry mumbles one of his thumbs gently caressing the blonde's skin on his hip bone. "And i'm saying we are to stick to this plan."

"Oh and you make the rules now?" Malfoy lifts a knee and places it on one side of Harry's hips then he lifts his other so he's straddling Potter's hips. He tips Harry's head back and nips at his jaw.

"Of course i do, if you made the rules we would be the snobbiest people ever wearing tuxedos to the supermarket."

"Hm not a tuxedo just a suit." Draco jokes making Harry smile. "Maybe a cardigan."

The brunette pinches his waist. "Not the cardigan." Harry groans falling back against the bed pulling the other down with him. Draco let's out a oof as he falls against Harry's muscled chest. Damn auror.

"Nothing wrong with a cardigan." Draco huffs.

"Except maybe they make you look like a grandad."

Draco let's out a gasp and slaps his chest. Harry laughs and drags him down for a kiss.

"Now i'm not normally the sensible one but if you want to make it down in time we might have to start leaving," Harry brushes a piece of hair from the blondes face. "Especially if we're leaving early."

"Of course." Draco gives Harry's jaw one more kiss before sitting up and moving off his lap. He moves across the room pulling on his white button up and lifting his wand towards the buttons muttering a spell to do them all up within a second.

He swishes his wand from the wardrobe towards Harry and a black suit flies out landing on the bed beside him.

It's a all black suit with a light blue handkerchief in the pocket to match Draco's suit. Draco looks away blushing a bit and takes this time to pull up his suit jacket.

Harry smiles softly and starts pulling on his black suit.

They both leave their top buttons undone.

"Smash." Pansy's voice shrills in his ear. Harry almost jumps out of his skin.

"Huh?" He frowns in confusion.

"I'd smash if he was straight." Pansy grins that cheshire cat grin she's looking in the same direction he was just staring at. A certain someone. In a light blue suit.

"Mhmm." Harry nods his attention now back on the blonde. Pansy smirks smugly to herself before taking a sip of champagne.

"Looks like someone's asking him to dance." Pansy frowns as she watches the man take Draco's hand a lead him towards the dance floor. She glances at Harry.

"Why is he dancing with him." Harry scowls taking a gulp of the horrible expensive champagne.

"Why not? He's quite fit." Pansy smirks as she used her words to rile him up. Harry turns to her in disbelief.

"Oh shut up, He is nothing against Draco."

"And who would be a better person for him then?" Another voice chimes in. Hermione.

"Ah mione' i'm sorry i got caught up." Harry refers to him supposedly getting drunk for her an Ron before catching sight of Draco.

"I see, So...Draco looks good." She smiles kindly. Pansy gives her a friendly touch on the shoulder before walking away and dragging Ron with her when she meets him halfway where he was about to join Harry and Hermione.

"Oh...yeah he does." He coughs awkwardly. Hermione takes a champagne flute from a tray.

"Who's that man he's dancing with?"

"That's a rookie." He mumbles with distaste. "He's called Patrick Quirke."

"Oh i heard he's quite lovely. A charming man." She puts a fuel into the growing flame.
Harry rolls his eyes.

"How charming?"

"We'll all proper etiquette like holding doors open for people and just being kind and respectful in general. Oo i heard no one in the office has seen him get mad yet." She goes off in a tangent. Always a sucker for a bit of gossip. Although Pansy and Draco are much more fun to gossip with.

Being mad was very common in the auror departments. Especially as a rookie.

Harry scowls even more.

"Well it doesn't matter, Why is Draco even dancing with him. He doesn't like..." Harry cuts himself short angrily.

"How would you know what he likes Harry." Hermione hides a smile behind her glass as she takes a sip to cover it.

"Because he's my boyfriend." Harry grumbles. Hermione nods.

"Of course, so you should know if your in a relationship. Should you not be dancing with him?"

He gives her a look. "Me? Dancing? nevermind the rookie can have him."

They both laugh.

"I admit Harry i would've expected a more surprising reveal of your relationship." Hermione ponders.

Harry shrugs. " Dunno it probably should have but i'm pissed off."

"You could always leave early...with him." Hermione wiggles her eyebrows.Harry nods.

"That's the plan already."

"Harry," A certain someone's voice calls. Harry turns around from the bar to face his lover.His lover who is flushed red and smiling big. " Harry have you been here this whole time? at the bar?"

"Yep." Harry mumbles. Draco's smile starts to slowly drop.

"What's wrong?" Draco looks concerned he reaches a hand out to touch Harry's arm.

"Nothing, Why don't you go chat with your new friend."

"My...Oh Patrick? He is so lovely. I haven't met him before it would of been rude for me to not say hello." Draco hums taking Harry's Hand. "Are you jealous?" He asks bluntly.

Harry flushes. "Er no-."

"Well it feels like you are? It's not a bad thing." Draco gives him a more shy smile.

"I'm not." Harry grumbles taking a sip of his beer. He caved in the end, giving up on the champagne.

"I wouldn't mind if you were." Draco takes Harry's drink from his hands and places it on the counter. He then pulls Harry's arms towards himself and places them around his waist. Draco lifts his own arms to wrap around the brunettes neck.

"Why?" Harry asks.

Draco leans up to whisper in his ear."Because it's hot."

Harry swallows thickly tightening his hands around the others waist and they both lean in for a gentle kiss.

"To my room?" Draco grins cheekily.

"Our room." Harry rolls his eyes mockingly.

"lead the way."
He takes Malfoy's hand and tugs him through the crowds of people and out the main hall.
Ah the elevator.
Once inside Harry tugs Draco towards him and places a hand on the back of his neck pulling him in for a kiss. Heated and breathless, grasping at each others clothes to keep eachother closer.

"Please." The blonde moans against his lips. Harry smirks.

"Can't start now otherwise i won't stop." Harry mumbles. The elevator dings as it comes to a stop. It feels like hours before the doors slide open. Harry grasps the Blondes waist and hoists him up Draco's legs wrap around his waist as he lets out a loud laugh. Harry smiles when he sees the other man's head thrown back in laughter.

"Oh Harry!" Hermione's voice yelps as she and Ron are standing right outside the door. Both looking flushed. For the same reason they are it seems.

"Hermione?!" Draco yelps and Harry feels him loosening his legs as if to get down however he keeps his hands under the blonde's arse and pulls him impossibly closer.

"Don't mind us." Harry smiles whilst Ron gives him the thumbs up and a wink. The two couples switch places with awkward laughs and smiles. Draco flushing crimson with embarrassment tucking his head down into Harry's neck.

Ron yanks Hermione close before the elevator doors shut.

"I think i'm going to die." Draco groans.

"Oh shut up they were doing the exact same thing."

"That's gross Potter."

"Back to Potter are we?" The brunette smirks. "Guess if we're only on second name basis...we can't fuck." He whispers the last bit in the blonde's ear.
He feels Draco shiver in his arms.

"Harry please." He lifts his head making eye contact.
His pink soft lips plump and perfect. Harry feels entranced by his looks.

No one could make Draco look this soft, all defences down, only Harry. All for Harry.

Harry kisses his jaw as he pulls his wand and swishes it mumbling the password towards the door.

It opens with a click.

He walks them through the door and gently puts the other man down. Draco gives him a kiss before walking backwards taking off his suit jacket. Harry follows him also taking his jacket off.
Malfoy starts to unbutton his shirt before turning around and stepping up the three steps towards the bed.

"Harry your drooling darling." Draco smirks looking over his shoulder right before dropping his shirt.

"How can i not." He replies with a dopey smile.

The blonde looks back at him this time with a soft expression. "Come make love to me?"

"Of course."


(i don't know how to end this if u want a part two tell me lol otherwise i'll leave this as a ending. Did i make it like too sexual without smut.

Tell me if you guys would like a part two and tell if u want it with actual smut like continued from this

and  if u want a part 2 do u their other friends responses to their relationship.)

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