Fifty Shades Of Kim™

By tae_lil_monster07

1.2M 56K 74.5K

"Mr. Kim will see you now." Warning - Mature content ahead! Read at your own risk. Read the tags before conti... More

Fifty Shades Of Kim.
23. [Part 1]
23. [Part 2]
26 .
× Shade ×
55. [Part 1]
55 [Part 2]
× Storm ×
Teaser of Chapter 82.
Teaser for chapter 92.
Teaser for chapter 105.
Teaser of Chapter 109.


4.5K 228 260
By tae_lil_monster07

"Sheep in wolf's clothing?"

Authors pov.

"Alright I'm opening this bag." You usher the bag towards the phone as yoongi's figure looks a bit curious but he stays still as you open that bag and take out the T shirt. "Wait no way you got me my favourite brand's T shirt?? Where did you even get that?" His excited voice is heard through the phone and you giggle a little at that, titling it to another side so that he can see the entire thing.

"Awh man this sucks why am I here again" Yoongi sighs through the call, already dreading his decision to leave. "Because Mr. Jung personally called you over, you're his favourite person from the developing and coding department." Jimin snickers, already examining his accessories and a few chocolates he received. Your brother sighs softly, shuffling the phone a little bit to angle his face properly, "God If only Hoseok left me alone, I swear it sucks so much here, he is on his phone with his wife and is enjoying his life while I am away from my T shirt and you." He speaks with a gentle voice which catches Jimins attention and he looks up, his eyes a little tired too and you just sit in between as the two people converse through their eyes.

"Okay...should I say cut? Or should I leave? Please tell me when you both finish your romance." You mumble loudly causing both of them to snap out of thier daze, Jimin has his cheeks on fire and Yoongi just coughs a little. "Stop being a third wheel I was having fun." Your brother mumbles and you roll your eyes, "Yeah Mr. Min have all the fun in the world, don't leave anything else for others." You say getting up to put the shirt in on the sofa and getting yourself some water, "Yeah just because you are single doesn't mean we have to suffer too? Get someone for yourself." Yoongi says and you shake your head, getting inside the kitchen to pour yourself some water.

"Please stop pulling her leg alright." Jimin interrupts and you shake your head after chugging down the entire glass of water. "I'm not pulling her leg I'm serious, wait what if she already has someone??? She is just hiding them from us-" Yoongi says, obviously with a teasing intent but " Oh my God??? its bleeding, ouch???!!!!" You cry out loudly. Well... you know he was pulling your leg but


You took it seriously and one second you were walking towards the living room and the next second you had bumped your toe near the kitchen counter because your brain had malfunctioned for a second. You thought your brother already knew about Taehyung and oh boy if he gets to know about what you've been doing behind his back he just wont sit there with a calm face -- he will probably bombard Taehyung with embarrassing questions and you didn't even want to imagine what else. "Are you okay bubba??" Jimin immediately rushes to your aid and you almost had tears in your eyes because damn your entire thumb was purple and there was a little blood coming out from there."Yoongi man fuck you seriously." You curse out because you cant even walk right now without limping and it sucks a real big time you know?

"Language, I'm your older brother." That menace has the audacity to laugh and smile while you were seated on to the sofa with the help of your best friend. "Yoon please stop it, it looks bad." Jimin comments, rounding off the sofa to go and bring the first aid kit and you just sit there glaring at your smiling brother. "Alright sorry, but it was partly your fault." He says, after seeing how your toe was bruised and you just shake your head. There was really no remorse in his tone and now nothing could be done about your injured toe.

What are you going to do with this man.


Okay, coming to work was not a good idea.

Wait let's rephrase that, coming to work with a bruised toe and pointed heels was really not a good idea.

Here you were in middle of a meeting room trying not to cry or tear up because every time you literally took a breath your leg hurt like a bitch and it was again your fault for being so clumsy. The black heels were doing nothing but giving you a torture as you curse yourself for thinking you'd survive the entire day in this footwear. Well in your defense this was going well with your black suit and the amazing pants you wore and which woman could ever deny pretty shoes?? No one. Even if that means torturing yourself

"I'm planning to kill myself one day for real." You sigh as you wait for the meeting to start. Taehyung was not here since he was supposed to be escorting Ms. Xumi out personally as she was one of close friends of their family I guess? Well as far as you know the woman was old, probably in her late forties and was known for her fabulous creations in the Jewellery industry. Her pieces are famous around the entire world and they cost millions of dollars, she was a big deal and her being in here would surely benefit this company a lot.

There were a few more people inside the meeting room, Yeonjun already present and was talking to some lady from the technical department -- there were two executives from the Kim's Jewelry brand which was mostly managed by Namjoon but the older was probably busy sorting out the buisness in overseas or else he would have been here too. Opposite to you was a lady from the developing department and now you just waited for your boss to head in.

Just as you spoke, the said man strides in all confidently while helping the older woman and you couldn't help but notice the way his black suit fit him so well, his chiseled jaw being highlighted as he escorts a woman inside the room by holding her hand. Everyone in the room bows as the elderly woman gives a tender smile, she just sits down and watches everyone with kind gaze and despite of the pain you manage to give her a small smile which doesn't look like a grimace.

You waited as Taehyung sat down on his usual chair and the meeting began, you fortunately didn't have to present anything on the screen today yet it was required that you give some introductions and stuff which was your daily work. After what seems like ages the meeting comes to an end but every bit of this was so painful, you had to stand throughout the entire thing and it sucked real bad because of your leg. You know no one noticed it and it should just be fine but it was making you anxious to think that you messed up this entire meeting.

God anxiety issues, when will they leave you alone again. After the meeting was wrapped up successfully you watch as everyone sighs in relief and proceeds to move out after the old lady walks out of the room by herself. The entire room is cleared out and you don't bother getting up from your chair because you know you need to relax a little before going outside and due to the enver ending pain you fail to notice the man who was literally sitting there on his seat looking at you with a concerned face.

"Miss Min are you okay?" His voice rings in your head and suddenly you are aware of the entire surroundings as you get up in a hurry, biting back the scream you wanted to let out because of the pressure you just put your legs through yet you smile a little, pretending as if everything as okay- when all you want to do is curl up on your bed and whine out every drop of pain. "Yes yes Mr. Kim I'm fine-?" You say with a panicked voice, you really didn't want to worry anybody because you were sure this would heal in like what a few days and you really didn't want any kind of leave but knowing Taehyung and his personality he will give you another week of leave.

"What will happen to me nothing happened, how are you by the way did you have breakfast." You grimace at your own sentence but keep on a smiling face nothingless and the man just blinks at your tactics and nods slowly. "Yeah I did have breakfast." He says and you both are back to staring at each other again. It was almost like there was an awkward silence but mostly towards your end rather than his. "Ah that's very great I'll head out then." You giggle nervously and pick up your things so that you can walk out and admits this you don't even notice him getting up and striding towards you.

"Okay I-" you turn around only to meet with his figure leaning on the table, almost overpowering yours figure and you just stood still not knowing what on earth to do. He was close, very close to you and you just stared as his eyes bore into yours deeply. He took a step forward and you moved backwards till the desk was felt against your waist and you couldn't do anything apart from staying still. Your breath hitched when his body was impossibly close to yours, you could practically feel the warmth and his hands, they are on his side at one second and the next second he is lifting you up and reducing you into a blushing mess as you hold his shoulders for support.

He had lifted you without any problem and every time he shows his display of strength it has your toes curling a little. "What-" you say despite your pink cheeks and the man just sighs a little, looking at you with that blank face again, there was nothing visible on his face -- it's almost like he is just thinking about nothing but you knew his mind was a really chaotic place at times. "How many times have I told you to tell me if you have any physical injury and you never listen." He says as he kneels down to your feet level, your eyes widen as you panic a little seeing him on the floor. "Mr. Kim! Get up oh my god you arent supposed to-" you try to tell him but stop in middle when you notice that he wasn't going to listen and instead grasped your feet in his hands, yes the same one which was injured and you just wondered how did he even find out.

His hands gently take your feet, as if you were made from glass and right at this moment you even forgot that you were injured for a second. His hands remove the heel which as been tormenting you ever since you wore it and you let out a breathe when that thing is off you and in comes the bandaged toe which had a little blood on the white gauze but it was there since morning and you dint touch it, over all it looked pretty good. Taehyung gentle looks at it and you just bite your lips, feeling a little fluffy yet disappointed. You really didn't want to trouble him with all of this, especially since he was dealing with Eunwoo and all.

He massages your heels a little because they turned red due to the pressure applied on them, it looked like your feet was boiling practically but hey it wasn't that bad okay? "How did this happen" he says while messaging the same spot and you just sigh, knowing he genuinely cares about you so he was asking, "I was talking to Yoongi and tripped because he said something and I misunderstood." You reply and hiss a little as a jolt of pin shot up your leg.

"Hold hold doll, why did you even attend todays meeting. I know this is like a minor injury but If you keep pressing on it then it will worsen." Taehyung says, still soothing the heel spot with his hands and you wonder why was he doing that."You should have informed me, I would have let you rest in your office itself." He says like the ever kind gentleman he was and you sigh a little. "I know but I really wanted to work, I've had injuries like this its just that today i wore those heels because they were so pretty." You whine out, not even realising that you were blabbering and Taehyung looks up with a small smile, squeezing your heel so that you looked into his eyes.

"With or without those heels you still look fabulous alright? Now I see it is already wrapped in the gauze but rest for today yeah? Just stay in your cabin for a while." He says and again for some godamn reason your heart just flutters ever so gently and like a dumb doll you nod at his words, not wanting this atmosphere to break at all because genuinely speaking this felt so nice. You just wanted to stay in this moment but that was just impossible so you waited till he just gets up and leaves.

Surprisingly that was not the case as he continued to rub your feet, "I think you stopped the flow of blood because of those tight heels, wear some sandals tommrow it will be better in no just needs some more antiseptic and air." He proceeds to tell the reason why he was rubbing your ankle and you just stay still, feeling red and embarrassed with the fact that he was taking care of your feet as if you were a baby but gentle treatment was always welcomed so you didn't complain. After what seems like hours but were only a few minutes, he gets up putting your feet on the floor carefully and standing in between your legs.

"That is done, but next time inform me yeah? I know I'm a little dramatic at times but you dont always have to oush yourself. Sometimes staying still helps a lot trust me, resting helps as always." He says while pushing back the strand of your hair which had been bugging you since hours ago. You nod a little, unable to keep an eye contact with him because everytime you looked in those deep eyes of his, you felt like you will drown and perish then and there. They were just so intense and beautiful, spoke louder than anything else, demanding yet gentle at the same time -- no one could resist them, one look and you knew you'd do anything and it just makes you so vulnerable that you can't stare into them, afraid he'd see what you were hiding beneath all this.

Suddenly a warm kiss is landed on your forehead and you close your eyes favouring that warmth more than anything else, his hands were on your waist -- not holding it tightly but the you could feel his touch. He moves back and you open your eyes, wondering why did he do that but as usual you couldn't figure out because for one your heart was beating out of its rib cage and you felt like all the air in your lungs has been knocked out. Two - Taehyung had mastered the art of hiding his expressions but you could make a wild guess, maybe it was a kiss of reassurance or maybe he meant that he was always there. Whatever it was, it felt amazing and you dint want to think over it.

"Can you walk or do you want me to lift you?" The atmosphere was broken by his light teasing comment and you just roll your eyes a little at that, slapping his shoulders softly. "I'm perfectly fine now but I wouldn't mind a little help, just lend me your arm and on the way I can tell you your schedule." You say as he moves back and you wear your shoes again, feeling a bit better because of his massage yet there was this buzzing ache which would just go away if you sit down. "Alright, let me help." Taehyung says as you stand -- his hands wrap around your waist and you circle your arm around his shoulder.

"Try not to walk with that leg alright? Just limp if you can." The olders says and you nod deciding that whatever he told was just for the best. You walked out of the meeting room with his help, not even bothering to notice two pair of eyes who looked very happy after seeing the scene in front of them.

He pushes his glasses upto the bridge of his nose and looks up with a purse in his lips. Infornt of him, she was sitting wearing a black dress which fit her curves very much and her lips were pulled up in a smirk as her eyes stared at the picture infornt of her.

"Sarang-ah till when will you stare at it?" He asks, pushing away his laptop and snapping her out of her daze. She looks up, her deer like eyes staring at him mischievously. "Hannie, let me stare a little more I just can't believe how Taehyungie's taste hasn't change. Same tall, bold and voluptuous woman but this time this one is a little low compared to others." She says while swirling the picture around and Jaehan sighs at her behaviour.

"Come on, what are we going to do about her? She is the reason why he is finding Cha Eunwoo." He says, feeling a tad bit frustrated that sarang still hasn't put two and two pieces together. He had given her the picture, an hour ago and from that time all she has done is stare at them like they were some art pictures. "We either need to get her out of the way or do something so that he stops this madness-" the guy says but sarang laughs, her voice resonating in the entire room. It was vicious and cold nothing about it looked lovely.

"What makes you think my Taehyung would go to such extents for this mere secretary? You still don't know him hannie so let's not speak about it." She says after she has finished laughing out whatever she has found funny. The man shakes his head, he doesn't agree with her statement. "She is his submissive too don't forget that!! You know how far he can go just to protect them and this one seems a bit different-" he was cut of with a slam on the desk as Sarang got up from her seat, leaning against the table and glaring at the man infornt of her. The picture in her hand crumbled brutally due to the force she had applied.

The way she stared at him was creepy because if looks could kill then he was sure he would be dead by now, he just shut his mouth and looked down at his hands knowing he shouldn't speak anything right now, he had managed to hit off a wrong nerve in the woman's body.

"Kim Jaehan this is first and last time I'm telling you this, you don't know Taehyungie. He isn't capable of treating someone special because to him no one his special and they are all just fuck toys he will throw after an year or two because he got bored of them. It's a cycle you know? First that Julia then Yuki then Minhi and who was the latest one? Yes our family relative Abby and now this secretary Min. They are no one to him alright? Nothing special. She will be gone within a few months or so watch me, the moment I enter he will forget her okay?" She says her voice loud and bold, there was a finality in her voice that no one could disagree too -- she seemed hundred percent sure of it.

"Got it?" She says glaring at the man who dint respond to her and the youngest nods, feeling himself sweat a little due to nervousness. "Good boy." She says as she sits down and takes the crumbled picture in her own hands. There was your picture, smiling at something Taehyung was saying and the other man was holding your waist as you both crossed some place in London. It wasn't a recent photo but neither was this a very old one.

Sarang stares at the way you look at him and the way Taehyung was patiently listening to you. She looks once more and her jaw snaps as she licks her lips and keeps the picture on the table, leaning back on her chair. After a pause she speaks, her voice loud and clear -- "I think we need some changes in our plan." She declares, her heeled foot tapping on the marble floor as if she was in a some deep thought and after a while she nods to herself, "We should leave earlier, I think its finally time for me to enter the game and show myself..everyone must be anticipating my arrival don't you think?" She says while gasping a little in middle of her sentence as if she reached onto a realisation and Jaehan nods, "Whatever you wish petal." He says without any hesitation and the woman smiles, her leg moving forward in between the gap of the table and then onto the mans legs. She trails down her foot upwards till she reaches the area in between his legs and there was just this look on her face that could turn anyone on.

"I love that nickname you know? Makes me feel wet even though you didn't do anything." Her seductive eyes bore into his as she presses further with her foot and the man just holds her ankle gently, letting her do whatever she wants. "I know." He says, his voice slurring a little yet it was gentle and she smiles like a youngster at that.

"Well come here then, eat me out and fuck me later then. You know how much I enjoy that right?" She says spreading her legs as if to give an invitation and well who could resist her? The man gets up, almost a pathetic look on his face as he rounds the table to do what he was ordered to.

You were flipping through some files when a knock resounded on your door and you mumbled a small 'come in', well you were sitting here since the morning and your feet already feels a lot more better -- you were so glad that Taehyung had allowed this and right now you were informed that Yeonjun was coming in in order to take these files and discuss about the upcoming deal so thinking that it was thr younger you allow the person in but to your surprise it wasn't Yeonjun -- instead it was Jungkook who was clad in a grey suit and a black tie.

You just blink your eyes and stare at him wondering what on earth was he doing here and he stands near the entrance, like the very polite man he is -- waiting for you to acknowledge his presence. "May I come in then?" He says, a smirk already placed on his beautiful face, you nod a little still feeling flabbergasted on why was this man here when he had work to do. He strode down the floor and sat right on the opposite side of your chair.

The pain in your ankle was forgotten for a moment as you wondered what is this guy doing inside your cabin, as far as you knew your work had ended with him the moment he left your house yet this man was here in all his glory and you just wanted to get over with whatever he has to say. Your interactions with this man were not pleasant anymore, everytime he was near you he left you in anxiety and unpleasant emotions. There was this one fear which just makes you so paranoid, what if one day he decides to bully and abuse you just the way he used to do when you were kids? Partly you had forgotten that portion of your teenage. Your therapist had told you that our minds tend to forget the most painful memories so that wedon't have to go through them again and again, having panic attacks or paralysis.

Yet somewhere in between you could remember how those hard hits felt against your ribs and your legs, the feeling of blood in your mouth -- the deep red colour and the iron like taste. It wasn't easy, being hurt and acting like it was nothing was not easy. His wounds were like burnt marks on your skin, they would need a long time to heal.

"Thought we were on good terms?" He says after seeing the blank expression on your face and probably that's what ticked you off, the way he was nonchalantly telling all of this while you felt fear envelope your entire body. "Are you serious?" You say with disbelief laced in your tone and the other guy just stares at you as if he doesn't understand what you are implying. You shake your head, is he pretending to be dumb or was he always this dumb? You don't know probably he was acting this way but whatever it was you decided that you should speak for yourself in a situation like this.

For one you were genuinely okay with him trying to apologise and make repent his mistakes but he didn't have to be so smug about them? That just pissed you off in the wrong ways yet you had to stay calm right now and not let your anger overtake your senses. You had to make it clear, there was no other way -- no one was going to do it for you.

"Look Jungkook, I'm glad you are owning up to your mistakes but I just cant forgive you like that alright? ...I-I know that's cruel of me but what i went through wasnt something so easy to move on from. Heck it's not at all easy to move on yet I'm trying and when you apologised that day it made me feel lighter so thank you but please know that you need to work for my forgiveness. All the encounters I have had with you were all unpleasant ones and for once I just want to be a little better, I'll do it slowly and right now I'm still afriad that what if one day you start doing all of that again. I'm so sorry for telling this but its needed." You let out in a tired voice and probably at that moment, after saw the way Jungkook's face twisted into something which looked almost vulnerable and hurt. It felt like you had physically punched him in the guts but it was the truth, no matter how much it hurted - it didn't matter that the stoic and cruel Jungkook was letting his walls down. It was just the bare truth and you felt awful speaking about this, you just avoided situations like this because they made you feel uncomfortable.

A large weight lifted off your shoulders and you just couldn't help but sag in relief, after ages of trembling and shaking infront of him you finally managed to tell that and you felt so fucking proud of yourself, so godamn proud.

Jungkook just sagged his shoulders as he looked at you. He didn't think about all of this, he just came here thinking that you would want to meet with him but he had no idea that you felt something like this towards him. He knew apology was not enough and he kind of expected this so he just let it go, yet he could feel the pain. He could feel how those words were like a slap on his face and how he was just so ignorant and thought about himself above everything. It reminded him of the words his father had said - once.

'You will never be enough yeah? Useless asshole you are a fucking monster get that in your head. You ruined everyone's lives just because you were selfish.' His father had said standing beside his past lover.

He shut his eyes, not wanting to remember that scene nor did he want to feel the iron like taste of blood in his own mouth. He promised himself he wouldn't think about this and wouldn't let his walls down, so he pulled himself together and put on that tough persona within seconds.

He doesn't even know why he was trying at this rate, you'd probably be better off without him -- was what he thought but it seems like you wanted him try? Then he would do so, he would do anything you wanted or demanded from him. He nodded his slowly, "I'm really sorry for overstepping my boundaries and I'll work hard for it -- but I was here to hand you this." He says completely changing the topic and instead he was handing you a brown envelope which he had taken out from his blazer. You feel confused at the change of the conversation but let it go and take the envelope he was handing you. It was pretty broad yet small in the size and you look up, into his emotionless eyes -- as he opens his mouth to explain further. His tattooed hands rested against his knees.

"That is the data from the tracking device I had installed in Cha Eunwoo's phone. He might think I was an easy stepping stone but I'm not dumb. Hand this over to your boss, it has the location where he was last seen, this will help in investigation." He says and you hold that envelope tightly, keeping it aside to look into his eyes and just wonder why did he come to you. "You could have given this to Taehyung directly?" You ask unable to stop himself and Jungkook just rolls his eyes a little. "If I went near him no he will probably start thousands of arguments and demand answers so just give that to him." He says and you nod, he has a point. Taehyung really hated this man and sometimes their fights were very petty and unreasonable.

"Alright." You nod and he gets up, intending to move out of the room but stops near the door as he remembers something. "Also I'm going to send Hyunjin to that man, I have arranged a dinner for me and him day after tommrow, just tell him to come there ...its not for some stupid reason I swear just tell him to come." He says those words and exits your cabin while you just stare at his retreating back with a very much confused frown on your face

Just what on earth was going on?? Why was Jungkook so secretive and so weird? It makes you wonder if he is upto something now.


"Yes come in." Taehyung says as a black head pops himself inside the cabin. "Good evening sir." Yeonjun says, his face etched with a smile and the boss just looks at him once and proceeds to skim over his files. "Did you talk with Soobin?" Taehyung says because the younger was supposed to report him the details about how was the investigation going on and the other guy nodded.
"Y-yeah I did." He stutters a little, looking away and the older just stares at him again - feeling a little amused but doesn't decide to comment on how red the man infornt od him looks.

"Alright, any progress?" He quickly says and the other was quicker with his response. "Sadly no, we are trying to track his phone or anything but nothing so far." The younger says, dismay clearly present in his tone. Taehyung sighs a little - he knew this will be hard as his cousin was one of high profile people who had money and sources so he kind of expected this but he still he felt a little but disappointed at the news. He really wanted Cha Eunwoo beneath his feet and of course he wanted to question him about why did he do all this bullshit. For sure it wasn't just to spite him or anything like that.

Oh god thinking about all of this just makes him want to rip off his hairs but he refrains and just sighs. "Alright, I'll look into it tommrow, did you get my schedule from Miss Min?" He asks knowing he had to personally take out some time to look a bit more and meet Soobin - his lawyer and the detective in charge. "Oh I didn't get a chance to." Yeonjun replies as if he just remembered about the schedule and Taehyung raises his brows, "What? Why?" You told him that you'd send the schedule over within a few minutes but this guy here tells he didn't get a chance to?

"Yeah I didn't get a chance to because she was t-talking with Mr. Jeon." Yeonjun says looking down after speaking, now when Taehyung looked at him he could see the traces of nervousness on his face as if he was afriad of telling him this and the older just stares at hum. "Mr. Jeon as in Jeon jungkook?" He asks even though he knows his suspicions are true and after a few seconds Yeonjun nods, looking down and feeling very much scared. "What is he doing in her cabin??" A frown takes place over his handsome face, were you in some danger? He didn't know what to make out of this information so after a few minutes of pondering he made his decision.

"Alright let's check on her once, I feel her is upto something." Taehyung says as he gets up from his chair.




This chapter is T-T a mess I know but it contains a few important info and sarang is going to arrive how do you feel about that? We got a sweet moment bw our main leads!!!

I'll see you next week take care an stream face!


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