Eternal Love 2

By kimjungkoo97

16.2K 1.1K 136

Every year Gusu clan permits new students for education.. That's how the Rebellious and Troublesome second he... More

New Students in Gusu
Character Introduction
Roommates or Friends
First Day In Gusu
Prolonged - Intro about the story
Flirty Lan Wangji
My Soulmate
My Love
Dangerous Dark Energy
Protective In Laws
For my Love


640 54 5
By kimjungkoo97

No one's pov

Wei Wuxian looked at his love who is not leaving his hand.. 'Aiyahh are you scared Lan Zhan.. I will be fine Shizi..' Lan Wangji is still so silent.. Wei Ying holds his hand with his.. He wears a Lan clan robe and Wangji's moe on his wrist..

'I will leave to cold cave and you are still not talking to me Lan Zhan..' It's, that the elder is scared.. He know what will happen during cleansing, he heard it from his Uncle during his studies.. He can't see his love in pain..

Wei Wuxian took his red ribbon and holds Lan Wangji's wrist.. Lan Wangji was startled and shocked, his eyes were brimming with tears but he didn't cry.. 'My Nainai said, I always play with my A  Niang's red ribbon when I was a child.. So A Niang gave it me before she went to night hunt.. It's so precious to me Lan Zhan..' He tied the ribbon on his wrist.. 'Now Wei Wuxian is always yours till death..' He said with a bunny smile which made Wangji to chuckle, a single tear fall on his cheeks..

Wuxian wiped the tears, stood on his toes and pecked him on his lips.. Wangji closed his eyes more tears fall on his cheeks, he holds the younger's waist pull him so close not leaving his lips.. Wei Wuxian wrapped his arms around Wangji.. It's a pure kiss with only love.. Lan Wangji connect their forehead caressing his love's wet lips..

'Wo Ai Ni, my little one..' Wei Wuxian chuckled and pecked in his lips again..

'Wo Ai Ni Lan Zhan..' After few seconds kissing they both leaves their room.. The elders were waiting for the younger.. 'Don't worry A Xian, You will be fine..' Yanli said.. She was hugged by both his lovable sisters.. Boashen was little worried but she didn't show it to her grandson..

'We will be here when you come.. Don't worry..' Xingchen said.. He and Song Zichen give a tight hug to his nephew..

'I know you are our strong boy..' Jiang Cheng pats his shoulder.. 'I will take care of him..' Jiang Cheng said.. Nie Huaisang and Wen Ning hugged him so tight before he leave.. Wei Wuxian once again looked at his love with a little smile and followed the elder's..

Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji made a protective ward around the cold cave where only the Lan's can break it.. 'We have to be careful..' Lan Wangji said.. He looked at the elder.. 'I want to talk to you.. About Wei Ying..' Wangji said.. Not only to her but also to his friends and brother too..

When they reached the meeting hall XiChen closed the door.. Lan Wangji said everything about the evil spirit.. 'Is something happened when Wei Wuxian's parent's were killed.. I think such a strong cultivator won't be killed easily.. If she was killed because of dark energy like A Ying's her power will unleash itself to protect her.. But why..' Song Zichen was worried when he heard those words..

'I thought about asking it to my A Die, but he didn't say anything about A Xian's parents.. Elder Boashen, he is our friend.. We want to know about how they died..' Jiang Cheng said..

'Yes, she was killed..' Xiao Xingchen holds the elder's hand trying to comfort her.. He knows how hard it's for her.. So he continued to say the truth.. 'Cangse was killed by a clan leader for her power.. The dark energy only take him as master with the other if..' He hesitated a little..

'If they consummate their relationship..' Lan Wangji clenched his fist.. Now he understands why the spirit said that..

'The spirit said the same.. Her master want Wei Wuxian but she didn't reveal the name..' Lan Wangji said and it shocked everyone..

'Wei Wuxian didn't know anything about his parents death.. If he know the truth he will be devasted..' Boashen said in a low voice..

'We won't say anything about the truth.. Trust us..' Nie Huaisang said and everyone agreed to it.. Boashen Sanren looked at Lan Wangji..

'Wei Wuxian didn't know about the outside world.. We caged him in our home, not anyone to know about his powers.. He don't have any friends in our village.. He likes to explore new places, wants to travel a lot.. As a grandmother I can't loose him like my daughter and son in law..' Lan Wangji sense how much his love lived in his childhood..

'I'm happy that he has protective friends and a soulmate who will do anything for him..' She continued.. 'Lan Wangji, you are his first friend, a person who he feel so safe after us.. He is still a child to us..'

Seeing the red ribbon on his wrist Xingchen smiled softly.. 'He loves you a lot Lan Wangji.. Do you know you are the first person to touch his ribbon.. It's so precious to him, he didn't even let us to touch it from his childhood.. He trust you a lot..' Zichen gazed at Boashen to say the truth about Wei Wuxian's health.. And he can't let his nephew to be tainted by the younger Lan who is not so innocent..

'And he is just seventeen.. Don't you dare to taint my little one..' Song Zichen said... Xingchen nudged his love trying to calm him.. 'What he is still a baby to me.. I know you have shameless thoughts in your mind.. Don't do anything..' Lan Wangji rolled back his eyes.. Yanli and Wen Qing chuckled at Wangji..

'Lan Wangji I know, male spouse can bear a child through Lan clan medicinal herbs.. And Our A Xian is special, he can bear a child normally like female.. He don't need any medicinal herbs.. So don't do anything inappropriate until your marriage..' Everyone were shocked.. Lan Wangji ears turned red hearing it..

'Even Wei Wuxian didn't know about it.. We decided to say it when he is eighteen but I think we have to confess it soon..' Boashen said with a naughty smile..

In the cold cave, Wei Wuxian is trying to calm his mind, surrounded by the Lan elders, who are playing zither for him.. He is in lotus position meditating, trying to control his inner demon power.. He can feel that the dark energy wants to come out..

Various scenarios ran in his mind trying to control him.. The dark energy wants to possess him.. Giving him so many nightmares that make him to loose his hopes..

Wei Wuxian eyes gazed at the cloud recess which is decorated for a wedding ceremony.. He slowly climbed on the stairs looking the beautiful decoration.. But there is no one in the wedding hall when he entered..

'Are you here to ruin my son's wedding you demon..' Wei Wuxian startled when he saw angry Madam Lan pointing her sword on him..

'M-madam Lan...I..'

'Do you believe that he is still in love with you.. You are nothing but a demon.. Won't you leave my son..' She shouted at the younger which startled him.. That's when his eyes fall on his love with another lady beside him in wedding robe..

'L-Lan Zhan..' Quickly Lan Wangji unsheathed his bichen and point on his chest..

'I'm not a fool to fall for you.. How will I fall for a devil.. I just want to kill you to save this cultivation world.. I just used you to believe me..' Each and every words pierced the younger's heart.. But he realise it's an illusion his love won't say those words..

'N-no.. My Lan Zhan won't hurt me.. You are all just my illusion..' He covered his ears not to hear another word.. Soon he saw the place turned into dark covered with blood and dead bodies all around..

'Master are you leaving us for your love.. We will protect you.. We all love you master..' Wei Wuxian crawled on his back when he saw some gruesome dead bodies trying to touch him..

'He is in illusion.. He is trying to wake up..' Lan Qiren stated when he looked at the pained expression of Wei Wuxian.. They all started to play the zither to get him out from the illusion.. Wei Wuxian clenched his fist trying to leave the illusion.. Carmen was worried looking at the younger.. Soon he coughed blood and opened his eyes.. Carmen rushed to the younger holds him in her arms..

'You are fine A Xian..' She comforts the younger who is trying to calm down his breath.. 'Just a little son, you will be fine..' Wei Wuxian feels like his chest is piercing with thousands of needles.. The pain was unbearable to him.. But he has to endure it, for his family, for his love, for his Lan Wangji..

'I- I'm fine..' He is so weak to respond but the determination in his eyes made Carmen to fell so proud of him.. She wiped the blood on his lips and kissed him on his forehead..

'You will be fine Wei Wuxian, don't let that dark energy to dominate you.. It will create illusions to distract you.. So careful.. We are here for you..' Lan Qiren said..

Wei Wuxian calmed down a little, trying to focus on his energy.. He has to collect all his dark energy to make it as a seal.. He has to save his family who adores him a lot by their love.. Even it hurts he has to endure it for his family..

Lan Wangji with his brother and friends were outside the meeting hall.. Suddenly they all see a flare on the sky.. 'Ready..' Lan Xichen said to the others who are ready with their swords..

They all rushed to the entrance saw many guards who are wearing masks to hide their face.. 'We want that boy..'
Lan Wangji smirked holding his bichen..

'You won't lay your dirty hand on our friend you ugly mask faced man..' Nie Huaisang shouted at him.. Xiao Xingchen and Song Zichen joined with the youngers against the guards.. Soon the fight erupted, they didn't even let them near the entrance.. Each and every move of Wangji is so fierce and strong.. All he think about is his love, he wants to protect him..

Jiang Cheng didn't let them alive, he cruelly killed them.. Wen Ning with Lan Xichen moves were brutal to the guards.. It didn't take more time to defeat them..

'Wangji, Jiang Cheng protect the cold cave.. We will take care of here..' Nie Huaisang said.. Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng moved to the cold cave.. Lan Wangji knows only a Lan can break the barrier but they has to be alert.. He is worried.. He don't know how his love is doing now..

'Xian will be fine Wangji, he is a strong boy..' Jiang Cheng pats the younger Lan's shoulder trying to comfort him..

'I Know.. But the pain will be unbearable and he will be weak even though he have golden core.. Destroying dark energy is not so easy.. I wish I was there with him..' It's the first time Jiang Cheng see how worried the younger is..

'Then you should be strong too.. You have to take care of your Tuzi when he came out of the cold cave..' Lan Wangji gazed at his brother in law.. 'And we have to find who killed Xian's parents and that pedophile wants our Xian too..' Lan Wangji clenched his fist..

'We will.. And that will be tha last day in his life..' Lan Wangji thought..

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