Endergirl (SLOW UPDATES)

By Redlerman16

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Based off a fanfiction.net story. You're a 18 yr old male young adult that plays Minecraft a lot and you some... More

Chapter 1: Not us, but her
Chapter 2: But why are the donuts gone
Chapter 3: Cunning woman
Chapter 4: An unexpected axe wielder
Chapter 5: W- We didn't, n- nothing happe-
Chapter 6: A bone chilling scream
Chapter 7: I'm going to fucking kill you
Chapter 8: Cookies and cream
Chapter 9: Pure Malicious Evil
Chapter 10: Well it worked, didn't it?
Chapter 11: Pop
Chapter 12: You're tone deaf
Chapter 13: Exactly, what I was thinking
Chapter 14: The very same
Chapter 15: Stupidity
Chapter 16: Touch her again
Chapter 17: What's the café?
Chapter 18: Snowflakes in a blizzard
Chapter 19: Cold, dead hands
Chapter 20: Another one bites the dust
Chapter 21: Were you worried?

Chapter 22: Criminals among us!

37 2 0
By Redlerman16







Criminals among us!

Neither was David. Or Isaac. Or Key. Or the first year whose name escaped me. Raven was away too, but that happened on occasion. It was possible that their joint absence was coincidence, although that seemed extremely unlikely. Especially with the stories that spread like wildfire.

"They got caught up in a gang fight over drug money, for sure. I saw them." A blonde bitchy girl had confirmed at lunch.

"Those guys? Defiantly criminals. It's no wonder they had people after them." A football player had reported during design tech.

"I don't know what they're caught up in, but the way Isaac stole the principal's car was so badass!" An Isaac fangirl fangirled in first period.

I pushed up my glasses. "I thought Raven stole the car?"

"That bitch? Please, she doesn't have the balls."

But we both knew she was lying.

In a couple of hours, the six of them were practically celebrities. Both famous, and infamous. Everybody had mixed opinions, nobody knew the truth. And that's what made it so popular. Theories upon theories of what could have happened. A few crazy people said they saw Key disappear and reappear out of thin air, claiming something supernatural. Some thought they saw the entire crew wielding medieval style weapons, suggesting some secret vendetta. And others claimed the ones who chased them were demons of the evilest sort…

It all sounded like bullshit. But whatever it was, it was a brilliant story.

I rewound the report on my phone and hit play once more.

A smartly dressed news anchor sat behind an even smarter desk. She lined up her papers, and began speaking. "Yesterday, at an estimate of around one pm, a silver Porsche was seen speeding out of Saint Vincent's State School and onto public roads. In a vehicle intended for two, a total of six people were seen placed in the seats, and on the front and rear bonnets. In pursuit were several unknown figures, chasing them at what have been described as 'superhuman' speeds. Now these reports are all unconfirmed at the moment, but we've talked to several eye witnesses who agree with one another on these details. The car continued through several blocks, before veering dangerously onto the highway where it picked up speed. The crash was inevitable." It was as if the reporter finally took a breath before continuing. "We go now to Daniel Traily, who is live at the scene."

The view split to show a bundled up reporter, standing before a line of emergency vehicles. The shredded Porsche could be seen in the distance, a light patter of snow concealing it ever so slightly. "Thank you Mel. Now, what we see here are the leftover emergency services who are tending to the aftermath of the pileup. The four high school students, who we understand are in a serious condition, have already been delivered to the hospital." The camera rotated to show a small mess of cars and vans, backed into one another. "As you can see, the incident has entirely blocked the highwa-"

The video paused suddenly. Buffering… I reloaded the page. But instead of returning to where I had been, the screen ran blank, except for a few simple characters.

Error 404: Page not found.

"Interesting…" I pushed up my glasses. "Very interesting…"

Perspective Change: David

We had discharged ourselves from hospital. The doctor didn't have much of a problem with it, despite the nurse's wonderment. He looked at us, and he knew something was different. He didn't question it, nor did he remark on it, he just knew we no longer needed to stay.

I helped Amber up the front steps, onto the porch. She was still a little unbalanced, both from exhaustion, and a semi-healed broken leg. She had tried to walk on her own, but eventually gave up, placing an arm around my shoulders to steady herself.

"I can carry you."

"Really? I remember someone saying I was heavy." She replied with a glance.

My mind snapped back to our first meeting, in which I had run to her, and carried her home. "I never said that! You told me not to remember?"

"Yeah Amber, David picked you up without a hitch." Isaac said behind us.

Deadpan silence was the only applause he received for the spectacular pun.

"Move it." The principal spoke from behind our four man group, about as unamused as we were.

I sighed and rested Amber against the wall, reaching for the key in my pocket. The almost-elderly man had driven us home in a rather shiny four wheeled drive. How he could see over the dash, I would never know, but we were here none the less. The lock clicked and the door swung open to reveal a gloomy darkness. I went back for the girl in white, as the other three entered without ceremony.

"Where's your mother?" The principal asked, revealing the reason he had actually come.

I walked her through the doorway and into the media room, laying her down on the sofa. "Away, don't know when she'll be back."

The girl avoided my gaze, but nodded a thanks. Her shy side had made a small appearance.

"Where's your father?"

"Good question." I replied, moving to flick on lights and start the heater.

The man seemed to grasp my meaning, and hesitated before moving on. "Raven? You stay here?"

The redhead ascended the stairs, moving towards the shower. "Better than where I was."

"Isaac? Where are your parents?"

He looked confused for a second as he sat at the table, propping his feet on the glass. "Ask Amber."

I moved into the kitchen and put the kettle on, subtly noticing how Isaac had shifted the man's attention. Through the doorway, I saw him turn to Amber, who only smirked.

"Dead, I'd hope."

He swallowed at her blatant honesty. "So you guys live here, alone? What do you do for food?"

"David cooks." Isaac announced. "Although we did meet his ex-girlfriend at the coffee place."

"That's right." Amber affirmed with a little too much enthusiasm. "The one he had never talked about."

"Well you didn't exactly ask." I muttered from the kitchen, taking a set of mugs from the cupboard.

"What about money?"

"It's been my savings up until now. Speaking of which," I stuck my head around the corner. "If you know of any job opportunities that could support six people, I'd like to put forth my candidacy. Do you want tea, or coffee?"

He seemed taken aback by the whole situation, and the question. "C- Coffee, thanks."

I moved to prepare the drinks, already knowing that if I made one, I had to make six more.


I stepping into the dining room, calling upstairs. "Raven, are Key and Zoe up there?"

We had discussed where they had gone while we were waiting at the hospital. Isaac said he had heard a pop, after the car flipped, so we knew they had teleported away from the danger. We had presumed they'd be waiting for us at home, but so far… They hadn't appeared.

"No? Aren't they down there?" She called from the bathroom.

I looked around, concerned. Where the hell were they?

Perspective Change: Zoe

It was dark.

And it was cold.

I stumbled forwards on the uneven ground. The eerie mist that clung to everything made it impossible to see where my next footstep lay. We could be edging closer and closer to a cliff and we wouldn't even know it until it was too late.

Key stopped again.

My eyes flickered back to her, the Endergirl's outline only just visible through the pitch black haze. I squeezed her hand, trying to prompt her onwards. She was still shivering, only slightly now… A small tug led her one step, where she fell to a halt. My temper surged. I had lost count of how many times this had happened. She hadn't spoken, she hadn't said anything about where we were. I pulled hard on her arm, harder than I should have.

She trotted forwards a few paces, before falling, meeting the ground with a small thud and a whimper. My heart dropped with guilt.

I knelt down, reaching to help her up. "I'm sorr-"

She coiled away from my touch, crawling backwards.

I stretched a hand after her as her image began to fade. "Key!"

She pushed to her feet, and ran… Leaving me alone in the void.

Perspective Change: Felix

"Are we even allowed to publish things like this?" Amanda asked, looking over my shoulder.

I continued typing, the words forming in my head as my fingers ran across the keys. "Freedom of the press." I countered.

She gave a small humph, before turning and shuffling across the room, slumping down on the old couch in the corner. "I'm not sure if that applies to a school newspaper."

"Sure it does."

I heard her lay down, apparently giving up. She was the president, but her ruling wasn't exactly an iron fist.

Saint Vincent's Weekly. It was a fitting title. Nothing as cool as 'The Times', or 'Wall Street Journal', but it managed. We printed two hundred and fifty copies each week, distributing them mostly around the seniors, who didn't have time to read gossip and rumours. Our paper, focused on the facts, detailing stories with evidence to support them. We did of course, have a competitor.

St. Vince's Herald.

My jaw clenched at the thought. Printing around six hundred copies each week, their consuming audience was far larger than ours. All they talked about were relationships and crummy pop culture. The younger grades loved them, unable to differentiate between a reasonable report and pure speculation. Local advertisement supplied them with enough finance to double their production line, and even allow them to print… In colour.

The principal's car getting stolen? Students fighting off monsters? There was no way they weren't going to cover it. We had to get in before them, and we ha-

The door to our small room burst open. A small girl, blonde piggy tails, her breath coming out in gasps. She straightened suddenly, holding up a wrinkled article. "They published it!"

I jumped out of my seat, striding towards her and snatching the item. Colours filled the front page, a blurry picture of six individuals filling up the majority of it. The headline was in a striking bold, and far larger than it needed to be.


On Tuesday, the 29th, six students were confronted by what are suspected to be gangsters. Numerous eyewitness reports detail the figures quite specifically. "They all wore black, with purple hair! Definitely a gang." Says Madison.

Specific? There were only two details! You can hardly confirm they're gangsters by the way they're dressed. I read on.

But it would seem that the group of students, Amber, Key, David, Zoe, and Isaac Verona, as well as Raven Carter, had been waiting for them, as they all pulled guns from their blazers.

You've got to be kidding me.

After the first gunshot sounded, the crew split towards the carpark, while Isaac headed towards the administration block. Their pursuers gave chase.

There were no gunshots! And it was Raven who stole the car! Amanda, who had noticed my annoyed expression, read over my shoulder once more.

It wasn't long before Isaac drifted the principal's Porsche out of the carpark, the entire group piled onto the vehicle as they exchanged rounds with their enemies. What happened after that can only be left to imagination, but there's no doubt that they'll end up expelled.

I scrunched the pathetic excuse for journalism into a ball, letting it fall to the wooden floorboards below.

The president sighed behind me, returning to her couch. "Looks like they beat you to it."

I readjusted my glasses. "Not with that bullshit they didn't."


Perspective Change: Zoe

I had been walking for hours.

Or at least, what felt like hours. Time was a blur. There was no way to measure it, no sun to set or rise, no moon to pierce the darkness. I had long ago given up on calling her name. She was gone. So far away or so hurt that she wouldn't see me. I had left her alone again, and it was all my fault…

My next step dropped unexpectedly, and I fell forwards with a yelp. I tumbled downwards, my skin grazing against the unforgiving ground as I rolled, my limbs flailing. Something splintered as I smashed back onto the flat. My breath came in gasps as I tried to recover the lost wind, while I clutched at my throbbing side.

A droning chuckle echoed in the distance.

I froze, my breath still rapid as I gazed around hurriedly. "Who's there?"

"I thought, spiders, were supposed to be quick, on their feet…" The solemn voice paused at odd places. And yet, it sounded familiar.

I scrambled to my feet, wincing. "Where are you!?"

"The question you should be asking…" A pop echoed before a tall, masculine figure, appeared before me. His magenta purple hair waved unevenly in the non-existent wind. He clutched a tattered sword in one hand, while the other… Was just a stump, leaking crimson to the ground below. "Is where are you?"

His lifeless eyes gleamed with a grin.

Perspective Change: The Unnamed Servant

I pulled another Dorito from its packet, crunching down on it as I peered into the pool. It was an odd snack, but the humans enjoyed them, and I could see why. The taste was salty, while still maintaining a base of baked corn. The bubbly grain made it kind of enjoyable to crunch down on, making me want more. I took another.

A sigh escaped me as I watched Key fall to the ground, curling up in a little ball. And she was my favourite too… I pushed a greasy finger to the control panel, flicking the scene to another dimension.

My eyes rolled. David was still searching the house for her. For someone so naturally smart, he can be really thick-headed sometimes. Still… He had managed to protect everyone. I thought for sure someone would be dead by now, but they had managed it.

Not that they were anywhere near safe.

A hand reached into the packet, retrieving a few chips. My gaze snapped upwards to see the honey blonde menace standing right above me, gazing into the pool. I straightened, instantly on edge. I had seen that expression before, many times. It was by far her most dangerous…

She was bored.

"Has he done anything yet?" She exhaled, placing one of the snacks in her mouth.

I followed her gaze, watching him descend the stairs slowly. "He's just realised that Key and Zoe aren't there."

Crunch. "The Endergirl and the…"

"Spider." I finished.

"Anything else going on?"

Pausing, my memory ticked. "After the events on the roads, a series of reports sprung up. I wasn't able to contain them all straight away, but it shouldn't do much damage."

A small hiss escaped her. "Anything else?" Crunch.

"I think before long, they're going to have someone tailing them…"

"A human?"

"It would seem so."


Perspective Change: Felix

I stood awkwardly on the front porch, trying to decide if I should go through with it or not. Bundled up in my thick jacket and scarf, the cold still nipped at my ears. I shouldn't be here, really, this was wrong. But I had already gone to the trouble of checking the hospital…

I raised a knuckle to the door.

It swung inwards unexpectedly. A short, white haired man stared up at me. His eyes widened. "Good lord, tell me you don't live here as well Felix?"

"Wha- No. Wait, why?"

I saw the tall form of David standing behind the man and suddenly tensed. A small flicker of recognition played within his ocean blue eyes. I gave a shaky nod, which he returned.

The principal glared at me. "What have those idiots been up to at school?"

It was the first time I had seen the man so irritated. Then again, having your prized vehicle destroyed, wouldn't exactly put you in the best of moods. "Uhh… A bunch of ugly rumours have sprung up."

"Perfect." He pushed passed me, shuffling through the light snow to his huge four wheeled drive. "Absolutely perfect."

The remaining two of us watched him rev the husky engine, before swerving down the road. I turned stiffly back to David, who examined me closely.

"You're the one who came and got me, when Jacob was being a prick." He stated.

I pushed up my glasses, seeing that the act might work in my favour. "Yes, that was me."

He nodded, before stepping to the side. "Come in."

Brushing my shoes off on the welcome mat, I strode through the door. It was warm inside, and the lighting gave off a cosy glow, despite how big the place was. The first thing I noticed was Amber. She lounged on the sofa in the next room, a mug of coffee cupped in both hands and a blanket draped over her.

She sat up a little as she saw me. "You're…"

"Yeah, I'm in your class."

The girl relaxed slightly, but watched in interest. I noticed the scar again, not that it was hard to miss. Questions streamed through my mind as I recalled her ominous answer. 'Stupidity…' But now was hardly the time to ask. I barely noticed Isaac, as he seemed to blend in with his surroundings somehow. He sat behind the dining room table, boots propped up on it.

I looked back to David, who leant against the wall expectantly. He was tense, like he had been in the middle of something. But I spoke anyway. "My name's Felix, I'm with Saint Vincent's Weekly. I thought you might want to clear some things up before you go back to school."

He sighed. "Figured it was something like that… What's kind of things are people saying now?"

"Mostly that you got wrapped up in something criminal."

A wince escaped him as he moved towards the glassware table, nudging Isaac's shoes off it and taking a seat. He gestured to the one opposite before taking a sip from the mug before him. "Let's talk".

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