Chapter 7: I'm going to fucking kill you

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"I'm going to fucking kill you."

A bone chilling scream rocked me from my slumber.

It was sudden, and quick. But I was sure I had heard it. Isaac, who was still sitting against the wall, smirked. He knew who the yelp of pain had come from. He grinned when he saw me staring at him. "Serves her right."

"Serves who right?" I asked hurriedly, sitting up.

He motioned to the door. "See for yourself."

I watched him closely before standing up, grabbing my stone axe just in case. Pulling the door open, I gazed out into the night, my eyes straining to focus. At first all I saw were the endless hordes of monsters that dotted the night, crawling around in unrecognisable patterns. It took me a moment to notice the large group that was collected in a single place, they were chasing something...

And that's when I saw her. Any features were unrecognisable from this distance but the pure white hair that fell over her shoulders made my mind tick in recognition. White...

She was making for the mountains, undoubtedly looking for shelter, vaulting over obstacles as easily as Isaac had. She was fast, but so was the pack that tailed her. It was only now that I noticed her limp. It was subtle, but that was what allowed the mobs to continue gaining on her.

There was no way she was going to make it.

Without thinking I started down the cliff, fumbling half way and dropping to the earth beneath me. I winced at the sudden burst of pain. Isaac appeared above me. "Dude what the hell are you doing?"

"I can't just let her die!" I shouted back at him.

He rolled his eyes. "She's the one that tried to kill me. She'll kill you too idiot."

But I wasn't listening. Something told me I had to save her. There was no other option. Without a second thought I clutched my axe in both hands and set off into the night at a sprint. Isaac swore and dropped down behind me, soon catching up.

It didn't take us long to near her. All of the mobs within the vicinity were focused on the girl, so we didn't have to fight at all. But as we closed the gap I began to realise how treacherous this journey was. There were masses of enemies, more so than last night, and if we intervened they would all be fixated on us...

She was fast, but from here I could see the snapped off arrow shaft that dug into the back of her thigh. She was losing blood and slowly losing speed. My eyes widened in shock as her foot caught on an upturned stone. She yelped in surprise as she fell to the ground, skidding slightly on the dirt. The monsters didn't stop and neither did I.

Finally, I reached her but Isaac held back, wary. As I neared, I was taken aback. The girl that lay before me was nothing other than beautiful. Not cute, not hot... Just...


Her skin was fine while only slightly tanned, beneath the cloth and leather clothes she wore was a well-proportioned and curved figure, almost as if it had been carved by hand. And yet it was obvious that she was strong. She held what I presumed to be a curved bow, which was snapped in half along its centre, the two pieces held together only by the now useless bowstring.

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