By bellalovesfantasy

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By bellalovesfantasy

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Queen Ramonda was now in a Royal Talon , arriving back to Wakanda

"Queen Ramonda of the nation Wakanda gave an electrifying speech at the UN yesterday while members of her military escorted captive mercenaries onto the floor of the UN." A reporter stated.

"A year has passed since Queen Ramonda was reinstated as ruler of Wakanda after King T'Challa's sudden death from an undisclosed illness last year." Queen Ramonda continued to look at the screen and listened to what the reporter was saying.

"All eyes are on the tiny , powerful nation as it finds itself increasingly isolated..."

"My Queen. Approaching the river border." Okoye informed Queen Ramonda.

"We are home." Okoye said as the reached passed the gates and went inside of Wakanda.

Okoye flew passed many buildings and reached to their exact destination and landed.

Shuri was now in her lab and was working on a design.

(Y/N) was also in there , working alongside everyone else , helping them out.

"Princess." GRIOT said.

"Just a moment , I'm in the middle of something." Shuri said , still detaling the design.

"I understand Princess , however..." GRIOT tried to speak but Shuri cut him off.

"You're disrupting my train of thought." She told GRIOT , continuing her work.

Two doors opened as Queen Ramonda came into her lab.

"Shuri." Queen Ramonda called her.

Shuri turned around in shock , as she was not expecting her mother to be back so soon.

"Mother." Shuri said looking at her.

"I was trying to tell you.The Queen is here." GRIOT told her.

"Thank you." Shuri said , turning back to continue her work.

"That thing unnerves me.I think that one day artificial intelligence is going to kill us all."Queen Ramonda said starting to walk.

"My AI isn't like the movies , Mother.It does exactly what I tell it to do." Shuri answered.

"Yeah , if only children were the same." Queen Ramonda finished." I see everyone is working."

Shuri nodded to her mother as she was still focased to her design.

Queen Ramonda continued to look around and her eyes then saw , (Y/N) , her daughter's lover , helping and working on different things with other people.She smiled at him.

"I'm also seeing that (Y/N) is helping out others and working diligently aswell."Queen Ramonda added , still smiling.

Shuri then smiled warmly at him as she saw where her mother was looking."Yes.Rapid emergency response task.There could be a number of unknown threats on the horizon and he's creating and helping people with solutions." She told her mother.

Queen Ramonda then saw a design that Shuri made on display.

"Oh , what is this?" She asked.

"Exo Suits for our Army . It grants the user super-human strength , speed and durability."
She told answered about the suit."But as always , Okoye had notes."

"What were her notes?" Ramonda asked her.

"She hates them." Shuri replied.

"Oh." Ramonda said, slightly amused, but she clearly wanted to talk to Shuri about something and Shuri noticed.

"What about recreating the Heart-Shaped Herb?Have you made any progress on that?"Ramonda asked.

"Excuse me Princess , Nakia , daughter of Yaa is trying to reach you again.Maybe you should..." GRIOT started until Shuri cut him off again.

"Maybe you should contine your calculations as I instructed." She said looking at the hologram of GRIOT.

"As you wish , Princess." GRIOT replied.

She then looked back at her mother "We do not need the new herb , Mother.We need new technology."

"What of the Black Panther?" Ramonda asked.

Shuri then moved from where she was , slightly pissed off.

"The mantle has unified our nation for centuries." Ramonda told her.

"The Black Panther is a relic , Mother.I wasn't trying to save the mantle with the herb , I was trying to save my brother." Shuri told her mother as she continued to walk.

"Oh Shuri."

Shuri moved to another area to continue working.Ramonda was about to say something until she saw (Y/N) walking toward Shuri with his head down looking at a hologram , not knowing that the queen was there.

He then reached to where she was and Shuri only now noticed him and he just raised his head. "Hey love , I just finished..." he started but he then noticed Ramonda.

" My Queen " he said in Xhosa , with raised eyebrows. (Y/N) had secretly been learning Xhosa to kind of fit in with everyone else.

Shuri looked at him with raised eyebrows and a smirk grew onto her face as she somewhat found it very attractive with his voice.

Queen Ramonda nodded at him , smiling " It's lovely to see you , aswell as you are working diligently." She told him.(Y/N) smiled widely and nodded , he was about to say something until he recived a message from his teacher.

"Oh snap , my teacher just sent me a message , we have lessons in 2 hours." Shuri looked at him sadly , knowing that he had to leave the lab.To be honest , after T'Challa's death, Shuri has been a bit distant with her husband as she was taking time to heal, it would sometimes make her feel alittle guilty .He then looked up at her.

"I'll probably see you tommorow if it's too long.Take care okay?"Shuri smiled and nodded at him as he kissed her cheek , bowwed at Queen Ramonda as he walked over to the door.

Shuri looked at him as he went into the door.

"Do you know what day it is?" Ramonda asked her daughter.

"Tuesday." She simply replied.

"The date , child."

Shuri stopped what she was doing and turned to face her mother.

"Brother's passing."

"One year ago today." Ramonda finished.Shuri then walked over to her mother and held both her hands.

"Have you planned anything?" Shuri asked her.

"Yes.It involves you taking your mother for a drive." She said.

"Right now?"

"Right now." Ramonda repeated."And can leave your Kimoyo Beads here."


"No.No.You won't need them where we are going." Ramonda told her."Hmm?" She then placed out her hand for the beads.Shuri then took them off and handed it to her.

"And the other two." She said. Shuri looked at her in shock." Yes." Shuri smiled and shaked her head as she took them off.

Shuri and her mother were now outside Shuri's lab , it was night time , and they were both were sitting at a fire , by a lake.

"You need to sit here with me.And with yourself.It is the only way you are going to heal from the wound caused by T'Challa's death." Ramonda said to Shuri.

"I'm fine , Mother.You don't have to worry about me.He's gone , but I'm moving forward." Shuri said to her softly.

"T'Challa is dead , but that doesn't mean he is gone.When that illness took your brother from us.I had to lead a wounded nation and a broken world." Ramonda started and Shuri looked at her.

"But I still took time in the bush.I wandered until I found water.And I sat and I did this ritual that I am about to show you now."She told her daughter.

"I found your brother in the breeze , pushing me gently but firm.Like his hand on my shoulder." She looked at her daughter and placed her hand on her chin. "It took some time , but he was there." She tried to reassure Shuri.

"He wasn't there , Mother.The presence that you felt was just a construct of your mind.Brought on so you can feel some comfort or joy.That's all." Shuri spoke.

"Hmm , What construct does your mind create , when you think of your brother?Does it offer you comfort?Or torment?" Ramonda asked.

Shuri sat there , thinking for a few seconds , not being able to answer.

"Come , child." Ramonda said , standing up.

Shuri then walked over to her mother and Ramonda handed her furneral garments.

"How did you get this?" Shuri asked. "What does it matter?" Ramonda replied.

"What does this have to do with your ritual?" Shuri asked her , comepletly confused.

"Burning of the funeral garments marks the end of the mourning period and the beginning of a new relationship with our loved ones that have passed on..."Ramonda started.

"I'm not doing this , Mother.If i sit and think about my brother for too long , it won't be these clothes I'll burn.It'll be the world , everyone in it." Shuri said.

"Shuri...there's something that I need to tell you about your brother."

But Ramonda was cut off by and Elephant making a loud noise.

Shuri and Ramonda both took up spears and moved to where the elephant was.

"Mother wait!" Shuri said , running after her."What are you doing?"

Ramonda then stopped and looked at the water.
She then saw somehting emerging from the water.The figure then moved toward them.

Ramonda raised her weapon.

"This better not be a part of your ritual." Shuri said looking at her mother."It isn't." Ramonda replied.
The man was still flying toward them.

"Stop! Right there! Who are you? And how did you get in here?" Ramonda asked him , awaiting an answer.

The man then looked around before he spoke
"This place is amazing.The air is pristine.And the water..." He started.

"My mother told stories about a place like this.A protected land with people who never have to leaveThat never have to change who they were." He told them."What reason do you have to reveal your secret to the world?" He asked.

"I am not a woman who enjoys repeating herself.Who are you?" Ramonda asked him again.

"I have many names.My people call me K'uk'ulkan...but my ememies call me Namor.The American military detected vibranium under my nation's domain.I was able to stop them from mining it but we need Wakanda's help to prevent it from happening again." He said.

They use a machine designed by a American scientist." He informed them.

"Vibranium only exist here.In Wakanda." Queen Ramonda told him.

"Mother , he's covered in it." Shuri told her as she noticed.Ramonda then looked at him properly and saw what her daughter was telling her.

"Your son exposed the power of vibranium to the world.In response , other nations have begun searching the planet for it.His choice has comprised us." He told them.

"I think Wakanda could find the scientist and bring them to me?It is only fair that Wakanda helps to resolve our dilemma."Namor said.

"You do not sneak into my country and tell me what is fair." Queen Ramonda said to him.

"I have more soldiers than this land has blades of grass." Shuri furrowed her eyebrows at him."And they have incomparable strength.I would hate to come back under different circumstances."Namor said.

Namor then looked down and smiled.He then took out a shell and lowered down and placed it on the ground.Shuri and Ramonda followed his movements.

"When you have the scientist , blow into this , place it into the ocean.I'll be there shortly afterwards." He stood back up.

"For your own sake , don't mention anything about me to anyone outside of Wakanda."He said as he went back into the water.

"Did you see the wings on his ankles?" Shuri asked , her eyebrows furrowed in disgust.Ramonda nodded as she bent down and picked up the shell.Ramonda then looked to the side and watched in shock and Shuri looked as well.

They both saw the vibranium detector on the land.

"How did he do that?" Shuri asked "We must convine the council." Ramonda told her.

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