My Baby Alpha...

By ChikkiMugala

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Hey cuties 🥰🥰... This is my sixth story .... thank you all for your love and support for my stories ..hope... More

chapter 1 : marriage ....
chapter 2 : hug...
chapter 3 : tie...
chapter 4 : kiss...
chapter 5 : family ....
chapter 6 : murder...
chapter 7 : heat ....
chapter 8 : bad ...
chapter 9 : P ....
chapter 10 : mark ....
chapter 11 : park...
chapter 12 : clue....
chapter 13 : others ....
chapter 14 : happy....
chapter 15 : kids..
chapter 16 : mine....
chapter 17 : marking ...
chapter 18 :food ..
chapter 19 : cop ...
chapter 20 : truth ..
chapter 21 : culprit...
chapter 22 : alive ...
chapter 23 : hate ....
chapter 24 : the past...
chapter 25 : school ...
chapter 26 :teddy bear..
chapter 27 : naughty ..
chapter 28 : business ...
chapter 29 : shorts ...
chapter 30 : smell..
chapter 31 : mate ...
chapter 32 : park ...
chapter 33 : wound..
chapter 34 : sorry....
chapter 35 : tired...
chapter 36 : passed
chapter 37 : virus....
chapter 38 : drums....
chapter 40 : coincidence?...
chapter 41 : drunk ....
chapter 42 : serum...
chapter 43 : betray ...
chapter 44 : wait...
chapter 45 : talk ....
chapter 46 :yes...
chapter 47 : bad...
chapter 48 :perfect ...
chapter 49 : sign...
chapter 50 : hug...
chapter 51 : here ...
chapter 52 : for you ...
chapter 53 : nose ...
chapter 54 : fight ...
chapter 55 : kill....
chapter 56 : slut...
chapter 57 : tell me...
chapter 58 : socks...
chapter 59 : don't !!..
chapter 60 : love ....
chapter 61 : baby.....
chapter 62 : you...
chapter 63 : sea ...
chapter 64 : yes...
chapter 65 : candy...
chapter 66 : orphan ....
chapter 67 : momma..
chapter 68 : nat...
chapter 69 : college..
chapter 70 : go ...
chapter 71 : son ...
chapter 72 : deserve..
chapter 73 : care...
chapter 74 : sir ..
chapter 75 : mud...
chapter 76 : forever ...
New year ..New story 🎊
update ..

chapter 39 : soup...

341 29 18
By ChikkiMugala

Thomas pov :

I video called P thom ....he picked it and smiled in tears ....

P thom - munchkin ....are you okay?...

I nodded smiling ...

Tar came into the camera ...

Tar - P ~~~are you fine ?...

Little pie pushed tar away ...

Little pie - i should talk to P ...first ...

They both started fighting ...p thom took his laptop to his room immediately giggling ....

P thom - munchkin wanna see something ?...

Thomas - what is it P ??..

P thom - new drum set !!...

He giggled happily....

Thomas - woah P...that's so cool ....

He nodded happily .....

P thom - little pie bought it for me's so good right ?..

Thomas - yes P ...are you happy ?... Playing it everytime i guess ....

P thom - not that much na munchkin ...

He sat on his bed ...

P thom - are you eating well ??... Hmm ?..

Thomas - i should ask that P ?...are you eating well ?....

P thom - iam fine naa....

I nodded ...

P thom - when are you coming back naa ?.... I miss you na munchkin...

Thomas - just 3 months na P ...i can come home ...

P thom nodded pouting ...

Thomas - why are you pouting P ??..

P thom - iam so worried about you naa munchkin ....i..i miss you a lot naa...( sob ).... I don't feel good at all ...( sob )... C.come back soon na...

Thomas - P ~~~stop crying naa....iam fine ...see ....

I turned around infront of the camera ...

Thomas - iam really fine P ...don't cry naa....

He nodded sniffing ....

P thom - P san said to marry a human girl ...i..i don't want to ...

He said pouting ...

Thomas - don't do anything if you don't like P !!.... You are still young naa...we are just 22 na P ....

He nodded ...

P thom - i ...iam trying na munchkin....b..but i ...i didn't find my mate yet ..( sob ).... Iam such useless ....

Thomas - P !!.... Don't talk like that !!... I will be angry ....

He nodded ...

Thomas - look at me P....

He nodded and looked at me ..

Thomas - your mate will come to you P ....don't think too much and get sad like this ...when the time comes you will meet your mate ...okay P ?..

He nodded ...

Thomas - what about business P ?...

P thom - we opened 3 new branches....I am thinking of expanding our business into kids toys and education schools for our little family ...

Thomas - really P ??..

He nodded happily ...

Thomas - who are the investors P ??...

P thom - we don't need investers anymore naa.....we have enough money munchkin....

I smiled ....

Thomas - my P is the best ...

P thom - our little brothers and sisters are asking about you naa....i already told the construction team to build 100 new homes for new little brothers and sisters ...they will be in the range of 5 star hotels ...

Thomas - that's so good P ...

He smiled happily ...

P thom - i hope grandpa is happy ...

I nodded ...

Thomas - he will be so happy P ....

He smiled and nodded ... Later i talked to tar and little pie ...i ended the call and sighed ....i layed on the rock looking at the snow falling to ground...i don't know when P 's mate gonna come to him ....P thom is so sad ...hope he gets his mate soon and he goes back to normal ...i don't know where is P Mew ...but who did that ??... Who poisoned P thom ?...there are no answers for anything !...i sighed heavily ...

Tharn - i was about to kill that terrorist damn it!!...

I chuckled ...

Thomas - calm down na tharn ....we can get a chance next time ...

Tharn - bastards !!.... Why head told us to let him go?... I am so angry ...

I nodded ...

Thomas - its okay naa.... I am so tired ...huh....i wanna hug our little nong so tight ...arggh...i miss my tar ...

Tharn smiled ...

Tharn - i can feel him ...he is so sad ....

Thomas - don't allow him to talk to us na....he will cry again ...he cried a lot just now ...

Tharn - yeah ...

We smiled and went back to camp ....

Alex pov :

I hugged park from behind ...he stratled for a second and looked at me ...he hit my head smiling ...

Park - don't scare me na P...

Alex - mm....did you had your lunch baby ?...

Park - i did P ....what about the DNA results P ??...

Alex - yeah ...i got them ...they found the DNA in that virus and it matched with your DNA upto 80 percent ..

He turned around in shock !!!...

Park - t..that means ...

Alex - yes my friend told me that the virus was created with your blood or one of your family members blood baby ...

Park - my blood line ??...there is only me, P thom and P Thomas P .....

Alex - do one thing ....give me your brothers blood samples ....i will tell my friend to check the DNA again ..okay ??...

He nodded ...

Park - okay P ...

Alex - iam hungry naa....

He smiled ..he embraced my neck....

Park - what do you want to eat P ??....

Alex - mmm....let's go to my home ...will you cook me my favourite?...

Park pecked my lips...

Park - fine....

I smiled and we went to my home ....thank god there is none in the kitchen ....i helped him in chopping veggies and other ingredients...he made fish soup ...i smelled it ...woahh ... this will be so tasty for sure...

I pecked his lips....

Alex - thank you naa....

He nodded ...

Park - let me serve you na....

I nodded ....he served me the fish soup and sat beside me ....i tasted ....

Park - how's it P ?...

Alex - so tasty baby ...thank you ...

He giggled happily ....P ty came and sat beside me ...

P ty - mm ...nice soup ?..

Park - here P ...

Park served p ty too ....p ty tasted it and smiled ..

P ty - so good nong refreshing....

Park smiled came suddenly ...park stood up immediately...

Dad - mm...who is he ?...

P ty - it's nong park ....Alex's mate sir ..

Dad - ohhh i see ..sit down son ....

Park smiled and sat beside me ....

Dad - mm....did you cook it son ??..

Dad asked while watching park ...

P ty - yes sir....taste it's good ..

Dad sat infront of me ....park served him and forced a smile ....

Dad -'s good son son is lucky naa...

I smiled happily ....we all started eating ...p ty got a call ...he finished his soup soon and went to work and me are eating slowly ..

Park - aww...P ..why arent you eating fish pieces ??...don't you like them ?...

Dad - he eats them at last na son's his thing ...

Park - oo....

I nodded ...

Dad - by the way ....what's your P doing ?....

Park - huh ?..

Dad - your P ..what is he doing ?....

Park - i..i don't involve in his work much sir ...

Dad smiled ...

Dad - actually ...your brother ...refused my deal last week ....he wants to give everything free for the orphanges ...

Park nodded a bit ...

Park - i ...i don't know sir ..

Dad - nah..nahh...iam just saying na son ...

Park nodded forcing a smile ...

Dad - he is a great businessman ...

Park smiled ...

Dad - but ...what a pity...heard he is sick ....will he die if anyone stabs him or attacks him?....someone has to take care of him every day right ?.....what if his enemies kill him one day ??... Can he protect himself ?...i think no ....

Park looked at dad angrily ...i caught park's hand ...

Alex - Dad ~~~ what kind of questions are that ?....why are you talking about his brother ?...

Park - my P is completely fine sir ..thank you for caring about him !!..and for your question ....he can protect himself !!....

Park said angrily and walked out leaving my hand .....

Alex - dad~~

I followed park ....he is walking to the gate ...i caught his hand and pulled him into a hug .....he hugged me crying hard ...

Alex - iam sorry on my dad's behalf naa....please don't cry na baby ...

Park - can he talk like that ??..( sob ) P is fine ....( sob )...nothing will happen to my P !!....( Hiccup )....why would anyone hurt my P ?....( sob )... Why your dad is talking about my P dying ?...

I parted and wiped his tears ...

Alex - i...iam sorry na baby ....iam sorry..

Park - it's not your fault !!'s your dad who is talking bad about my P !!...( sob )... Stop apologizing P ....

Alex - okay...okay....stop crying naa....

He nodded a bit ...i wiped his tears and kissed his forehead ....

Park - my P is not weak P !! better make him understand !!.....

I nodded and hugged him ...

Alex - okay naa.....calm down na baby ...

He buried his face in my neck ....

Park - i wanna go home ....drop me at my home P....

Alex - baby.....i will talk to dad na...please don't go ...

He parted ...

Park - i can't stay where my P is degraded like this !!....and i won't come here again ...

Alex - what are you talking baby ?...

Park - i didn't said you can't come to my home na P ..... don't be sad .... Hmm ?...

I nodded ....

Alex - iam sorry baby ....

He smiled a bit and shook his head ...he kissed my forehead ...

Park - it's not your fault ...go and finish the food are hungry right ?..

I shook my head and hugged him tight ...

Alex - not anymore ....i just want you ...

He hugged me back and patted my hair ...

Park - my good P ..right ?.... You have to study in the evening too naa ...go and have lunch P ...

I shook my head ...

Alex - stay with me na baby ....please ...

He parted and kissed my forehead ...

Park - you can still see me naa ...we can meet tomorrow P....i need to go to my brother ..

I nodded ...he smiled and pecked my lips ...i dropped him near his P's office ....damn's so big !!....almost 100 floors shining in the sun like a star ....he hopped off my bike and pecked my lips ...i pecked his forehead ...

Alex - iam sorry again na baby ...

He smiled and caressed my hair ...

Park - byee P ...

I nodded and went to home back after giving the blood samples to my friend....i finished the is on the couch ...i sat beside him ...

Dad - done pampering your mate son ?...

Alex - dad ....why did you talk like that to park ??...he loves his P so much ....

Dad nodded ...

Dad - i was just angry that his brother refused to work with us ...that's it personal feelings son ...

Alex - b..but ....why dad ? should have dealt with his brother not park ...park didn't do anything right ??..

Dad smiled and ruffled my hair ...

Dad - you don't understand politics son .....why will people vote for us if someone gives them free education and shelter ?...most of the kids are under his brother's shelter ....i want to be the president !!.... I told him to support me sending my assistant ...he said he don't expect anything from the orphan kids and adults ...he said he will give them everything for free ...seriously ??....what will happen if mr.thomson support us ?...

Alex - then ....why don't you explain him that we do good for people too dad ?...

He chuckled ....

Dad - go and study na.... Your entrance exam is near ...

Alex - but dad..

His eyes shined in yellow ...i sighed and went back to my room ...i never seen dad like this !!... I think he is definitely hiding something from me and P ty ....what if the virus thing connected to dad ?....

It's dad's hospital anyway !!....i should find it out....and how dad knows park's brother ?....i didn't said his surname or something !!.... p thom didn't revealed his brothers faces to the world till now !!...then does dad know it ?......

I shook my head which is full of questions ....should find this virus thing !!...

How's the chapter??...

Question - any ideas about the virus ?...

Comment me down your thoughts...

I will upload a new chapter soon...

Until then ..

Luv you cuties...

Your author ❤️❤️

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