The Mafiosa's Thorn

By Carlos_G_Peralta

2.1K 515 4.8K

Ever since her husband's tragic passing, Bianca Petali has continued his legacy as boss of the Petali Organiz... More

Author Notes and Mini Reviews
Meeting Pt 1
Meeting Pt 2
A Lit Fuse
Run & Hide
End of A Barrel
Orchidea's Home
Telephone Game
Relief & Tense
Dress Up
Rock Bottom
A Moment of Peace
Final Night Pt 1
Final Night Pt 2
Fresh Start


30 8 90
By Carlos_G_Peralta

Marco lets his boss enter Diego's apartment to check on her child. The stocky man with a build of a pitbull leans back to relax.

Teary emeralds meet the spitting image of her daughter. From the green eyes to the straight silky black hair. Her daughter gasps from seeing the bandaged shoulder wound.

Bianca embraces her child who doesn't return the favor. She plants numerous soft kisses on the side of her head. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I didn't expect Richie to do all of this. Let's leave and-"

Her child pushes her away. "How could you?"

The question stuns her. "What?"

"You lied to me! You and Dad!"

Bianca reaches for her hand, but she pushes it away. She walks behind the table to keep distance between them. Marco stays in place, not knowing what to do.

Her mother doesn't take a step further. "La mia fragola (My little strawberry), what is it?"

"Don't call me that! Not after what you both did!"

She figures out that Isabella knows about the Petali Organization. "You need to understand-"

Her daughter spins around in fury. "What? That you both murder? That you bribe the police? The countless crimes?"

Bianca sighs. "I don't deny what we did. But we had to do that to keep you safe."

Isabella almost delivers a freezing stare of her own. "Safe?"

"You know what I mean. I will be honest with you."

"Why....did you take over after dad?"

"It was a spur of the moment, but I wanted to be the protector of this family."

"Funny how that turned out," her words laced with venom.

"Ms. Petali, don't be rude!" Marco scolds her. A raised hand by her boss has him bite his tongue.

"You must feel so powerful when you do that. Is that what you want for me?"

She shakes her head. "I want you to pursue your dreams. I don't want this life for you. I tried to hide this from you, but....."

"You hid something else from me. My half-brother."

Bianca's stomach flip flops. "I...was going to tell you when you got better. How did-"

Isabella clutches her arm. "Right after dad's death. An envelope came with his name on it. The same handwriting like before. Dad said it was from a friend so I opened it.....I saw him. A younger copy with his smile and looks. His cake with ten candles on it."

Her daughter marches up to her. Judging her for everything.

"Isabella, listen-"

"No! He cheated on you...and you stayed?!"

"It's not that easy to understand. Your father wasn't perfect, but we worked it out. We did it for you."

Tears flow down her daughter's face. "Don't say that! You both lied to me!"

Bianca's hands are swatted away from comforting her child. She stands still, letting her child process her emotions. Isabella turns her back to her. Her sniffling breaks her parent's heart.

"Was....anything I did praiseworthy or was it because of you?"

"Everything you do is praiseworthy, my child. That will never change."

"I don't believe you."

She relays to her particular times that made her question things. How her last name would drop a blanket of fear into the room. The sickly-sweet talk that her classmates and teachers would give her.

How she was given a re-take of a failed test along with extra help that no one else would get. The minutes long applause she would get from her recitals. That they were afraid to clap last.

A time when her father took her to a basketball game without paying a dime. He claimed it was all taken care of ahead of time, but she saw a wad of money being slipped into his jacket. How at his funeral, everyone outside the family paid their respects to Signor Petali instead of his full name. When she found about the drug operations her mother ran, it all made sense.

"People only love me because of the family name!" she accuses.

"That's not true! You worked hard for everything you did. I don't have your piano skills."

Isabella's lips quiver. "I'm glad I'm not like you. I hate you."

Bianca's heart cracks.

Her daughter twists her words deeper than a knife. "When I found out, I went to a dealer so I can end my lie of a life. I wish I never came from your womb!"

"Isabella, you don't mean that," her voice cracks.

The young Petali crosses her arms. "I mean it. Now that I'm alive, I never want to see you again. I want to be with my baby brother. The sibling you failed to give me. My first sibling died because she refused to be a part of this family. I don't blame her-"


Isabella's eyes widen. The sting on her cheek rings in her head.

Bianca's emeralds waver. That moment when her late husband blamed her came back. She walks to her with regretful eyes. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-"

Isabella runs into a room and locks it.

Her mother knocks on the door repeatedly. "Please. Talk to me."

Her daughter's silence poisons her. Weakness has her clutching her heart. Her back sinks against the wall. Marco helps her sit down on the couch. He gives them both a moment to breathe.

Guilt becomes a roommate in her heart. Despite the wanting to cry, no tears are shed. She blames the Orchidea side of her for not letting her process the pain.

Marco knocks on the door. "Ms. Petali?"

"Don't use my last name!"

"Isabella, please come out. Your mother loves you."

"She's not my mom!"

"She did everything to keep you safe. Even now," Marco tries to reason with her. "Talk to her."

"Is that an order?"

"No. Just don't end it like this."

Moments pass. Her phone buzzes. A text from Miguel who wanted to check on things. She quickly messages that everything is okay. Her heart cracks from lying to him.

The door finally opens. Isabella storms over to her mother, before sitting down. Bianca glances over. Hatred and pain directed at her. Every ounce of it deserved.

She feels so weak that Orchidea takes over. "If you want to be with your brother, I will give you the money to visit-"

"I'm not coming back. I'm staying with him while starting a new life. I will continue my rehab over there."

She squeezes her eyes for a moment. "Okay. I will arrange the first flight out of here. I will take care of your school paperwork so you can transfer to the school of your choice."

"Fine. I...also want to change my last name and not receive any of your legacy. I don't want to hear your voice again."

The leader of the Petali Organization maintains that icy stare while not looking at her. She nods her head.

"Would you like Marco to accompany you?"

"I don't want any more of your life around me."


"Ms. Pet- I mean Isabella, would you need help in packing?"

"I got it."

"Isabella, I still love you," Bianca utters out loud.

Her daughter doesn't say anything back to her. Her mother buys her a ticket for California. Funds placed into her daughter's account. She places a call to her late husband's mistress, explaining what will happen.

Maria says she will pick her up and take her in as part of the family. Relief settles Bianca's heart.

She orders a taxi to pick her up for the airport. She sends the flight details to her daughter who's ready to leave this life.

"At least...let me see you off," she begs.

Isabella slams the apartment door and runs off. Bianca nears the window and undoes the blinds. She texts Luis that everything is alright and to let it happen.

The young Petali doesn't even look back while entering the taxi. Her mother watches as the car takes her away. Her legs buckle underneath her, but Marco catches her.

"Let's get you some rest, Signora."

She doesn't say a word as he helps her up. She leans on his arm as he takes her downstairs. The door of the limo opens. Miguel runs out to her, seeing that hopeless look on her face.

"What happened? Where's-"

"I gave her a new life."

Pain dripping with every syllable. Despite not knowing the context, he goes to embrace her...but she pushes him away.

She enters the limo. "Let's rest for a while."

"I have a place," Marco suggests while getting inside.

Miguel sits down near her. He offers his hand, but it remains empty. His fingers stroke her hand, but she withdraws it.

An uncomfortable silence sits between the couple. Miguel vows to himself to be patient for the woman he loves.

Despite not saying a word, her heart begs for his gentle hands. She hates that her mind and body are refusing his touch.

The pain of it all leads to tears flooding her face. Marco looks away, pretending not to notice her pain. Luis' breath hitches. Diego doesn't know what to say.

Miguel latches his arms around her body. She tries to push him away, but he refuses to let go. Her body surrenders to his gentle touch. She wails into his chest. Sadness soaking his shirt.

His hand rubs her back in circles. He refuses to let go. Not even for a moment.

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