Not all heroes wear a cape (A...

By harrisonwellsfan999

2.3K 29 26

Harry Wells is a 16 year old genius who co-runs STAR labs. He is told that his people skills are terrible, so... More

Character stats, and Bio
The top three villains
ch2: sweet justice
ch3: Hero assembly and testing
ch4: first full week of school: Monday

Ch1: first day.

381 5 0
By harrisonwellsfan999

(Harry's pov)

Harry is driving to school with his guardians who happen to be his grandparents. It's Friday and Harry is wearing a long sleeve black shirt and grey sweatpants, along with his glasses and watch. His Grandma is about 5.7 feet tall while his Grandpa is 5.9 feet tall. So Harry is taller than them. The car pulls up to the school and his grandma turns to him.

 "Sweetie, please try to enjoy it here. I know you liked homeschooling with your parents but this could help you learn all sorts of new stuff." She said encouragingly.

"I'm above high school level in academics what else would I need." Harry asked.

 "Well for starters, experience with people. You remember what happened at STAR labs." His grandpa said.

"That worker keep saying she didn't get my email for instructions, I go over there and check their computer and there was 5 emails with the instructions. I think what I said was well deserved." Harry said irritated. 

 "Even if it was well deserved you shouldn't have done what you did after." His grandma said.

 "That supervisor was fine." Harry said irritated.

 "You threw a stapler in anger and it was open and hit him in the head, there was a staple in his head." His grandma said.

Harry Laughs for a moment.

 "That's not funny." His grandma says with a stern look.

"No but his face looked so angry, like a troll. I laughed when he charged at me and chased me." Harry said amused. 

 "Yeah and he's now demoted." His grandpa commented  

"Look, you probably don't need to study for things related to math, science and history. But things like English, social skills and PE are things you need for health and society." His grandma says pleading 

"Okay. I'll try. Do you have my schedule?" Harry asks.

"Right here." She says giving his schedule

First: Calculus

Second: History

Third: English


Fourth: PE

Fifth: Chemistry

Sixth: computer science  

 "Alright I will see you guys later." Harry says stepping out of the car. 

"Love you." His grandparents say to him.  

 "Love you too." He says back. 

Harry waves his hand as they drive away. He turns to see the entrance of the school. He walks in and see the stairs, lockers, and people. He walks with his bag on his back because he didn't want a locker. Harry walked around seeing people look at him. They knew that he was new. Harry sits on the stairs waiting for the first period to start. Little did he know that an angry Carol Ferris was running from the second floor to yell at Hal Jordan for hanging out with Jessica. She charges down the stairs, tripping over Harry. She falls down the stairs face planting onto the floor. Harry rolls down landing on his back, he gets up with a searing pain in his neck. 

 "Aaah! Watch where you're going!!" Harry says angry

Carol gets up and looks at him.

"You should have gotten out of the way!!" She says also angry.

"What could possibly be so important?!" Harry asks loudly and angry. 

 "My boyfriend is hanging out with another girl!" She says dramatically 

"Well then give him my sympathy, because you seem like a major parasite!!" Harry say tauntingly.  

Carol charges at Harry and he runs away. He's laughing the entire time. 

(Kara pov)

Kara is putting away her bag so she didn't have to carry it around the entire day. She gets a text from Jessica.


Jessica: Hey Kara did you study for the history test?

Kara: Crud! I forgot to.

Jessica: It's fine I'll give you some notes.

Kara: Thanks Jess, you're a lifesaver. 

Jessica: No problem.

(End texts)

Kara begins to hear the sound of angry yelling and hysterical laughing? She turns behind her to see Carol Ferris chasing a tall kid in a Black shirt and grey pants. Kara is confused by his laughing. He stops in front of her.

 "Sorry." He says with a nervous grin. 

He steps to the side and Carol tackles Kara instead of Harry. Kara isn't affected by the tackle and is still standing, while Carol falls to the ground. Carol is on the ground tired. She gives up and walks away. Kara turns smiling at the guy she had just met.

She is laughing at what happened "dude, what did you do to make her that angry?" she asks.

"I may have called her a "Major parasite"" Harry says.

Kara Loudly laughs "oh man you really weren't afraid of her?!" She asks still laughing. 

"Afraid, I don't even her." Harry says plainly 

 "Are you new?" Kara asks.

"Yep, I'm Harrison Wells, but call me Harry." He says reaching his hand out. 

 "Nice to meet you Harry, I'm Kara Danvers." She said shaking his hand.  

"Nice to meet you Kara." Harry says. 

The bell rings.

"Hey it was nice to meet you but I have to get too calculus." Harry said. 

"Hey I have to go there too." She says.

"How do you know we have the same class?" Harry asks. 

"There's only one calculus class at this time." Kara states. 

"Huh. Well this is my first day at a real school so I wouldn't know. I was homeschooled until a few months ago." Harry explains.

"Wait you were homeschool your whole life?" Kara asks.

"Yeah, I was raised by scientists for parents so they thought they could give me the best education. They were right." Harry states. 

"Huh, okay. Do you want me to show you to class?" Kara asks.

"Sure." Harry replies 

The two of them walked to class. Kara walks into the room first, then Harry does. Kara sits at her desk, watching the teacher speak.( That one math teacher from #EmperorPenguin)

"Alright class we have a new student with us today. Please welcome Harrison Wells." The teacher says point to Harry. 

(Harry pov)

Harry walks up to the middle of the classroom.

"Hi. So does anyone have questions? Because I'm not sure what to say." He says.

Some people laugh. A redheaded girl raises her hand.

"Yes, and whats your name?" Harry asks. 

"Name's Barbara. And my question was what school did you go to before her?" She asks. 

"None. I was homeschooled. Anymore questions?" He says.

A hand in the back is raised.

"Yeah." He responds

 "Where did you learn your manners from?" A higher female voice says. 

Harry recognized the voice. 

"Oh no not you again." Harry says while facepalming.   

People move their heads to see it was Carol Ferris.

"Look what I said to you was a fraction of what you are. You're really more like Freddy Krueger if he was after a lover instead of revenge." Harry says. 

A bunch of people start laughing at the joke. 

"When you walk into a room, the song "Hide and seek" seems appropriate to play." Harry adds. 

(Here's the song I'm talking about)

Carol sits down frowning.

"Alright, Harrison, take your seat before something is said that we can't take back." The teacher says.  

Harry took his seat and the class began. Harry didn't listen to the lesson because to him the lesson was easy. When the class was over he went to his next one. This time he payed attention so that he could discuss the subject with the teacher. Once that class was over he went to english a subject he struggled with. After spending time in a class he hated, Harry turned in his work and walked to the cafeteria. Once he got his food he sat at a table alone. After halfway finishing his food he was approached by a dark skinned girl with short hair, jewelry, and a jacket. 

"Whyy hello." Said the girl with a seductive voice.  

"Hi. Can I help you?" Harry asks

 "Yes, you insulted my friend Carol, now I want you to take back what you said before we make you." She explains.

"Hang on, what's your name first?" Harry asks.

"Selina." She replies.  

"Well Selina, I'm not apologizing to, Carol was it? I'm new so I don't know anyone's names." He says.

"Just take it back and this can all be done with." She says with a little hissing sound.

Harry gets up and looks her in the eyes. 

"Tell her to talk to a therapist, because she's crazy, vindictive, and co dependent." Harry spat.  

Selina walks away angry. Harry sits eats his lunch, he suddenly notices that his watch is gone. He walks to Selinas table. He slams his hand on the table.

"Give it back." Harry says angry

"Give what back?" Selina replies sarcastically 

"My watch, I know you took it." Harry says.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She says sarcastically.  

(Jessica pov)

Jess and her friends were watching the argument happen at their table.

"Who is this guy again?" Jessica asks

"Harry Wells, he's cool. He's quite the nerd though, but he has guts." Kara says.

"How so?" Diana questions. 

"He made Carol so mad that she chased him throughout the halls, and he laughed the entire time." Kara says. 

"Wow. I could never do that." Barbara says.  

 "Why did he make her mad?" Jessica asks. 

"I don't know. But I know that calling her a"major parasite" will do the trick." Kara states.  

"Yikes. He actually said that?" Zee asks

"Uh oh, guys." Karen says.

 "Yeah?" Jessica responds.

"He being picked up by Doris." She says. 

They look to see Harry being lifted above Doris.

"OH CRUD." Jessica says. 

(Harry pov)

 "Apologize." Selina demands.

 "NO." Harry responds.

"Then I'm keeping it." She says.

"That watch was my Grandpas, if you don't give it back I'll burn your purse." He says.

"You're the one being lifted right now." She states.

 "And yet I'm still not scared of you six." He says.

Just then Jessica and her friends show up and deescalate the fight.

"Okay whats going on?" Jessica shouts.

 "She stole my watch!" Harry states.

 "He won't apologize!" Selina states. 

The two of them look at each, teeth gritting and angry eyes. Jessica pushes them away from each other.

"Okay enough you two, Selina give him his watch back, Harry say you're sorry." Jessica commands

"No." Both Harry and Selina say. 

 "Why not?" Jessica asks.

"Because what I said it true and what she's doing is stupid." Harry says.

"What I'm doing is not stupid." Selina says.

"Oh it so is." Harry says

"Stop!!! Seriously, I'm ending this." Jessica says. Jessica walks to Selinas chair takes her bag and pulls out a watch.

"Here." She says throwing Harry his watch. Harry catches the watch and puts it on.

 "Now you say sorry." She says.

"I will to her, but not too Carol, she the reason that I'm going to see a doctor after school."  Harry explains. 

"It was an accident." Selina hisses.

"It really wasn't." Harry states.

"How?" Selina asks.

"She was running to yell at some guy she claims to be her boyfriend, for hanging out with another girl." Harry explains.  

Selina looks at Carol with a glare. "You said he tripped you for fun." Selina states.

"Wellll..." Carol says.

"Great, I just did all this because of your stupid obsession." Selina says. 

"Great, now if you'll excuse me. I would like to go eat before it gets too cold." Harry says before leaving. Harry walked off back to his table and ate the last of his food. Soon he was joined by Jessica Cruz.

"Oh hey." Harry says. 

"Hey, so why didn't you just apologize?" Jessica asks.

"Because I'm a sincere person and an apology would be pointless because I wouldn't mean it." Harry explains.

"You are a complicated person." Jessica says.

"You sound like my therapist." Harry states.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to come to sweet justice with us later." Jessica offers.

"What's sweet justice?" Harry asks.

"It's a dessert parlor everyone goes to after school, you interested?" Jessica asks.

Harry thought for a moment. "Okay." He responds.  

"Great see you after school." Jessica says.

"Wait you'll need to send me the location." Harry says.

"Okay what's your number?" She asks.

Harry pulls out his phone and hands it to Jessica. "How about we type our numbers into each others phones." Harry asks.

"That works too." Jessica says. They type their numbers in and Jessica sends the location to Harry.

"Alright see you after school." Jessica says leaving.

 "Okay. Wait why are you inviting me?" Harry asks.

"Even though you're frustrating to deal with, I think people can really be great if you give them a chance." She replies. 

"Wow, thanks. I glad you're giving me this chance." He says. 

"Anyway I'm gonna head back to my table, see you later." She says.

"Okay then, see you later." He says watching her leave.

The day went by quick, the subjects were easy except for PE and English, once school was out Harry walked out of school and saw his grandparents car. He walked towards the car and got in. He told them about his day, the arguments the friends he made, and about the why he needs to check in with a doctor he also about how he was meeting up with some people at a dessert parlor, he asked if they could drive him there after the doctor visit, they said yes. He told his grandparents the location for later and they drove to the doctors.

Writer: Hey so I hope you liked this first chapter. I will update on my own time but in the meantime I want to get more readers, so share this story with others, once this chapter and the bio both have 200 reads each then I promise you another chapter. Okay bye.

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