In the shadow of your heart

By MettinaRose

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From friends to lovers, against all the odds. Your magic woke up late for a reason. It was written in the sta... More

Sebastian's letters
Bonus chapter "Art"


946 44 4
By MettinaRose

  There is that familiar, sophisticated corridor. The floor and walls are full of blue marble and gold. Graphorn is resting in my Nab-Sack now. It's a race against time, but I can't seem to make my legs move faster. I feel slow. Way too slow.

  The corridor ends abruptly with a set of stairs. A long bridge is at the bottom. My head spins from exhaustion as I move down as quick as I possibly can and cross the bridge without taking a long-needed break. A short corridor after it ends with the portrait of San Bakar. The man is waiting for me already.

"Professor Rackham was right to have had faith in you." I see San Bakar's smile for the first time. "My memories should answer any questions you may have about the power you will need to protect." The man bows at me and waits. My slow brain realises: that's it. There won't be a long speech this time.

  "Thank you, Professor Bakar. I shall see you back in the Map Chamber." I bow to the man and start going down another set of stairs. The corridor leads me straight to the familiar room with Pensieve.

  I am caught off guard a bit. I expected more fighting. Another Protector and at least a few dozen Guardians, but there is nothing. Just the Pensive in front of me with another artefact glowing and floating above it. I guess taming Graphorn was my Trial. I collect the artefact and dive into San Bakar's memory at once.

  Darkness. The only sources of light are the moon and the little what comes through a creak in the slightly open door. San Bakar comes to a familiar house. "Hello? Isidora?"

  The man tries to knock but as soon as his fist touches the door it opens a bit more. San Bakar proceeds to let himself in.

  A lonely candle on the table. Fire is crackling in the hearth. A man sits at the table with his back to the Professor.

"Oh, Mr. Morganach, I-" San Bakar mutters and walks up to Isidora's father.

  The man does not react until the Professor touches his shoulder. Only then does the wizard look up. His eyes are a glowing silver. Cold and hollow. Emotionless. San Bakar turns around and quickly walks away. His face is pure horror.

"San. I'm glad you're here." Percival Rackham greets his friend. The room looks like an office in the castle.

  "Isidora was not at her home." San Bakar starts talking, but his voice betrays him. The man's face could only be described as 'deeply concerned'. "But - her father. Oh, Percival." The wizard looks at Professor Rackham at last. " It is as though he was stripped not only of his pain, but of all emotion."

"Everything is much worse than I feared. Niamh was right. Isidora hasn't stopped." Percival Rackham paces around. A huge contrast to his companion frozen in place. "I have just learned that she has been wielding that magic on students." The Professor shocks San Bakar even more.

"We must gather the others." The man whispers to Percival Rackham.

The cavern is massive. A long stone bridge leads to a closed area that looks like a fancy locket you could put a pearl in. But instead of this pearl, there is a glow coming from the inside. Four Professors are hurrying towards a single student crossing the bridge. San Bakar grabs the boy's shoulders and examines his face. "I need you to return to your common room. All right?" The man commands and the student nods. The boy is gone the next moment.

There is an orb full of magic in the metal locket-like cage. And Isidora walks towards the Professors from behind it. "What have you done?" Percival Rackham's angry voice is echoing through the cave.

  "Take a breath." Happy Isidora beams at the newcomers.

"Students, Isidora?" The old man proceeds to scold the young witch. Her face changes to anger in an instant.

"Everyone feels pain. And why? Because of your arrogance. Your obsession with secrets." Isidora spits out every word. "They won't suffer any longer. Not my father, not my students." The witch's voice gets louder. "No one."

The four Professors take their wands out. Ready to attack any moment. "Isidora, set down your wand." Percival Rackham warns the young witch.

  But she just takes a step closer and takes her wand out as well. "Professor. You taught me to hone my power, not throw it away." Isidora's face is desperate.

  Percival Rackham shakes his head. The man's voice is full of disappointment as he says, "I did not teach you this." And he attacks the young woman.

Isidora blocks the spell with minimum effort and returns the favour. Everyone but Professor Rackham gets a rough landing and hits the walls of the metal cage. But the witch looks only at him. Isidora is as disappointed with his actions as the professor is with hers. Percival Rackham attacks again and this time their spells join. An arrogant smile blooms on Isidora's lips. She is much stronger. Charles Rookwood joins his friend but there is nothing even the two of them together can do. She consumed way too much power. Isidora Morganach is still way stronger than those two men.

  San Bakar kneels over Niahm Fitzerald's motionless body. The man looks desperate as he glances at Isidora, overpowering his two friends, and then back at the woman in front of him. His voice is almost hysterical as he stands up and casts the curse. Avada Kedavra. Isidora is dead even before her body hits the floor.

  San Bakar and Charles Rookwood hurry to where their friend lies. "She's alive." The first man mutters and glances at his other friend. Percival Rackham is crouched over Isidora's body. The man is examining the dead witch's wand.

  I breathe in. There are so many thoughts running through my head right now. I was right about the power. Using it is dangerous and will harm Anne. Might harm me as well, but I have no other choice.

Professor Fig is pacing in front of the portraits in the Map Chamber. As soon as I start walking, my steps echo through the room, all eyes are on me. I don't let anyone say a word. "The caverns below Hogwarts - where you fought Isidora. Is that the location of the final repository?"

The Keepers exchange a glance. Percival Rackham nods to my question. "It is." The man confirms. "You see, we could not destroy the strands of emotion Isidora had stolen from so many. So we did all that we could to keep them safe."

  No more lying and playing around with the words. The Professor tells me the whole truth this time. How they also realised that until the strands of emotion could be destroyed, the magic used to create them was a danger to wizardkind.

  "Hence, we became Keepers. Keepers of an unfathomable secret. We knew that - some day - one with the ability to see traces of ancient magic might be seduced by its power." So they built the trials to lead that person to them. To allow that person to prove to be worthy of the knowledge they'd kept hidden and the responsibility that accompanies it.

"Have I not proven myself, Professor? I need to get to that repository before Ranrok does." I try my best to hide the desperation in my voice. This whole speech is too long. We need to hurry.

  To my surprise, Professor Rackham nods. "You have, and you will. But the repository is protected by powerful Ancient Magic. To enter, you must craft a special wand from the four artefacts you found above our Pensives." Then I must go now and craft this wand. Perhaps Mr. Ollivander will help me. "Return with the wand, and we will open the way forward."

"I shall send an owl ahead to Ollivander. Whilst you visit him, I'll reach out to Professor Weasley." Professor Fig leads me out of the Map Chamber. Professor Weasley? I raise my brow in silent question. "I may have made an error in judgement by not informing her of Ranrok's intentions earlier. I only hope it's not too late. If Ranrok really is going to try to drill below Hogwarts, we'll need all the help we can get."

  I nod and open the door. "All right, professor. I'll see you soon."

I start running towards the stairs and see Sebastian sitting there. The guy gets up quickly as he sees me. It never felt better being in his embrace. I tell Sebastian about what I have to do and promise to be back soon. The guy fights fiercely to come with me, but I have a task for him. We will need more Wiggenweld potions. And he is the best potion master I know, if we don't count Sharp. At that we agree to meet in the Slytherin common room in two hours.

  There's Ollivanders. I rush up the street. I've never been panting this badly in my life. But that is what a day that starts with fighting does to you. I just hope the old wizard can help me craft the Keepers's wand.

I take a moment to breathe for a bit in front of the shop. The street is lively. Music can be heard from the distance and there's dancing in the main square. People are living their best life. The Christmas mood is still in the air. I promise myself to take a break and enjoy some dancing once it's all over. The door creaks as I open it.

  Mr. Ollivander received the owl already and been waiting for me. This spares me the awkward explanation. I hand over the four artifacts to the wizard. "I think I can work with what you've brought me. Let me see what I can do." The man leaves me alone.

  First few minutes of waiting I stand still, unable to tame my wild thoughts. But then I start pacing. It doesn't make thinking easier, but at least helps with the raising level of anxiety. The longer Mr. Ollivander is gone, the worse the feeling in my chest gets. As if some creature scrapes me with the claws from the inside.

I look out. The sun starts going down. I hope Sebastian is not too worried. I couldn't imagine this would take so much time. Even pacing around doesn't help anymore. I look out the window once more, trying to figure out how much time had passed. Mr. Ollivander almost makes me jump as I turn around to see him right behind my back. "It is done."

  The wand looks magnificent. The old wizard closes the box and gives it to me. "I should warn you that I've never seen a wand like this before. My suspicion - as Professor Fig implied in his letter is that it serves a unique purpose. I doubt you shall find much use for it otherwise." Mr. Ollivander's smile is gentle. A faint hint of awe on his face.

  I bow to the man. "I understand. Thank you, sir."

The street is empty. No more music. No more dancing. A shiver runs down my spine. Something is not right.

Victor Rookwood lazily walks toward me, playing with his wand. I get mine out at once, but the man just chuckles. "I'm afraid you're on your own. I've ensured that we have a moment to ourselves." I point my wand at his face and the man throws his hands up. "Come, come. No need for such theatrics. In light of what Ranrok now knows, you must agree that our interests are aligned."

  The audacity this man has. I can't believe it. "Our interests will never be aligned."

"You would let goblins take what is rightfully ours?" The calm and lazy voice is gone. Rookwood is furious. Showing his true face at last. "The final repository belongs to wizardkind. We would be fools not to work together." The man makes another attempt to sound calm, but then he glances at the long box in my hand. "What's that you've got there?"

  I quickly hide it in my purse. How could I be so stupid to not do it sooner?

"Might this sudden visit to the wandmaker have something to do with our - mutual pursuit?" Rookwood studies my face closely. Waiting for anything to betray how I feel.

"I've no idea what you're talking about." The leftovers of the man's mask of calmness are gone for good at my words.

  "That repository is my birthright!" It almost makes me laugh. He is no better than Ranrok. Just a bit more dramatic.

  "Charles Rookwood wouldn't have wanted you near it." I growl at the man.

  He has no idea what I had to go through to get the information about it, and I am not letting him ruin this for me.

"The arrogance." Rookwood spits out. "Should've known better than to try and reason with a child." The man lazily walks from side to side. "I've always said." The man turns back to me. "Children should be seen and not heard."

  I lower my wand. This can't be -

That one second. Of hesitation is enough for two of his men to apparate and grab me. I can't breathe. My lungs are about to burst. There is only darkness all around me. And then I see the world again. Rookwood castle.

I feel the tears in my eyes. Way too many thought start running through my head until my brain shuts down and there's silence at last. I feel nothing. I fear nothing. I am pure rage.

My magic explodes. Countless dead bodies fall to the ground as I use the Killing Curse again and again. But the Ashwinders keep coming at me. How stupid. I throw them all back, leaving only one in front of me and use Crucio. I enjoy the pain and the screams. I use the curse again. And again. And again. Until the man begs me to stop it. So I kill him. There is pure chaos as the Ashwinders try to run or kill me. But neither of them succeeds. I torture every single one of them and then kill either with the Killing Curse or break every single bone in their bodies with my Ancient Magic.

I feel so much joy it scares me at some point. But only for a moment as I pull back another Ashwinder that was trying to run away and cast Crucio. I want to hurt them all. Every single one of them. For all the pain they've caused Anne and Sebastian. For breaking the family apart. I am merciless. I want them to feel what I feel now. And I do just that.

I am surprised to see Rookwood in front of me as I kill his last lap dog after casting Crucio on that Ashwinder at least five times. I expected the man to run and hide after my little show. And yet, here he is.

  "Well done! For a child." Victor Rookwood comments before shouting 'Avada Kedavra'.

  Without a second thought, I cast Expelliarmus and our spells join. He is not getting out of it this easily. Not until I can torture the hell out of him and force to lift the curse from Anne.

I see Rookwood's scared face when he realises I am overpowering him. Could be my anger. Could be my Ancient Magic. But this man does not stand a chance. And my spell reaches his wand. The man falls dead. His own spell rebounded and killed him.

  "No." A mere whisper escapes me as I sink to my knees.

I exit the Undercroft and walk through the corridors. The school is empty. This isn't good. I try to run, but my legs are shaking. One can only take this much. It feels like I'm about to fall down as I move down the spiral stairs of the common room. It is too quiet.

I barely reach the last step as something traps me. It tries to suffocate me. I'm starting to panic, my vision is blurry, but then the scent of vanilla and sandalwood reaches me. Sebastian. I hug my wizard back. My legs are giving in, but the guy catches me.

  "Follow me." Sebastian takes my hand and starts leading me through the room.

It's only now I realise the common room is packed full of younger students and they all stare at us as Sebastian leads me to the boys' dorms.

I sit on Sebastian's bed. The guy himself is on his knees, holding my hands as I try my best to put the words together. About the last memory I've witnessed. About the repository. And about the Rookwood castle.

  "Just before Rookwood attacked, he uttered something familiar." I whisper. Sebastian is watching me with concern. I've been stripped of any emotion before, but now my voice is shaking. "The same words Anne heard before she was cursed: children should be seen and not heard." I see the pain on my wizard's face. A deep frown between his brows. "It was Rookwood all along." I whisper, and a hot tear runs down my cheek. My voice gets louder as I tell him what I did after. "I enjoyed every second of their screams and I made sure they begged me for death before killing them."

  I can see their faces even right now. I remember every single one of them.

"I wanted to take Rookwood alive, but his own Killing Curse rebounded. He did not deserve such a quick death." I am too afraid to look at Sebastian as I finish my story. "And then I came to Isidora's house. So I could travel to the Undercroft. A group of Ashwinders was waiting there." I almost smile at that memory. Maybe I am going insane. "They asked me if I came to teach them some Dark Magic." A crooked smile forms on my lips. I am a monster. "I said 'yes'."

Sebastian holds me as I finally cry everything out. All the pain and exhaustion. All the fear and disgust towards myself. Everything I did that will haunt me for the rest of my life. He understands me better than anyone. There is no judgement on his face, just a deep concern if I am alright.

  "You did what you had to do to survive." The wizard purrs into my ear. "I'm glad you did it. I'm glad you did not hesitate to use whatever Curse was necessary."

The pain turns numb and goes away in his embrace. I wish it was the end of my fighting for today, but there is so much more I still have to do.

"Where is everyone?" My slow brain starts working at last.

  Sebastian gives me a surprised look, but then nods. "I guess you came straight to me." A sad smile appears on his lips. "The goblins and Ashwinders are surrounding the castle as we speak. We expect them to attack any minute. The Professors are building the defence lines with the students who are old enough to fight." The wizard's answer startles me.

"I must go." I breathe out. "Fig -"

  But Sebastian kisses me. And I let him. I let him do whatever he wants because that is what I want too. I forgot how soft his lips are and how demanding his kissing is. His tongue teases mine in painfully slow motions. Sebastian bites my lower lip and deepens the kiss more. I need him as much as I need air to survive. And from the way he grips my thighs to pull me closer, I can tell he needs me too.

The guy towers over me. It is insane how even on his knees he is still taller. Sebastian tastes like pure sin in this moment. And like pure love as well. A perfect balance of innocence and affection with hunger for so much more than just kissing. I want all of him to belong to me. I want him to claim my very soul in every way possible. I want to call Sebastian mine and do it for the rest of my days.

  I have to tell him now. "I -"

He interrupts me. "I know. Me too. But if we say it now, it will feel like a 'goodbye'." He cups my face with his hands and looks deep into my eyes. There is so much affection and love in the way he looks at me. "I'm not planning to die tonight and neither do you. Promise that you will come back to me." I just nod. I don't trust my shaky voice to not betray how I feel inside. "You are stronger than you think. You. Can. Wield it." He places a small kiss on my forehead. "We will continue with this conversation tomorrow. I promise."

I cry all the way down to the map chamber where Professor Fig awaits me.

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