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  There is that familiar, sophisticated corridor. The floor and walls are full of blue marble and gold. Graphorn is resting in my Nab-Sack now. It's a race against time, but I can't seem to make my legs move faster. I feel slow. Way too slow.

  The corridor ends abruptly with a set of stairs. A long bridge is at the bottom. My head spins from exhaustion as I move down as quick as I possibly can and cross the bridge without taking a long-needed break. A short corridor after it ends with the portrait of San Bakar. The man is waiting for me already.

"Professor Rackham was right to have had faith in you." I see San Bakar's smile for the first time. "My memories should answer any questions you may have about the power you will need to protect." The man bows at me and waits. My slow brain realises: that's it. There won't be a long speech this time.

  "Thank you, Professor Bakar. I shall see you back in the Map Chamber." I bow to the man and start going down another set of stairs. The corridor leads me straight to the familiar room with Pensieve.

  I am caught off guard a bit. I expected more fighting. Another Protector and at least a few dozen Guardians, but there is nothing. Just the Pensive in front of me with another artefact glowing and floating above it. I guess taming Graphorn was my Trial. I collect the artefact and dive into San Bakar's memory at once.

  Darkness. The only sources of light are the moon and the little what comes through a creak in the slightly open door. San Bakar comes to a familiar house. "Hello? Isidora?"

  The man tries to knock but as soon as his fist touches the door it opens a bit more. San Bakar proceeds to let himself in.

  A lonely candle on the table. Fire is crackling in the hearth. A man sits at the table with his back to the Professor.

"Oh, Mr. Morganach, I-" San Bakar mutters and walks up to Isidora's father.

  The man does not react until the Professor touches his shoulder. Only then does the wizard look up. His eyes are a glowing silver. Cold and hollow. Emotionless. San Bakar turns around and quickly walks away. His face is pure horror.

"San. I'm glad you're here." Percival Rackham greets his friend. The room looks like an office in the castle.

  "Isidora was not at her home." San Bakar starts talking, but his voice betrays him. The man's face could only be described as 'deeply concerned'. "But - her father. Oh, Percival." The wizard looks at Professor Rackham at last. " It is as though he was stripped not only of his pain, but of all emotion."

"Everything is much worse than I feared. Niamh was right. Isidora hasn't stopped." Percival Rackham paces around. A huge contrast to his companion frozen in place. "I have just learned that she has been wielding that magic on students." The Professor shocks San Bakar even more.

"We must gather the others." The man whispers to Percival Rackham.

The cavern is massive. A long stone bridge leads to a closed area that looks like a fancy locket you could put a pearl in. But instead of this pearl, there is a glow coming from the inside. Four Professors are hurrying towards a single student crossing the bridge. San Bakar grabs the boy's shoulders and examines his face. "I need you to return to your common room. All right?" The man commands and the student nods. The boy is gone the next moment.

There is an orb full of magic in the metal locket-like cage. And Isidora walks towards the Professors from behind it. "What have you done?" Percival Rackham's angry voice is echoing through the cave.

  "Take a breath." Happy Isidora beams at the newcomers.

"Students, Isidora?" The old man proceeds to scold the young witch. Her face changes to anger in an instant.

In the shadow of your heartМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя