Drugs Are For Losers. Do Alco...

De w4stedT4lent

21K 882 763

What if the cast got along? what if sera never lost her ability? but instead... Story starts right after the... Mai multe

Ch-0 Introductions+Disclaimers
Ch-1 Concern
Ch-2 Night Time Shenanigans
Ch-4 Mystery
Ch-5 Reunion
Thank you!!!
Ch-6 Anticlimactic much?
Ch-7 screw zeke, all my homies hate zeke
Ch-8 Cameras? i dont see shit!
Burnt bodies and friendship!
Ch-10 Cake and confession
Ch-11 Dont worry guys, its ust bromance 😍
Ch-12 Hot babes n sunny days 😎
Ch-13 Danger duo!
Ch-14 Cupids Arrow
Ch- 15 Chilled to the bone 💌
Ch- 16 genetics are a scam 👁
Ch- 17 DIY trouble 🌊
**Hiatus notice!**
Ch -18 Eat the rich, become a bi-
Ch- 19 Cupids arrow 🌱
Ch- 20 Lightning Mcjohn 🏎️
Ch- 21 Dont trust white vans kids
Ch- 22 wakey wakey, eggs and bakey🍳
Ch- 23 Misunderstandings.🌹 pt1
Ch -24 Misunderstandings.🥀pt2
Ch- 25 Fear
Ch- 26 Uncertainty in the void
Extra! Thank you!!
Ch-27 When lies come undone
Ch-28 feeling someting? ❤️
Ch- 30 Froggy hops 🐸
Ch- 31 Sun kissed🏵️
Ch-31 Talking shit, about shit
Ch-32 Spilled milk 🥛
Ch- 33 Ice Ice baby 🍨
Ch- 34 Soft Summer Breeze ⛱️🍉

Ch- 29 Take a rain check?

289 18 5
De w4stedT4lent

here we go again fellas

Seraphinas POV


Slippers squeak on cold tiles as I slug towards the door

I lean onto my bedroom door quietly.. wavering in my choices, wondering if I'm ready to face everything I've learnt, was it a mistake to learn it in the first place? should I have just..

I take a deep breath inwards and pluck up the courage to swing the door open before I can let my thoughts eat me anymore, Its too late to have regrets, I knew this when I encroached into places where I shouldn't have gone, I've crossed too many boundaries to turn back. I instantly get hit with a hot summer breeze that could borderline as steam, my eye sight adjusts and I'm welcomed by a soft light, peaking through the silk curtains and slightly raised blinds

My dorm..

I sigh and smile crookedly


I look across the room to see Bert, fumbling towards me sleepily and furling around my legs, purring softly

"Awake so early?" I mumble softly

My eyes peruse the room for a bit, trying to spot out a certain blue haired girl, though she's probably not be awake yet. not that I blame her though, its still way too early to get anything done, the sun is barely up


"Maybe I got too excited.." I ponder

I space out a bit more before diverting my attention to my phone notifictions, A small part of me hoping its John

Ah it's Cla--


Bert.. probably getting sick of my lack of action and the empty food bowl, pushes the back of my leg and nibbles at my ankle "Alright, alright, lets get you something to eat.." I smile and scoop him off the tiles. Hes a good distraction when things get too complicated, "Maybe finding you in those bushes was fate, huh Bert?" I coo into his fur

Ill reply to her later..

Bert is currently top priority



On second thought.. maybe a bath is top priority


Famil bondung 🏡

Cecile--the real shi TM (muted)
*Remi-- Princeachu
*Elaine-- Princess helth
John-- Premium dumbass
Evie -- Ultimate bean



Princeachu: Morninggggg!!

Idiot: Mornin rats

Idiotx2: *inaudible rat noises*

Princess helth: g'morning!!

Ultimate bean: Good morning!

Princess helth: Omg its so early whyre u guys up!

Ultimate bean: 〒▽〒

Idiotx2: Blyke is a psychopath that wakes up at 3 in the morning

Idiot: And ur a psychopath that wakes up at 2 in the afternoon

Princeachu: Sigh, its tough being single

Princess helth: what the heck am i then? ,,ԾㅂԾ,,

Princeachu: o


Idiot: imagine forgetting ur girlfriend

Idiotx2: LOL

Idiot: SJSJ

Princeachu: shet!!

Princeachu: Uhhh..

Princeachu: wow summer break is almost overrrr wowww..

Idiot: Look at remi trying to change the subject

Princess helth: Wowww i see how it is

Princeachu: Im sorry bae :(

Idiotx2: LOL

Idiotx2: but tis true thoooo its almost done and i havent completed my pen collection 5.0 🥹😭😭😿😿

Princess helth: what happend to 2.0 3.0 and 4.0 💀

Idiotx2: Blyke

Ultimate bean: Oh--

Princachu: No further explanation needed LMAO

Princess helth: Lul

Idiot: whatever, i will never understand why you need so many damn pens

Idiot: ANd why ur willing to pay 350 for ONE


Princeachu: *spits out invisible tea*

Princeachu: Isen you paid 350 for a single pen???? ☠️

Princeachu: Isen i know your pockets are not that deep. where is this money coming from 💀

Princess helth: WHo is funding this man and his addiction 😨

Princeachu: Isen has a sugar daddy TM?

Idiotx2: you shoudlve been asking this since s1 >:[

Princess helth: ?

Princeachu: What??

Idiotx2: Anyways, i regret nothing

Idiotx2: You only live once kids!

Idiot: And this is why you shouldnt do this dumb shit,

Princeachu: hey..langauge..

Princess helth: Isen is a terrible role model TM

Princeachu: We should make it a series at this point

Idiotx2: Bro...

Idiotx2: You love my dumb shit

Princeachu: I give up

Idiot: Yea, i do

Idiot: Pen chasing idiot

Idiotx2: Lazer idiot <3

Idiot: Broooooooo 💞

Idiotx2: BrooooOOoooo<3<3

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: can you stop gaying for one secind im trying to digest my breakfast


Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: o oops

Princeachu: Wooo!!!!🎊🎊

Idiotx2: WoooOOOOO!!!! congrats man! we should hold him a party!!

Princesshelth: even though its not the first time we still need one :DDD

Idiot: Congrats youre finally all grown up!


Daddy:👨‍👦‍👦That wasn't me--..

Idiot: Do you see anybody else named daddy in here?

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦:Ugh nevermind.

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦:I can't do this shit at 4 in the morning

Princeachu: 4:32**

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: ....

Daddy:👨‍👦‍👦Speaking of summer break, dont you have some council to catch up on before break ends Remi? 🙄

Princeachu: A

Princeachu: the register! i forgot completely!

Princesshelth: You have to do council work even on break?..sucks..

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: No we don't, Remi is just.. special.

Idiotx2: lul thats one way to get rid of Remi

Princeachu: -Im not going anywhere! ill do it later..

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: That's what you said the last time

Idiotx2: Remi the master procrastinator

Princeachu: Im not!!

Idiot: lol

Princess helth: shsksks

Princeachu: I wanna do smth before the break ends..

Idiot: Lets go vandalize the boys dorm andmakeoutafter

Idiotx2: amazing idea ill bring fireworks so we can set them off andmakeoutafter

Idiotx2: and ill bring cream cheese too :)



Princeachu: I meant like a trip somewhere!!

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Wtf are they doing with the cream cheese.

Princesshelth: You know better than to ask that Arlo..

Ultimate bean: Remi..they went offline--

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Ew.

Princeachu: NOOOOOOOO

helthprincess: Whos Idea was it to get them together again? 👀

the real shi TM: Hmmm @Remi 👀👀

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: No idea Remi

Princeachu: I wonder..haha (;= x =)>

the real shi TM: But to be fair theyd probably still do it if they werent..

Princeachu: Wait!!!

Princeachu: How do you always keep getting unmuted!!

Sera: Lol..

Princeachu: Seraphina!🎉

Idiotx2: Seraphinaaaaa

Idiot: Yo the ace is back!

Sera: Morning

Ultimate bean: How r u feeling..?

Sera: Im good, i think...

Ultimate bean: Thats good!! im happy to hear!1

Sera: Yup..cant stay depressed 4ever

Idiot: Well thats not true, look at arlo


Idiot: Hi?

Idiotx2: True true.

Idiotx2: Wiser words have never been said

Princeachu: Blyke the wise

Idiotx2: Blyke the wise, arlo the emo

Princesshelth: Isen being daring for the first time in his rat-life

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Isen.

Idiotx2: *plays dead*

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: You aren't an opossum get the fuck up

Princesshelth: And Arlo not instantly trying to kill him for once but talk instead?!

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Who said I was going to do any talking?

Princeachu: The end days are arriving my fellow hole dwellers

Sera: Hole dwellers-?

Ultimate bean: I dont want to die!! TxT

Ultimate bean: Ill miss you guys!!

Sera: Aw. lol

Princesshelth: So sweet

Princeachu: Evie is the beanest






Idiotx2: E

Idiot: Something feels missing

Idiotx2: Well its obviously john

Princeachu: God Isen have some tact..

Idiot: Isen and tact do not mix, can confirm

Sera: its fine..Haha

Sera: While were still talking abt him, any news on where he is?

Idiotx2: ........

Idiot: well i busted his door down after like a week, but he wasnt there

Princeachu: You broke his door..

Idiotx2: of course he did, its blyke

Idiot: Ill take that as a compliment.

Princesshelth: So then if hes not there, where is he?

Princeachu: His old place..maybe?

Sera: I doubt it, he moved everything out 🤷‍♀️

Princeachu: But does he still have the keys though🧍‍♀️

Idiot: And I wouldnt put it past him to sleep on cold tiles tbh

Idiot: damn psycho (deleted)

Idiotx2: he says after breaking his door down ☠️

Idiotx2: Only a psycho can spot a psycho

Princesshelth: Isen the wise makes a return

Princeachu: Then where the hell is he??

Ultimate bean: To a friends house maybe..?

Idiot: John? "friends"???

Idiot: To him "friends" is like some kind of forbidden dialect.

Idiotx2: Extremely valid point, the council must take this into deep consideration

Princeachu: Isen stop with the cult shet istg

Ultimate bean: Hey! thats mean!

Ultimate bean: were his friends stop being so rude towards him!

Idiot: He wouldnt consider us friends even if we shoved the word down this throat.. 😒

Idiotx2: Lul someone sounds butthurt

Princeachu: Omg yall making Evie snap again😨

Princeachu: Naughty corner! now! 🙄

Princesshelth: First remi..now evie, u guys r monsters

Princeachu: D:

the Real shi TM: U guys r not bullying a missing person

Idiotx2: Silencio puta 🙈

**the Real Shi TM has been muted**

Idiotx2: it was blyke anyways, not me 🙄

Idiot: w o w

Idiot: I got thrown under the bus so quickly

Princesshelth: sucks to sukk, get better friends ig

Idiot: but hes my bf

Princesshelth: sucks even harder broski 😎

Idiot: whyt he fuck do you talk like that

Princeachu: But it might be true, maybe he does have someone to stay with

Idiotx2: Gasp hes cheating on us

Sera: He says after calling him friendless

Idiotx2: I dont get how u can be friendless but not bitchless, it makes no sense

Princeachu: Isen i will zap the living heck out of you and throw ur remains into a river if you dont zip it..!

Idiotx2: Yes ma'am

Idiot: Most polite "i will kill you and dispose the body" i have ever read

Sera: Eh, ive seen better 🤷‍♀️

Idiotx2: Whoevers house hes staying at i hope they can handle the sleep walking!!

Idiotx2: Cheater!!! *cries*

Idiot: damn. sometimes i wonder if im chopped liver

Idiotx2: dont worry bae ur one sexy piece of chopped liver if ive ever seen one ;)

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: that's not flirting

Idiotx2: and how would u know


Idiotx2: Yeah thats what i thought, boyfriendless scum *spits*

Princeachu: Isen istg..

Princesshelth: why is he so energetic this morning 💀

Princeachu: Right! blyke what are you feeding him!!

Idiot: Youre acting like hes my pet or smth, how would i know?

Idiotx2: Im not? :(




Sera: sigh

Princesshelth: I could not care less.. about what kind of kinky shnet you get up to, but not infront of the child!!!! (evie)

Ultimate bean: (ㆆ_ㆆ)

Idiotx2: The bean has had enough of the brackets, cease your insolence

Ultimate bean: ^^^

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: ...

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: ... sleep walking??..

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: I havent seen him sleep walk at all though?

Idiotx2: You say that as though youre talking from experience



Princeachu: So kind sir, do you care to elaborate?


Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: No

Idiotx2: bro got busted harder than ########## #########################

Idiot: I never thought id see the day where Arlo would take john under his roof, willingly

Idiot: No wait, thats a lie.

Princeachu: Ive never been so glad to have a censor in this gc, praise the evie 🙏

Princesshelth: (even though it barely functions 💀💀)

Idiotx2: Thou witchcraft shalt not hold me forever foul wench 👿👿

Sera: Shut the fuck up. what did arlo just say

Idiotx2: o shet u rite

Idiotx2: he went offline

Idiot: Well atleast we know john isnt homeless now


Vote if you enjoyed, 💞💞

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