Phoenix of Class B (Slow Upda...

By Peterpotter07

15.1K 273 87

Life can be a cruel thing. That was something One Izuku Midoriya learned from an early age. Living as a quirk... More

Bio/World explanation
Meeting a Phoenix
Insane progress and new friend
From the Ashes rises a Phoenix
The Stoic Girl
The power of a Phoenix
A Goal for the future

U.A Exam

1.6K 39 26
By Peterpotter07

Nobody's POV:

Standing at the entrance of the apartment his mother and him lived at, Izuku Midoriya was putting on his shoes ready for todays upcoming challenge.

Today was the day that U.A was holding their entrance exams for both the general course classes, and of course the wildly sought after Hero Course classes.

"Todays the day" Looking down he clenched his hand. He was determined to do his absolute best not only to make his mentor proud, but to also show the hard work of his training.

As he was about to leave he noticed the silhouette of his mother appear. Turning around he was able to see that his mom was standing in the living room watching him with a smile on her face.

"Hey mom what's up" he asked while tilting his head to the side.

"Oh nothing...I.....I just wanted to wish you luck on your exams today......and I wanted to say how proud of you I am" she said, but was soon having a little trouble as tears began to swell up in her eyes.

Smiling at his mom Izuku walked over and embraced her, making sure to put all the love he could into that hug. "Thanks mom"

After a few minutes of mother and son hugging Izuku said goodbye and made his way towards U.A.

It didn't take long, maybe 20 minutes at most, but Izuku soon found himself standing outside the large gates of U.A.

He was so mesmerized at standing outside of Japans #1 hero school that he was caught slightly off guard when his eyes released a slight tinge of red.

Turning his head his gaze turned towards a specific direction and soon saw a rather small women trip on a loose brick and was about to fall to the ground.

?? Perspective

'This is going to be so embarrassing' was the only thought going through the unknown girls head as she closed her eyes waiting for the pain of hitting the ground to come.




"" However instead of pain she felt herself being lifted above the ground.

Opening her eyes she saw that that ground was further away then it was originally and something strong was holding her.

Confused she looked up and what she saw made her face turn completely red.

Staring back at the girl was the smiling face of a handsome man with dark green hair and diamond shaped freckles on his cheeks.

"Sorry for the surprise, are you okay miss" asked the green haired man with the same smile on his face.

"U-ugh y-y-yes I-I'm okay. C-can you p-please let me d-down" she said slightly scared that he wouldn't be able to understand her because of her stutter

Nodding at her the green haired man gently placed the girl on her feet making sure to not drop her.

"Once again sorry for suddenly grabbing you like that. I saw that you were about to fall and my body just jumped into action" he said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

"I-it's okay I w-was just a l-little surprised" she said while offering a small bow of gratitude.

"So are you also here for the exams miss.." he trailed off trying to get her name.

"O-oh yes! And I'm K-kinoko k-komori nice t-to meet y-you Mr" the now identified girl said as she arched her head to look up towards the tall man.

"Izuku Midoriya. It's nice to meet you kinoko-san" he said while offering the smaller women his hand to shake.

"N-nice to meet you to shroom" she said grabbing his hand and offering a light shake.

Izukus POV:

Looking down at the young lady he helped, Izuku was able to quickly identify her characteristics.

She was a rather short girl standing at what he guessed was maybe 5'3(160.02 cm) and had a rather thin build.

She has honey brown hair, curved inwards in a mushroom-shaped bob cut that reaches just below her narrow shoulders.

She has a long fringe that completely covers her eyes, hiding most of her face, but the one visible eye he could see piqued his interest as it had a rather unique crossed eyed pupil that looked like that of a mushroom.

However, his observations were brought to a halt when U.A's speaker's announced that all participating applicants make their way towards the testing sites.

"W-well we b-better make our w-way towards t-the e-exam, g-good luck on y-yours M-Midoriya-san shroom" she said giving Izuku a quick bow and speeding towards one of the available testing sites.

Standing in the same spot only one thought went through Izukus mind as he watched the brown haired girl speed away 'She was pretty cute'

Blushing at his own thoughts Izuku quickly shook himself off and made his way towards the nearest testing site. As he made his way over he couldn't help but become excited for what was to come and he couldn't wait to compare experiences with Yui.

Both had agreed to meet up after the exams to hang out for a bit, and Yui even told him her friend might join them as well which wasn't a problem for Izuku.

Stepping inside a test site Izuku made his way towards an empty seat and waited while more participants began filling into the room.

It wasn't long until the room was full of hopeful individuals all with the goal of making it into U.A's general and hero courses.

As he looked over his fellow participants Izuku noticed the two people sitting on either side of him.

On his left sat a rather unique women that had pink skin and two horns sticking out from her head.

She had a huge grin on her face clearly excited, but Izuku was able to see hints of nervousness and slight fear in her body posture.

U.A's entrance exam was a bit nerve-racking so it wasn't surprising to him that people would be anxious.

Glancing to his right he was able to see sat a rather beautiful lady with long orange hair tied up into a ponytail. She was sitting with her eyes closed, but based off the deep breaths she was taking Izuku assumed that she was using some type of breathing exercise to calm her nerves.

"Ohhh man I'm so excited, but I hope the written exam isn't too difficult" looking over to the pink skinned women he could clearly see that she was looking more panicked as she was whispering to herself.

Seeing as they still had time till the written exams were to begin Izuku decided to help out his fellow participant.

"Don't worry to much about it. Just make sure to do the best you can" he said to her as he offered her a calming smile.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry I didn't think I said that out loud" she said while rubbing the back of her head.

"But thanks that helped me call down a little"

"No problem. The names Izuku Midoriya miss" he asked sticking his hand out for a hand shake

"I'm Mina Ashido" she said accepting his handshake

'Oh wow his hands are huge' she thought as the size difference in their hands was quite noticeable

While the two of them were talking, they didn't notice that the orange haired beauty had been listening to their exchange and was rather surprised that another participant had so readily helped out another competitor.

But before she could go back to her breathing exercises she noticed that the green haired guy had stopped talking to the other lady and was actually now looking at her.

"Oh! I'm sorry for eavesdropping" she said trying to apologize for listening in on their conversation.

"It's cool we're all here for the same thing. There's nothing wrong in getting to know your fellow participants" said Izuku

"It's nice to meet you I'm Izuku Midoriya miss" he said once again reaching out his hand towards her

"Itsuka Kendo. Nice to meet you Midoriya-san"  she said reciprocating his handshake

However, as both of their hands touched a sudden wave of electricity shot through their bodies sending shivers down their spines.

Both of them pulled their hands away from one another and stared in shock at what had just happened. .

'WHAT WAS THAT!' They both thought as the weird feeling left their bodies.

Before they could try to figure out what had just happened the exam door was flung open and a person walked in.

He was a tall, slim man with long blond hair, which was spiked upwards in a large tuft behind his head, and a small brown mustache.

He was wearing a black jacket with a very tall collar, upturned and complete with studs, and matching black pants and knee-high boots. He was sporting tan shoulder pads and had a red belt and elbow pads, all studded, and black fingerless gloves.

To most this looked like a random person who had a rocker taste when it came to style, but Izuku knew who this was evident by him taking out a notebook from who knows were and began writing like a maniac.

"What's up little listeners! It is I! The ONE! The ONLY! PRESENT MIC!" Came the loud voice of the voice hero himself.

"Now I know y'all want to get these exams started so let's get to it YEEEEEAAAA!" As he finished each participant was given a stack of papers.

"You all will have one hour to finish as much as you can. Don't worry if you aren't able to complete everything, you'll be graded on the questions you answered. So just make sure to do you best" with one final pose the voice hero sat down and took out his phone while the participants began their written exams.

As Izuku looked over some of the questions he was slightly confused, as most of the questions didn't appear to be that difficult to answer. He really had to thank Yui after for the study sessions they had.

Looking over to his pink haired companion he could clearly see that some color had drained from her face so he decided to help calm her down one more time.

"Ashido-san it's okay" hearing the young man talk to her Mina turned to face him.

"What do you mean it's okay look at all this" she whispered rapidly while quickly moving her hands up and down in an exaggerated manner.

Chuckling at her reaction Izuku continued "Present Mic said you don't have to finish everything just make sure to do your best on what you can answer"

He offered her a bright smile and could see that she had definitely calmed down, although her face gained a bit of a purple tint as she gave him a smile and began her exam.

1 Hour Later

"ALL RIGHT LITTLE LISTENERS THATS TIME PENCILS DOWN!" Came the loud voice of their examiner Present Mic as he stood up.

"Please leave your test at the front counter and make your ways towards the auditorium. From their the physical examination will be explained"

As Izuku got up to hand in his test he looked over to his two companions.

While Kendo was slightly rubbing her head he could see that Ashido took it the worst as he could see what he believed was her spirit trying to leave her body through her mouth.

Truth be told Izuku was kind of underwhelmed by the written exam.

He had actually finished it at the half hour mark, but decided to triple check all his answers. He had so much time, that he even decided to answer the extra credit questions that were said to be written by the the principal himself.

"Well I wish you both the best during the physical exam" he said offering both Ashido and Kendo a smile.

"You as well Midoriya-san" said kendo as she got up and made her way towards the auditorium.

"Thanks Midori I'll make sure to give it my all!" Yelled the pink skinned girl leaving a cloud of dust as she ran towards the auditorium.

"...........Midori?" He asked himself unsure of what to think of the new nickname he had been given.

Shaking himself Izuku decided not to think about it for now and made his way to the auditorium.

Once there he was awed at just how large it truly was. It was so large it looked as if it could host the hero awards ceremony and still have room for more people.

Looking around Izuku saw how many participants had already taken their seats. He was about to choose a random seat when he heard a familiar voice.

"Izuku over hear" Turning his head a smile came to his face as he saw Yui waving at him with an open seat right next to her.

Making his way to her Izuku slightly stopped when he spotted the same ash blonde hair of Katsuki Bakugou.

Looking over at his former friend Izuku could see that nobody was sitting next to the blonde as he was giving everyone near him death glares and if he didn't know any better he would say he was foaming at the mouth.

Shaking his head Izuku continued to make his way towards his friend.

"Hey there Yui, I hope you didn't call me over hear just to tell me this seat was taken" Izuku said entering his playful demeanor he had with Yui.

"Noooo. I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't be too busy trying to figure out others quirks that you'd  forget to find a seat and be left standing" was her response. And even though she held her same stoic expression Izuku could easily see the amusement in her eyes.

"Ahh! How you wound me with your words" he said while dramatically grabbing his chest and turning his head to the side.

"Just sit down you dork" was all Yui said while fighting the smile that wanted to show on her face.

Grinning Izuku did just that. "So how was the written exam for you Yui" he asked as they waited for the second part of the exam to begin.

Taking a thinking position, she took a few seconds before responding. "It wasn't as difficult as I thought it'd be, but I did have to skip a couple of questions since I didn't understand them" she said while shrugging. "What about you?"

"Honestly I found it pretty easy. Even the extra credit questions that said the principal wrote himself didn't seem that difficult" was all he said missing the You got to be kidding me look Yui was giving him

Before they could continue their conversation the lights in the auditorium dimmed and a large screen became visible on the stage.

"OHHHH YEEEAAAA WELCOME LISTENERS TO THE SECOND PART OF U.A's ENTRANCE EXAM!" Once again came the voice of Present Mic as he took a grand pose at the front stage with confetti falling behind him.

"CAN I GET A YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAA!" He yelled pointing his microphone towards the audience.


"Dang tough crowd" sweat dropped Izuku while Yui nodded in agreement with him.

"...........Y'ALL MUST BE TOO EXCITED TO BEGIN! THATS ALL RIGHT LETS JUST GET INTO IT!" Was Present Mics attempt to continue on and ignore any embarrassment from not receiving any hype from the crowd

"Now the next part of our exams will be our practical test." A diagram of multiple cities became visible on the giant projector.

"Now if you look down at your examine ID you'll see a letter right next to your name. This letter is the city you'll be put in for the practical exam" All the students began to pull out their IDs to see what city they would be placed in.

Looking down at his ID Izuku could easily see the letter C right next to his name. And as he glanced over to Yui he could see that she would be in city E.

"They probably did this to make sure past classmates wouldn't team up and help each other out" said Izuku while Yui nodded in agreement as she remembered her friends ID had the letter A next to her name.

"During the practical exam, you listeners will conduct mock battles in replica urban settings. All of you will be given ten minutes to use your quirks to immobilize robotic villains in order to score points. The more points one examinee earns, the higher their chance is to get accepted into U.A." This time a screen of four different looking robots with different point values became visible.

"You'll be able to gain points from One, Two and Three pointer robots, but if you- " before Mic could continue he was interrupted by a loud voice.

"EXCUSE ME! THERE SEEMS TO BE AN ERROR!" came a loud yelling voice of a participant.

As Izuku looked to see where the yelling was coming from he saw a man with short blue hair stand up.


"Talk about uptight" said Izuku in an unimpressed voice towards the loud man's actions.

"Mhm" Yui said as she looked at the loud man that was yelling at Present Mic with her stoic face.

"AND YOU TWO! YOUR FLIRTING IS DISTRACTING TO OTHER PARTICIPANTS! IF YOU WONT TAKE THIS EXAM SERIOUSLY THEN YOU SHOULD LEAVE!" Yelled the blue haired man as he pointed towards Yui and Izuku making other people look towards the two of them.

"Flirting?" Izuku was confused as to how loud man made such a connection, completely missing the hint of pink that appeared on Yuis face at the loud man's proclamation.

But then Izuku realized what the blue haired man said about how Yui and him should just leave the exams because he believed that they weren't taking them seriously.

Sure if he had just insulted him he would have let it slid since he's been told worse, but for someone to try and insult his friend made his blood boil.

Since Izuku never had any real friends for most of his life he valued the friendships of Mei, Yui and Ibarra extremely high.

For once in his life he finally had people he could call friends and he'd be DAMNED if he would let anyone talk down about them.

Slowly but surely Izuku laid a glare on the blue haired guy so cold it could freeze hell over, while unconsciously releasing pulses of his conquerors haki.

As he stared at the blue haired man his haki began to spread making those in the auditorium begin to slightly sweat and shiver.

But it was far worse for the blue haired man as he was the target of Izukus haki and was feeling as if his legs were going to give out at the unknown pressure the green haired man he yelled at was giving off.

"I......don't know what your problem is, but let me tell you something" Getting the attention of the blue haired man Izuku began.

"I don't care if you insult me, your opinion on how I will live my life means absolutely nothing. But if you ever insult someone I hold close to me again then you'd best be prepared for the consequences of your words" he said voice cold as his glare making those that heard him shiver.

"And if you weren't such a dick and interrupted Present Mic like a toddler throwing a tantrum, then you would have seen that he was going off the pamphlet and would have gotten to the zero pointer" said Izuku now calming down and stopping his conquerors haki.

"The scary Buff listener is correct! If you look at the back of your pamphlets you'll see that it clearly states too avoid the zero pointer as it holds no value and is just there as an obstacle!" Yelled out Present Mic bringing all the participants attention back onto the physical exam.

"O-oh! M-my a-apologies" stuttered out the blue haired man while bowing at a perfect 90 degree angle and sitting back down, his head lowered in embarrassment and body still shaking in a bit of fear.

Seeing as everything went back to normal Izuku let out a sigh of relief. But soon he felt something poking his arm and he soon saw that it was Yui stoic faced as usual, but with curiosity swimming in her eyes.

"Something wrong Yui?"

"............Did you mean it" she said in an unusual quit tone.

Confused he asked her to elaborate. "Mean what?"

"............That I'm someone you hold close" she said looking him in his dark green eyes waiting for his answer, knowing full well that if he lied she'd be able to see it in his eyes.

Finally understanding what she was asking him, Izuku gave her a big smile and answered. "Of course I hold you close to me Yui. Even though we haven't known each other for long your a very dear person to me"

"..........Mhm" she nodded accepting his answer. Although she turned her head away from him as she did not want him to see the large pink blush that began to spread on her face.

Still confused at her reaction Izuku thought about asking her more questions, but Present Mics voice brought his attention back to the front of the stage.

"ALL RIGHT LISTENERS! THAT CONCLUDES THE DEBRIEFING! PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY TOWARDS YOUR LETTERED BUSES AND REMEMBER! GO PLUS ULTRA!" Yelled out Present Mic as participants began to make their way towards their respective busses.

"Well looks like we part here" said Izuku standing up and turning towards Yui. "Good luck in your exam Yui"

"Mhm" she said also beginning to make her way towards her bus. But before Izuku could turn around he saw that Yui had stopped and was standing still.

"Something wrong Yui" he said attempting to see if his friend was nervous about the exam and if she was then maybe he could help ease her fears.

Suddenly Yui turned around and with a hand motion asked Izuku to bend down.

Confused at what she was doing he did just that and what happened next left him wide eyed and shocked.


"F-for good luck" said Yui as she quickly turned around and made her way towards her bus leaving a still shocked Izuku.

Taking a few seconds to reboot his barin, he raised his hand towards the place where she had kissed him.

Before he could continue to stand there and wonder more about it he heard the announcement for participants to make their way towards their buses come over the loud speakers.

Shaking off his shock Izuku made his way towards his designated area all the while a deep red blush was plastered on his face.

Finally making it to his bus Izuku looked around and noticed that most participants had changed into green jumpsuits or personal workout clothes they had brought.

Deciding that he didn't want to risk damaging his regular clothes, he opted to just go with the work out clothes he had brought with him.

When he was finishing changing he began to wait with the other participants all the while ignoring the looks he was getting from some of the women in his group and brushing off some glares some of the guys sent him.

It wasn't too long until a couple of buses arrived and the participants began to make their way towards their exam sites.

Arriving at his site labeled city C he decided to warm up a bit. He began to go through some stretches and once again had to ignore some intense stares he was getting from both guys and girls.

Looking around he was surprised when he saw the same brown haired girl he had saved from tripping among his group. Although he became slightly worried as he saw that she looked like she was about to have a panic attack. So making up his mind he made his way towards her.

"You okay?" he said making the cute girl jump up in surprise at suddenly being talked to. Looking up she saw that it was the same handsome man that had saved her from tripping.

"O-oh it's you. M-midoriya-san I d-didn't know y-you we're I-in this group" she said still  slightly stuttering.

"I didn't expect to see you here either Kinoko-san" he said smiling down at the cute brown haired girl.

"D-did you n-need something?" She asked unsure on why he had come up to her.

Shaking his head Izuku began to explain himself. "I saw that you were a bit nervous so I just came over to tell you to just take some deep breath's and relax. After all how are you going to perform at your best if you have to too much going on in your head" he said seeing her take a good few deep breaths and calming down a bit.

Unbeknownst to either of them some of the other participants that had also been nervous and overheard them, also took his advice and calmed their nerves.

All the while a familiar orange haired beauty was looking at the two of them from afar with a smile on her face.


Suddenly a loud horn went off surprising and confusing most of the participants.

Looking at the city Izuku saw how the large gates had come down and remembering some of the lessons Marco beat into him made his move.

"Good luck Kinoko-san" was all he said and in a blur rocketed towards the city to begin his exam.

His sudden departure caught most participants off guard, but both the orange haired women and Kinoko shock themselves out of their stupors and ran towards the city as well.

"What are they doing Present Mic hasn't even said go yet" said a male participant while he shock his head watching the three participants run into the city.

"I know what a bunch of idiots" scoffed a female participant believing that they would be disqualified.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING! THERES NO COUNT DOWNS IN A REAL FIGHT! FOLLOW THOSE THREE LISTENERS" came the loud voice of Mic over the speakers causing the rest of the participants to hurriedly make their way towards the city.

With Izuku

Having both his arms covered in his armament haki
Izuku made his way through the city looking for any robots to take down.

Turning a corner Izuku saw a One pointer that had its back turned to him and he decided to take it down.

In a flash Izuku was right behind the robot and with one quick swing was able to make the robots head collapse in on itself knocking it down.

Before he could celebrate his easy take down his eyes flashed red.

Shifting his body to the side Izuku heard a loud explosion. Looking over, he saw that he had dodged a missile that had been launched at him by a three pointer.

As he readied himself he suddenly stopped himself as group of two pointers joined the fight and set their sights on him.

Grinning Izuku leapt at the group of robots and began to take down any that stood in his way.

5 mins in: Observation Room

Inside a dimly lit room sat all the teachers of U.A as they watched several monitors displaying different participants in different locations.

"My, we sure do have such an incredible bunch of participants this year wouldn't you all say" came the voice of none other then the principle of U.A himself Nezu.

"Some are using their quirks to gather information" they looked as they saw a rather tall man with a mask standing on top of a building sprouting eyes to scout out his area.

"While others are just using their strength to get them through" they watched a screen that had Bakugou standing on top of a pile of destroyed One and Two pointers.

Seeing as most of his staff agreed with him, Nezu was about to continue when he noticed his staff member Midnight, otherwise known as the R-rated hero, looking intensely at one particular screen.

"Oh? Someone caught your attention Midnight" he asked her getting the attention of the other people in the room.

"Oh yes~ This green haired hunk over here is going above and beyond" was all she said while licking her lips.

Being used to her antics the rest of the staff ignored her and began to look at the screen she was looking at.

They became confused as they all just saw the green haired man destroying a couple of One pointers.

"What's so special about-" before a hobo looking man could finish they witnessed what Midnight was talking about.

On the screen the green haired man had suddenly stopped and made his way to a building that had collapsed.

They were confused until they saw him pull out a participant from under the ruble. Apparently they had gotten trapped under there, but no one had noticed.

If they were surprised by that, then what happened next made them flabbergasted.

One the screen they could see that the green haired man had produced a green fire from his hands and placed it on the participants injuries.

Before any of them could shout in disapproval believing that he was injuring a fellow participant, they all saw as the visible wounds on the person had healed up, looking as if they had never been injured in the first place.

"Wait he can heal people? I thought he had some type of hardening quirk?" Came the voice of Snipe

"Interesting. Have you ever seen such a healing quirk before Recovery Girl" asked a block of cement looking at an elderly woman who sat across from him.

Shaking her head she replied. "No this is the first for me. But if he gets in I'd like to request his assistance in the nursery it would give him better practice and he could help lighten my heavy workload" she said receiving a nod of agreement from the principal.

While most of the staff seemed happy to see such a promising examine one rather lanky looking man had his eyes slightly narrowed as he watched the green haired man go back to destroying robots and helping fellow participants at the same time.

"Oh look things are getting good!" Yelled out Present Mic making his fellow staff members turn their attention back onto the screen.

Back with Izuku

Having finished helping another participant Izuku made his way towards a large open area trying to find anymore robots to take down.

The ground suddenly began to shake and his eyes became wide when he saw what was the cause.

Looking all around him, Izuku saw that he had become surrounded by multiple one and two pointers, cutting off any exit he might have had.

Taking a few steps back he suddenly felt himself bump into someone and turning around he came face to face with the orange haired women that he had sat next to him during the written exam.

"Kendo-san?!/Midoriya-san?!" They both yelled out in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her now slightly worried as the robots began to make their way towards the two of them. If it had just been him then he could easily get away, but with Kendo now in the equation he had to think of someway to get them both out.

"I was around the corner when some three pointers forced me out into the open." She said looking around at all the robots. "I'm surprised by how many robots are here" she said as both her and Izuku went back to back trying to cover any blind spots.

"You wouldn't happen to have a plan to get us out of here would you?" She asked a nervous smile present on her face.

Thinking it over for a second Izuku let a grin spread to his face and got into a fighting position. "You know most times hero's don't get to choose who they get paired up with when fighting villains"

Getting into her own stance Kendo also let a grin come to her face. "Well....I always wanted a fighting partner"

And with that it began.

Eyes flashing red Izuku spun around and grabbed kendo by her waist brining her close.

Using the moment he struck out with his right leg destroying a One pointer that had tried to sneak up on them.

Slightly surprised Kendo saw what he had done and decided to just roll with it. So slightly loosening his grip on her, she pushed herself into the air having both her hands land on his shoulders and brought down an axe kick destroying the head of a two pointer.

Landing back on the ground Izuku brought kendo's hands and his together.

The dance of the two fighters continued.

Izuku using his observation haki was able to help keep Kendo out of harms way from sneak attacks by guiding her body as if they were in a dance of tango.

Meanwhile Kendo was able to use the momentum of him moving her around to take out any robots that got close to the two of them.

Eyes once again flashing red Izuku grabbed Kendo by her waist and brought her body down in a dip helping the two avoid a missile that was launched at them by a three Pointer that showed up.

Giving her a spin Izuku threw Kendo high into the air for the finisher.

Spinning on his heel he turned towards the three pointer and readied his green bird attack.

And in one clean motion landed a direct hit causing the robot to explode.

Turning on his heel again Izuku spread his arms out and just a few seconds later caught a falling Kendo bridal style while the three pointer exploded behind the two of them.

Catching their breaths Kendo noticed the position the two were in.

"Oh my~ Do you treat all girls you meet to such a wonderful first dance" she said chuckling at the red tint that appeared on Izukus face.

Observation Room

If one were to describe what they had just seen they would've believed that they saw too long time partners performing in beautiful synchronization.

So awestruck were the staff of U.A that all of them, even Eraserhead, had their eyes as wide as plates and mouths hanging open.

"TRULY INCREDIBLE!" laughed Nezu, his maniac laughter breaking his staff members out of their stupors.

"I thought we made sure not to pair up participants that had some sort of history before the exams so they couldn't team up" said Ectoplasm

"We did. Itsuka Kendo and Izuku Midoriya did not attend the same highschool and had no reported record of ever knowing one another prior to the exam" said Midnight reading the information they had about both adults.

"So your telling me that these to, who have never met prior to this exam, were not only able to work together flawlessly, but are also somehow more coordinated than most pros" said the blood hero Vlad King taking a clear interest in the two participants.

"Well, regardless of how they are able to work together so well, let's see what they do against a true opponent" said Nezu flipping open a box and pressing the large red button that was inside.

Back with Izuku

Having let Kendo down the two young adults were about to part ways and continue their exams when they were once again stopped in their tracks as the ground began shaking again.

"What is it this time!" Yelled Kendo enlarging her hand to keep herself from falling down.

Although Izuku was intrigued with the orange haired beauties quirk, he was unable to geek out as he soon saw the head of the biggest robot he had ever seen walking towards their direction.

All of a sudden multiple participants began running past them trying to get away from the oncoming threat.

"Holy shit! That's the zero pointer" Kendo yelled fear evident in her voice as she looked on at the faint form of the robot approaching their location.

"Yea.....I think it's best we leave" said Izuku as he began to turn around.

However, before he could take a step he heard the cry for help coming from somewhere and began to look around to find the source of the voice.

He wasn't alone as Kendo had also began looking around trying to find the person that had yelled for help.

As Kendo was frantically looking around she noticed her tall green haired companion standing still with his eyes closed. "Hey what are you doing! We need to find whoever is yelling!" She shouted.

"I'll find them just give me a second" he said as he began taking a deep breaths. Closing his eyes Izuku began to focus his observation haki in an attempt to find the unknown person.

Slowly his surroundings began to to light up and he was able to see the blue silhouettes of multiple participants.

Focusing harder he soon found what he was looking for.

Just a few feet in front of them he could see a red silhouette that appeared to be stuck under some rubble that had collapsed from a nearby building.

"She over there!" running towards where he saw the silhouette Izuku covered his arms in his armament haki and began to move large pieces of concrete out of the way.

Soon his companion Kendo arrived next to him and with both their efforts were finally able to remove enough rubble to see the person stuck underneath.

To Izukus shock it was the cute brown haired girl Kinoko that he had helped earlier, looking worse for ware. She had multiple visible bruises and was slightly bleeding from her head.

"Hold on Kinoko-san we'll get you out of here" he said moving faster to get the girl out of the ruble.

Hearing that someone had found her Kinoko looked up from her position and saw the same tall man that had helped her out twice already. Letting a small smile come to her face, she quickly found herself being pulled out of the rubble and was soon being held up by an orange haired women.

"We got her now let's go" said Kendo beginning to walk towards the cities entrance while holding the hurt girl on her shoulder.

As Izuku was about to follow behind them his eyes suddenly flashed red. Gritting his teeth Izuku turned around and saw that the zero pointer was almost on top of them.

"Damn it. We won't have enough time to get away" said Izuku making both women turn around and pale at the sight of the zero pointer nearly upon them.

"T-they won't a-actually let that t-thing hurt us r-right?" Whispered Kinoko fear evident in her tone.

"......I don't know. But I'll be damned if I let that thing hurt you guys" said Izuku as he began slowly walking towards the approaching zero pointer. But stopped when Kendo yelled at him.

"ARE YOU CRAZY! How do you plan on taking that thing down it's enormous!" She yelled trying to convince the tall man on not doing anything stupid.

Turning around Izuku gave both women a reassuring smile. "Just trust me.....okay"

Although she wanted to continue to argue with him Kendo saw that the zero pointer was now in front of them. So deciding to put her faith in him she gave him a slight nod and watched his back as he turned to face the zero pointer.

"Well I guess it's now or never" whispered Izuku as he summoned his phoenix flames all around himself and turned into his hybrid-human form.

With his mighty wings and large talons Izuku launched himself towards the head of the zero pointer.

He put so much force into launching himself that a decently sized crater was left behind where he was standing.

Sensing that some type of object was approaching the large zero pointer raised one of its hands, prepared to deliver a punch.

"I WONT LET YOU TOUCH THEM!" yelled Izuku as he was mere feet from the head of the metallic robot

"HOO-IN" he yelled. Stretching out his talons in front of him, Izuku delivered a forceful two-legged attack right at the face of the zero pointer forcing the robots body to lurch backwards.

So much force was put into his attack, that he was able to fly straight through the zero pointers head leaving a clean hole going right through the giant robots metallic shell.

Readjusting himself in the air Izuku saw the zero pointer fall backwards, thankfully away from both Kendo and Kinoko, and landed with a loud thud once it connected with the ground.

Sighing in relief Izuku flew back down to the two women.

"Well that takes care of that" Stretching his arms Izuku looked at the two women who had their eyes wide as dinner plates and mouths hanging wide open.

"Y-y-y-y-you" He tried to understand what Kendo was saying, but her constant stuttering made it almost impossible as she was taking a long time to finish her sentence

So giving both women his usual smile he only said one sentence "See..I told you to trust me"

Observation Room



Silence was the only thing that was left in the room. It was so quite that a pin drop could be heard.

The reason for this? Well it could have something to do with a tall green haired man destroying a zero pointer with just one attack.

So engrossed were the staff members, that they almost missed Nezu flipping another switch stopping another zero pointer in another testing site from crushing another brown haired girl with what appeared to be permanent blushes on both her cheeks.

"How disappointing. If only test site B had someone like that young man then maybe we could have seen another incredible act of heroism" came the voice of Nezu reviewing the footage of city B's exams.

Looking over the recordings he could clearly see multiple participants running away from the oncoming zero pointer and clearly saw that many of them noticed the young women in need of help.

He slightly scrunched his nose watching the same blue haired man that had interrupted Present Mic earlier being among those that saw the young lady yet didn't help her.

Being the first staff member to regain his composure Vlad King, otherwise known as the blood hero addressed his boss. "Can you tell me more about the green haired man that we saw?"

"Oh? Taken an interest in him have you?" He asked while looking through different participants files until he found the one of said green haired man.

Giving a grunt in response Vlad King watched as a file for one Izuku Midoriya came on screen and became confused as he looked over his information.

"This can't be right" he said catching the attention of his fellow staff members that had been able to recompose themselves.

"What's the problem partner?" Asked Snipe as he too began looking over Izukus application.

"He didn't put anything down for his quirk. I thought he might have had two different quirks, but he left the quirk slot blank." As he said this he received confused looks from his colleagues.

"No way! The little listener was able to make some type of black armor when he was fighting those robots!" Yelled out Mic, although not as loud as he would normally since he had his support equipment off.

"And that's also excluding that green fire of his that was not only able to heal people, but also was able to make some type of wings and talons to take down the zero pointer" chimed in Recovery girl.

"Yes it does seem strange. I myself thought he had some type of danger sense or future sight quirk, since he was able to somehow know when an attack was coming before it hit him" said Thirteen as she recalled the dance they saw and how he had been able to move both himself and the orange haired women away from danger and counterattack.

"Yes. A very interesting batch we have this year" said Nezu as he was stroking an imaginary beard.

"But we can save those questions for later. Recovery girl please head down and attend to any injured participants " he said receiving a nod from the old heroine as she left the room.

"Now, Mic I do believe their time is up so if you'd please" he said receiving an enthusiastic thumbs up from the voice hero as he made his way to the mic system for all the testing sites.

Back in City C

Looking around Izuku noticed that they were the only participants still standing around as most had made their way to the cities entrance when running away from the zero pointer.

Taking another glance at the two women he saw that, while they were okay, they still had bruises and had some visible injuries. So deciding to help out he walked to both of them before summoning his flames again.

"Wait what are you-" before kendo could finish her question Izuku had launched his flames all around the three of them creating a small area of green flames.

Surrounded by green fire both women began to panic, even more so when some of the green flames began to crawl on their bodies.

However, instead of the hot searing pain they had thought was going to come, they instead began feeling their bruises and injuries beginning to heal and looking down could see the visible injuries disappearing.

"Woah" Looking down at her arms Kinoko saw as how in one moment the green flames latched onto a rather nasty bruise, and in a matter of seconds it disappeared as if it had never been there.

"" asked Kendo as she watched the small cuts she had heal instantly when the green flames latched onto them.


Suddenly a loud horn was heard and with that any remaining robots that were still operating shut down.

"AND THATS TIME! THE PHYSICAL EXAM HAS NOW ENDED!" Hearing the voice of Present Mic coming over the speakers all the participants stopped to pay attention.


Looking at both Kinoko and Kendo Izuku decided that it might be better to have someone double check that they were okay. Even though he knew his flames had healing properties, he didn't know just how effective they were since he hadn't had the opportunity to test out the healing powers of his flames.

"I know I helped heal you guys, but it's probably a good idea to have one of the medical staff members double check" he said receiving nods of agreement from both women.

Making their way towards the medical tent Kendo couldn't help but glance over at the tall man.

Everything about him just left her wanting to know more. He had been helpful not once, not twice, but during the whole exam.

He had helped motivate the pink skinned women when he could have just left her alone to possibly score lower due to her panicking and increasing his chances.

And then again with the short brown haired girl by helping calm her nerves and saving both of them from the zero pointer.

A blush soon crossed her face remembering how the two of them literally danced hand in hand while fighting off those one and two pointers when they were surrounded.

Thankfully she was taken out of her thoughts when she heard the brown haired girl begin to talk.

"Ugh....ummm M-midoriya-san?" Looking down at the voice Izuku saw that Kinoko was trying to look up at him, but the height difference was making that a little difficult for her."Yes Kinoko-san"

Seeing that he was looking directly at her the shorter women began fidgeting with her fingers and looked away with a blush beginning to spread on her face.

"...............I-I'm s-sorry"

Confused as to why she was apologizing Izuku stopped walking. "What would you be sorry for?"

"W-well I-if I hadn't g-gotten stuck then y-you could have s-scored more p-points" looking down at the ground she expected him to lash out at her for making him use up his time on saving her.

Instead of the verbal attack she had expected, she instead felt a hand begin to pat her head. Confused she looked up and was soon looking at the dark green eyes of her savior.

Izuku seeing that she was feeling guilty and putting unneeded blame on herself had walked up to the unmoving girl and began to pat her head to snap her out of her negative thoughts.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Komori. You were in trouble and I had the power to help. And I'd make the same decision even if I had to give up all my points" giving the girl a heart warming smile Izuku noticed that they were almost at the medical tent.

"Now let's get you two checked up so we can call it a day" resuming his way to the tent Izuku didn't notice the completely red faced Kinoko and blushing Kendo.

Kinoko was both happy and relieved to hear that he didn't blame her for not getting anymore points. And Kendo was happy that, true to what she's seen, Izuku had been kind once again to a fellow participant.

However both young women had not been prepared for his honest words towards Kinoko. Especially when he had wholeheartedly said that he would have given up his points just to do it again.

While Kinoko was burning up from embarrassment Kendo was, for some reason, feeling a little disappointed that he hadn't said that to her. But she soon shook herself out of those thoughts when she remembered the dance the two shared when fighting against all those one and two pointers, her face also become shades redder the more she remembered.

After a few moments both young women noticed that their companion had left them behind and quickly made their way to catch up to him.

After a small check up from Recovery girl both girls were given the go ahead to head home, while Izuku stayed and helped with some of the more injured participants at the request of the veteran medic.

He was mostly surprised when he helped heal another brown haired girl that reminded him of Kinoko. Although she was asleep as Recovery Girl had used her quirk on her earlier.

Not long after Izuku finally left getting a thank you from the veteran medic for his assistance.

As he was about to pass the large gates of UA he saw two people standing on the side. He instantly recognized one of them as Yui as she had stopped whatever she was talking about with the person next to her when she saw him approaching.

Standing next to his friend was a rather pale-skinned young woman with chin-length, pale gray hair parted on her right, which obscured the majority of the left side of her face.

Although the most prominent part of her was her hands, as she was holding them up as high as her elbows with her hands draped down. The gesture somewhat reminding Izuku of a ghost.

"I almost thought that you left. This is Reiko the friend I told you about" Giving his friend a confused look he laid his eyes on the gray haired girl as she was also staring at him with her dark blue eyes.

"..........You.......are really tall" Sweat dropping at her response Izuku decided to just shake it off and try to befriend her. After all a friend of Yui was a friend of his.

"Yes I get that a lot. It's nice to meet you miss" sticking out his hand for a handshake Yuis friend looked at his outstretched hand as if it was an unknown object.

Feeling as if he had done something wrong Izuku was about to apologize when Yui started talking.

"Cmon Reiko you said you wanted to meet him and now your getting cold feet" As the gray haired women processed what Yui said she ever so gently placed her hand over Izukus and gave him a slight handshake.

"I'm Reiko Yanagi. A pleasure to meet you Midoriya-san sorry about my.......earlier behavior. I've not have had the.....most positive experience with new people" Smiling at the now named woman Izuku let out a small breath he hadn't realized he had been holding.

"A pleasure to meet you as well Yanagi-san. Now-" before Izuku could continue a loud growling was heard.

Rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment Izuku gave both women a sheepish smile. "Ha...ha guess I'm a bit hungry after fighting all those robots. Say! How about we go out to get something to eat, on me"

Looking at her friend Yui could see that she was also hungry. And she herself could also go for a bite to eat, as she had used a lot of energy during her physical test launching ruble at robots and helping people out unlucky participants from collapsed buildings.

Receiving nods of agreement from both women the trio began to make their way towards a popular area that had different varieties of street food.


"Anything interesting happen at your testing sites?" Having finished eating the trio of friends had began making their way towards their homes.

Wanting to see them off Izuku offered to walk both women home. Before Reiko could decline his offer Yui had said yes and deciding to go with the flow had agreed as well.

So in an attempt to make small talk the grey haired women had asked an open question for either Yui or Izuku to answer.

"Not really. But there was this small man that had grape for hair who tried to hit on all of the girls at my test site." Having spent time with her Izuku was a little surprised when he could here disgust in her voice when talking about this guy.

Whoever this guy was must have been completely disgusting to make someone as stoic as Yui show such emotion.

"Hm same for me. Although there was this one really angry guy that kept shouting obscenities at anyone that near him. All he did was charge at the robots and even caused some ruble to fall on other people" said Reiko recounting her experience in test site A.

"What about you Midoriya-san?" Asked Reiko glancing over to the taller man.

Taking a thinking pose Izuku began to go over his test trying to recall if anything interesting happened. "Not much. I did partner up with a women I meet during my written exam when we were both surrounded by one and two pointers"

Still trying to think Izuku missed the small gleam that appeared in Yuis eyes at that piece of information.

" I got to destroy one of those zero pointers, but other then that nothing really that interesting" he said shrugging his shoulders.

Hearing this both women stopped in their tracks and just stared at the green haired man. One with disbelief and the other one with her usual stoic expression, but surprise visible in her eyes.

" pointer" Confused as to why the two women were looking at him weirdly Izuku just gave them a nod.

Letting out an exaggerated sigh all Yui did was shake her head and continue to walk, Izuku soon following behind her still confused as to why they had given him those looks.

As she watched her companions continue to walk only one thought went through Reiko as she continued to look at the back of the tall green haired man. '.......Interesting'

Annnnndddd done. Man I did not think I would end up writing so much. Please let me know what you guys thought and if you liked how I handled the exams. Also please excuse any mistakes.

But other then that I hope all of you have a wonderful morning, afternoon or evening and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. -9524 words

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